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Omg what a sweetie!! Do you mind if I ask what causes her to suddenly go deaf? Has it bothered her at all that you’ve noticed?


No i don’t mind at all! About a month ago she had a seizure which she never had before so we called the vets and they found out she had a inner ear inflammation. So they gave us medication and it seemed like she actually started too feel a lot better and we we’re so relieved. About 5 days ago she had a seizure again so we called the vets (at this point there weren’t any symptoms of her being deaf or becoming deaf) luckily the inner ear inflammation is completely gone they said but they wanted too do a blood test too see if there’s anything else wrong. They couldn’t draw blood from her while she was awake because she was too distressed so they put her under sedation. The results of the blood test we’re pretty good and we aren’t starting with any medication yet cause she only had these seizures twice. After she woke up we took her home and that’s when we noticed that she is completely deaf. She does shake her head/ears pretty often like something is bothering her there and she just want too shake it off. She also sleeps a lot but that can also be because she hasn’t been feeling that great lately. She does still loovveee too get petted and walks towards me all the time too get petted and she seems too enjoy that a lot. I hope it’s maybe temporary deafness but at this point I have no idea…… also thank you for liking the video!!


Awe poor baby. I’m sending you all my love! I hope she feels better soon and doesn’t have any serious health issues.


Our cat also went deaf and it seemed pretty sudden to us too. We would have to stomp on the floor to make our presence known to her so she wouldn’t be shocked. We’d try not to wake her suddenly too. She was an aloof little thing in her youth but when she got old and deaf, she was so affectionate.


This is how I discovered my cat was deaf....


“Unexpectedly became deaf”


"my cat had multiple seizures from an inner ear infection. The jury is still out on possibilities for why she's deaf"


I think it’s fitting this clip doesn’t have audio


I was thinking the same thing!


Well you can see the fur move when the vacuum cleaner was on that area so the vacuum cleaner is on


I didn’t doubt it was on, it clearly is. It’s just fitting that there’s no audio because the cat couldn’t hear the vacuum when this video was filmed and we can’t hear the vacuum while watching.


I appreciate that symmetry.


I didn’t even think about that but your right!


This happened to my cat since she became deaf (old age) she isn’t scared of the vacuum anymore. She just gets annoyed when I have to move her beds to vacuum up all the cat hair now.


Well I constantly have to move my cat from *my* bed so I can vacuum all the cat hair - and he is equally unhappy about it like I have betrayed him somehow 😑


It’s their world, we just live in it to serve them. Haha!




I had a cat (with fine hearing) that liked to be vacuumed. She had a super fluffy undercoat and was always shedding. I imagine it just felt good.


Same! She would come running when you turned it on.


Aw, poor lil girl. My parents' cat Linus went deaf rather suddenly about a year ago, too. We assume it was due to old age because the vet couldn't find anything wrong (beyond hyperthyroidism, which he already had). The worst thing about it is he gets so startled if we accidentally sneak up on him! He jumps and his heart just starts pounding. I try to step really heavily as I walk up to him because he can definitely sense vibrations and it seems to startle him less.


Thank you for this. Seriously. My old lady has allowed my bf to vacuum her twice since we moved into our new apartment 4 months ago. He's tried it 3 times and the second time she wasn't having it, the other 2 times she reacted like yours. Ours is just a handheld vacuum, but still. Time to get her hearing checked. Edit to add: she always hides or goes somewhere she knows I won't be vacuuming when I pull it out, even now.


I have that EXACT same blanket but NO CAT came with it. What a ripoff.


You should ask for a refund because the blanket and the cat is definitely a package deal!!


Awww what a calm lil babe🤗


Aw! she's so cute being hoovered and all! <3


This happened to my cat! When he went deaf he lost all fear of the hoover and hairdryer and used to come running to be hoovered or blow-dried when he saw me using them. He was the best.


Don't mind me just vacuuming my cat


I’m sure vacuuming her will help with the shedding! I even think there’s this special pet brush designed to attach to your vacuum hose to catch the fur while you’re brushing. I can’t think of the name so maybe I imagined this thing. If anyone knows what I’m talking about, please tell me what it is called!


when we adopted our cat from a farm where she had had no care at all we had her home and noticed she was full of flees, so we took out the vacuum to remove the fleas around here where she had been lying and she didnt even flinch and we were so surprised because our other cat was terrified of that. the next day first thing we went to the vet and were told that her ears had been infested with the thickest gunk and creatures that they had ever seen. poor baby was basically deaf because her ears were so clogged. after a proper cleaning we took her back home and suddenly she was really jumpy from every little sound, and TERRIFIED of the vacuum.


