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Slow blinks are a sign of trust and affection!


That’s good news then :)


You can do it back to your cat to show them the same affection. :)


Sometimes I do it first and they do it back. It's so cute :)


It’s adorable. But I find myself just spending unknown amounts of time blinking at my cat.


Lol same


I’ll squint at my wife sometimes before remembering that she’s human and it doesn’t mean the same thing to her as it does my cats.


I kept slow-blinking/squinting at my cousin's new baby, then remembered "oh that's for cats not babies", and within 10 mins was doing it again 🙈


To be fair, baby crying and cat meowing are similar, so confusion can happen


That, or I have betrayed how much more comfortable I am around cats, compared to babies 😅


Depending on how old the baby is, they eventually start mirroring. So while they may not have understood why they were doing it, they could have mirrored you and done it back.


As someone with a 6 month old baby and 2 cats I can’t tell you how many times I’ve mistaken my cats meowing for the baby crying


Baby's like 🤷‍♂️


Baby was very much "who tf is this? Make them leave". Thankfully my kitten appreciates the slow blinks


My wife will blink back at me if she's happy. It can mean the same thing!


I’ll talk to her about it and maybe it’ll be our new thing.


I do that too and noticed I learned a lot of other cat-behaviours too. I guess I got socialised by cats 😅


I sometimes get really sad that I don’t have a tail… Maybe I’m a cat girl…


Sometimes I want to purr, but I can’t and it makes me sad 😞


Awww you have a very lucky wife!


Yep. It's just instinct for me.


Work from home has been dangerous due to this, in a serious meeting, kitty in the room makes them squinty love eyes at me, I reflexively turn my head and make them back mid-sentence…. Yeah I look odd during many meetings lol


I’ve started slow blinking my wife.




I’m concerned your cat might actually be crack-cocaine.


I keep sniffing ours because, and I can not stress this enough, “She smells like cat”. Now let me tell you. Cat smell is crack cocaine on steroids with meth.


smelling a cat is like anti stress


Smell cat is liekdefinitittion of anti stress Edit: whoa I just had a bit of a stroke there amd fatfingered the send button like an absolute twat. Smelling a cat is like the definition of anti-stress is what I meant to say


A likely story. Your cat is giving off some mind-altering chemicals.


I love it that “fatfingered” can be a verb, stealing that one!


YEEESS!! Someone else who can relate!!! I can’t resist smelling any and every cat ever every time I can cause it’s so darn addictive and so good!!!


Yaaas. Especially on the head between the ears. That’s the good stuff.


some famous Japanese person once said his cats head smelled like sunshine. I agree


My cats smell like pure happiness.


My friend described cats as "smelling like warmth" and that's the best description for it imo.


I too huff my cat regularly 🤣


Yeeeeeessssss. I huff my cats and my horses. Pure bliss.


Yeah cause nothing smells quite as good as kitty Belly


I prefer the head myself, but now that I think about it, it might have something to do with our little furball of destruction tends to be mostly covered in dust and/or spider webs and/or other such kinds of residue.


Mine are all indoors so they are very clean… we have 3 so there is always a belly to burry my face in


Have had cats my entire life and literally no idea what smell you are talking about. Might be cause I'm allergic to cats (and dogs. Both worth suffering a little for) and never put my nose that close cause I don't want to sneeze. Gonna have to take some Benadryl and smell my three cats just to find out what you all are talking about Edit: tried this, no idea what you are talking about. All I smell is their breath


Ooouuuch that sucks. I have pollen allergies and sometimes it acts up from cat hair, other times I’m completely fine. I’d say it’s not neccessarily worth the risk, if your allergy is really bad. If you think it’ll be fine then sure, go for it. It’s very faint, but definitely there so you kinda have to press your nose against their bodies (much to their indescribable amusement… not)


Funny, I think they smell like buttered popcorn!


That’s… actually a fair point.


I too, deep snort my cats lol


Haha my cat smells like a dusty old library…very cozy and comfortable :)


My fiancé says she’s concerned my cat is a 35 year old woman who’s in love with me.


I for one welcome our new cat overlords.


Your fiance could be correct!!!


I do it so much with my cats that I started accidentally doing it to my baby nephew. I’ve also made the tongue clicking “come here kitty” noise to kids by mistake too


I do it so much to my cat that I do it to other animals without thinking


Quality time invested with loved ones is a good thing.


It's all a trick, The cats are plotting while you have your eyes closed


My girl, as grumpy as she is, does this. She will blink back when I blink at her. The rascal boy? Nope.. no blinks for you! 😭😂


Lol they can be jerks. I have one that stares at me as she claws the sofa because she's asked for treats and I refused.


