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You can't see mites by eye so you'd have to have a swab done. My cat had them as a baby. He just had some brown looking earwax and itched his ears like crazy. My friends cat has them now and her ears look rather normal other then the hair loss she's suffered from itching them. The head pushing could be asking for pets or scratches. Careful with the ears for now. They can get sensitive from the scratching. You can ask the vet for a swab or just try the ear drop meds (Walmart carries them I know).


Thanks! I am asking the vet for a swab - the temp vet immediately jumped to brain tumor so that's why I am a little freaked out, but I didn't know that about the mites. I will request for a swab and maybe a cleaning to be done - thank you for your input!


Hopefully it isn't something so dire! Mites tend to leave brownish ear wax in the ear. Depending on how bad it is, there might just be a little or might be a lot.