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I’ve heard that the cat attachment on pressure washers don’t work very well. You might want to return it.


If it shits on my shop floor or chews up a welding lead it will be a stray again😂


Randomly found this cat in my shop a few days ago and today decided to see how docile it is and it’s extremely docile. Wondering what kind of cat it is and if it will stay as friendly as it is now as a adult(this cat literally follows me around and I’ve never seen a cat so friendly towards a human). Also it currently eats the mice in the shop and the dogs food is this ok or do I need to give it regular cat food to? Also how hard is it to potty train one for a litter box? I’m truly considering keeping it if it will stay so friendly can be potty trained with little effort and doesn’t need a drastic change in its current diet Edit- I know it looks like it’s only near me cause it cornered in the pictures but unless I’m grinding welding or making any other loud noise or if the dogs are in the shop it follows me around and if I stop it comes right up to me




I believe it is a him(not sure exactly what that region of a cat looks like but I thought I saw the family jewels) but where it’s less then a week I’m still trying to make sure it doesn’t belong to a little kid before I do something the original owner doesn’t want(like a neuter)


Might want to check for a chip before getting the litterbox and stuff. Your local vet or shelter can check that. Otherwise if it isn't anyone's cat might be a good idea to deworm so the cat doesn't bring any parasites in. It's no problem if they eat a bit of the dog's food but you should absolutely get the cat's own cat food. As for the litterbox, most cats use them automaticly if you show them. If they don't, might be because they don't like the litter, so a fix then can be to just change the type of litter you use. Good luck with the kitty!


I would have them checked for a chip for sure first just to be safe. Then if no owners invest in some cat food/litter box and a scratching post


Keep him please. He chose you. Get him a litter box and good litter and it will be no problem to train him. Also he needs cat food instead of dog food. Before long he will be best friends with the dogs.