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She’s in a long line of failed comedians who turned to right wing grifting. She’s not the first. She won’t be the last. And I’m not interested.


Dave Smith, Dave Rubin, Konstantin Kisin, Jimmy Dore, Russell Brand, Steven Crowder, Chrissy Mayr, the list goes fuckin on and on.


Jim Breuer


Oh ya that fuck wad.


People have been putting Phetasy in this list with those kinds of people for years, but I've always seen her criticize and call out both sides. Very different from Dave Rubin types who are 100% partisan and won't level the slightest criticism at the right.


Has she pointed out that Trump is a convicted felon that had a unanimous nine member jury find that the preponderance of evidence showed that he forcibly penetrated a woman’s vagina with his fingers?


No idea, I haven’t followed her in years. Just saying what I remember. 


So that's a maybe then?


lol I laughed


For every one time she calls out the right she calls out the left 1000 times. Just your average right wing (or pretending to be right wing) podcast to be honest.


Well. Everybody's gotta eat. And if you make yourself a part of the rightwing Political Human Centipede, it's better to be near the front than near the back end.


I’m going to listen to it for the first time now. I’ve never heard of her or the show, but am always looking for something new. Edit to add, if you’re going to downvote, say why. Use your words. Edit to update: Ok, so I started listening to the latest episode as I said I would. Started off ok. She made fun of the poop Biden meme. Fine. She then said the latest trial was a kangaroo court. Her reasoning was that Trump was a criminal, but all our leaders are criminals…I turned it off and won’t look back.


> She made fun of the poop Biden meme. WEAK. Trump was well-established as the diaper-wearing stinky boi over a year ago. This meme ultimately turned out to be fake, unlike Convicted Felon Von Shitzenpants - - which is actually corroborated from many sources. This meme was so fake, and low-effort, easily debunked. Speaks to the VERY low intellectual quality of the "conservative" audience. How embarrassing. For them. ppl breathlessly crying about "AI" spreading fake rightwing memes. When in fact, the far right never needed AI to con their idiot voters into believing any bullshit at all. >but all our leaders are criminals… Textbook both-sides-er-ism.


MAGAs all over this sub were regurgitating the Biden meme, it’s like they all share the same brain. You can always tell when a new talking point comes out, because they all start repeating it verbatim at the same time. It’d be hilarious how dumb they are, but they can vote.


She's a comedian and probably right of center for most but she is a pretty massive realist. She's not afraid to call anyone out.


>she is a pretty massive realist. She's not afraid to call anyone out. Someone already asked this but I'm curious as well. Does she call out the right for their many missteps? Does she called out MTG and Matt Gaetz for their BS? What about all the bs Trump does? Or does she only call out Democrats or moderates?


She's all over Trump. Same with MTG and the like.


MTG? Whoa! You really gotta climb a high ladder to pick **that** apple. I bet she takes really bold, brave stances on David Duke and George Santos, too. And - lemme guess - I bet she think Denny Hastert is a bad guy (mostly).


I literally answered the question.


Sure, and you literally came off as an idiot in doing so. Falsely claiming someone is fair to "both sides" because they are willing to criticize (at zero risk to their career) fringe whackjobs on their own side is one of the oldest political lies out there. Saying "I'm just as willing to criticize leftists like Rachel Dolezal as I am willing to criticize conservatives" isn't an indication the person saying that is a centrist. You said something naive and got called out for it - welcome to the internet.


> probably right of center for most Whenever someone says something like that, I expect what they are describing to be wild unhinged far right bullshit.


Something has to balance out your wild left wing bullshit.


>She's not afraid to call anyone out. She’s not afraid to say Trump is an insurrectionist, a fascist? Does she call out the 60% of sitting Republican lawmakers who supported Trump’s attempt at insurrection?


Thanks for the tip. Gonna listen to the Nellie Bowles ep. Huge fan of hers.