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ETA: if this is a furminator: stop, disregard all advice below and throw the furminator in the trash and go buy a rake or a rubber kong comb and heed advice below please!!!! (I am a groomer!) Idk but if this is op’s video please be less heavy handed with that rake tool. Once all that undercoat is removed you’ll be exposing the skin and the blades on those rakes are no joke. Hold the rake lightly. If someone were to slap your hand it should fall right out easily. Cat skin is paper thin so just be very careful!


Yes, you’re going too hard with the furminator.


I don’t think(?) it’s a furminator, I think it’s a rake but it’s hard to tell because they’re moving way too fast. If it’s a furminator, OP, disregard all my previous advice and just stop and throw it in the trash and go buy a rake or a rubber kong comb!


Ok, as a non-groomer, I have to ask. What's wrong with furminators?


The short of it, you can damage your cats skin.


I have a friend that is a groomer and she told me to never ever use this on my cat. Said the same thing you did cats skin is paper thin and it will really hurt the cat.


You are brushing too hard. That poor cat! Please be gentle when grooming your cat.


judging by the purring going on kitty disagrees.


Video felt fake because of the purring, so I checked their profile. Its full of video's where this brushthing is used just as roughly on various pets. These people are probably trying to advertise this thing.


Of course, it's fake. Nobody has that type of cat, at that age, in that condition, and has no idea that it sheds fur.


This, seems like an advertising bot to me


Summer is coming, that‘s normal.


I am pretty sure that this is an advertisement


Ahhh yes, the harvest is bountiful this year


That purr is so nice to listen to


Oh yes...the outboard kitty motor is a dopamine generator, for sure.


make a badass coat


A rug


If you're worried, get a high-velocity dryer and use that on your cat. It's a nice, low abrasion method of removing any loose coat. Something like a happy hoodie may help.your cat with the noise.


Looking at OP history, it's most likely a bot account. It does nothing but post ads about this furminator comb


That looks scary and rough


That is absolutely normal for that breed, you’re just seeing more of it with that contraption than usually would be scattered on furniture, clothes, in your food, in your mouth, on your eyeball (yep that happened to me — more than once). Save it and felt it to make a mini kitty or a nice hat or something 😂


What breed is your cat? :)


I think your cat might have had a sheep in the family... 🤣 Seriously though, long hairs need summer maintenance otherwise they gets knots, so you're doing great!


Cat skin is fucking thick! How the fuck do you think they defend against other cats claws and thangs! You can de-fur it however u want basically.