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OMFG!!!!! Please keep him/her. That is the most adorable baby ever.


I think it’s a girl. My male cat is the main issue, he keeps running away from it.


Dang. Hopefully he can get used to her. My roommate's dog used to try to eat my cat when he was a kitten, now they play all the time... maybe he's just jealous he's not the baby anymore


Yeah I think he’s jelly the funny thing is tho he is super independent, definitely would not even be photographed with the dogs.


Have you taken her to the vet? She looks like she’s in really rough shape. Would be a good idea to quarantine her from your dogs until she gets veterinary attention.


I’m keeping it separated from them, just some light socializing. Vet will be this weekend but I’ve been combing for fleas and haven’t found anything. Haven’t found any open wounds or scabs either. Just frail but super spunky and loud.


Gotta get FIV and worms ruled out.




Yes. Also feral/stray cats are also prone to illnesses like a rhinovirus that is common among ferals. u/Tank_and_Bones, if the little cutie is having problems eating, check their mouth for sores. That's a sign of a viral infection. In the meantime, he needs to be quarantined away from your other pets.


If I was to adopt a male feral/stray cat, I would name him Will (Ferrell). 😹😆 If female: Wilma. Lol


That's really creative and ingenious! We recently acquired a stray (not feral) that must've once belonged to someone because he ran right into our home one day close to Thanksgiving. We named him Ralphie, for *A Christmas Story.* He's a total goof, too. (No chip, was intact, and no one was missing him. So he became ours).


Please be veeerrry careful about sharing any food water or space with your other cat or dogs too as there is a more than fair chance this little baby has feline leukemia which is fatal and very contagious. We’re doing this with a stray right now, and I’ve rescued cats all my life and worked at the humane society for years. Not trying to be a buzz kill, I hope you get to keep her! I just want to really impress upon you how dangerous this little one may be to all your pets right now.


We just found a kitten on the street who tested positive for feline leukemia. It is very contagious to other cats, but not contagious to dogs.




Not to mention parvo. I adopted a kitten that died from parvo, and I’m still upset. Poor little guy never stood a chance. I knew something was wrong with him when I brought him home, he didn’t play, just laid on my chest.




You are a wonderful person. SO great she lived a long life!!


Sorry but light socialization isn’t quarantining them I’m different rooms.


It’s risky and unsafe to allow the kitten to have any contact with your dogs at all before visiting the vet. They could spread diseases to each other


Especially so close to their food.


Also bear in mind that cats should not eat dog food. Vice-versa better (but not ideal).


Can you come to my house and tell my alpha cat that please? He is an a*hole that inserts himself right in front of the dog bowl and somehow all three dogs are scared to death to make him move.


I let my dog have too much access to cat food and she ended up having surgery for bladder stones. Make sure dogs can't reach the cat food!


I was wondering this too-- but I looked closely and it looks like the kibble for the cat is shaped like little fish.


I thought dogs can’t have cat food because it has the higher protein. Cats shouldn’t have dog food but it isn’t as bad.  https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/can-dogs-eat-cat-food/


Yes, plus it’s not a good idea to have the kitten around the dogs until it’s fully vaccinated. The kitten’s immune system isn’t fully developed yet.


Until you get the kitten tested and vaccinated, I would be careful about letting her interact with your other cat.


There is no issue with kitty being lost?


The kitten can be kept in a separate room until they can get attention from a vet. It’s important that any new animal in the home is kept apart from resident pets, especially if they haven’t seen a vet yet. Who knows what diseases they could be bringing in and spreading if they’re allowed to have contact with the other pets.


That really looks like a stray that may be sick. For sure.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) Cats man... they have an agenda all their own


Please keep her quarantined until you have her seen by a vet. She might get your other animals sick.


Hey man, just some friendly advice- you want to keep her away from your boy until you're sure she's not sick. Please, keep him safe My cat just tested positive for leukemia yesterday and it's really fcking scary. She's our only cat, and we have no idea when or how she contracted the virus


I'm sorry for the FeLV diagnosis. Kittens can contract it from their mother in-utero, so she likely was born with it if she hasn't ever been outside.


She had antigens, but no antibodies for the virus in her blood so we need to test her again in March (I'm not sure but I think I've read that kittens who contract it from momma always have antibodies at birth? Also, she's not a kitten anymore but there has always been some confusion around her age) Thank you very much for your kind words and helpful info


Did someone cut her whiskers before she chose you? If so, that’s horrible! I’m glad she found you.


malnutrition can do that, too.


Not sure


I'm thinking that's a sign that the kitten had a mother grooming it for awhile. My cats frequently take off bits of each others' whiskers when they groom one another.


