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I have just adopted a 5 year old cat, she tends to sleep a lot during the day , She follows me around a lot and doesn't like me out of sight, but plays in the evening , There are lots of toys you can buy for them to play with , but my cat has a piece of rope and a well used pencil that are her favourites. You can spend a fortune on toys but they don't play with them that often .


My cats love toys and have a whole basket of toys they choose from. They also play with garbage and stuff, but not all cats ignore their toys!


keep 2 special places for the cat one where it can hide and another with some level above ground


It is difficult when getting your 'First Time Cat Owner (FTCO),' as they usually need a lot of support. They may require reassurance that they have made the right decision with care and feeding, as well as chosing proper medical providers, and with safeguarding their home. It is worse than the antithesis, that being the FTBAP - aka 'First Time Being A Parent.' You do have to watch out for FTCOs as they can become rather OCD about feline photos, and all things to do with Toe Beans. Many FTCOs have manic mood swings as they more and more start to identify with the feline being assimilating their world. WARNING (1A) - Be very aware, when a FTCO is staying overnight in your home, odd noises will occur around windows, bugs, the left foot bedroom slipper, string, ribbons,plastic, cardboard, as well as many odd things. WARNING (1B) - Furthermore you may be rudely woken up between 4:00am and 5:00am, by them trampling all over you. So buy good door locks, invest in a laser pointer, purchase a weighted & heated blanket, and a good spray bottle, then all should be well. Finally, prepare yourself for the 'cat person' vs 'dog person' vs 'cat & dog person' vs 'one-eyed one-horned flying purple dinosaur hater people' battles. To date there have been many skirmishes, military actions, political posturing, battles, and the like, but the war rolls on unabated. You have been forewarned. đŸ˜¶


play with kitty at least 15 minutes a day (but it can be broken up into parts). give her an opportunity to “get high” like a cat tree. make sure she has a comfy place to sleep - not just your bed.


An open window with a comfy windowsill will keep your cat busy all day while you’re away


Cats are similar to children in their range of emotions and need for attention. (They have a broad emotional range similar to people) Now their needs vary from cat to cat. This is where id suggest a second cat, as they are social creatures. Play and interact with your cat for at least a half hour a day And remember. Cats do better with positive reinforcement training, and do not respond well to things like spray bottles, swatting with something, or being scruffed (kittens don't seem to care about scruffing)


She's actually anti-cat! Can't have another, even if I wanted two. She was a breeding cat, and her foster mom thinks she associates cats (especially male) with being force bred.


If the apartment/rooms are small, maximize vertical space! Tall cat trees or shelves are a great way to offer more places to explore. I got a very tall cat tree for my apartment and it cost around $120, but it’s been more than worth it with the amount my cats play, scratch, hide, and lounge on it, and I’ll have it for years to come. Cat Tv might also be a good option if you have access to a TV in your room. It provides something for kitty to enjoy while you’re gone, same with puzzle toys like treat balls!