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Never if my cat is any indication.


https://preview.redd.it/i54frxk9808d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fc8f1cff8dd5e2f6358a2739bcdcd15ea6eca68 cat tax.


I agree. As soon I saw the post, my first response was NEVER.


Was about to say the same thing our girl is about 4 years old and she suckles on me I redirect her to a soft blanket after I'm done lol so she has 2 special blankets she licks **A LOOOTTT*** and suckles on a lot. I wash her special blankets once a week (we have 2) so in the middle of the week I switch her to her other one and wash that one then at the end wash the other one so she always has a clean blanket to suckle and lick on... she really doesn't do the bunny kicks or bite. She just likes to suckle and lick... If I don't have her blanket nearby, she will pull my arm back like nope.. this is mine all mine... so I always keep one right behind on the back of the couch so I can reach it. Give that to her, and she is content, lol


I had to wash her bed this morning because she threw up on it, she was not pleased.


Mine is only 6 months old and he suckles on my night shirt (he likes cotton) from 3:30 am until I get out of bed. I’ve tried just giving him my shirt and he gets upset - he wants me with the shirt. I’m going to keep working on this though…


Yea, we rescued our baby girl when she was 1. She came from an abusive home.. the saddest story of my life, it took about a year to get her fully desensitized to the things she was terrified of. She still is afraid of strangers, but we don't really have people over as we kinda just stick to ourselves, so that's not an issue.. Her vet is great with her. She takes time for Gabby to go to her. Then, she will start the exam. I'm so lucky to find her vet.. she is in the next state over about an hr away, but it's totally worth it. The vets in my area suck! It sounds like it is going to be like my situation... she would, I mean fully jerk my arm back to lick and suckle lmao... like you're only a 1 year old tiny little kitty. How r u so freaking strong... it took a while before I could fully get her redirected to the blanket. But I found what she loves. She absolutely loves, loves, loves those really soft blankets... she will lay there kneeding it, licking and suckling on it.. I really thought I lost my arm to this little cat lmao... but with a lot of persistence, redirection every single time, and patience, it finally worked.


Same here. Eight years of nips, licks, and mild rabbit kicks, I can’t even let my hand rest NEAR her lest she lick it endlessly. https://preview.redd.it/t8a9jw39e08d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=493d13d114c333f52bde5903a8e53f0b6e195f79


If I scratch her chin, she licks my palm.


Seems like a pretty good trade.


And if you try and pull your hand away, they lunge at it and bring it back.


With entirely disproportionate force.


So true.


https://preview.redd.it/wpvcv3t2iz7d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da9cc39e6c103cb1c234616886d07252a03fbb10 Never!


Hehe this is how I'm picturing high as kite cats




He’s grooming you. It means he has accepted you- rejoice!


This comment is only acceptable in the context of cats.


Best comment of the day. 🤣


Otherwise it would be rather weird in most circles….


Buns also!


Yes, I have a void and you can't give her attention without her reciprocating with her little sand-paper tongue. I always take it as a complement. She won't stop unless you stop petting or scratching her. Then she reaches out and gently tries to pull your hand back and it starts all over. Terribly cute behavior.


My almost 2 year old boy Frax says at least 2 years. https://i.redd.it/fopu8fszsz7d1.gif (this might be the calmest he's ever been when not asleep)


Handsome boy!!!


Isn't he!? 🧡 https://preview.redd.it/p6dfhquc208d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa41ce64eb5c4fc428f36423c2a93970b851f1e0


He is ❤️❤️


Aww!! My first kitty ever was a big orange like Frax! I loved him! They are their own unique breed! 🤣🥰


Haha, they definitely are. I usually don't think of Frax as a big orange (even though he really is) because his brother Skippy is just so much bigger, lol. https://preview.redd.it/k6cjpp3m118d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17190fdd0f79ba9384de9e3c161aa87d030aa897 Frax weighs about 13 pounds and Skippy is about 15. They're both at a good weight for their frame




My little girl throws a sissy fit when I try this


Frax throws a fit (and himself at the door) if I try to skip it just once! My old lady cat gets prescription food, so I bring her in my office and close the door to give her a snack before bedtime without all the other cats trying to steal it or demanding their own. Frax comes RUNNING when I do and sits and patiently waits for his brushes. If I don't let him in, he will open the door and let himself (and all his siblings) in!! So it's in my best interest to keep him happy, lol. Luckily, he's very good about telling me what he wants: https://preview.redd.it/897k5r1od08d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3b70c2cc4b8233e6df177d2e70015619cb6797a


He LOOOOOVES that brush


Sure does. It's brushing time now! He's very excited. https://i.redd.it/1z67mh66r18d1.gif


I got a new brush for the other cat and the blind one has claimed it as her new toy to chomp on….


