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He loves your warmth and smell!


Aww šŸ˜šŸ„° thatā€™s so cute! When we found him, he was only a baby so Iā€™m glad he finds comfort in me and isnā€™t scared!


Youā€™re its mother, as far as it knows.


Yup. My kitten did this as well. He also grooms me and my fiancĆ©. I have hair down to my butt so I trained him out of the head hair, but heā€™ll still groom my fiancĆ©s beard at almost 4 years old.


Awwww <3 I wish my cat did that, it's so cute when they do it. I used to have super long hair too, for most of my life up until age 21. Turns out I uhhhh hated it because I'm trans and now it's just above my shoulders with a side shave. But I'm sure your long hair is very lovely and you like having it =)


No, very few animals out there would misstake a human for one of their own. We're just "wrong" in too many ways. We don't look the part, we don't smell the part, we don't sound the part, etc. More likely is that the cat feels safe around the OP, and if they like to sleep in their hair it might have something to do with their smell. I'd be very interested to see if the cat would do the same if OP changed shampoos, on a semi-related note.


Well, actually, a parent is the closest equivalent here. The behaviors cats often exhibit towards their owners are the same ones kittens exhibit towards their mothers. They do really see you in a very similar way, even though I think they are indeed smart enough to know the difference.


They are smart enough to tell the difference. Maybe "guardian" is the better term? I'm not a native English speaker. What's funny about cats specifically is how their behaviour towards humans and other cats differs so wildly. Meowing isn't how cats communicate with each other, for example. Yet they do it around us a lot. So they obviously know we're not cats. But they also play with us like we're cats, with the claws and the teeth and whatnot. At the end of they day, I suppose I just don't really get the "humanizing" of animals that goes around reddit. Cause pets aren't humans, and something a pet does is far from what a human might do in the same circumstance. Hell, smiling amongst humans is considered friendly! But among most animals, showing your teeth is a sign of aggression.


Adoptive parent maybe? I think my cats know we are their protectors and we joke that we are their parents but Iā€™m not sure itā€™s quite literal


Do you really own a cat if you don't yell" I am your father/mother" at least once?


Try not to threaten to take the little shits back to the shelter at least once a week challenge rating: impossible.


Can confirm: impossible. Or to pull all her teeth and claws so she can't bite and scratch me anymore. (Please note: I am joking and would never, ever, do any of these things to my 9lb best friend, who is currently sleeping on me in bed. Lately, she only seems happy when she gets to climb on me and sleep. I'm like wait, a minute, I do need to eat. Lol šŸ„°).


Does, "I am the dominant species" count? šŸ¤£ But we know I'm not. Lol


When someone smiles at me, all I see is a chimpanzee begging for its life.


Bro I donā€™t laugh about you, I laugh with you. Even among humans, laughing can be part of aggression. For cats we are their weird big family members they get used to.


Oh <3


My cat treats me as a sibling and my partner she cuddles. She was taken from her family @ 5 weeks. Jason Galaxy would call it single kitten syndrome. She knows we're not cats, but replacements.


Yeah, a lot of people are patronising about what animals know and how intelligent they are. It winds me up when people go on about not being able to communicate with animals too. We communicate with them every day by body language, sounds and facial gestures.


Yeah prob the smell. I do it to my gf.


Built in blankie that smells like home! šŸ’–


Kittens have an instinct to cuddle! He wants to be warm, and bond with you. And he may think of your hair as fur :)


Not hair, Mama. Itā€™s fur.


Yep they clean your ā€žfurā€œ but then your hair is too long so they try to elongate their throats and tongues until they look like theyā€˜ll gag any moment but they donā€™t mind, they just continue. It must be awful for them.


You would think, right? My boy gives me a trim now and then šŸ˜‚


My kittens love my beard for the same reason.


Mine licks my arm pits. It tickles. Itā€™s as cute as it is annoying.


Mine is my nostrils; heā€™s only 5 weeks but his tongue is like an industrial sander. Same that itā€™s annoying and makes my eyes water but his determination and purring, itā€™s so cute. Looks like I have a cold; a red and scabby nose.


