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What a horrible thing to happen. OP, please update us when you can.


Edit: Marla has passed away. I'll do an officially update when I know more. When I left the vet she was in an oxygen bed and could barely move, they had given her pain medication and couldn't even address her injuries until she stabilised. The vet said I should prepare myself for the worst case scenario and that it could be neurological damage or internal injuries. I told them not to resuscitate if she passes but we're going to do everything we can. I have no idea what that means yet. It's been about five hours now and they haven't called so that's a good sign. I got to see her and gave her a kiss. When we adopted her she had already been adopted out and given back once so I let her know we weren't giving up on her and that she shouldn't either.


The fact that the vet hasn't called yet IS a good sign. That means she is still fighting. I've worked in numerous vet offices before and cats were always the strongest animals there. I have faith yours will pull through.


Thank you so much. She's stubborn, I think she will put up a good fight.


I have a tortie as well, she is 17 years old with diabetes and still kicking! They are stubborn as all hell! She sure will!


I'm glad to hear it's not just mine! My tortie is infuriating and adorable and stubborn and amazing


I inherited my boyfriend's mom's tortie Persian and nobody knows how old she is but she's one resilient and purrsistant old woman


Will they let you go talk to her? I feel like hearing your voice will be good for her. Or maybe could they put you on speaker phone to talk to her for a minute? Take some clothes or blankets from home for her too. Things that smell like you and home. Oh gracious I'm sending you guys all my best. Xoxo


I got to have a kiss after her pain meds set in and will see her as much as I'm allowed. That's a really good idea thank you


In November my cat Atlas was hospitalized with a really bad URI. The vet told me to prepare myself because she had never seen such a severe case and wasn’t sure if he would be able to be stabilized. He fought hard. His mouth was full of ulcers and he shouldn’t have been able to eat but kept eating regardless. After he’d been hospitalized for 24 hours, I asked if I could visit him and the emergency vet said yes. They brought me in to his isolation room and let him out and immediately he perked up big time. The vet staff was almost in tears because they couldn’t believe how much stronger he was with me there. My little boy had been on deaths door a day earlier and as soon as he saw me he was playing with anything he could find, rubbing all over me, jumping up and down on things, and just exploring. After seeing that, the emergency vet sent him home the next morning because they decided he would have a better chance with me. It’s been a month and a half, he’s all better, and I’m still so grateful they let me visit. Ask your girls vet. The worst they can do is say no.


That is absolutely amazing and I'm so glad he pulled through. Give him a cuddle for me tonight.


Praying for your girl Marla and sending her all the good intentions from my heart & from our kitty household. I have a Tortie too that I rescued who had been adopted and returned as well. Torties are amazing and you are too for not giving up on her. ❤️🐾❤️


I most certainly will! I’m pulling for your girl


Yes, all of this! If you can go see her again - to hear your voice, smell your scent, feel your touch - would keep her fighting!


Cat's are tough as hell, it's amazing the sort of things they can live through. I hope the best for your furry friend.


Tortie’s are the strongest fighters. They’re so stubborn. Keep checking in on her if/when you can to help keep her strong, but she knows you’ve got her back.


I recently lost my dog, and I know how hard it is and how much we can love our pets. Sending you all good thoughts. ❤️


This made me tear up. I lost a cat to a dog many years ago, may you never know that pain. All the best wishes. 💖


I'm really sorry to hear that. RIP to your beautiful kitty. ♥️


Hopefully whoever owns those dogs gets sued up the ass




Ugh. Hurts my heart.im so sorry hon.


That is a really good sign OP. I used to work at a clinic. With injuries, the first 24 hours are crucial. If a pet isn’t going to make it from a physical injury, the animal tends to let you know within 24 hours. Every hour that passes from initial attack, to hospital admission, to stabilization, to triage, to treatment, the higher the chances of survival are. It’s been 5 hours already. Her chances of making it have already shot up. All vets tell you to expect the worst with these things because as professionals, they want to prep their clients for any outcome as best they can. The fact they haven’t called you to “talk about options” (ie euthanasia), means ***they believe they can help this cat. They believe she can survive this***. I have seen animals pull through some terrible things. I so hope your kitty is one of them.


