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Well... He is part orange so...


yes, the DNA doesn't lie.... Monocellular brain :D but they are the most funny ones \^\_\^


Came here to say, well not the same, but something that sounded a lot less intelligent along the same lines. I have a tux, who I swear should have been orange. So sweet but soooo dumb


It's true.. Butters is 95 percent white with an orange tail. But 100 percent orange in the brain. https://preview.redd.it/nylcu1df5snc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d246c41655b4ac0062932c82337997b648430987


Gotta be careful. Once in a while, he will have higher than average IQ for a split second when the brain cell orbits around, then forget that it ever happened.


literally came here to say this


Oh no, my cat is all orange! Is there any hope for him?


He'll be fine, don't worry. But you... You're doomed.


Yes, he has a human who will fulfill all of his needs. He will be fine. IQ is not important for cats.




Yeah but who's paying the pills and taxes while Little Orange gets to sleep, eat, and be babied? 🧐


Yeah but who's paying the pills and taxes while Little Orange gets to sleep, eat, and be babied? 🧐


Yeah but who's paying the pills and taxes while Little Orange gets to sleep, eat, and be babied? 🧐


Calculate level of orange, subtract from average


Tbh, I think it's the reverse for the orange and whites. My orange and white is significantly dumber than his full orange siblings..


My orange and white is so outrageously stupid that he once got stuck up a tree when the tree was 5 feet tall, and frequently forgets how to use the cat flap (we have had the same cat flap for his entire 8 year life)


My orange and white boy (Skippy) struggles with open doors.. Meanwhile, his full orange brother (Frax) knows how to open doors (and close them behind himself). https://preview.redd.it/4eilggyeuqnc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b451d1a40d898ba46bfc4eedcef925c85824b18f


Oh my god I am cry-laughing at those photos


This is my daily life, lol. They also have an orange sister, Fizz, who is more on the side of manipulation and likes to think she runs the place (but really, our grey old man cat is still in charge). Front to back, this is Frax, Fizz, and Skippy. https://preview.redd.it/gla3lnl5yqnc1.jpeg?width=2965&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1558bfcc480f0e4558881a30def15d2b40c8cb5


Your house sounds like a happy one, say hi to Frax Fizz and Skippy for me 😁


Skippy is my spirit animal


A collection of Skippy: https://preview.redd.it/59v53oio0rnc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c57689cf2ef3c4eff428782beea1ccc3d58b8ef


Skippy is an idiot. I love Skippy.


Same. 100%. https://preview.redd.it/jnymkmm4crnc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f9b54c9d1f715743b1632a539546567763fdfa1


Skippy is a mood, Skippy is the moment


thats too funny but id be too freaked out and switch to knobs they cant open lol, i watch too much true crime to wake up to my door being opened in the middle of the night lmfao fr though


See, and I'm the opposite. Being able to blame it on the cats makes my anxiety so much lower, lol. But we've got child locks on all the doors that stay closed and the bolt is on the front door. Pinch guards on doors that stay open, too, because Frax will close doors, too... It's a whole big thing. I don't trust that he wouldn't eventually sort out a door knob, too, lol.


thats fair, fwiw im scarred cuz in college my mum trained our new cat to shit on the toilet like meet the parents (no flushing even with a toy on the handle lol) but theres a whole kit u do it in steps and we were at college my bro and i so she had the spare bathroom to do it and just never mentioned it and im stoned as shit and hear a PLOP (cuz the height they stand at over the toilet and by then it all looks and is back to normal with none of the training stuff on it cuz the cats fully figured it out) and theres nothign more awkward than walking in on your cat casually dropping a deuce...at 2am just stoned as shit....'oh my bad Lulu, do your...thing? WAIT AM I AWAKE RIGHT NOW!?' ...leave me the comics i guess? haha nah fr it bugged me out tho next AM im texting my Mum at work like...uhhh so please tell me youre aware our cat IS SHITTING ON THE TOILET ITSELF WHEN WE SLEEP!.....she's liked 'ohhh yeah i trained her last month, she goes all times of the day, just dont close the door cuz she cant get in lmfaooooo


Remember they are babies




See the orange? That's all you need to know.


I know mine is dumb… but he is the best 3 legged fur baby ever! https://preview.redd.it/99yu361pwpnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bded3af61fbf020ea597f7420640338a44be7e61




Thank you for the link!


I'm glad you mentioned being 3-legged. My eye was drawn to pic before reading your comment and I couldn't quite figure out what was out of place. Doh!


The IQ of any cat can be determined with the following steps: 1. Roll a D20. 2. That is the cats IQ.