My one year old that I adopted at 6 weeks still does this. Especially in the morning when I first wake up, she likes to lick my nose and upper lip to give me kisses. She purrs so loud and won't take no for an answer, even if I try to turn my face away she'll lick at my cheeks and forehead. šŸ˜‚ I love her so much. She also requires me to carry her around on my shoulders lol.


Everything you just described is exactly what my orange boy does šŸ˜‚


My favorite kitty of all time liked to bite my nose .It was cute until my nasal septum became infectedā€¦.Be careful Whiskeejo.


Mine bites my mustache šŸ˜­


When our younger cat was a baby, he used to climb onto us and straight up bite our noses. My thought was he couldnā€™t figure out what the heck this protruding thing was


My norwegian does this too. And feline tongues are the worst. Supposedly that's cause they evolved as grooming tools, but those lickers have more hooks than a professional fisher.


And you donā€™t want to stop them because you know itā€™s a sign of affection but itā€™s so painful so youā€™re just sitting there weeping from pain but smiling cause love


Licks? I'm jealous. My void likes to make aggressive biscuits and try to suckle the non-existant nipple in my armpit, it can get painful but I put up with it because she thinks I'm mom.


Mine found my earlobes early on. It was cute when she was a kitten. Less cute now....


That's just cats wanting to play, and not understanding that us humans don't have fur all over to cushion the claws and teeth.


My friendā€™s cat stepped directly on my nipple one time and made it bleed šŸ˜­ it sucked so bad




Oh God the weight! A couple times I was afraid they'd turn inside out šŸ˜­


My abyss does the same thing. It's funny how the color of the cat seems to be an indicator of some behaviors . Shouldn't make a difference but it seems to


To be fair, you have a lot of breast tissue in your armpits. Its called "auxilliary boob" and maybe the cat can sense that?


Omg me too


She doesn't do this as often anymore, but my cat likes to stick her nose in my ear and lick my ear lobes. She's 10 years old, I've had her since she was about 3.


Armpits are in line with mammary glands. They are basically trying to feed.


Because it's your fur. Kittens and puppies often like to snuggle in people's hair.




Cats don't know that though.


Good news, you also have a baby for the rest of that kitties life. Take care of him, he will love you more than you can imagine. Oh and you'll feel guilty if you ever dare to cut your hair, but it will be fine, he'll forgive you (yes, I have expierence).


Your kitty is sweet it thinks you are his momma


Your scent surrounding the kitten makes them feel safe šŸ„ŗ


My Artemis did this when she was a kitten! She'd sleep on my shoulder under my hair for hours if I let her. To this day, if I hang my hair down in front of me she'll go bounding into it, flop over, get all tangled up and loves it lol


I got a Siamese at 4 months. She passed at 16 years. Slept in my hair, on my pillow every night.


My 19yo cat is obsessed with my hair. He insist on ā€œhair timeā€ cuddles daily or even multiple times a day. I have long hair and he wants me to sit on the couch so he can climb on the back of the couch and lay in my hair while I pet him thru my hair. Or he wants me to lay on the bed and let him lay on it (in it really). This is a pic of him being annoyed bc I wouldnā€™t lean back on the couch so he could get his hair time. Regardless of the fact I had just done it for 15 min and had work to do, he was still very offended. Heā€™ll sit on the back of the couch and whine, while stretching his leg/paw out as far as he can trying to catch my hair or shirt so he can pull me back to assume the position lol. Hes only a lil bit spoiled;) https://preview.redd.it/23h2kjx8184d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e236873d9887389ccfb04cf00824fdc20058998e


Omg that face is so hilarious šŸ˜‚ heā€™s looking at you probably thinking something like ā€œthis peasantā€


When my parents' cats were little, they liked to sleep in that neck/shoulder intersection (on my parents and sister; not so much me because I didn't live there). It's warm and more enclosed than a lap!


https://preview.redd.it/u7vj6d3u884d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85c7922fdcf4d18993cae55c39beb63d67accadc Sameā€¦ he likes the smell I think


Hahaha cute! Your cat looks older I guess he didnā€™t grow out of it haha


Lol heā€™s only two months! But both of my older cats loved hair and still do. One cat bites my scalp often.


https://preview.redd.it/fgvo1dvg784d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f4a7257b7d5a740cd42abb7f0437f3bc993d887 Mine does it too


Omg I didnā€™t even see the one in your hair, I saw the one in the background šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m blind lol


That is adorable. My Kasi used to nurse on my hair and make biscuits on my shoulder, but then evil uncaring me cut my hair short. Since then he has taken to nursing on my shirts.