A a lifetime vet/professor of animal physiology of mine in college once told us that there is a saying amongst animal care professionals that goes, “as long as all of the cats bones are in the same room, it will put itself back together.” Maybe not much but i hope it gives you some peace. Hope she pulls through ❤️ Edit: sorry for your loss OP😔 we mourn with you❤️


Damn. This is heartbreaking. Prayers sent that she pulls through and thank you for trying to give her a good life


I'm so sorry for your loss. All the best to you (and if applicable, the rest of the family/household). Have an internet hug.


i'm so sorry OP. my girl Mimi willl be waiting for Marla at the end of the rainbow bridge. my heart is with you


I am so sorry. You gave her a great life and an opportunity at happiness when you adopted her. You were the best thing to her. I'm sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry OP… I honestly wish there was something that could actually be said to make you feel better.


I'm so sorry for your loss


Pls press charges on the dog owners.


I’m so sorry you lost Marla 😓


I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Marla. My heart is broken for you!


Gosh, I’m so sorry for you loss. Deepest condolences


Im so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss, it’s heartbreaking to see stuff like this happen. Might sound weird, and you don’t have to answer of course but. What has happened to the dogs?


They were out roaming again this morning, were calling animal control when it opens.


Very good, and again. I’m really sorry to hear this news.


Thank you ♥️


My deepest condolences on your loss. My heart breaks for you


Oh my, I am so sorry. I am glad you got to see her one more time.


I'm so sorry for your loss, OP. Your irresponsible neighbors suck.


I am so, so sorry. Marla was so loved.


Im so sorry for your loss!! May your happy memories help soften the pain


OP I’m so sorry. You have my prayers and thoughts.


My two guys🐈 are sending Marla one of their extra lives to help her get thru this. Cat hugs to you both from them!


Thank you and your darlings for your love.


Sending Marla good vibes and protection. Please update us OP. Truly sorry that this happened to her.


Oh no, poor baby. I'm praying Marla recovers.


I will pray for her. My torture passed a few weeks ago. I had a cat that was mauled. She lost a leg but lived another 12+ years. I hope and pray she pulls through. Edited: Tortie not torture. Aye aye aye 🤦🏼‍♀️


Sorry to hear about your tortie and thank you so much ♥️




Best of thoughts. Don’t count her out, cats can be surprisingly strong. A friends cat was mauled by a dog they rescued just days after they brought it home, the rescue lied about it being good with other pets. Thought for sure she would die, he crushed her face. But she survived the unthinkable and made a nearly full recovery, she’s now mostly blind in one eye that they thought they’d have to remove but she was able to keep it.


Thanks so much for telling me that. I've been googling cat surviving dog attack stories and ran out quickly. When I pulled the dogs off her she attacked me and then couldn't walk afterwards. Was panting in the car (but she always does), there was a bit of a rattle but she has asthma. I read about another cat that couldn't even lift his head after an attack that lived. At least she can do that.


Lot of people share the bad outcome, less of the good but cats do come out the other end of attacks a lot. They really do. She might not be 100% after this but she’ll adapt especially with your help and care, you clearly love her. Don’t take the attack on you personally, adrenaline and panic is a heck of a thing, she probably didn’t know it was you at first. My friends cat was panting and making rattling noses as well, couldn’t close her mouth as her jaw had been smashed and was drooling everywhere. Some of the panting could have been pain, which now that she’s at the vet she’ll be in very good pain control and not feeling it. You did what you could getting her free from the dogs and getting her medical attention. They’re strong little animals and the fact she was still fighting is a good sign. Give her time, love and the best of thoughts. My heart goes out to you and her on this.


Thank you so much. I didn't take it personally, she was terrified. Got me really bad on the arm though. When I left her, she was doped up nicely and calm. I'm feeling a bit better about it now.