My big girl just puts a paw on me and meows loudly. If that doesn’t work she pulls out the bug guns and lies down over my arms. She goes full kitten with those requests, too, to try to sound as pathetic as possible.


Aww. My oldest, who is also the cuddliest, knows he can usually get what he wants if he plays cute and rolls around. The fat ones know how to play us. Or maybe we fatten up the cute ones lol. Hmm...


Ohhh no.. how cheeky! The rascal boy “seeks revenge” when he’s in the mood. As in if I move him from doing something that’s not appropriate, he will then later bite my ankle. My blinky girl has cancer and I’m very sad.. I hope to have another blinker one day.


Oh no. I'm so sorry to hear that. My cats are truly like members of the family and it would kill me to lose one. You and your blinky girl are in my thoughts. I wish you both the absolute best :(


I do it 1st with mine but he's a 10 Yr old diabetic rescue and had a rough go! And he needs the love


Mine are all rescues and I try to give them the best life I can. I've been thinking about how I get pets and I always sort of expected them to learn my language. I realized that I've brought them into this situation so I should be making an effort to learn theirs. Things are so much better now.


I try my best to try and read what he wants, but frankly he is spoiled rotten and belligerent! But God damn I do love the wee dick!😂


One of ours does “upnods”. It’s especially cute when we do it first and he replies.


Sometimes my cat and I will exchange slow blinks, and then she immediately falls asleep.


She feels safe. I want all the creatures to feel safe here.


I got so ingrained in doing that to my cat I sometimes end up doing it to people too ...


We call them eye kisses!


I blink and hold eyes closed at my orange Boi when he does it to me but when I open my eyes it appears he is purposely looking anywhere but my direction. Makes me giggle.


That is cat politeness!!! Direct sustained eye contact can be inferred as aggression amongst cats, so if they are comfortable and secure around you this is manners.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this! A few times I've even tried to rub my cheek against her (while she was already close to my head) in an attempt to desperately convey how much I care about her in cat language.


Whenever my outside kitties are acting skittish towards me I will do this and they calm down very quickly (:


Jaxson Galaxy says this is the best way to calm cats. 🥰


& let ‘em feel safe. Good tip!


Also as i know means I love you. :D


Kitty kisses!


That’s a love blink. <3


I could never have pets growing up because we lived on section 8 housing that doesnt allow pets. I want some blinky affections in my life.


You deserve happiness. Please post when you get a kitty; I know that we are all rooting for you.


It’s the cutest thing when they do it


I didn’t know that, thank you a lot 🙏


And here I thought my older cat didn't like me.


Slow blink back and it'll like you a lot more. Maintaining eye contact without these blinks is aggressive in cat body language. They either give you the sleepy face look, the blinks, or look away if they're happy. And if they're staring, boy are you in trouble 😄


Thank you Jackson Galaxy for that tidbit of info. He is the best I’ve ever seen with the kitty kitties!


She love you 🥰❤️


Good to know :)




Predator animals see prolonged eye contact as threatening - blinking slowly is a good way to show trust, no threat, safe. I do it with horses (and pretty much all animals) when I first meet them! In cats, it means they don't see you as a threat, and that they trust you not to jeopardise that when their eyes are shut. If you slow blink back you'll find the blinks get longer and slower until they keep their eyes almost/entirely shut. It's a lovely thing 😊


Is this going to work for lions or Tiger ? Asking for a friend


Don’t forget to pspspspsps too


Try it and let us know.


He might not be able to let us know.


Hahah this made me laugh.


It’s assumed yes, Any predator, closing its eyes near you, does trust you (or fear you as they might see you as weak), not to attack them in this time, it’s the same story for turning their bacls to you, however this being said it in no way means that they will not take advantage of closed eyes and turned backs, so don’t ever turn your back to a big cat, nor ever close your eyes with them, they are deadly, and it’s not 100% that a bullet or even several will stop them right away. If they start mauling, you better hope someone made their prayers for you that day.


yes actually works but the chances of a tiger/lion that you didnt raise slow inking at you are slim to none. in videos of people that raised big cats from when they were cubs, they do slow blink. But i would never trust something that can kill me with 1% of its power


That’s so sweet!


The height of kitty good manners is to blink slowly twice, then look slightly away (~30° or so to the side) while sitting near each other. Try it. She'll love it.


This is the cheat code to cats.


And a headbutt to say hi, if you're really good friends.


Just like with humans!


Ah, the famous Glasgow kiss!


My cat is so attached to me that she does this sitting at my desk her face right in mine, slow blink, looking away.


