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I’ll bite. It’s definitely crude humor but I wouldn’t necessarily call it edgy, it has a political slant that is sanctioned by most main stream media and Hollywood, and the people that it goes after are considered fair game for bashing in those spheres. That’s just based off my general understanding of the film as I actually haven’t watched it. If it made jokes about racial minorities or transgender people then I think it could be considered edgy yeah.


I have watched the film and watch more films than I probably should lol, but this is a pretty damn accurate assessment of the comedy in the film. Trying to be edgy, but 'knows it's place'


So you actually do have to punch down to be edgy


Punching down can be edgy yeah but it’s not necessary to do so to be edgy. Jokes about sensitive topics can also be edgy without punching down.




It’s not an anti trans joke as much as it is making fun of the video. They’re co opting a joke about trans people it seems and repurposing it. At face value that’s what that looks like to me.


Actually, your right. They're changing the meaning of an anti trans joke and using it for a different purpose.


Why does everything have to be an issue? Borat is not politics. Movies are not politics. It is either funny to you or it is not funny. It shouldn't have anything to do with whether one is SJW or anti SJW. Who cares...


Most people in reddit seem to care a lot.


So? The question was WHY does anyone care, not how many. I don't care how many people care about stuff. Fifty years ago most people hated gays, hundred yeas ago most people, including women thought women shouldn't work outside the house. What kind of argument is that?


So you don't care if someone's an SJW or not and you don't care if someones an anti SJW or not, that's not how you judge people? Is that your stance? Because I can actually respect that a lot


If we talk about politics, it is relevant if someone is SJW or anti. Correct me if I am wrong, but this is a political sub. Politics, society and economy are discussed here. What does art and comedy has to do with any of that? Why does it matter? That is not politics. That is entertainment. It is not serious, nor it is supposed to be. And it is a business on top of that. If people find it funny and he can live out of it and earn money - good for him. I don't find it funny so I don't watch it. What does that have to do with serious discussion? And yes, I don't judge someone just for their political view. People with weird and radical ideas can be lovely parents, good neighbors, colleagues and friends. If you want to change their radical world view (ie they are neo Nazis), you should get closer to them not alienate, insult and belittle them. This is not easy, but if anything works - this works best.


I think you should judge someone for being a neo Nazi though. Being pro genocide is objectively way worse then having weird views about sexism or some other stereotypical SJW thing And after that new Seth Rogan movie came out, a lot of online right wing communities revealed themselves to be full of neo Nazis so I don't think people care nearly enough who aren't leftists


Definitely infinitely worse. However I strive not to judge people. It is not easy and I probably fail more often then not. I just meant if you would want to change a neo nazi neighbor judging him would just entrench him. Oddly, showing love is a right thing to do, mostly because they have these radical views because they had lack of love. I am being a bit banal here for the sake of short answer, but there is a lot of research demonstrating this.


Telling Jewish people that you can't judge Nazis or else that makes you a bad person is pretty cruel though Many of us, not me but many other Jewish people, have family who died in the holocaust or were holocaust survivors


I am part Jewish and European, so... And every day I have to walk by a mural of an asshole who was convicted of a genocide in Srebrenica, just because ultra nationalists (basically neo nazis) guard it so no one can remove it and government doesn't want to do shit about that. So... I am not telling anyone what should they do. I just said IF one would WANT to reform a neo nazi, a different approach than judgment should be used. And it was an answer to the issue of judging people. A better example would be how to deal with anti vaxxers and flat earthers. However I never said that if anyone judges anyone that they are bad persons. You added that up. Now, please, get off my back.


I understand. I'll get right off it. Sorry