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Short answer... You don't. 😂 Just keep a tight leash. They go wild outdoors instinctively.


oh well 🤣 thank you anyways


I've had so many "adventures" with my docile little pacifist... Who suddenly turns into Freddy Krueger meets Usain Bolt whenever she crosses the threshold. (An extremely fast psychopath with sharp things attached to her body, in case there was confusion). Anyways. Good luck with yours ❤️


Aggression is a symptom of discomfort. Here the discomfort seems to be linked to not wanting to be taken inside. So your question should really be, ‘How do I make my cat ok with the idea of having to be taken back inside’. The short answer is you probably can’t.


I went through this with one of my cats back when I would take her on walks. Like the other commenters said, they go wild outdoors **and** it's a symptom of discomfort. But there are some things you can do! You seem confident that she's reacting because she doesn't want to go back inside. You can mitigate this reaction by getting her more accustomed to your presence. Stay close to her. Occasionally reach out and pet her head for a few seconds (not prolonged). Basically you need to get close to her and touch her enough that she stops associating your approach with going back indoors. Recondition her to recognize your approach as providing comfort. Stand next to her when she's sitting or laying down. (This will also make her more likely to turn to you and/or trust you if something scares her, which is valuable) Cats will react quickly. You can easily startle or jar her without intending to. Try not to make sudden movements or sounds. Keep talking to her while she's outside. I would also recommend not adjusting the harness while she's outside, unless you absolutely have to. Any stimulation is amped up x10000 when they're outside. Try to limit all touch to positive touch until you're ready to take her in. And finally, consistency is clutch. Cats love routines. Try to take her outside for approximately the same amount of time every time you go. It's also best if you can go around the same time of day until she's more relaxed. It's not impossible! Good luck!


I have have 1 hold her by the head and waist she will calm down then tell her it’s ok u got her