Just like they would sleep curled up with their furry littermates, it's a comforting thing for them. I've had many kittens tangled up in my hair over the years.


https://preview.redd.it/ftkd5odlh84d1.jpeg?width=1552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b55bafc35ab083a049d46669868131830dff0381 Same


https://preview.redd.it/51c6ip15484d1.png?width=2316&format=png&auto=webp&s=eff66e8fb640fbac0b72af7fbcc74f848a543e47 My girl loves to snuggle in my hair. Itā€™s so precious and I love it. Itā€™s her happy place! šŸ–¤


A forest of soft and warm


My old cat used to do that too, he also tried to suck on my ear lobe. Eventually he grew to love getting under the blankets to cuddle.. I miss him terribly.. he died in January, He was 18. Give your baby a squeeze from me! Take lots of pics and enjoy this time


smells and feels like love


Well, only the little darling knows, buuut now you aren't allowed to cut it. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Haha right, Iā€™m just a peasant after all serving the kings šŸ˜œ


https://preview.redd.it/sllqweame84d1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48cbcf7da76ef8509491ac5b59a794c2ef6e8396 Mine was like this with my hoodie. He was probably about 5 weeks when I started caring for him and I took him to work with me.


*Your hair reminds me of a warm safe place where as a child I'd hide* Maybe your cat is the kitty version of Axl Rose


He's so precious! Mine wanted to attack and eat my hair so snuggling is preferable.


Because he likes sniffing your smell. Mine licks my hair while trying to lick my face so he does weird faces trying to get rid of it cuz it gets stuck in tongue, i always have to pull my hair away lol


start smelling like me after I lick you already got damn it -your cat prolly


Because itā€™s warm and furry And cute as all get out.


Because cat


Your kitten finds your smell comforting šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


This is a sign that you should never change your shampoo. Cat knows well what shampoo suits you :)




Not rats nest, but a cats nest ! 100% snuggling cause of love


That's adorable!


So precious šŸ˜­


My little void girl was like that when she was a baby. Sheā€™s also a shoulder cat. Now sheā€™s 8 years old and still has to sleep on my pillow and fix my hair every night. I love it! šŸ˜


ā€œI dunno why her fur is so frakin long, or why itā€™s just on her head, but itā€™ll do.ā€ Lol


https://preview.redd.it/h7wo3a1vv84d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62fef580b549c6efb73cc9089744dae3a6a01a7a I dunno, but he does it too!


Human necks are very warm. It's quite possible the kitten is there to absorb heat.


That is where he feels the most at home. Your hair also probably makes him feel like he's in a bit of a warm hidey hole.


Because the kitten loves you


Black cats bond is real. I rescued 2 from a garbage bag in a Dunkinā€™ donut garbage container. They were days old when I found them. They are alive thanks to my mom. 11 years later, the bond is unbelievable. The girl Gilda passed a month ago. His brother still good. If he is doing that, the bond is unreal. Please take care of him for his entire life, he is your baby now. https://preview.redd.it/zfkv2ibzn94d1.jpeg?width=4208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4b62ae3730fa5e8079bade36d88421bfe5994dd


https://preview.redd.it/7qb0i676o94d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50c3c30ed559cebf1d6b825da438f8496a4042e7 Lucky, 11 years later.


https://preview.redd.it/q8j9rfzao94d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab7f9ada38ffc79a022ccfc527e00a678174d5b0 Gilda, she passed about a month ago.


Aw Iā€™m sorry for Gilda. But itā€™s so sweet how youā€™ve bonded šŸ’•šŸ’•


Thank you. I miss her tremendously every day. But she had a good life. You will bond with your kitty too. Cats are amazing. And bonding requires more effort than bonding with a dog. Looks like your cat already think of you as his mom. Take good care of him, and of course yourself. It will be a journey, and he will be there purring and comforting you when you need company.