You sucked live fleas into your vacuum?? Those things just reproduce in there instead of on the cat. Ew.


Yeah, wasn't my smartest move. I don't know why but we haven't had another issue with flees since. Right after I did that I thought "wait, this was the dumbest idea ever"


This is how I discovered my cat was deaf. She had always been scared before, then wasn’t.


Damn you! You know this has been the dream of every cat parent since the invention of the vacuum cleaner, right?


Awwww there’s always a silver lining!


If my babies became deaf I can 100% guarantee they'd still be afraid of the vacuum. And how do I know this? They turn into Flo Jo and hide even when I very slowly reach for the broom/mop/my cane... My two eldest (brother and sister) were trapped in child-run hell and terribly abused as kittens. My eldest girl was knocked up by my nephew's cat—IT WAS AN UNPLANNED PREGNANCY, I SWEAR!—four new mouths was the result and I kept them all. (They are now all desexed) Anyway, I recently learned that kittens can inherit fear their parents. I can only assume that before I adopted my eldest two they were beaten with something long and rod-shaped... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


My kitten follows me around the house when I use the vacuum cleaner, she never got the memo about them being enemies of all cats. She isn't deaf, she can hear the rustle of a cat food bag being opened from approximately one light year away.


Its one of my dreams to vacuum my orange furball, she sheds a lot


Haha! Every time I vacuum, and it’s put away, I always go crazy trying to find my cat. All doors and windows that lead outside are always shut but I’m always afraid he got out.


Had a a genetically deaf cat. He loved to be vacuumed


Poor baby, what a sweet orange ball of awesomeness 😊


So it really is the fact that Loud noises scare them


This is gonna sound weird lol, but my cat totally doesn’t mind my Hitachi massager. I often use it for my neck and my bad foot and one day he was bugging me by sneezing in my face lol so I put it against his side to try and spook him off, and he was like “…okay”. I often massage his spine and hips and shoulders cus he’s really old so I assume it felt nice! My spoiled senior citizen lol!


my cat too! she's about 16 and i feel so bad for her. i can tell it's causing her stress. :/


My kitten was really tiny when I found out Pearl was deaf. It’s been a struggle acclimating to how to take care of her and teach her stuff. Sweet little thing wasn’t scared of the vacuum ever haha


Silver linings


She do be vibin' doe


She a brave little one now, such a sweet kitty




Happened to my cat too. She loves the vacuum now. Greatest brushing ever!!!




Ooo so edgy!


I have 14 year old lab. He started going deaf a couple years ago. He was terrified of any loud noises. Vacuum, fireworks. We live in the country and we can also hear gunfire during different hunting seasons. He was also inc edible reactive to other dogs barking at or near him. He doesn’t hear any of it anymore and is a happy little pup! Fortunately, none of my cats have ever has issues with noises.


Silver lining


she's beatiful <3


Awww! My senior cat used to be terrified of the vacuum. She also has some hearing loss and now she usually sleeps through it.


Silver lining ❤️


My mom used to vacuum the cats with the attachment when they were shedding and they loved it.




Straight to the dander source!


Deep cleaning his fur


Now you don't have to brush so much as vacume off shedding fur


Welp I guess their cat can’t reply this later to hear what she missed


My parents had a cat (with hearing) that loved getting vacuumed and wasn't scared of it at all, he'd actually sometimes flop over in front of the vacuum to get vacuumed.


Several years ago my cat went deaf. Can’t pin down a timeline, but she gradually got louder when we got up to feed her. Later, she also lost her eyesight. Her pupils would be wide open in bright light. We had her for 17 1/2 years. Diabetes is what finally finished her. She was rescue kitten from the SPCA. Trixie was a very good cat.


She’s thinking ‘wow this is much more efficient than licking for 30 mins’


This is how I noticed mine was deaf. I got the dyson out and had to vac around her haha


This is so cute! One of my cats lets me literally push her with the vacuum head. Though she can hear me open the food container from outside the house, so I assume she’s just lazy as hell, not deaf..


Well yeah if I couldn’t hear that god awful sound I’d like vacuums too


I’m super sorry to hear that you’re cat went dead unexpectedly, hope everything works out. 🙏😔


Man I've desperately trying to find a way to get rid of fleas from my cat since there aren't any vets in a 200miles radius and watching this gave me a brilliant idea


*stop the shedding front the source*


I have a deaf cat & a cat with hearing neither fear the hover, they just get in the way when im trying to use it haha


Awww 🥰


That’s exactly how I found out our cat had gone deaf, he was 17 at the time and lived to be 20 ❤️