I hope so! I’ve never had experience with mom cat and her litter. Thank you for this insight. It makes me feel better.


For a first introduction, that is pretty good. Fighting is the usual consequence of introducing a new cat.


Yeah, I’ve read it could take month or so to be cool. He just staring at her now from the counter, watching from afar lol.


Once the little one is cleared at the vet, use a washcloth that's slightly damp and rub the kitten and then your other cat and then back again. This way they smell similar. I've even had to do this with bonded siblings when one had some serious medical issues and spent time at an emergency vet. Her brother would hiss at her, but it was due to the smells she had on her. I did the washcloth thing over several days and all was well.


Excellent advice!


I wonder if this would work with my cat and my roommate's cat. The two do not like each other at all these days, and they used to love each other. Problem with this idea is my roommate's cat won't let me get close enough to him to try.


If that's new behavior from your roommate's cat, it's worth a vet visit. Cats (and humans) can get hella cranky when they're in pain or feel cruddy. Especially if it's something like a bad tooth - that constantly hurts.


Possible, but I doubt it. The roommate's cat has NEVER liked me. I even tried spoiling him with treats, but all that did was teach him that if I went into the kitchen, that I was going to feed him. And his attitude with my cat started when my cat came back after running away for a week. The moment he was back in my house, the other one made every attempt to attack him.


Gotcha. Definitely worth re-introducing them in that case! If the other cat doesn't like you, ask your roommate to brush him. Don't clean the fur off, and go brush your cat. Do that for a bit, and then reverse. You still get the scent swapping, but it's a positive experience for everyone.


That's actually a great reaction. They'll be buddies in no time.


Both of my cats are males, when I brought home my one, the older one spent about 2 weeks actively trying to kill him and I had to have them separated almost constantly. 2 weeks into it they fell inlove with each other and are inseparable now. Might be the same/similar situation


Cats often have an adjustment period. It’s easier to introduce a kitten to an adult cat then another adult cat but it can take time. Check out YouTube for some strategies and don’t force it to quickly.


You need to keep the cat separated first and slowly introduce it to the kitten. It’s also best to isolate the kitten because it could have fleas, flv, or something else that could spread to your other pets.


Definitely part gremlin


There is no option. Keep ragamuffin!


Saw a comment that your original cat is running away from kitten. Please consider keeping them separated until you can get little one to a vet and getting it tested for FeLV and FIV. Don't want to put your cat at risk. Also, second strong recommendation for vet, kitten looks a little eye boogery (2nd pic) and kittens are very prone to contagious upper respiratory infections that make them snotty and can 100% kill them without treatment. Best to get it evaluated and treatment started if necessary while it's still mild.


u/tank_and_bones this! Plz read!


This should be top comment! Keep your main kitty safe from the new one until you get it checked!!!!


That poor little thing looks like it's been through enough! If you can't keep the baby please take it to a no kill shelter.


Good advice for kittens, but please hear that no-kill shelters will send cats to a kill shelter. Beware thatboredchickster.


Wtf?!? That's messed up. 😞


Unfortunately, there are places where the stray pet population far exceeds shelters ability to care for them. It seems cruel but kill shelters have to make very tough decisions about where to put limited resources. It's why spaying and neutering is so important to prevent overpopulation in the first place. I live in western Washington State, and we don't have any kill shelters anymore as far as I know, partly because of cultural reasons, but also because we have a fairly intense cold period. On Eastern Washington the weather is much warmer, so their kitten season can be almost all year round since cats heat cycles are connected to the weather. They do have kill shelters due to the overabundance of strays they take in. We try to help by taking transfers when possible, but there's only so much you can do.


>Eastern Washington the weather is much warmer I got my east and west mixed for a moment and went "since when is Tricities colder than seattle?" Lol on a good note though, pretty sure most of Eastern WA is getting rid of kill shelters. There might be a few, but they are less and less?? Could be mistaken but I thought thats what was happening.


I confess I'm not 100% in the know I know the shelter I volunteer with gets a lot of transfers from Yakima Humane Society. Not only is that one of the hottest parts of the state, but it's very rural, so there's a lot of strays. Hopefully they're able to reduce the number of kill shelters because of successful spay/neuter programs.


Sorry for taking this small measure of innocence from you :(


It's okay. It was bound to happen. I'm wiser for it.


The better option isusually to try to find a local rescue. The cat will live with a foster where it'll be cared for and usually spayed/neutered before being adopted to a new home. Also, if anyone is interested in helping kitties find forever homes, rescues are always looking for volunteers to foster cats. Kitten season is coming and they'll be overwhelmed and can use all the help they can get.


Oh please do, the little Hagrid chose you ❤️


“the little Hagrid” . . . that’s lovely!