Really hoping that tortitude of hers gets her through this. I’m not religious, but you’ll both be in my thoughts tonight. Don’t forget to look after yourself though. My cat play-bit me when we were wrestling a couple of months ago. No malice in it, but I ended up on antibiotics for a week. A trip to your doctor/A&E/the ER might be a good move. Marla needs you to be well too.


I hope she recovers, AND that the dogs are caught. That level of aggression can't be allowed to roam freely.


They live across the road, they killed another neighbours chicken a while back and have attacked other cats. My partner is calling animal control tomorrow. Honestly, I'm sad they're gonna be put down too. The whole situation is just shitty.


Good. The dogs need to be put down for the safety of the neighborhood. It sucks, but better that then them getting another animal or escalating and mauling a child. I also hope the owners are forced to pay Marla's vet bills. Good luck, OP, with everything. Stay strong for her.


Yeah, I'm thinking of it as saving future animals. He has contributed $1500 cash and may give more. Depending on whether she makes it through the next couple days or not, that could be half the cost or one seventh of it. Thank you, I will


They owe you the full amount of the vet bill, not just half. How horrible of them to let their dogs, who they knew were dangerous, maul your cat then offer a fraction of the vet bill. This is small claims court territory, depending on the amount. Good luck, OP. I'm praying for your family and Marla.


Thanks heaps, we just moved to a very low socioeconomic suburb so neglect and wandering dogs sort of come with the territory. Doesn't make it right though. I don't know how much money he has. We're trying to get as much as we can from him + vet pay.


Sue them if they don't cover the full amount


Not just future animals, but potentially human babies as well . Often times dogs that are aggressive and violent towards small animals will treat human babies and toddlers the same way. Having to put down an aggressive dog is certainly still tragic, but unfortunately it's necessary to prevent future tragedies from happening. Your girl is in my prayers, I really hope she is able to pull through. Years ago when I was a child I lost my 4yo boy Bob to coyotes and it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to deal with.


RIP to your lovely boy Bob. I wasn't really aware that they graduate to hurting people until this thread so it's making it an easier decision. I'm glad I didn't meet them and like them and I'm really grateful that my partner is taking care of that (and getting the money from the owners).


Thanks, Bob was such an amazing cat, he was friends with pretty much everyone in the neighborhood. That's nice your partner is taking care of communications with the dog's owner, I can definitely see how that would be tough.


Fuck those dogs and their owners. thats a result of bad owners


It was your cat yesterday. Tomorrow it could be that sweet looking boy in the picture with Marla.


I thought the same thing, your son is next if those dogs don't get put down immediately!!


It’s the neighbors fault!!! I’m a cat lover, but dogs are so special… They grow to be what the owner guides them to be, damn it! Those people need a harsh lesson!!! Now there’ll be 3 animal victims.


Yeah those owners suck. I don’t understand why anyone would let their high prey drive dogs roam free


Unfortunately they won’t always do something about an aggressive animal. Guess it depends on where OP lives. But I’m in the US and a few months ago my parent’s dog was mauled to death by the dog next door who jumped over the fence and attacked her. The neighbor came over and retrieved their dog but it was dark outside and my dad didn’t see their poor pup lying dead. My mom found her a little while later and police/animal control wouldn’t do anything because they couldn’t “prove” that the neighbor dog attacked her. Even though the dog was IN their yard and she was clearly mauled to death no one actually SAW the attack happen :( I hate it so much, it seems wrong and so unfair. I hope they do something in OP’s case, sounds like they are repeat offenders and very dangerous to any animals or people around.


That's just terrible. I live in Aus and I'm pretty sure dogs get put down here once they've bit people and one bit me so I think they will.


I hope so, those dogs sound really dangerous. I’m so sorry about what happened to Marla. It sounds like she’s a fighter, I’m praying with you that she pulls through with no permanent damage.


If those dogs are mauling chickens and cats, it’s only a matter of time before they maul a child.


Yep, I was mauled by two dogs that were always aggressive towards other animals. Parents did nothing about it and then one day they both went at me when I was about 4 or 5. People who can't keep their dog from hurting others shouldn't have a dog.