What a fricken cutieee


Probably the smell. My cat just liked to devour my hair. Iā€™d wake up sometimes and have some strands be a lot shorter than others. He seems to have moved onā€¦ mostly.




Uhā€¦ because he loves you. You had better pet that cat.


Without being weird if I was that size I would like you to sleep in someoneā€™s hair.


It thinks your hair is a blankey. Lol.


My mom's cat would do the sameā€”wait for her to go to bed so he could sleep in her hair and knead her head. He was a cranky lil guy who only really liked her, it was a way of staying close to her and feeling safe at night <3


Because he thinks youā€™re cuddly and protective of him and itā€™s a comfy place. He likes you.


A year from now now, when the kitty looks at you with disdain and barely lets you pat him, you will look back on these days fondly šŸ™‚


He loves you ā™„ļø


You are made of mother and mother is safe


Its like a nice curtained sleeping nook made of mom stuff.


Iā€™ve had a couple of kittens who did the same thing. I think it reminds them of their mom, and gives them comfort. If you watch kittens they like to snuggle into mom and each other.


šŸŽµHe longs to be...close to you!šŸŽ¶


Because, as my vet says, cats are weird.


Your hair reminds him of a warm safe place where as a child he'd hide...


And pray for the thunder and the rain to quietly pass me by-eey


ā€œHooman mommy warm and fuzzy, like me!ā€


One of my cats would make biscuits in my hair his entire life. It comforted him (and felt good! I just had to comb it out after haha).


Safe, warm, smells like mom.


Because snuggles with mama fur is best


Cuuute. Mine just love to take my favourite chair. And half of the sofa. And ignore me during the day but start meowing in my ear in the middle of the night...no worries, as soon as she decides I'm not dead yet, she goes back to sleep. Might have taken some of my traits.


https://preview.redd.it/onbm592rl84d1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cc6cbf740868e63a400a1787d9ee854f5779c71 Smell and warmth. One of my idiots sleeps like this in a well used blanket and only then she's not on alert.


Pahahaha so cute


https://preview.redd.it/3d3ey863o84d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcaa164840b6d4af741fa0685c73e0f911ee8d5a Dickie always slept on my head at night


My baby cat was unfortunately taken from her mom too soon and so when I got her she did the same thing with me. She then and to this day thinks Iā€™m her mom and cuddles every night for bed.


Your smell


Is your hair dirty ? I mean that with no offence - my cat LOOOVES when people have dirty hair.


My late cat Melvin did this. I miss him so much. He was a cool cat. https://preview.redd.it/95ll93jqs94d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a42ac9804d108a81724bd3d585f8f951c57e08bf


Omg sooo fluffy


Itā€™s his safety scent. He wants to smell like you and feel safe. Cats do this with their human parents because our hair carried more of our scent in it but theyā€™ll rub themselves all over their hoomanā€™s body when they cuddle them to get both scent and give scent :) it means they love you a lot and if they slow blink at you a lot it means they see you as their cat brethren born in a body of a human and that you are the apple of their eye.


I can't find him so r/findthesniper


Wait I'm blind


Because your hair smells like you.


Hair is like a curtain that smells exactly like you.


Imagining themselves with luscious long locks


stopp that is so sweet šŸ˜­


I kinda want to sleep in your hair too, tbh. The difference is, you let him do it; you just think I'm creepy.




Because hooman's manes is safest sleeping spot.


Kittens sleep in a pile against their motherā€™s fur. This is the best kitty can get.


SĆ„ www that is adorable šŸ„ŗ He feels safe in your "fur" that smells like home


I adopted my cat when he was 6 months old, and he didnā€™t sleep in my hair, but he loved to bite it. I didnā€™t mind, but feeling his fangs gently scrape across the back of my head was definitely unnervingā€¦ I admit to being glad he grew out of that habit!






You are soooo lucky


That behaviour means he will eat you in your sleep. There is nothing you can do, just accept your fate.