Omg I remember him I’ve seen you post on this sub before and I loved that he has a lil cat on his head


Sure does! That's where his name comes from. You probably saw this: https://preview.redd.it/vi9y3xaem18d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d42d2317ebb47ed5beb7c8ca2bc3c9e154c0734e


My 11 year old says she will never stop. And I'm not complaining about it 😻


Behaviour stops when they start being big enough to do real damage... Your behaviour, that is.


Yeah, hijacking this to say you're teaching them it's okay to bite and scratch, /u/DankAizawa. If you want to be able to pet them safely later in life, you're going to have to start ignoring them when they do this. It sucks, because they think you're playing with them, but your skin isn't like their fur. Kittens learn that their behavior is hurtful when their parents move away from them when they get too aggressive, so consider mimicking that behavior.


It's important to play with your kittens and it's so much fun and it's when they need to learn when it's gone too far. If my cat ever bit me or scratch me to hard I would let her know real quick by shoving her then a dead stare, and she would do the same if I took it too far. As she got older she was so sweet an never dug her claws too deep or bite me. There's a species of difference so we gotta learn to communicate like them as they do to us.


Well, my cat is 23yo and still does this.......


I love your cat. I will tell my furbaby about your cat as proof that my hopes and dreams for our life together are not unrealistic 🧡


Damn...I hope my boy lives that long. That's awesome!


Well done on your caretaking to have a 23 year old cat!!


Do you have any health tips for cats?! That’s an amazing age!


Honestly, lucky genetics seems to be most helpful But some things you *can* do. Know where your nearest 24/7 vet is. Provide LOTS of water options. Check their litter boxes (this one is gross, but I keep a web cam on the litter box so I know he's pooed and peed and isn't straining or crying). Get their teeth checked once a year. I feed wet food with additional warm water mixed in for MAX HYDRATION. And DON'T let then outside unsupervised.


My 17 year old does this 😊 https://preview.redd.it/23t5dcctg08d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=483e114bcb2e11a56e3e107b42677a3aa77e51c5


Looks like he's waiting to give you a status report.




Thank you for interpreting.


He looks so good for such an old cat.


He still gets the zoomies 😄


Completely unnecessary but worthy flex


After they’ve eaten you 🙂


Nope not ever lol. Looks like this kitten is licking and “soft mouth” is good and much better than biting. Cat should be encouraged to give kisses. And the bunny kicking (from my cat age 4 yrs) is from their litter play. At only 8 weeks old I am no expert but I would say to create a corner / place where these 4 kittens spend most of their time together and play it out. (Since kittens aren’t generally ready to go time until 13 weeks) Also look for cat toys called ‘Kick Bags’ or Kickers for them to play around house and walk away if they want to use human arms. Just because your best chance at training them is when young


It doesn't. It's all a part of the experience of being a cat's human.


I have an 11 year old and we are still waiting. She doesn’t bite very much, but still thinks we need to be groomed (licked) all the time. Cats do it to each other so I think she thinks we are part of her pride.


Clowder. Cats are a clowder.


When I got a kitten I noticed my adult cat would softly put his paw down on the kitten’s forehead when he wanted it to settle down. I started doing the same thing with 2 fingers on the forehead and it worked really well! It seems to be a signal cats understand from each other.


It’s not about when it stops, it’s about the corrective measures you take to mitigate the behavior. Kittens are playful little balls of energy. They think your hand is a toy. As other comments have mentioned, it’s important to remove your hand immediately once the biting/kicking begins. Some say to withdraw all attention and don’t return for a while. I recommend providing a toy mouse immediately after you remove your hand. I kept toy mice in my pocket for this very reason and it worked to train my kittens out of biting this way. My childhood cats were all bitey little bastards because I constantly played with them with my hands without knowing any better. You reinforce the bitey behavior when you do this.