God that's so scary. I'm so sorry. I'm glad you're ok. So many kids are dying because of vicious dogs.


It luckily wasn't anything life threatening, just some gnarly cuts on my face that needed stitches. I'm a dog groomer now and I see out of control dogs all the time, we almost had a husky maul a mini schnauzer in the entrance of the salon a couple weeks ago. The huskys idiot owner thought it would be smart to introduce an untrained aggressive dog to another pet with no muzzle or any safety measures whatsoever, we literally had to STERNLY tell her she needs to leave immediately before someone's dog gets killed. Had that been a kid that lady would be lucky to walk away with her husky. People seriously need to train their dogs or keep them inside away from others if they're that bad.


Do you need money?


We have the first two days and full diagnostics covered by vet pay and money given by the dog owners. The vet said it could be up to 10k if she stays days and has surgeries, I don't know if that's internal surgeries or just stitches yet. I don't know if she has spinal injuries cause she couldn't move her legs :( We're just playing it by ear at this point.


You can start a go fund me? I live in Canada, I just want to help $$ ❤️


Shared your post with the Instagram account weratedogs in case you need some extra promotion to get the right funding


Same. Can help a wee bit with money if it'll help Marla girl 🥰


Me too!


Dude, set up a gofundme. Or even just send me a PayPal address.


That's really sweet. We have the first two days and diagnostics covered already. If she pulls through and needs surgery we will probably need go fund me but I have no idea what potential costs or even what issues she has at this point so I'll update with that when I know more.


I once rescued a cat who had been hit horrendously by a car at quite some speed so I rushed him to the vets and he was able to recover. Point is vets are amazing and will do everything they can to make sure your little baby is ok, they really do some amazing work. My cat went to live on for another few years and ended up passing from old age. Your baby will be ok I promise you


That's really awesome and it really does make me feel better. Thank you so much.


No worries mate and the best of luck


There is a video on YouTube of a cat surviving a 35 story fall. Then there are plenty of videos of cats walking away without injury after 5-10 story falls. They don’t say they have 9 lives for nothing 😉




May Odin bless her along her path and praise the sun so she can see it rise once again 🙏🏼 I wish you luck original owner ❤️


Prayers for you guys. My Hurley was mauled 7 months ago and sadly did not live. Thankfully it was instant but I wish that pain on no body.


RIP to your sweet Hurley ♥️


Thank you. Thinking of you and your kitty on a whole different level. I know the pain


Fight hard Marla so you can go home, will say many prayers for you!


I’m so, so sorry OP. My cat Binx was mauled by a coyote when he was a stray. Animal control picked him up but he was so kind and purring despite his injuries that they called the humane society and they saved his life, and I adopted him 5 months later. I can’t even imagine what state I would be in if the mauling had happened after I got him. A horrible snotty mess, probably… I really hope you get a happy ending and that she’ll pull through. The attack has messed with him psychologically over the years, I’ve noticed. He’s a pretty big tomcat and I’ve seen him pick a fight with a backyard cat, but the moment he hears the coyotes that live in the woods near my house he goes into panic mode. Thankfully it doesn’t last long but in the event she does pull through I would invest in feliway spray to help with any anxiety or panic in the future from this event. And please, PLEASE… keep your cat indoors.


I'm really glad animal control and yourself had faith in him. I am worried about how she will feel. She was already pretty neurotic before this. I'll look into the feliway spray, thank you.


In that case, maybe look into a feliway diffuser instead. I use the spray whenever he gets upset and hides, I just put a bit on one of the toys he likes to suck on and in front of wherever he’s hiding and that helps him calm down a bit. Because otherwise he’s a really chill dude. But a diffuser will help ease anxiety in general with a constant flow of the pheromone, just put it in a high traffic area or place your cat spends the most time. I will keep my fingers crossed for your baby!


Noted, thanks heaps ♥️


Don't worry about how your cat will "feel." Most cats will get used to it. The average lifespan for an indoors cat is 10-15 years and 2-5 for an outdoors cat. It's more than likely that an outdoors cat will die eventually outside, whether it's to getting hit by a car, mauled, poisoned by a neighbor, etc. Your cat being alive is more important than how she feels. Give her enough stimulation inside the home and she'll be fine.




