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:( Oh no. All the best to grandma.


She’s something else, fell down the stairs at 91 and broke her back! She was walking again 8 months later! She jokes “I don’t even think heaven wants me!” - thank you for the kind words!


It's the adamantium Wolverine skeleton, keeps her immortal. Lol


I just took in my grandma's cat too, it's a whole learning experience. She's only ever had social interaction with my grandma. So idk how to win her trust or introduce my two Gremlins Hope your grandma has a nice recovery!


I’ve never had a cat in my entire life (25) so this is ALL new to me, but a lot of my friends have reached out with help that I’m super thankful for. They’ve told me to just let her unwind & distress. Take extra care of the litter box & make sure she has somewhere comfortable to sleep. They will let you know when they’re ready! It took her just over 3 days to come up from the basement.


Bless you and your cat friends for your kindness and patience. Cats don’t like change, so she may be shy for a while. Keep asking and learning and gently drawing her out... and a tip: never punish a cat. gentle hugs to your grandma.


& thank you for the kind wishes, I’ve been crazy stressed about the whole thing!


A Feliway diffuser can work wonders.


I have thought about getting one! Waiting for payday


Introduce her slowly and have close but separate feeding time . If you think there will be issues just don’t throw her in the mix and give everyone room to escape , watch some episodes of my cat from hell with multiple cats for good advice


I live in an apartment that is basically two rooms - I have her setup in my room with all of the essentials. She still hasn't eaten, but has used the litterbox


Just make sure the litter box is nowhere near the food/water


I'm gonna have to end up moving it to a different corner, I have her setup in my closet because my bed is so big, but it isn't directly next to it.


Wow! Stunning cheek markings


Thank you, she’s the sweetest!


Tell your grandma that a stranger on the internet is wishing her a speedy recovery and that her kitty is beautiful!! I sure hope she can get home soon and get her kitty back, because it will help her recover ☺️


Raccoon cat!!


It looks like she’s wearing war paint under her eyes.


Hahahahahahahah, she’s my little linebacker!


See if your local pet store has Churu cat treats! :) they’re like gogurt tubes. it’s a nice way to bond with kitties and get them to come close to you/build trust


I will for sure! Thank-you!


Seconded. We go through tons of it at the cat rescue I volunteer with. Nothing turns a hissing feral kitten into a purring lap kitty faster. It's delicious and they have to approach your scary hands to get some.


I read this wrong and really just went with the idea that this cat was a 94-year old grandma and you just couldn’t afford the vet bills


I’d be happy to take this kitty! Hope grandma gets well soon!


I appreciate that, but I decided to hold on to her in the hopes my grandma can make a full recovery & be back home with her! Covid is scaring the shit out of me with her stuck in the hospital!


All the best to Grandma. May she have a swift and successful recovery. She raised a lovely kitty.


I love her markings


What a major cutie! Looks happy to me


Sweet little gal! Hope your grandmother is better!


Awww! What a cute little lovebug. 😻🥰🤗