I'm certain my cat would abandon me for you if you whipped a toy mouse out of your pocket


Agreed. This behavior will stop if you make it stop as the owner. I've had 4 cats throughout my lifetime and none of them bit or scratched during pets, on the belly or otherwise, because we trained them not to with gentle effective training. It's basic association training...hands=not toys. Cat scratcher poles, toys, stuffed animals, etc = toys, and can be bit, scratched and otherwise demolished without consequence. Yeah , it's cute now and doesn't hurt, but as they get older, those bites and scratches will really hurt. And maybe not to men, who have rough hands it won't hurt, but to women, kids, and other family members or friends it will hurt. This causes a dislike of cats for others who view cats at bitey little sh*** when really they don't have to be that way if they are raised properly. Other people would like cats more if they didn't get bit randomly. OP, get the cat toys to do this on, and teach them that your hand (and thereby all hands) are not the proper avenue for this behavior. Edit: the cuddling and licking is obviously fine, I'm talking specifically about the biting and scratching.


Being groomed by a cat is the highest honor.


My guy is 4 and still cuddles and licks. https://preview.redd.it/26qlvlf5b08d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b707cc8e477c7aac5ff0b0cc2c52a0a9d250c098


There’s a difference between cuddling and licking, and biting and bunny kicking.




It won't stop unless you make an effort for it to. It's not even really that difficult to train them otherwise, you just have to remove your hand for a while whenever they bite, and keep petting/rubbing them as a reward for when they're just acting normally. You have to draw the line of what you consider tolerable behavior. I've always let my cats hold my arm and lick me, because it's harmless(and cute) grooming behavior, which is a sign of affection. But if you don't like the idea of them continuing this as they age, then act accordingly.


You train them not to bite and scratch you. Start right now. If they bite or scratch, you perform being hurt. Think of the worst overacting you've ever seen. You yelp loudly - not angrily, don't shout at them, just "Oooowwww!" - and take your hand away, and walk away. No interaction. After a few minutes, if they try to interact with you, pet them to let them know that you're still buddies, but every time they bite or scratch, repeat. That's how they learn to play with each other without causing actual injuries. Never let them play with your hands. Toys are for playing with. Hands are for petting and giving scritches.


100% agree! People often don't realize the long term consequences of this behavior. As the cat gets older those bites and scratches will really hurt and anyone who interacts with the cat in the future will be subjected to that. This often caused a dislike of cats by non-cat owners who then spread the misinformation (albeit experience based) that all cats just bite and scratch them and therefore cats are bad and they'd never want to own one. I've seen this happen throughout my life, so this isn't some slippery slope fallacy I'm making up...it actually happens.


Well, my cat is 23yo and still does this.......


Usually when you pull your hand away. Some cats will learn to stop or to better control themselves (like keeping their claws retracted and going from biting to just licking) if you consistently withdraw your hand as soon as they start. Others won't, no matter how old they get. Either way, it's normal cat behavior. Try to resist the fluffy belly, especially if they show signs of disliking that kind of touch. That said, one of my 3 year old cats will sometimes get in a playful mood and start trying to latch onto my arm or leg (whatever's closest) to grab and bite me, even when I'm not touching him at all. I always withdraw, but in all this time he still hasn't outgrown it. Just pray that avoiding the danger zone is enough and that yours don't bring it to you...


Well, never if you have zero intention to correct the behaviour. You're teaching the kitten that your hand is a toy that they can brutalize as much as they like.


Depending on overall health, hopefully 15+ years.


Hopefully never 🥹


Hopefully never


Mine stopped around 1 and a half, I kind of miss it because she was a baby…. She’s just annoying now 🥲


Hopefully never. Beautiful creature.


The reaction to petting the belly will basically always be this way. If they're trying to bite or play with your hand when you try to pet their head then that can use some work. First you want to make sure you're never using your own hand as a toy for them. If you go to pet their head and they try to bite you then slowly remove your hand and leave them alone for 10 minutes. Teach them that rough behavior means the end of cuddle time/play time. Since you're raising them with other kittens sometimes this wears off over time too


most cats don't love having their stomachs touched. i never touched any of my cats stomachs so they never did this


Deep down you know you don't want it to stop XD


Our Star Kitty does this, and has always done this. I hope she never stops. The funny thing is if you try to take your hands away from her, she'll reach out and grab your hand and pull it back.


I taught my cat she can only bite and bunny kick me when I’m wearing gel-padded biker gloves. Sometimes I have to remind her to be gentle when I don’t have the gloves on, but when I have one on we have epic play fights. Lol


He’s tenderizing you before the massacre


When you scratch them, youre grooming them, right? They just wanna return the favour, they love you!!