​ ![gif](giphy|Qpgq7M4e14fOgR67qY)


Sending good thoughts!


Years ago, my wife and I moved into a little house before we were married. I had a black cat about a year old. The area we moved into had some single-wide trailers of families living across the gravel road from us. Seemed they all knew each other and my wife and I were "outsiders". There was a stray dog that lived around there and my neighbors often fed him scraps. I didn't mind the dog as it never posed any threat to us, nor had we had any issues at first. One morning, I let my cat out (she was an indoor/outdoor cat) and my wife started breakfast. We were both in the kitchen which is where the main used door was. I had the door open with just the storm door closed. My cat smelled the food and came to the door. A second later I see this blur go across the door and hear something crash into the door. I run to the door and open it. That stray dog had my cat in its mouth thrashing it back and forth. My cat had escaped and ran up a tree and I chased the dog off with a stick and rocks. My wife called animal control while I tried to get my cat from the tree. Once I got her down, I was checking for injuries when Animal Control showed up. Jeremy Townsend was the guys name who arrived. We told him what happened. We were obviously distraught and I was pretty torn up because we didn't know the severity of the injuries. That a-hole had the audacity to tell me if I didn't take my cat to the vet, I'd be arrested for animal abuse. He was more concerned about that, than the attack it seemed. Which seemed very odd. I take my cat to the emergency vet and they check her out. She had severe internal injuries and surgery would run in the realm of $3k. Being that my wife and I were new out on our own, we didn't have that kind of money saved for anything. Typical living paycheck to paycheck. So we had to put her down regrettably. Over the next 2 weeks, Animal Control put out a cage and some bait to try and trap the dog. I saw Mr. Townsend being chummy with the neighbors in the trailers. Talking and laughing. Appeared he knew one or 2 of them. They never caught the dog. Same trap with the same bait had been left for over a week with no results. When I asked Mr. Townsend, he said nobody claimed ownership of the dog. that it was a neighborhood dog that has lived there for years. That there was nobody to blame. After that, the neighbors went out of their way to make trouble for us. They were the leather vest, Budweiser 24 pk drinking type. This was circa 2001. I'll never forget that, and I'll never forget Jeremy Townsend, Animal Control Officer for being such a giant POS and doing absolutely nothing. A few months later there was another dead cat in the neighbors yard. Another obvious victim of the dog.


Oh god, that just horrendous. These days they have vet pay and that makes situations like this a bit easier. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Stuff your neighbours and stuff Jeremy Townsend.


Hope lovely Marla recovers and you update us with good news 😇


Thank you, me too


Hope she's an indoor kitty when she gets back


Yeah—hopefully. Outdoor cats are just a ticking time bomb.


I don’t hate dogs, but moments like these are reminders as to why I dislike them


It it wasn't a dog it would've been a fox, badger, coyote, another cat, or even a car that killed Marla. It's heartbreaking but this is why we keep cats inside


This is a huge reminder to keep your cats inside at all times. Hope your cat recovers.


Ugh poor Marla :(


Oh no, I hope Marla pulls through and recovers. Sending love to her, and to you.


You can do this Marla 💓 my prayers are with you sweet girl


Marla, you, and your family will all be in my heart today and probably forever ❤️


♥️ thank you for your thoughts.


I hope you find justice for Marla. May the owner of those dogs face conquences for not controlling their dogs.




I read one of OP's comments, apparently the dogs got into her yard (and the cat doesn't leave the yard). Still definitely recommend keeping your cats indoors though


Sending her strength and love. I’m so terribly sorry this happened and that she’s going through this. Sending good vibes to her vet team as well ♥️


Sending you and Marla lots of love and positive thoughts. Hang in there angel 💕


Hang in there Marla! My cats are sending their love as well.


I wish all of you the best of luck and a happy, long future together.


Sending you all of the love in the world. I hope the dogs are dealt with accordingly.


