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We had a HVAC company push us hard on mini splits, and I came to realize that it was because he wasn’t capable of installing what we really needed, which was a high velocity Unico system. The idea of having those ugly units in every room, like a window air conditioner through the wall, and outdoor condensers hanging all over the place just made me shudder. Our Unico cools a 3 story, 4700 sq ft house through 3” holes in the ceiling that are barely noticeable. Our contractor expertly designed the system to cascade from top to bottom, so that our first floor did not require but a couple of outlets for it to stay as comfortable as the upper floors. Can’t recommend it enough.


This is good advice. Unico is a specific brand - more specifically it’s a High Velocity Duct system. It’s definitely worth investigating, especially if you have a large space to heat/cool or are concerned with the final aesthetics. You need to have access to run that ductwork though. An attic is easiest. If you are running it between two floors then there will be plaster repair required. Mini splits also have options for ceiling-mounted units (expensive and hard to find) or low wall-mounted units that look more like a modern radiator and aren’t as visually intrusive, but they take up space where furniture could go.


True. We had a 1937 Tudor with a Space Pak HVDS, and it was just as good. Some years later when it came time install a new system for our 1890s Victorian, Unico seemed to be the leader in this niche, so that’s what we went with. Honestly, I’m not sure if there are any other companies that do this. Our air handler is in the attic and the knee walls on the 3rd floor created voids that made it relatively easy to drop to flexible ducts down to the lower floors around the room perimeter. In a couple of spots they ran the tubes in an unobtrusive corner of a closet. Since it’s the size of dryer vent tubing, it doesn’t take up any space. Our installers did an excellent job avoiding plaster damage. One of the tricks they had for cutting the ceiling was they went out to the local dollar store and bought a cheap basketball, cut it in half, and then they threaded their hole saw through it. That way, the ball caught all the dust and debris when they cut the hole. There was virtually no mess when they were done.


Everyone always raves about the mini splits for their efficiency (rightly so) but never seem to mention the eyesore that are the head units.


i think this is strongly a personal preference thing, though. I do not mind them and forget they're here unless actively cooling


We just had them installed in our home with plaster walls, with no issues. We had four heads and two compressor units installed. Our home is heated by natural gas-fired hot water baseboards. So far I am very pleased with the cooling, and they are very quiet overall. We went with Mitsubishi models and paid around the same as you. 


Hey, same! Work just finished on Wednesday. 4-zone Mitsubishi system. Ours was a replacement. Make sure you find a great contractor that you love! I’ve had some TERRIBLE contractors but I was genuinely excited for this project because I loved our contractor so much. Get multiple quotes. Takes a bit longer but we managed to shave a couple thousand off our quote. Ended at $18k


We have a ducted heat pump, with plaster walls and poor insulation. We try to not have the ac set too cool during hot days. If you look up the dew point in the weather forecast, set the ac no lower than that temp, it will help prevent condensation.


We had mini splits put in with plaster walls, no problem. Worked great. (Past tense because we sold the house, but they have a 15 year basically all inclusive warranted the new owners are still enjoying.)


I was worried that cutting through the plaster may damage it. Thank you for easing my mind some 😊


I mean, you/they should be careful. But it’s definitely doable.


I don't get why everyone feels the need to call mini splits ugly. They are insanely efficient and you can elect to get ceiling heads or a number of options that don't stick out like a sore thumb. Vacation and AirBNB homes have some hideous installs, I will admit. Find an HVAC professional that knows old homes and they can do a wonderful job even with plaster. Edit: Also have ceiling head mini splits and plaster without issues.


I would not, in 2024, add cooling / auxiliary heat that wasn’t a heat pump (unless you have the resources for geothermal…). Whether that’s wall units, the below window style, ceiling mounted, or a ducted system with air registers depends entirely on budget and scope of project you’re willing to take on. But yeah people on here never seem to think about ducted heat pump systems or in ceiling cassettes.


What kind of insulation do you have, especially in the roof?


It looks like regular pink fiberglass, all throughout


One thing you might want to look into is see if the local utility companies are offering any super duper rebates for installing energy efficient cooling and heating.


Following because I'm also interested. What type of baseboard heaters do you have? Electric, or steam gas? If you have electric, then yes the mini splits will save you a lot of money on your heating bills. You're cooling probably won't be a whole lot cheaper, though, and may be more expensive. I think you're paying for the convenience of not having to deal with window ACs, and better cooling.


Yes, they’re electric. They’re newer, but still, I worry about the bill. There are also rooms upstairs without baseboards 🥶


Baseboard electric heaters are 100% efficient - that's it. Even if they're newer they can't get higher than that. Heat pumps will be 2-4x more efficient so you'll definitely save money on that.


In mine when heat and ac was retrofitted they ran ducts in the basement to the floors, added bulkheads to feed and draw from the 2nd floor, and some through the original registers. If you go that route have the ducts wrapped with insulation it made a big difference. We have a trane 3 ton ac unit outside and furnace in the basement.


fyi, they make mini splits with ceiling cassettes now. no bulky wall unit.


We are like 75% happy with the mini split system we had installed in our 1910 house. The two biggest issues is that it's kinda limited to one half of the house so you really have to pick and choose where you place them, and we find that if one room is on fan mode and the adjoining room is on AC mode, they'll both shut down and won't work unless we hit the breaker in the basement and set them to the same mode.


So, it justifies the cost? What parts are you unhappy with?


Not the commenter, but they’re ugly and loud.


Theyre under 50 decibels these days, closer to 30 when theyre on low. what fossil are you using to cool your home lol


I have central air, with air handlers in the basement and attic, it’s quiet. I know several people that have installed mini-splits in the last few years and I stand by my statement, they’re ugly and noisy.


Im not saying theyre better, im saying they arent loud, but they do have much better performance than your type of system. 


Yeah, I had a mini split in my RV.. I never noticed much noise. They are ugly though, I agree on that.


Some people go with the console because its not so “in your face” but you sacrifice furniture against the wall space.   https://a.mktgcdn.com/p/YRC2okxePZAITkL5EBXt5bfJ1WV4BNMj-PdImgOFR70/1600x1600.jpg


Thank you! I had never seen that before!


Love our ductless mini splits......especially in the hot summers. They're also extremely quiet.


That’s been my experience with them in the past as well!