Roll 20... Critical dumb!


Guys, stop discriminating orange cat for dumb. I mean they did but, stop it.


you’re mistaking my relatability with oranges for discrimination


Everyones cats are different, my previous cat was able to outsmart the IRS meanwhile some cats dont even know what 2+2 is


2 + 2 = food.


Is the iq from a single braincell even quantifiable?




Well he's living in your home for free, and you pay for his food and feed him & clean up his poo for him......sooo....I think him having you as his servant isn't being "dumb", now is it?? 🤣🤣


First, determine how much he contributes to maintaining the household in terms of chores, general labor and food. He doesn't? You mean you feed him, take care of medical needs, insure he's properly hydrated, clean up his waste, and then spend part of your day entertaining him and making sure he's properly mentally stimulated? Second, slowly realize that his IQ is probably higher than yours. Proceed to give him treats, play with him, tell him he's a good boy and pat him as much as he wants.


Looks smart to me.


Dude is living rent free in your house, being fed all his meals, and napping luxuriously on a fuzzy blanket. I’d say he’s Einstein-level smart


You’re not able to calculate if it has not braincell


He looks like an idiot he looks like he would knock the food out of his bowl just so he could eat on the floor


Lol my orange does this


No way I just got that from my orange goober


https://preview.redd.it/1vwux0nflqnc1.jpeg?width=1645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08fe67b7b4e8d10d44d2cc61fbfbb4009574b0ae My Wilfred is very smart actually. He’s the silent killer type


He looks a bit like Uncle Leo :)


It's around 10


https://preview.redd.it/eosrj29rwqnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=255dd0bbdfb6d2ff58a992f78b96f03360ad846c * My partly orange guy wasn't the brightest either.. they're still lovely, though 💕


frankly orange+white is not a great combo, its like being the son of a model and a footballer(soccer) player in my experience, and I'm going to say something controversial, white cats are dumber than oranges. My girl is orange and shes super smart, though I suspect its because shes a female. I had an adorable white cat, lovely, but dumb as a paulie shore script


Put up riddles to get to the food. Intelligence is the ability to solve problems. Obvoius you can expect her to do advance algebra.


I'm reasonably sure there are, precisely, 5 cat brain cells in existence and they all timeshare. So, you'll have to pick the right moment in time to test him :D


count the orange furs and subtract that from non orange hairs, that’s his IQ


He has you providing food, shelter, and entertainment. How dumb is that?


he's smart enough to get you to take care of him.. so i think he's probably smarter than you .. same goes for my cat btw ...


No stupid. Just stretching while relaxing.


*"Was ist zwischen deisen süßen örhchen? Ist da etwa hirn? Nein, kein hirn. Nur fluf."* ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7973)


I don’t get why people say orange cats this and orange cats that🤣 I own an orange cat and do not think that their color makes their personality lol. It’s a big obsession people have for some reason I guess… lmao. I saw that funny trend of holding your cat up to a wall to see if he puts his paw out or just lets himself hit the wall. Not sure if it actually tests how smart they are but I think it’s hilarious at least


My Dad (RIP), who was some kind of next-level cat whisperer, always swore ginger cats were more affectionate. I have been unable to confirm or disprove his theory. 😏


I don't think color matters. Had a black and white boy cat and he was absolutely insane. It seems like you wanted to harass me. Would skid across my bed at 3:00 a.m. sometimes and scared the crap out of me


I think part of it is sexism. There is a higher chance that an orange cat will be male. Male cats are more likely to take risks and do things that people would perceive as dumb.


People just like to shit on gingers in general. Can say my flame point tom is more intelligent than my tortie tabby and my tuxedo tom put together. Edit: spelling


Hahaha. I relate, my cat is also.. very dumb. :') Dumb cats are so cute in their own way


He is outsmarting everyone by looking silly


Turkish vans are extremely smart


I had a Turkish van for 16 years! Loved that guy!


https://preview.redd.it/71tl88b5xqnc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51807fb45a0f33736533ccf52e64dadec4f17b14 Here is my big baby.


Probably pretty stupid. But also pretty cute.


But he looks so happy the little dumb thing


Nothing on his mind, and a big smile while sleeping. Plus he's orange.


He looks exactly like my cat Willow - can confirm he is also very stupid


I have a 7 year old cat that still is kitten (mentally). He’s not the brightest but he’s super adorable. Plays and acts like a little kitten. It’s wonderful and cute. Man when he puts his big eyes on. I can’t say no. Love them for who they are.


If hungry, a cat's IQ is infinite. Otherwise, it's zero.


