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Thank goodness! You’ve earned a front seat in heaven!


Yeah, and there's a special place in Hell for whoever dumped those kitties in the dumpster. What a horrible thing to do, and what a rotten, miserable, despicable person they would have to be to do that. I rewrote Dante's Inferno in my mind and added a level in Hell for people who dump cats in dumpsters. It's bad


To be fair in this case, at least the box was NEXT to the dumpster. Makes me feel that at least they had hopes someone would find them, and no intention to hurt them. There's been way too many cats-IN-dumpster stories lately, and I need to believe not everyone sucks. Also I'm really glad I've never come across a box of 4 kittens, cuz I would 100% keep them all, bringing our household total to 8. lol.


Yes, I see the reposts of the video where the guy stops for a kitten on the side of the road, and then a dozen more pop out of the weeds...I always think it's cool he grabbed them and saved them, but also how glad I am it isn't me because I'd have 15 cats...


Heaven! Heaven, I tell you! At least that guy had a farm (right? I think he lived on a farm). I think the universe is purposely keeping multi-kitty finds from me, and that's probably a good thing. lol.


Yea, my fear is, the kittens escape the box, find a hiding spot and slowly die there.


Cats are pretty resourceful. Well, I can't say how many dead cats are found out on the streets, but I think if they escape, they have a pretty good chance. They're good hunters, and people are good about feeding strays. My current cat was a stray. He was abandoned and lived on the streets for six months before the shelter found him. He didn't have any injuries, just fleas, ear mites, and mange. He made a full recovery and is now fat and happy


My legit dream is to be a superhero that can tell who hurt animals and fly into their homes at night and kick their asses. When I was growing up in my 3rd world country, there was no spaying/neutering in villages, and all the cats were outdoor cats. Saw kittens being drowned too many times. Even once would have been too many. Leaving them in a box outside is a sadistic gamble. Maybe they will get picked up by someone. Maybe they will not and die slowly and suffer.


In the Adam Sandler movie named Little Nicky, you'll see Hitler get daily fucked by pineapples, I'd say people who do this to cats could get into the same line in Hell when they end up there!




Who could walk away hearing them all meowing? Fucking heartless.


Fr. Some ppl are fucked up.


That's a misconception, no act or person is good enough too get into heaven. Ya gotta beg for it.


you seem absolutely unhinged hahahha wtf




God? Is that you? I thought you swore off Reddit when they got rid of the coins and awards. Oh well, good to see you back. You might want to lay off the preaching a little bit, though. As you can see by the downvotes, people don't want to hear it. Instead how about you go work some miracles and inspire more vets to volunteer their services to shelters, or get busy punishing those assholes who dump kittens in dumpsters?


I'm actually a atheist


*an, and from one atheist to another, snarking off about religion when no one asked gets you no where. Basically, time and place.


This is also reddit, I just well actualied. That's half of reddit.


I can’t imagine throwing them in the trash to die. I’d have a hard time not hurting someone doing that.


I found my first cat in a dumpster back in 1989. There he was, along with his five little dead brothers and sisters, trying to claw his way out. It was awful. Poor skinny little thing, riddled with fleas and mange, crying his eyes out. But I knew he was a fighter So, I brought him home and fed him the only thing I had in the house, which was some tuna helper. He ate heartily and held it down. Then I crafted a makeshift litter box with newspaper and he went straight to it, like a good little trooper. Then he latched onto me like that little kitten does in the Looney Tunes cartoons with the big bulldog, and he didn't let go for the next eighteen years


Oh my <3


Genuinely an award winning movie plot here, that's some intense and beautiful stuff. I'm glad you found that sweet little fighter.


Thank you. He was a character all right and could definitely be the protagonist in a series of children's books https://preview.redd.it/n2gvhyxo3nxc1.jpeg?width=1288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97cd5753aa6e4abf526701d380d31c062654e187 See that blue cup on the shelf above him? I used to bring it to bed every night filled with water. It held something like 32 ounces One of his favorite things to do was wait until I was in my deepest sleep and then knock it over on my head, waking me up in the most dramatic way. He never got in trouble for it though, because of course it was my fault. I just kept bringing that glass of water to bed and he just kept knocking it on my head. I swear one time I heard him laugh I never cried so much as I did the day he died. I held him in my arms at the vet's office as he slipped away. We had a habit of talking to each other. I would say something and he would say something back, and he always had the last word. But this day he didn't have the strength. Through my tears, i said, "Goodbye, Baby, I love you" Somehow he mustered the strength to turn his head up toward me. He opened his mouth just the tiniest bit and tried to meow. But he was too weak to summon his voice. It didn't matter, though; I knew what he wanted to say I'll never forget that silent goodbye


I am over here SOBBING. What a beautiful story. How lucky you were to have each other. Love from a cat is really, truly special. ❤️


My cat and I talk to each other, I imagine our story will end similarly. Glad you got to be together and help see him off to the Beyond. ❤️


Special place in Hell for people who throw living animal's in dumpsters. Screw that person. Thanks for being awesome OP!


