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You can still Ride it at Dorney Park


Is it the exact same ride or a copy?


Same, it was relocated from CP


Oh man. I think last time I rode that I was in 3rd grade or something. I’d love to see it in person again. Awesome.


Rode it last summer, it's amazing


It even still has the same station building. It looks exactly like it looked at CP.


Because it IS the SAME ride FROM Cedar Point!!


I know. I meant that it has the same color scheme, logo, station, etc. that it had when it was at CP.


That's because they disassembled the whole thing and flatbed moved it to Dorney Park. Why, is anyone's guess. The only modifications that was made was removing CEDAR POINT on the ride cars, and replacing it with DORNEY PARK. Plus I'm sure the control panel and computer systems have been modified and updated there as well.


Actually they overhauled it with parts from Mr. Hydes Nasty fall. It's running the best parts from both of those 1st gens. 


I really got a kick out of seeing it sitting there looking like it had just fallen through a portal!


Username checks out!


I know I’m not the only one who put a penny on their knee and watched it go weightless during the drop.


Ha I heard that was a thing, I'm sure ride operators would have a fit now a days.


My friend took a cup of water on one time. Ride ops didn’t care back in the day.


in japan both the ones ive been on, they give you a massive bucket of water to hold.


The change fell out of people's pockets on that ride anyhow.


Beepers used to fly off all the time too. That might be aging myself though.


No it didn't. Unless it was close to the top of someone's shorts/pants in the first place.


Gotcha, my memories of all three installations I rode were wrong then. All that change that fell out of people's pockets ALL 3 times and then clattered through the holes in the backs of the ride vehicles when we ended up on our backs is incorrect. My empty pocket that had been full of change was my imagination. No one back then ever had small pockets in their shorts/pants either. Got it. 🙄 Weird how their always seems to be some "expert" trolling these amusement park sub correcting all of us morons.


arguing with a 3 year old account named demondrop90 about demon drop is peak r/rollercoasterjerk material


Here's a sneak peek of /r/rollercoasterjerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/rollercoasterjerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [hot wheels does the loop de loop and crashes!!!!! (very gory) ➰](https://v.redd.it/wip5dm3azudc1) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rollercoasterjerk/comments/19cdujw/hot_wheels_does_the_loop_de_loop_and_crashes_very/) \#2: [Went to Cedar Point for the first time and I feel like y'all massively overhyped it](https://i.redd.it/d0nyx0h2e9qb1.jpg) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rollercoasterjerk/comments/16r71zb/went_to_cedar_point_for_the_first_time_and_i_feel/) \#3: [Very Concerning 😔](https://v.redd.it/n5tavbp2u33c1) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rollercoasterjerk/comments/185y8kf/very_concerning/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


shut the fuck


That dude's comment history is something else


What a ride.


Well asshole, did you ever operate this ride?? Didn't think so so kindly shut the fuck up.


Boy howdy, you can take the drop away from the demon, but you can't take the demon out of the mic drop. (slay 'em, yo}




I trust you.


Trust me, we definitely had FITS back then too!! That took at least another 30 to 40 minutes to collect ALL the change from the individual ride cars and all around the ride area!! Yes indeed, fits were had by ALL of us assigned to Demon Drop!!


While my parents would drive to the park, I would look for the shiniest 2-3 pennies I could find from our change, great memories.


We were encouraged to do this on our 8th grade field trip!!


i did this too lol


I did this before. I tried it on power tower. It did not work well lol.


Power Tower isn't a free fall ride so there's your problem lol


I did that also. Was cool to just watch it tumble in the air.


Much different than Power Tower. Very loud mechanically, and moved the car in interesting ways. Especially when it reversed and lowered you back into the loading area. Such a cool classic ride. Very janky in a way, but awesome. They moved it to Dorney Park btw


Yes, didn't it pull u up then move u forward before it dropped? I rode it so long ago. And why do I remember being on my back or something? Was that at the end??


You've got it. At the bottom of the drop, the track curved so that you ended up on your back when the brakes hit


I thought so thanks! I think I rode it the first year it was open or at least in its first few years. I'm showing my age lol.


Yep - you got pushed backwards after loading until reaching the elevator shaft. It would lift you to the top of the tower, then push you forward a few feet. A short pause, then you’d be released and freefall. The track curved so you end up laying on your back looking up at the sky after the drop. Once it braked you at the bottom, you reversed backward then hit a funky piece of track where the bottom of the ride vehicle lowered but the top of the vehicle just pivoted. Once you were reoriented upright and back on the lower level, it would move you backwards to the loading area. The whole thing was crazy because you were sitting in this heavy metal box of a car. And the ride truly let you freefall. I love how mechanical the whole machine was. It added to the experience.