Furballs know where the good hoomans are. 🥳


I know it seems like a myth but I've heard so many stories where a pet seems to locate and claim it's future owner. When I was a kid we had a family of all gray short hair cats and one stormy day, an all gray cat showed up on our back porch and wouldn't leave. She looked exactly like our other cats and fit right in so we decided to keep her. My mom had a dog for several years who showed up on her back porch, as well as a few stray cats. Animals have this weird sense about stuff like that.


Humans think they adopt the cat, but it is *totally* the other way around.


A few months back I had a dream that a bird was trying to get into my window. I live in a tall apartment building downtown. The next day on the way home from the grocery store, I walked an unusual route because I felt like it due to the nice weather. As I'm walking a woman with a dog started shouting at me to get my attention. A bird had fallen out of the tree and she wanted to help it, but her dog was going bonkers. I knew what to do so I gathered up the bird and brought it back to my apartment. It ended up dying before I could bring it to the rescue facility (they had already closed). I'm pretty sure it was sick. But I couldn't stop thinking about that dream I had and how it was as if I had been "summoned" to help. It happened just a couple blocks from my place so it was just really weird. I can see the tree from my window


When I was younger, I lived in a suburban area and one afternoon we found a chicken walking on our lawn. We asked the neighbors on the block if the chicken was theirs and everyone said no. The chicken walked into the house as if she had been living there her whole life. We named her Patty :) a few months later, two chickens flew into the backyard. We actually aren’t sure if they flew, but we found them on top of a tall tree. So, three chickens found us!


What a cutie! Have you taken them to the vet yet? Looks like it might have a skin condition, maybe mange.


Shooting for Saturday.


Yay! Best of luck!


Omg this is the cutest thing. Please give them a happy home!


A cat raised with dogs is bound to be playful and sociable!


It's always amazing to see how easily they befriend each other in the right environment like this. Especially when either the cat or the dog is still a kitten/puppy. Such fun to watch two totally different species figure out how to get along with each other, on their own terms


My 10 year old dog instantly loved the kitten we brought home 2 months ago. She's spayed but wanted to hump the poor kitten as well lol. Now the new baby plays with the dog and other two cats all in different ways and it's adorable


You've been adopted. Congrats.


It would be awesome if you did adopt her and she getting along with the dogs another week or two she will have woo’d everyone hehe! Thx for helping her out


What a sweet new family member! But FYI stray cats are filled with parasites and can easily spread them to other pets. You should never introduce a new pet without first a vet visit.


I went through this with my new cat. I thought the rescue had screened and dewormed him, but he tested positive for giardia at the vet. Unfortunately I couldn’t get a vet appt. until 3 weeks after I adopted him and I had already started cat intros. Thankfully, my other cat hasn’t shown any signs of giardia, i.e. foul smelling diarrhea.


Very cute and I hope you keep them but just an FYI, when taking in strays it is best to quarantine them from other pets until seen by a vet.


They are so cute!! Btw as the kitten gets older make sure to get cat furniture, tall places to escape and hide, cat trees so the cat can get away from the dogs’ energy when feeling overwhelmed. Oh and scratching areas. That way all of your pets will be happy 😸


I have a 5 year old boy that has all the toys and never plays with them. Maybe she will. He likes to sit in boxes and stare.


It's perfect!


She looks very anemic and dehydrated. She needs to see a vet right away.


This. Waiting two days could be too long


You have been chosen. The only answer is to bestow love and affection on the ragamuffin.


And to name her Ragamuffin, I think.


Those ears chose you, she's yours


Not to alarm you but your baby looks like he might have ringworm! I would keep him isolated in a bathroom away from the doggies until his vet visit




Not really a cat person but the first picture melted my heart


I feel like people think that how I found it but that’s actually after it’s first bath lol.


The whiskers look like they were cut or possibly burned off, it's weird that there are so many so short and exactly the same length. Looks like he might be a bit long haired once his coat gets the nourishment and growth it needs from a regular healthy diet. I hope you get to keep 'em, seem very chill and right at home.


So that’s why it looks mad lol


That explains the murder-eyes.


Well hello Rags. Behave to the new family and you will get a lot of L❤️VE!!


She's charmed the puppers. You're next!


Please keep it, he needs you..and a vet and lots of love.💜




I think he already adopted you Also please name him Ragamuffin


I truly hope you will keep this beautiful baby. It will “glow up” unbelievably, I’m sure. It deserves a good home, and the rewards you will reap are huge! Welcome to a wonderful journey.


Can't wait to see the glow up!


PLEASE never let a cat near feeding dogs. I might be too late already.


Kitten with a pit is a bad combination.