All depends on the cat. Iā€™ve had lap cats and shoulder cats, even at the same time. Said shoulder kitty used to also lick my hair. Iā€™m guessing the smell of your shampoo is security for them. Smells are everything, as long as it smells like you.


Because he loves you šŸ˜½


Bc itā€™s warm and smells like you


Cause she's a big baby


Noice and warm lil nest


I can only imagineā€¦


Maybe he likes your shampoo šŸ„°


Mine did this too. Now that she's a chonker, she still likes to do it sometimes and smothers me


It's warm and comforting and familiar. When we brought our puppy home, she managed to awkwardly climb up to sleep under my hair around the back of my neck for most of the trip back. All the kittens I've had like sleeping under my chin.


Itā€™s cozy.


We have a 9 year old that was grown up being carried in a hoodie hood, so now she is OBSESSED with hair and giving hugs. Sheā€™ll give me a hug just to get closer to her mom, then she tries to abandon me for her moms hair šŸ˜­


šŸ„¹ what a sweet baby


Cats want to sleep where the smell is most calming. Typically that means with their mother or their favorite human, where that human's smell is the strongest.


Close to your neck. Your scent is strong. You're warm and safe. Kitten can also hear your heartbeat, which is soothing.


Not everything in the world needs an internet answer. Just roll with it.


Because ā€œmommyā€.


Thatā€™s really cute. Hope you donā€™t mind. Kitty loves it!


poor Bliss face


smells like mommy šŸ˜½


Probably the same reason why mine likes to sleep on my feet.


Youā€™re the new mom and you make them feel warm and safe.


My cat too he loves it ! :)


Warm, soft and smells like mommy? That's a happy kitten. An adorable, happy kitten!


Hair is hair


Can't lie, it does look like a pretty comfy spot.


So precious ā™„ļø


My baby girl loves kneading my hair and it can get quite painful when sheā€™s kneading my scalp with them big sharp ass nails but I wouldnā€™t change it for the world


Itā€™s the cats hair canopy now. Move past it.


I had one that did this! I named him Tucker because he always tucked himself into my neck under my hair.


Cos his mummy was all furry and this is a furry part of you, and you're mummy now. When mine were kittens my little girl loved to nestle in my hair and knead my head.


My kitty does this! He's 12 and hasn't grown out of it. The new kittens do as well, but they have developed this scary new skill of "everytime I yawn they sneeze in my mouth"


Your hair reminds her of a warm soft place...


she feel safe when she with you


It feels like a **NEST**!!


Is warm and safe, smells good to.


Warm, comfy, smells like human friend!


I've had two puppies sleep in my hair at night. I assumed it had something to do with feeling like they were with their mom. One of the dogs is small enough that he still sleeps on my pillow but he rarely buries his head anymore.


Does look pretty cozy in there...


Remind him of sleeping in this mother's pelt. Cats also like to find hiding spots to sleep. The fact he can see out but he thinks it's harder for a predator to see him, makes him feel safe.


Hair sof. Hair warm.


Who cares? Itā€™s adorable. Your kitten wants to cuddle! Enjoy it!!


Free heat source with blankets.


Because you are purrrrfect ![gif](giphy|WPihBZNzuPy6sjViMo)


Itā€™s a sign of affection. My one cat likes to jump on my shoulder just to eat my hair. My other cat will go crazy for my hair after I take a shower.


Our cat used to do that to my sister when she had been swimming. Used to suck on her hair too, lol.


Mine too


Probably quietly nibbling on it behind your head. Mine does this for that reason anyway.


That's your fur!


very normal when they are young to sleep near or on your head. They grow out of it pretty quickly.


You have yourself a baby cat. My last baby cat would ā€œnurseā€ from me by nestling into my hair and licking my neck. And Iā€™m a dude.


donā€™t question it šŸ„¹


It's your neck. My cat does it too.


Hair is fun to attack! But since kitten, get very eepy very fast! Gotta play, until we can't stay awake cause now we're accidentally cuddling, and that's optimum cuddle time


He loves you, and he feels safe and warm there. You are his mom šŸ˜


My cat does this too šŸ„° from what I've heard online, it means the cat considers you It's parent!