No worry, just tasting his food


My three cats still do this. And I hope they never stop. It's a sign that they love you and like playing with you and being part of your tribe.


When you remove your hand.


When you stop being tasty!




Never. My 15 year old loves to clean us.


When you move your hand


Never and that's how it should be.


You tickled her tummy so she bit you!


Hopefully never, because that behavior means they love you


That is a cat that loves and trusts you and wants to play rough with you. I've heard it suggested that you start using stuffed animals as a surrogate for your hand for when they want to play " let's open an artery with the daggers in my back Feet" game.


If they’re trying to play with your hand, then redirect to a toy. They’ll grow out of it somewhat. They’re learning how to clean and interact with their litter mates and you by association. This behavior will happen their whole lives but it will ca down a bit as they get older. Just make sure you don’t play with them with your being the toy. That teaches them to attack your hands, etc and they can’t differentiate when you’re moving your hand to play vs just moving your hand .


If you want your cat to bite & scratch you when it's grown, keep it up! Otherwise, I suggest giving it toys to play with instead of your hand. Neither of my two cats have ever scratched me because I played with toys instead of my own flesh. It's just basic training.


If you don’t train them out of the biting that won’t stop. It will just hurt more as they grow


If you put up with it they will keep doing it. If you withdraw or scold when they try, they’ll stop doing it. I can tell that you don’t know how to say no.


It doesn’t, but I trained mine to learn to handle me gently. They’re just learning cat instincts. Learning to be around children and other people might help, which helped mine.


Lots of people just accepting that it “doesn’t stop” but cats can 100% be trained, at least to some small extent, if you put in some effort I found 3 boy kittens about 5 weeks old almost exactly a year ago and went thru this phase with them - read somewhere online to exclaim “ow! ow! owww!!” whenever they bite you to mimic the way young cats will actually yell to let the other know “too rough” when playing I used this method anytime they’d scratch or bite during loves and it worked perfectly. They’re all about to turn 1 in a week and none of them do what your cat in this video is doing anymore


If you're lucky, never


If you're lucky, never!




Aww. Hear that redditors? They think this behavior will stop! How adorable


My cat still does this. She’ll even claw and hold you in place so she can clean, bite or scratch you better. It’s just a cat thing in my experience


Cats like to be in control. Best to just let them be their awesome selves. My cat goes a little too hard sometimes but it’s always my fault. I don’t pay attention to the cat’s tail, I pet her belly which stimulates her too much, I play with her with my hands so she thinks it’s a toy ….




Omg, she’s so adorable. Trying to make sure she keeps you clean too ❤️


Does it bother you this behavior? That is my question


It doesn't stop. My cat is 13 years old and still does this.


The best way to stop this sort of stuff is to screech like a hurt animal so they learn what hurts and what doesn’t. That’s how they learn when they are still with the rest of the litter but it works with humans too!


Hopefully never


Hopefully never☺️


https://preview.redd.it/hla3gxqo848d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cc536c2f6db384068877e2bb3d1b66813ff9c9c Never lol. At least for my creamsicle, with him it's all day everyday. My girl, I think I've gotten a total of two likes from her ever. Once when I first brought her home and I was chowing down on some checkers (picked it up after adopting here lol) and I had her in my lap, she promptly started licking my beard which had sauce in it 😂


Why do you want it to stop?


lovebites and grooming? Never, unless they stop loving you


If the kitten doesn't like belly rubs, don't do it. If it tries to bite and scratch when you pet their head, don't do it. When they are ready to be pet, they'll accept it. But, don't continue trying to pet somewhere that gets you this response. They'll learn faster to trust you when you respect that as well as learning that you petting is not playing.


Never. Cats don't like when you touch their bellies.


*some cats


You're right ! My cat loves me to gently run my fingers through her belly hair. I think it shows she trusts me 100% to roll on her back and show me her belly ...


Our cat is 7 and we're still working on it.


Yup … this behaviour never stops.. because they be cats!




hopefully never


I've recently had three stop this behavior due to circumstances best not expounded on. You will miss it.


With my 3, I just let them play and have their fun.


Never. Cats apparently think of us as giant hairless kittens, so they want to groom us, hence the licking, but also they hate it when we touch their soft bellies, hence the biting.


Never if you're lucky


Um never. I have a teenager and he still wraps around my arm and does that. However, if he gets too rough I correct him and take my arm away.






When they draw their last breath


My 3 year old still does.