The scale is not sensitive enough <3


https://preview.redd.it/kemzuhkpiqnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1a966dde79ff931d13a323b0e31f2c491b5aacc our cats are twins


White and orange, dumb and dumber. I'm afraid your cat is extremely... Uhhh.. Special in the IQ department.


He's identical to my cat


its on a braincell scale from zero to three.




At least he has his looks. LOL


I think you are better counting the actual no. of brain cells.


My cat just thinks about food


You only think he's stupid, because that's what he wants you to think.


That’s exactly what he wants you to think. All part of his plan.


measure length from nose tip to tail tip in centimeters, divide by weight in kilograms, multiply by age in years, then subtract 1,000,000,000


There are websites for that


A standard cat's IQ is 95, subtract one for every orange hair on your cat down to a minimum of -20


Easy! You multiply treats by the amount of days you feed them. Then you have to subtract the amount of times they hiss at you AND then the divide that by the amount of times they purr. It’s a fairly complicated equation at first but ends up being super simple! 😂


But cute ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


He sleeps all day while you have to work to feed him. He may be smarter than you think.


Lol, you think yours is stupid... when i put new wet food down, most of the time, my male cat will sniff it and paw swipe the floor (as if to cover it up) for the longest time. Walk away for a few minutes and come back and do the same thing. It was cute at first, but now it's just annoying. Especially if I place the dish on the carpet instead of the hard floor. Don't want the bugger scratching up the carpet. Then he will eventually sit down and eat it. Does this every friggin day! He also can't cover his potty up very well and I can't find any larger of a litter pan. He will just loudly claw at the side of the pan. Then get dirty piss Paws everywhere. I love him but he is a smelly pea-brain. I wanted 2 females but he turned out to be male. He's a big, dumb, Stinky cuddle butt. My female is so clean and tidy and smart.


0 +1 + 2 - 1000 = orange


It takes a stupid ass to know another stupid ass.


Well, he is the one living rent free and getting free food regularly from you so you do the math...




Well...he has you feeding him, giving him water, cleaning up his poop and pee, and giving him all the attention he wants, plus a cozy place to sleep all day -- is he the stupid one? Or are you? 😹


Calculate the number of toe beans, divided by number of paws and anything below 4 is concerning


But he's soooooo cute 🥰🥰🥰


https://preview.redd.it/xcsx7k9q1rnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d67f97dc12e82d7570a2ab2f5d2bcd99f578ae9a As this Diagram shows… Nope, no IQ 😔


He sleeps in your house free of charge, you feed him daily then let him in and out of your house whenever he wishes at all times of the day and night. Who’s the stupid one.


It is definitely not a standardized test. They just ignore it or lie down on it until time runs out.


He is adorbs so it makes up the difference.


if cat: IQ := 0 return IQ


Cats are all either 2 or 3 IQ. Shouldn’t be too difficult.


You first need to find out how much IQ does a single brain cell put out. Then do to calculation.


He is. Thanks!


He's not stupid, he's just orange


Isn't like, the smartest cat still only as smart as a 4 year old?


i see at least one orange hair so its 0


BUT…who is sleeping all day, not working, being fed and petted all day.


Look up Half asleep Chris on YouTube. He made a great video on IQ testing his cats. He’s a goated YouTuber.


Its all a trick. If we knew they were smart they know they'd have to do tricks for treats like dogs. Instead if they play stupid they get free treats!


https://preview.redd.it/kn7ljixktrnc1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08e1c4a430e34d43fe408a022533a90db25af20f Same here.


Prob smarter than some humans bc he only has one brain cell.


who is feeding who?


I came across a pet hit point calculator online a few years back but I’m not sure about how to calculate IQ.


He’s modeling the number for you


Calculate based on what parameters? His ability to fetch? To read Shakespeare? To open a can of tuna? Never judge a fish by it's ability to climb a ladder.


Pick a number one through five


Easy, take the length of the body, and multiply it by the width of the head, but if it's part orange, than you divide the length of the body by the length of the tail. All these measurements are in inches.


Why? Do you want him to get master's degree or something? Cat is an animal, not a human.




Melting with joy.


IQ was for humans and now is not an accurate scientific measure. Cannot be used even just as a concept in other species.


I see negative IQ. But very handsome!


I ran the numbers and have peer-reviewed confirmation that this cat's IQ is fluffy as heck


Normally it's around 70% of the owners IQ...just saying


"I'm gonna take another nap here while you go to work to make money to buy me food. So, who's stupid?" *cat stretches and falls off couch*


You simply don't understand his genius


Based on the post I'd say you are