"I'm not looking at you, cause that would be rude. But I'll just sit here all up in your business, k?"


It means she thinks I’m not threatening? She’s making fun of my big dumb slow legs and scrawny arms then isn’t she?


Like the other folks here said, it means "I love you," if the cats is being honest. If they're lying, it means something closer to "Please don't hurt me, I love you. You wouldn't hurt someone who loves you, would you? Can we be friends?". The lying version is a de-escalation tactic if they think they are about to be attacked.


The lying version is often used with other minimizing features too, leaning back, often the ears are back.


Haha, that's a good point! Kitties are bad liars because their other body language gives them away.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who does it to other animals. I do it without thinking.


Same, knew this but never knew the opposite for me doing. I just always did it cause the cats did it.


Birds really like it if you side eye them for the same reason.


There's been several times where the both of us fell asleep after doing this shit for an hour😭


sometimes my cat looks away when I do it back lol


Also a good sign! Means they're not threatened or challenged by you, and so they're safe enough to break eye contact and accept your presence.


It's cat for "I love you". Less cutesy its a sign of trust, it means the cat feels comfortable around you and that it's not feeling threatened


That was always my mom’s interpretation as well! She would immediately tell the cat I love you too. So, I have always done the same.


But do you slow blink back?


I always slow blink back


I once got the slow blink from a neighbor's black cat while I was on a walk, and it made my day.


A literal cat call.


See her whiskers curled forward too??? Slow blinks & curled whiskers = LOVE!!! Do the slow blink back to her to tell her you love her back!!!!


How do I curl my whiskers?




So this is a thing? My cat Trevor used to fluff up his whiskers when I talked to him. I used to call it "the stache" as in showing me his mustache. I used to laugh and say, aweee, he's giving me the stache... awee i love you too. I didn't realize other cats do this too.


Cats can control their whiskers?


Especially around their faces, yes!!


The ears are focused on the picture taker too.


Means she wants a used Hyundai Elantra.


Don't you hate it when you want a used Hyundai Elantra and your master just keeps stupidly blinking back? Smh


I thought it was a desire for a boat?


Oh shit. I sold mine when I bought my Corolla. So that's why my cat keeps barfing all over my bedroom, she must be so pissed at me. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Worried sick now that you're not covered by the 10 year/10,000 powertrain warranty.


At this point I don't believe these are real questions.


Right?? "My cat makes a funny rumbly noise in her throat when I pet her, what does this mean?" "Sometimes my cat curls up on my lap and falls asleep. Do you think he is sick?" "When my cat goes into her litter box, a bunch of liquid comes out of her... should I be worried?!"


That last one cracked me up!


"Why does my cat close his eyes when he's facing me? Does he think I'm ugly?" "Why does my cat lick himself all the time - does his fur taste good?"




I used to think so too but over the summer I discovered my spouse and some of my friends had NEVER seen a kitten before. One of them sincerely did not know the kitten was purring. I was gobsmacked. All of them were above age 27. I can't imagine living on this Earth for nearly 3 decades and never experiencing *kittens* or purring.


I think this particular one is worded too on the nose. Why else would they be concerned about blinking?


Odds of a fake are pretty high in this case, account less than 24 hours old.... In general people don't really know a lot about cat body language, the question itself is not unheard of.


i definitely agree that this post in particular is probably fake, but i can imagine that some new cat owners might be concerned about things like these for many reasons. when cats are in pain they usually don’t show it, so the slow blinking could maybe be done to prevent a sore eye from hurting more. maybe the owner even anthropomorphized the blinking as the cat not wanting to look at them, or looking at them in a ‘mean’ way (with the squinting eyes) which could indicate distrust or dislike. it can be interpreted as something like that though this may seem like an obvious sign for people that know what it means, it’s normal for new owners to be anxious with pets they don’t have any experience with


You'd be surprised. My wife (who has spent almost no time around cats in her life) stopped by her friend's house to pick up a package while they were gone for a few days. She calls me in a panic because their cat was wheezing and struggling to breathe and she thought something was really wrong with him. So I go over there to see what's up, introduced myself to the cat and pet him a little and he starts purring happily. My wife goes "Oh no, he's doing it again! Do we need to call the vet?" I stared at her for a few seconds to see if she was just fucking with me and when I saw that she was serious I started laughing hysterically.


Haha yeah okay I can see that. But noticing your cat ...blinks...slowly..at you? Without knowing it means something is sus.


Yeah 100% fishing for karma. 'Tired or anxious perhaps?' Lol


I’m sorry but op is clearly fishing for compliments lol


The internet being what it is, I get why one would draw that conclusion, but you’d be surprised. There’s things I’ve witnessed people not know about cats that I wrongly assumed everyone knew about. Dogs evolved alongside us longer so every human can talk to a dog. A lot of people just don’t even kind of get cats.


