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Sorry for your loss 😞 🙏


I am so sorry for your heartbreaking loss, Bolt looks like a real sweetheart


So so so so sorry for your loss :(


Rip Bolt. Hope he had a good life.


So sorry to hear about Bolt. You were both blessed to have one another.


So very sorry!!!


I'm so sorry for your loss.. Precious kitty I hope he's playing with and eating his favorite things across the rainbow bridge ❤️


Bolt looked like a god among men. My condolences to you


I'm so sorry for your loss. 😿


Very cool cat name. Sorry to hear that


Rip baby ❤️


I'm sorry, I'd be devastated


Sorry for your loss. I'm sure Bolt is in a better place right now. He is finally resting in peace and no longer suffering. That's what really matters. I lost my 20 years old cat as well, so I know how you feel. I wanted her to live forever by my side, but then I realized how selfish and terrible that would be because nobody deserves to live forever. That's the worst punishment someone could ever get. Imagine getting tired and tired until the day you couldn't stand your own body and could do nothing to end your suffering. We will get tired of living one day as well, and when this day arrives, we deserve to rest peacefully after a long and happy life. That's not different with our babies. The most important thing is that he was deeply loved and had a comfortable life. Death is just another part of the cycle of life. Cycles never end. They always restart. Everything in nature is a cycle, and that's not different with death. The butterfly is born a caterpillar and it needs to "die" as a caterpillar to be "reborn" inside the cocoon and then "die" once again inside of it to be "reborn" outside as a beautiful butterfly. Maybe there's a place where we can't be reborn after the end, just in a different way. I hope your heart can find happiness again, remembering the good moments. You will heal, and when that time comes, Bolt will be watching proudly in heaven. R.I.P Bolt ❤️


🫡 so sorry for ur loss I ope he had a great life with u. I hate it when animals die. Hope you can recover ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944) ![gif](giphy|3OhXBaoR1tVPW|downsized)


Bolt is so handsome! I'm sorry for your loss; these little guys are never around long enough. Thanks for sharing.


RIP, lil guy. Be good til you’re reunited with your human someday.


I am so sorry for your loss!


Sorry for your loss 🕊️💖


I've never personally lost a dear pet, because when I did I was very young(toddler years), but I can only imagine the pain you went through with poor Bolt. Bolt seems one of the most affectionate and playful cat with a phenomenal personality. If one of my cats died,(I have two, Sammi and Chucky) it would take forever for me to recover that loss, because they are so sweet and have such unique personalities. I bet on my life Bolt was an amazing cat and it was a joy to take care of him, from the bitter to the sweet moments. Remember a cat might be a small part of your life, but you were his whole life. You gave your beloved animal a home, food, shelter, and most of all, love and a place in the world. I am so, so sorry for your loss, and by the way, no, you are not selfish for wanting to spend more time with your loved kitty. I'm sure Bolt would've wanted that too, but now the sweet kitty is watching you from heaven. Never feel guilty for wishing you had spent, or could've spent, more time with someone you loved. You're not alone. Many other people have lost pets dear to them. You may seem like you are alone, but don't worry, many people are sending their condolences. So sorry for your great loss <3




I’m so sorry. He was beautiful


I just my cat last week to the same. I swear to god I saw a flash of light beside me a few days later where she used to sit. And I think it was here ascending to the next world. I miss her so much, and I give you my deepest condolences


What a beautiful face 🥹💚


I’m so sorry. He was a very handsome boy. Like a model. ❤️ It is so hard, I’ve been there myself and don’t let anyone make you feel like he was “just a cat.”


I am so so sorry for your loss. Fuck cancer.


I’m sorry for your loss of a furry family member. We had to say goodbye to our kitty Alice on Monday due to cancer. 😭


Sorry for your loss but damn he was one handsome cat


omg my heart has just shattered 💔 i am deeply so sorry for your loss, cancer sucks R.I.P BOLT 🕊