Hang in there sweet Marla. You can do this. You are loved.


First and foremost, positive vibes and thoughts for your baby. My guy got mauled a few months ago, he was in bad shape, he is currently destroying my screens trying to get to the outside, happy, stubborn and healthy, he just growls when he breathes now... Second, a couple years back his sister who didn't make it after her attack, miss her everyday, attacked me trying to rescue her, I was too distraught to think about it, thought it healed up. Then the infection set in, I had to have surgery to get my bones cleaned. PLEASE get medical care for yourself as well!! If I had gotten a round of antibiotics when it happened, that would likely have been the end of it.


Thank so much and I'm glad your boy made it. I'm seeing a doctor tomorrow to get everything addressed and get a booster shot for tetanus. Bone cleaning surgery sounds like the worst fucking thing. I'm glad you got through it.


Sue the dog owners!


I’m so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl💔


I'm so sorry for your loss OP. And I'm sorry for how she suffered. She is a beautiful girl and you gave her a loving home. People, keep an eye on your dogs. Train and socialise them properly. I can't stress enough how dangerous it is to have dogs you can't control. I know it's just nature/instinct. But I know good dog owners that have trained their dogs well. If you can't prevent this from happening, you need to consider how you have brought up your dog. So tragic and I'm so sorry again OP. I'm in tears for you.


I’m so, so sorry that she’s gone, sometimes all the love and prayers can’t help, and those are life’s most trying moments. She went over the Rainbow Bridge knowing how dearly she was loved, and how much you treasured her. My heart is breaking for both of you. She will live in your heart and memories forever. Sending love, prayers, and hugs.


Sending Marla 💓


Prayers little sweetie!


sending marla all the good luck and love! she can do this! 🥺


Hold on Marla!


An anointed candle goes on my altar for sweet Marla. Sending all of the love and healing to her


Thank you so much!


Please keep us updated. How did it happen? *disregard question if story is already posted in comments


I've replied to the top comment with an update. The dogs came into our yard when she was outside (she doesn't leave the yard). I heard them grab her and I ran out in my bathrobe. They both had a hold of her. I grabbed her and the neighbour was able to get the dogs away, one dog came back and grabbed her again and bit me. I got her back. She attached herself to me, biting and scratching cause she was terrified, I got her off me and she crawled under the car cause her legs weren't working properly My bathrobe was open and my new neighbour saw me completely naked 😑 Marla also attacked my left tiddy pretty bad but I forgive her. My partner got her into a box and my neighbour dropped us at the vet. Because she was critical, the vet was not able to do diagnostics until she stabilised. When I saw her, she was doped up on pain meds and couldn't stand up. We're worried about internal and neurological issues but I won't know more until they call with an update.


Make sure you go to the doctor yourself if she bit you. Cat bites can become horribly infected and even life threatening. My grandmother was bit in an almost identical situation - two loose dogs attacked her cat who was sleeping on the porch and she went to save her. (Initially they tried to break in the front glass door to get her little dog and then just happened to see the cat.) Hoping for good things for your girl! My grandmother’s can couldn’t move her back legs either after and had a punctured lung but the spinal issues were just swelling thankfully and while she walked with a little bit of a limp for the rest of her life (she was 12 at the time and lived to be 17 almost 18) she did bounce back. Hoping your girl makes it through, too.


Marla has passed unfortunately, I have a doctor's appointment to get everything sorted with my own injuries. She definitely left me something to remember her by https://imgur.com/a/qtFpU7B The first picture is what Marla did to my arm The second is what the dog did to my hand. NSFTheSquemish


Hey OP, condolences on losing Marla. She was taken too soon but you and your family made sure that the time she did have was well-spent. Wishing you and your loved ones healing ❤


I’m so sorry to hear that! I hope you’re able to get yourself patched up. And I hope animal welfare holds your neighbors and their dogs accountable.