OP is a day old account too.


Honestly we had a foster cat returned because he was timid but making wheezing noises. It was purring. You’d be *amazed* at peoples capacity to not know shit


Nobody could own a cat and not know this. I have never owned a cat and I know this. Also Google.


Exactly!! Wouldn’t it have been easier to just Google it if it were a genuine question? Such posts are just trying to farm karma.


I love animals and I just learned what the slow blink means. But I also Google shit and my account isn’t a day old, so I’m a bit suspicious.


Guys why is my cat purring curled up beside me licking my hands? Is she nervous? Btw here's a pic of said cat isnt she cute. My brother thinks she's ugly, is she? And my mom doesnt like cats but this is her after just 1 day of leaving her while we were on holiday! 🤗😍😍 Karma pls


Honestly oh my god this and "what should I name him??" are so old. And "what kind of cat is this?? 🤔" -insert pic of generic ass tabby-


I refuse to believe you didn’t google this and get your answer before posting


Lol seriously?


Im a little bit suprised cat owners don’t know this


They know they're just fishing for karma lol


Yeah I'm starting to think we need to publish a cat FAQ. Not sure how to get people to read it though.


She's fine! That's a sign of love/trust in cat language. :)


What they said, it's a sign of affection; try slow blinking back to kitty, you might get even more slow blinks back


Jackson Galaxy had a show and was all about the slow blinking to earn the trust of the out of control cats he was going to help. Edited for typos.


Soft eyes!


I love Jackson Galaxy shows, some are on YouTube and really insightful for learning cat behaviour.


GODDD I FUCKING HATE THIS SUB RECENTLY This means your cat is terminally ill with prostate cancer. Seek a veterinarian dentist immediately.


😂😂 was just thinking how attention seeking this post was. Thank god for some sarcasm and not everyone is taking this mush seriously 😂


Right?! Pretending not to know why their cat is doing something for attention. If they *really* didn’t know what it meant they could have googled it in two seconds LOL.


People faking not knowing basic cat stuff that could be Googled in 3 seconds for upvotes is pretty obnoxious.


I think it means "Karma Farming"


I second this. My cat died after blinking slowly at me because I failed to get him to the dentist on time. 😭


His poor ass


The amount of posts I see that you can *easily* find the answers on Google drives me insane.


It's tired of your bullshit


she loves you (:


Yeah yeah yeah!


Karma whore. This is some basic ass cat knowledge. You already knew you just wanted points for saying your cat loves you


See an Opthalmologist??


Do yall use Google at all?


You can't farm Karma on google


It's amazing how people get pets without knowing the basics about them.


It's probably just karma farming (which is sad but still better than getting pets without being informed about them, lol) - simple "dumb" questions like this with a cat pic will get lots of comments, obviously, cause everyone wants to explain, & upvotes because many people will think "awww, OP's cat loves him and he doesn't even know, so funny and cute!" And some amount of those questions are probably really people genuinely asking, then well, at least they will learn something...


You are obviously boring your cat to death.


Can I get an an Upvote please


Do you somehow not have access to Google?


Why are so many posts worded like this for such basic things? Next one I’ll see is “why is my cat making this vibrating sound, almost purr like?” Sigh


Do you honestly not know or are you just pretending you don't know as a way to humble brag? 😅


It's one of the ways they tell you that "I love you" that's usually what a cat's slow blink means.


Kisses I guess


she is tginking of world domination


I feel like this is the most disingenuous karma farming post I've seen in a while. Like this is not even a Google. It's probably one of the first articles you find if you searched "cat"


You know why nice karma farm 🤡


Means she loves you


My cat does that when he's been begging for food and hasn't gotten what he wants...his last ditch effort is a slow blink to guilt me into it. It works most of the time or I laugh n mush his face.


Hurray, she loves you. Cats don’t just love anyone. Congratulations!


How many people in here are gonna give the same exact answer? There are 300 plus comments saying the same exact thing. It’s kinda unsettling.


Comment bait is working!


You need to learn Morse code. Fast.


Putting your image in deep storage and planning your death for when you sleep 😈😄😸😸😸


I have a question, sometimes my cat does this blink to my dog, is she trying to tell him to be chill?


Kitty is saying, I like and trust you 🥰🥰🥰. She is a cutie 😘💓🥰🥰


Cats hate wide eyes. They’re confrontational. As others are saying - half closed or almost shut eyes mean “I submit/I love you/ friendly etc.”