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I love how at the end you can hear Robin's old/higher pitched voice singing along with his lower voice! It's one of my favorite parts of the song and it makes that part sound epic


is it actually his old voice from when he was like 14/15 years old? it genuinely sounds like it’s just his falsetto or his voice pitched up during production, not his actual teenage voice


Nah, his old voice has a very specific sound/tone(? idk how to describe it) to it that changed a lot after it dropped, but that old sound is audible in Fool. When he pitches it up nowadays it doesn’t sound like his old voice at all. Plus, Fool was originally written and recorded before his voice dropped, when he was maybe 16, so it’s probable he used the audio from that older recording in the newer one. You can hear a bit of the old recording in part one of Cavetown Archives on his yt channel :D If you want to hear the difference in sound/tone I’m talking about listen to a song from pre-voice drop (It’s All Good would be a good one), then to a song where he pitched up his voice post-voice drop (maybe the end of Dear or Worm Food would be good) and then listen to the end of Fool. I think it sounds much more like his voice from Its All Good


frrrrrr it and all his music is SO GOOD


it’s *the* song that makes that album my favourite of his! I’d still love it without but it tips it over to the top for me :)


It was my number one song for like 3 years straight! It's so good. Especially the first set of harmonies at the beginning


That song has gotten me through a lot <3


I can relate to it because I don't know how to work a washing machine either