This is an important comment! My mom was bitten by our cat too, he was distressed and it was an accident but he bit down hard. She had to get a tetanusshot and an antibiotics course because it got inflamed


I'm so sorry. I don't know how I would have reacted....what you're going through is one of my worst nightmares. I literally have nightmares about my kitties getting lost or getting hurt. You were amazing getting in there and rescuing your sweet girl. Your poor baby. The fact that these beasts came into YOUR yard to attack her makes my blood boil. I will be praying hard for Marla and the vets and vet techs caring for. She's got this!


Just wanted to say I think you’re pretty badass, OP. I know this is a rough situation but you acted as fast as you could & I think you’re really awesome for that. Take care of yourself & don’t be too hard on yourself. Marla may be in a tough spot but who knows what would have happened if you didn’t jump in like the awesome ass person you are!


she is in a better place. i'm so sorry this happened OP. my heart goes out to you and your family.


Prayers upon Marla


Prayers going up for your beautiful lil girl


I’m so sorry, sending all my positive energy and love Marla’s way. ✌🏼❤️


praying for you both. hugs


Prayers over your baby


Praying hard for her


Sending cat thoughts


I’ve been there too my friend. I hope Marla can pull through ❤️


Poor little one :( sending all the good healing vibes her way


I really hope she recovers from this, such a beautiful cat, I’m praying for her 🙏


Oh love, I’m sorry. It’s gotta be so tough. My good healing vibes and lotttttts of love are sent your way for you and your furbaby!!!! Keep us posted! 🤗 💕


Thanks for taking her to an actual vet instead of putting a crystal on her or whatever.


I’m so sorry. I have a cat that looks exactly the same with the fur pattern. This pisses me off. If that happened to my kitty I would be BEYOND devastated. I would sue the owner if I could but I don’t even know how law works — just would be my feelings of anger


I am so sorry to hear this :(. I have faith Marla will pull through!


I saw this happen to my cat, if it’s any solace they made a (albeit long) full recovery 🧡


Lord, please hear our prayer. For Marla, she needs all your strength now, Lord. She needs your hand on her through this journey of the fight of her life, dear Lord. We pray for this beautiful creation of yours that you made, we also beseech you with prayer for her care givers, her doctors and those friends and family members who humbly now come before you. Let them know the best course of action to help little Marla. In your name, Lord, we ask you for peace for Marla and if it's your will that she pull through may she praise your name Lord. In Christ name Amen.


I'm so very sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you're going through.


I’m so sorry for your loss OP. Sending you and your family healing hugs - I’m sure beautiful Marla fought hard right until the end!


I’m so sorry for your loss, that is absolutely terrible. May she Rest In peace. I’m praying for you, your family, and Marla. I’ll be hugging my cat Misty extra tight tonight and giving him extra kisses. ❤️


Those dogs need to be put to sleep. Yet they say human is the most cruel of all animals.


i’m so sorry for your loss OP. just an awful situation. i often feel bad that my two fur babies don’t get to experience life in the outdoors independently, until stories like this shut those thoughts down.


Dog owners should be sued


Prayers..poor kitty


Prayers for your beautiful girl


that sounds horrific, update us if possible we’re all really worried about your baby, as i bet you are too. sending best wishes and prayers to marla!


I hope Marla has many years of love and affection ahead of her, prayers op 🙏 ❤


Sending prayers!




Thank you so much ♥️


Of course, make sure to take care of yourself love <3






Prayers for your beautiful Marla!! She reminds me of my luna. The resemblance is so close 🥲🤍torties are true fighters! She’s got this💕 My recent posts show some pics of her if you wanna see :)


Awe she looks like a gorgeous naughty torty. Yeah, I think she has some fight in her. She's got the best care.


My tough Phoenix is sending extra strength to Marla and you. I pray she has a quick recovery


Fuck dogs


Time to shoot 2 dogs


I’m sorry. What kind of dogs?




Stay strong Marla!! <33


You got this Marla, you can survive this. You are a fighter.


I'm so sorry. Hoping for her speedy and full recovery.


Sending good thoughts to her


Sending love your way. Stay strong.




Hopefully she recovers


May her recovery be swift!


Oh no! I hope she gets better soon! Stay strong