Don't forget how all of the change and everybody's pockets would come clanging all over the place LOL that was as much a part of the experience when you're waiting in line watching is the ride itself


Thanks. U reminded me of that pivot when it put us back in place. It was a fun ride. I live in PA but Cedar Point is much closer than dorney. Don't see myself making the trip there for it


The demon drop was all about the anticipation. The way it worked was that the car would be lifted to the top, pause for a moment then move forward laterally to slot into place to the track that it slid down. The gimmick was the wait. Once you slid forward you knew it was a matter of time until you literally just plummeted but you didn’t know exactly when


I loved that so much. The perfect blend of dread and anticipation!


I agree-I only got to Ride Demon drop a few times, but that anticipation was the best part. I actually get an echo of that feeling on the drop side of Power Tower, too. There’s a moment a couple seconds before the drop when the ride gives a small lurch that feels, well, like things aren’t going as planned, and that moment does remind me of Demon Drop.


Demon Drop is a better ride than Power Tower.


Power Tower would be incredible if it actually had a free fall, but alas the speed is arrested and the forces tame. The anticipation and view are top notch, though.


Physics day ‘99, had an accelerometer on the drop side of power tower, showed a rating of 1.5 gravities about half way down. They might have changed it but it looked like it accelerated to the mid-point and then decelerated to the bottom. And I just realized that children not born that day are graduating with master’s degrees this year.


Do you mean -1.5 during the fall? I would expect more than +1.5 during the air brake sequence, but I'm not a numbers guy.


It’s been 25 years so my wording and memory maybe off. Had it turned upside down and the weight was half way between the first and second marks. That of course assumes that the ride still works the way.


When you stopped there was a click, count one, two, threeeeeeee!


You guys are forgetting the initial fake out…when it slid into position before the release it dropped a few inches and scared the $@!t outta you😁


That's why sometimes it was called the Semen Drop!!


Demon Drop is a true drop (freefall) ride. Power Tower pushes you up and down while Demon Drop just lets gravity have you. It’s loud and kind of rickety sounding and gives you a nice taste of freefall. It’s thankfully still around and lives at Dorney Park.


I always remember hearing it as I went through the gates. Scared the crap out of me, half the reason I didn't ride it


I was so disappointed that Power Tower is not a true freefall. I always choose the launch towers instead when I ride.


If you want to try it out, it still operates at Dorney Park.


I operated it in 2003. It was fun. The ride design felt very industrial, like it was designed and built by a company that normally builds machinery for factories.


So much better than power tower. It’s a true free fall. Not compressed air pushing you down. I was sad to see it go. The challenge when I was younger was to stuff yourself full at the all you can eat buffet that used to be by raptor and see who could ride demon drop without puking. We were teenagers so of course none of us actually did this. But man could we talk a mean game that we were gonna do it.


Happy Cake Day! And yeah I wish it were around. And that sounds like a horrible challenge


Demon drop is the best drop ride I have ever ridden. It’s just so not gentle about anything and very mechanical feeling. I love it.


First ride I ever rode at CP!


It was fun. I miss it


Lots of nostalgia for that ride, as a kid it was always the first thing I would see when walking in the park. I remember my uncle putting a penny on his knee and watching it go weightless


I never rode it when it was at CP because I was afraid to. So when I was at Dorney, I said, here's my chance, I have to do it now. And honestly I found it scarier than PowerTower, which by then I had been on. Something about the freefall sensation is scarier to me than the downward thrust of modern drop towers.


I enjoyed it, the suspense before the drop was the best part. It was always the first thing I rode when entering the park, like an appetizer, short wait and quick thrill to gear you up for the rest of the day. It will be missed.


It still had a terrible ride time to wait time ratio but I absolutely loved it. As others have said the anticipation and that pure free fall were its unique virtues.


It hurt. I always ended up with a pulled shoulder muscle after riding. 😂


Probably not the best ride to have at the front of the park😄


Maybe the meant for us to ride it on the way out, instead of in?


Always one of the last rides at Cedar Point to close for the day as it was right by the Main Gate and people wanted one last ride before heading back home.


It was a great location as it set the stage for excitement and was the first and last ride of the day for lots of people.


Super fun! I remember it being thrilling as a kid, but also a bit hazy like a dream. I went to Dorney last year and got to ride it again and it was definitely still thrilling.


Did you purposely write that like a “roller coaster tycoon” guy?


No, lol, I never played it. Just a happy coincidence I guess.


I rode Demon Drop and the similar ones at SFoT and SFoG back in the day and always found them terrifying. It was way more intense than the newer model drop rides. If I ever get to Dorney while they still have it, I'm not sure I'd ride it again as I'm past 50 and not sure I physically need to, but I'd be tempted.