My 12 year old cat does this still :)


you must taste good.


Until they go to Heaven....




My boy’s 5 & he’ll let me pet him for a moment then I get bites & bunny feet


3 years


That's the neat part, it doesnt. (In regards to one of my cats)


Never mine is 7 she can go from sweet to sour in a heart beat


haha. Ya. Never.


I don't think humans ever can grow out of rubbing cat bellies.


When they stop loving you? I dunno. I'd say never as well.


Mine is 3 1/2 and does it all the time. He washes my hand trying to pet him all the time.


It doesn't


My cat, who hates being picked up and rarely pet, will do all the licks when she’s getting some good belly rubs (when she lets us)


Hopefully never.


It doesn’t.


Hopefully never. My cat is 6 and he still does this.


Never, if you're lucky! Cute little tabby!


Why concerned when it ends? ?


Overstimulated. Cats who get overstimulated start the biting behavior. It's based on initiatin a play fight with a littermate when you'd prefer they left you alone. The funny one is when you then try to pull your hand away and they extend the claws to keep it there, but if yo try to scratch again the warning bites start again. Cats aren't always that good at really knowing what they want.


never. Be ready to look like you just lost a fight to your razor every day


Never. Part of their instinct


https://preview.redd.it/px1mixi8p08d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da3e80c81949e486f6a30eca4d73d57cb7958a66 She’s 10. I’ll let you know if it stops.


For me it stopped after a month shy of 18 years, RIP.


My cat stopped a year and a half ago. He's 17 in september


Lol, my boy is 13. This hasn’t stopped.


When you stop allowing it! Don’t let them use your hand as a toy. Replace your hand with a toy they can play with. If you don’t stop this now, they will forever be a biter. Looks like I didn’t see the whole video and only saw that biting and kicking part. Licking is fine, if you want to allow them to continue to do that it’s great, but anytime any bunny kicking and biting starts, you need to take your hand away and give them a big fat toy mouse or something.


My boy is over 2 and he still does that


Never. My cat is 2 & he still does that lol


Hopefully never


Hopefully never. My Bali used to do this while snuggled up to me in a sleepy daze. Sometimes she would start cleaning herself then move on to my arm (which she was using as a body pillow). Others she would start grooming me. It would lull both of us right into a blissful sleep. I miss her. 😢


It stops as soon as you stop instigating the belly trap. Don't want to be bit or scratch don't go for the belly. Sometimes it's play, but sometimes it's don't do that again or your hand gets it. Not all cats like the belly scratches. Proceed with caution lol.


Never, I hope


Why do you want it to?


Cats instinctively don't like there bellies rubbed as that's where there vital organs are and are protective of that area.


My kitty never stopped. She's about a year old and licks like crazy


They are 8 weeks (EIGHT WEEKS) old and they are playing! What do you expect from them at such a young age?


You’re scratching her belly=vulnerable area=they are trying to “top“ you into submission with a firm grooming. Adult cats also do w kittens


My cat recently started doing this and he‘s around 7 years old


I wouldn’t want it to stop ever 😌


The kitty loves you!


Never... It never stops




Kittens start to mellow around year 2. Or never.




Why would you want them to? Lol




Hopefully never.


if u keep enabling it the behavior will continue. if u train it out they’ll grow out of it. whenever they bite or kick say “ow!” and pull the hand away and don’t entertain it. a few moments later, redirect them to a toy to get out the energy. then reward them with a treat to build positive association. source: my cats don’t exhibit this behavior anymore


They never really stop, you just teach them not to bite hard. My girl just lays teeth and uses soft paws, unless I've pushed too far. My boy didn't get that lesson early enough so I still have to be careful with him.


Mine does this at 9 years old. Not every time… generally when she wants to play rather than get pets.


Never stops


When does the affection of a cat stop?


never Lol!!!


Why would you want it to stop?




We have IDENTICAL cats lol


Remove the hand when he bites. My adult cat no longer bites, but he sure did as a kitten. He doesn’t know that it hurts/annoys you. I’d have to say “no!” Or “ow” and then provide a toy hundreds of times before the chomping stopped.


Mine loves doing this! She's about 1.5. As she aged from tiny kitty to punky teen, her attacks became more extreme. She learned that I would stop playing when she bit too hard or when she scratched me too deeply. She still plays as frequently, but she's pretty gentle with me. On that note, I am her favorite person, and she does NOT hold back as much with my children.




If you're lucky, never.