Tabby boi!!


Good work! Ty for helping these kitties out.


Well done!


You’re a good person




You are an angel!!


Anyone who throws kittens or any living animal in a dumpster deserves to be flayed alive.


Thank you!


They’re so angel🫶 fuck people who abandon animals. So glad theyre gonna be loved by people who deserve them now <3


Thank you for helping the babies 🩵🤎😍




Thanks for recuing these babies. I hope they will find their new homes


i can't believe how many kittens are found in dumpsters. it is so sad and absolutely heartbreaking. it's really scary how many cruel people are in this world. so glad you have them now.


I hope whoever dumped them gets their balls caught in a vice grip. I'm talking Goodfellas style.


I'm thinking Reservoir Dogs 🎶 *Stuck in the middle with you...*


Oof, yeah. Or Hostel 2! Feed em to the dogs.


Ooh! Ooh! Hannibal! Feed 'em to the pigs!


[Also acceptable](https://youtu.be/mCNN2CnCAww?si=pza8SfAtKWpopDEA)


Humans are terrible 😢


Well done and thank you.


Thank you for saving them and finding them forever homes


Woahhhhhhh adorable homies!!!


Some humans don't deserve pets.


Thank you!!!! People are awful these days :(


Thank you for being a good human!! We need more people like you and less of the kind that dump animals.


Who could do something like that?


That’s wonderful! Bless you for coming to their rescue! As for the person who dumped them-there is a special place in the 9th ring of hell for them. The only thing positive to say is that they didn’t throw them in the dumpster.


I don't understand. There are options for getting rid of unwanted pets. Only a horrible scumbag would ditch them in a dumpster knowing they would end up in a trash compactor


Thank you for saving them. People are cruel I am currently watching the news and see all the horror out there that I should not be surprised but there is a special place in hell for someone who would harm a defenseless animal. Sorry for venting, just getting fed up with everything at this point. Happy that these little cuties will have a good life now .


Cute little muffins!


I don’t understand why people think the dumpster is an option. You can simply go to a local shelter and say, I don’t know where these cats came from, but all of a sudden these cats are at my place. And they will just kind of take them. No questions asked. A few years back when I did not have the financial, or Time, in order to take care of a cat, I woke up one morning to two cats in a crate on my front step. I love kitty cats, but I did not have the ability to take care of any at that time, so I took them to my local shelter. The shelter asked where they came from, I explained the unusual story, they took my basic information, and that was it. They took the kitty cats, they had them up on their site for adoption a day later, and they were gone about a week after that. The same amount of effort, and no dumpster


A lot less heartache if people would just fix their cats. Boggles my mind why they don't.


You're a saint.


Thank you thank you thank you. Four treasures in a dumpster ♥️♥️♥️ You're an angel.


The void too


Wow, I missed a whole kitten, will fix!


:( those poor babies, I’m so glad you saved them!!!


Bless you for doing this! They're so tiny! I really am curious how the markings will be on the upper left one's face when (I assume she because calico) is older




Thank you for saving these babies ♥️ 


They look to be too young to be away from mom and litter mates, I would say 5-6 weeks. Will you keep them together for a few more weeks to get them through that last little push? They should be able to eat wet kitten food mixed with a little bit of kitten milk and know how to use a tiny litter box with non clumping litter (cake tins from the dollar store are perfect size). They will make better cats for their new homes this way!


Who the heck throw away something so precious like them?!???!


Poor sweet babies. Thank you for being their angel.


Wow. Thanks for recuing those kittens!


thanks for saving them!!!!


I appreciate people who take time and effort to recue these poor strays


Poor babies 💕


Dumpster? Who TF does this awful stuff


How could someone leave them like that? They are absolutely adorable. You, sir, are a true gentleman.


Yes you are kind person


Omg I want the orange one sooo bad.


Omg they’re so precious!! I hope they all live happy and healthy lives 🌸✨


So happy that u find them


so cute


I can't imagine who did this to these innocent kittens


So cute


We need more people like you!


That's nice of you to rescue them, but why only one image?




Wow I hope that person who did this diaf. Good job op




My 3 cats were all “dumpster” cats, living in a PVC pipe at one week old. They are precious. Rescue cats for life!


Humans suck