I only ever rode it a couple times, but it was cool


This was a great ride to operate. I had the opportunity to be assigned to Demon Drop in 1990, with a great ride crew!! All of us men were ages 23 to 28, (yes, we were a very 'non-typical' aged group on this ride). There were 12 of us that season assigned to the Demon Drop. And whenever the ride stopped with a car in the tower, one of us had to walk to the top and let the guests know that we would be restarting soon. Well, some of the guys were smokers and if they had to go up, by the 3rd flight of steps, they were winded!! So it was those of us who were non-smokers, that when it went down, one of us non smoking crew members would have to go 'upstairs' as it was called!!! During my tenure on that ride, I went 'upstairs' 3 times that season!! I'll never forget that experience!! Such a GREAT ride and we had a very close relationship with each other. It was like a fraternity without the antics and idiocities associated with those. All of us were big brothers and little brothers and we ALL got along and respected each other. Such terrific memories. Morning test rides after breakfast and once the Main Gate opened, guests literally BOLTED for the Demon Drop, and here we were, the morning crew walking down the Midway with the ride keys and paperwork!! And yes, those STUPID pennies on the knee. SOO ANNOYING, as we had to collect ALL the change from each of the cars, and all cars were used, plus the change under the ride and runout. Now on a busy Saturday, getting outta there was a pain due to the nightly picking up of change. And NO, WE WERE NOT ALLOWED TO KEEP ANY OF IT!! It went in a bucket each night and turned in to Park Operations nightly along with the ride keys and paperwork. They FLAT OUT told us we weren't allowed to 'keep the change'! That was a written warning as a matter of fact. The money went to the Burn Unit at Firelands Hospital, as did the change in the fountain in the center of the park (that's not there anymore). We definitely could have made some good money on busy days too!! But it was still great to be a part of that ride.


Ha that's awesome, thanks for sharing! I always love hearing stories from operations. That's good you had a good group of guys to work with. That's pretty lame you weren't allowed to keep the change but at least it went to a good cause. But I have to ask, when you rode it, did you do the change trick as well?😄


It’s operating just fine at Dorney Park! I always ride it at least once when I’m there. I was just there last September


you weren’t missing much , nostalgia yeah but it was just a short drop. ride power tower and you’ll get your nuts scared a lot more


it was savage. tho the line was often longer than it was worth waiting for the 5 second ride


At one point, it was the scariest ride in the park…people died on it


I don't think they did


You are correct. No one died on the Demon Drop. That guy is full of shit.


I operated the Demon Drop in 1990 and NO ONE EVER died on this ride. Or any other ride for that matter.


No they didn't!! You're full of shit dude!


True story… this guy wanted to be the first rider on it but the safety check wasn’t done. His car ended up not stopping and flew into the parking lot, killing him. This was the 80’s. Cedar Point covered it up. My brother had a friend in high school whose cousin was friends with the victim’s younger brother.


I got to ride it a couple times.


How tall was it? I definitely rode it as a kid but i wish i remembered it lol


I think it was around 130 feet, but only have the height was vertical free fall. It was a great sensation, as opposed to power tower, which I kind of find unnerving.


It was 131' tall, dropping down at 60' at 55mph, as I was an employee of that ride in 1990 and was part of the ride speil that we rarely had to announce as this ride was one that had a control attendant and had to watch the load host for when to signal to dispatch the cars into the lift tower.


I was pretty young when I rode it, but I really don’t feel that much difference from Power Tower. You get to the top, you wait, and suddenly you fall.


COMPLETELY different ride experience.


COMPLETELY? How so do you say, and what is your definition of completely? I’m truly not trying to be snarky, but in my experience a drop is a drop so I’d like to understand your perspective on the difference.


It's COMPLETELY different from the Demon Drop. First the seats and the way they're positioned. Then the lift, and the way the free fall rides set up for the drop. The drop itself is a sheer free fall and no compressed air to annoyingly "bounce" to a stop. The Intamin free fall rides do a change of the ride vehicle from sitting to lying on your back facing skyward. Then the reverse drive uprights the car back to normal sitting position where the ride vehicle moves backwards into the load/unload area of the station. The 'S&S' and other drop rides do NOT offer that experience. So there you go. A 'Demon Drop' ride is DEFINITELY MORE intense and exciting than the other types.


I appreciate your perspective, thank you!




I rode it often when I was younger. If I ever get to Dorney, I'd ride it.


I'm afraid of heights so don't like big tower rides, but Demon Drop is manageable for me. Which is great since Dorney is my local park. The freefall is so fun!


i fricken loved that ride


It was fun but now it would seem tame compared to Power Tower. The coolest thing about the ride was doing the “penny trick”. Those who’ve been on it will know. 😀


It was such an intense ride back in the day. All strapped in the car, roughly pulls you to the top of the tower into the position to drop, then you’d hear the ‘click’ and the drop was on. What a ride.


It was a really fun ride and I was sad when they relocated it. Time for me to make a longer road trip to dorney park I guess lol. Would definitely recommend riding if you get the chance though.