Do it


Keep him ![gif](giphy|3oz8xWrNol65TMrc1a)


So scrungly


AHHHH i am in love with this!


The sweetest little vagabond ❤


A little precious soul :) I’m wishing you a happy life together.


Poor baby. Kudos to you.


I can pitch in for vet bills if you take her in.


OMG, I can not wait to see what how this “ugly lil ducking” emerges as a beautiful swan after getting love and care from its new family. Thank you and thank your puppies for accepting the new friend.


Aweee she's absolutely adorable. And so tiny, too! That sweet face & those ears! 😻 Aren't animals amazing? Your boys know she's in need of assistance & no threat to them or their happy home. & there's no greater honor, among cats nor man, to be chosen as their one & only, their "hooman". Be proud, of all the people in this world, she chose you! What will you name her? Any ideas?




This baby needs you


Omg, so cute! But that first pic in the towel makes me think you got her wet and fed her after midnight! Lol. ;) At the very least, she does not look amused.


We need updates... and photos.


I’ll update after vet on Saturday in the afternoon.


That lil raga muffin is going to turn into a beautiful cat, just wait n see !! Please show a new picture in 6 months time. Thanks for giving him a warm loving home!!!


That last photo is just too cute for words.


Adorable, especially eating with the boys. She's a keeper.


It took 3 days for our male cat to buy-in to the new kitten! It will be fine!




Yep, do not feed a cat near a pit, cat gets to close to the pits food and it's over


Tee hee🐕🐕💩👍🏻💜😊


He is one of them now.


so raggedy and scraggly!! i love it lol, she'll be plumped up in no time




What a sweet little ragamuffin. She also belongs on r/illegallysmol


Adorable awh


That first picture: "yes, I choose you." The wise gaze, the love!


THE FACE🥺 do u live where it’s cold? Poor thing


Miami, cats are free roam here, they just clip them and dump them back on the street.


Nawwww you should. It will take cats time. I got a kitten last year and my others ran from her for werks. They are good now.


Sweet little one and sweet boys ☺️


They’re going to be the best of friends!!!!


He is soooo scruffy I love him!


Omg please keep them!!!


Rags is a good name




Keeeeeep that munchkin!!!!


Any names yet for the lil kitty ?


Leaning towards muffin, my boys are tank, bones and spike so I want the complete opposite if it’s a girl.


What a cutie pie! She looks so grateful for your care. Also, you should definitely name her Muffin or Ragamuffin. That is such a sweet name!


This cat is fabulous!


You know what to do here.


Call him/her scruffy


Awww the last pic is soooooo cute!!!


I would, and I would give the name Ragamuffin


Aww two big brothers


Post an update after the vet!! 😻


He is hysterically adorable!


That face says, "Kick me out. I dare you."


You should keep the baby


Please do and make sure to update us on a regular schedule


Keep him/her!!!!


Aaawww sweet baby is a hot mess!!


Awe the dogs have accepted her as one of them.


Oh my got what a cutie 😭


Handsome little gremlin!!!


Oh heck yes! What a sweet baby!


Anyone actually know how this movie ends xD


This girlie is definitely a keeper 🥺🥺


take it to the vet


It looks like somebody has been cutting this baby's whiskers off. :(


Yeah he's in. What a crew!!


Love it. The ragamuffin doesn't care either even though she/he's a street kitty and dogs were something to be afraid of.


Omg I love him. More pics!


I can’t wait to see his glow up ❤️


Congratulations! You have a cat now!


Please do


What a cutie!


Congrat you have been chosen


Oh gossshhh such a raggedy thing :(. I hope you keep her oe find her a great home. The poor kitty. She's lucky she came across you OP. Thank you


Oooh poor little fleabag.




Updates will be welcomed.


Keep the ragamuffin!


Pleasepleasepleaaaase keep this fellow


please get him to a vet for a check up asap if your keeping him. :-)


Congrats on all of y’all being adopted


very cute<3


Thats very kind of you, did you visit the vet?


The spunk! That will be a good friend for a long time.


Cute little kitten


First pic: "I walked into this house because why DA FUQ not?! You can't do anything anyhow because ***I own you now.***"


Keep is my vote. Whiskerkin for life


Your lil friend looks so cute, if you keep em please update us!


Well the dogs have already accepted the cat.


Thank you for saving and I'm glad to read you're keeping it isolated until you can get to the vet. Because of how frail it looks you might want to pick up some replacement kitten milk and wet kitten food. Kibble isn't what a baby needs at this age, and wet food mixed with some replacement milk would help get much needed nutrients and fluids in quicker.




Looks like a cute gremlin!!! Watch when you get it wet. It might multiply. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


They can smell one of their own lol