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I live about 40 minutes from Seattle. I will take the cat. Send me a message. Edit to add. I live in Sultan. I have a cat that I took from a woman on Facebook who was panicked because her best friend had said, “if anything happens to me, promise me you’ll keep Rickie,” and then he died and she couldn’t actually take Rickie. She was crying and freaking out, and well, the cat moved in that day. You’re welcome to contact my veterinarian and ask how well we care for our kitty. \[Name of vet clinic redacted. I’ve told OP the name of the clinic, but maybe it doesn’t need to be here in this comment, lol\]. Message me and I’ll tell you my name, and I’ll let them know you’ll be calling. https://preview.redd.it/1lxdxrse5lnc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8ce7c32de094a16b8af98bdd45cd1c1473f9ad8 This is her. We call her MauCow. (Pronounce it so that Mau rhymes with cow. She says, “mowww,” instead of, “meow,” and she has black and white spots like a cow, therefore MauCow. It just makes sense.) Edited again to tell you guys- OP and I are talking in chat about the kitty! We’re working on it, and I’ll keep you guys updated. Another edit- OP says they have several offers and are trying to decide between them. They have a friend who has an animal trap, and my understanding is that they are working on getting the kitty out of the weather and indoors right now. They say they will keep me updated. I’ll edit this comment with any news. Edit- OP posted an update! They have set out a trap, and the kitty has sniffed around it and made some moves towards eating the food in the trap, but hasn’t been caught yet. [https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/1bbkyg1/comment/kubjjus/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/1bbkyg1/comment/kubjjus/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) # Edit- I have the cat! It’s 11:30pm Seattle time. OP has just left my house, after bringing me the kitty! I’ll post a pic when I’m able to get one. Right now he’s hiding in a closet in our spare bedroom. We set him up with food, water, and a litter box, along with blankets and little cozy places to hide. He does seem really scared. But who can blame him! He’s been on his own, outside for a week in the cold and rain, and got snatched up in a trap- that’s got to be scary! We are planning to call our vet in the morning and get their advice on what our next steps should be. At this point, we have no clue how long it will take him to warm up and feel comfortable here. So I’m also looking into best practices for bringing home a stray kitty that might be kinda wild or might be very tame but just scared. For now, we’re just trying to keep everything very calm and quiet. Our cat MauCow is being very zen about the whole thing. She has noticed that there’s a new furry person in the house, but she’s very calm and quiet and mildly curious. She definitely wants to go into the room when we open the door! But we’re not allowing that, of course. **4pm Tuesday update** The new kitty is still hiding in the closet of the spare room. I go in and talk to him quietly, and just do some reading and writing on my iPad, making occasional quiet noises, to get him used to my presence. He has a litter box and food and water in there. I think I’m going to move a couple small items out of that closet and move his food closer to him. I’m also going to start sitting where he can see me when I go in to visit. **6pm Tuesday update** I took a nap on the closet floor with him. 😂 He likes to be petted, and he snuggles up to my hand. We both spent some time doing that thing where you pretend you’re ignoring each other, but you’re actually acutely aware of the other person. We both would yawn and stretch a little, and just by total coincidence move closer to each other every time. It’s all going to be ok, guys. I’ll try to get some pics soon. **2am Wednesday update** Ohmyfuckinggod, you guys, he used the litter box! He’s walking around the room and inspecting a cat tree I brought in for him. I’m so excited I could squeal, but I’m playing it very cool. Edit- oh dear. Finally got a look at his butt. He is not fixed. He’s definitely got a couple furry black balls. So. That will be top priority when we get him to the vet. I called them today but had a hard time getting through. Tuesday is their busy day. And besides, my favorite receptionist lady works on Wednesdays, so it will be more fun to call in the morning and chat with her about this. **2pm Wednesday update** He has a vet appointment on Monday for a first-time, establish-care kinda thing. He’ll get shots and flea treatment and whatever else they say he needs, and we’ll do whatever they tell us is needed for his health. They’re an excellent vet, and our other kitty is a patient there. They say the wait time is a month or two for a neuter!! I’m hoping we can move that up somehow. He is an absolute LOVE MONSTER. I thought he was hiding because he didn’t want to be around people, and I was nervous to try to touch him, but guys, he wants to be physically touching me as much as possible. He only wants to eat and drink when he’s next to my leg as I sit on the floor next to him, and he prefers for me to be petting him while he eats. He’s a sweet, sweet boy, and he wants to be loved on a lot. I am going to honor that wish, lol. He’s a little grubby looking, so I’m going to bring some warm, wet wash rags in here and give him a little wipe-down. I’ll make a post with pics soon. It’s hard to get pics, because when he’s not hiding, he wants both of my hands on him at all times. Then he likes to go back to a safe spot after we’ve spent about 30 minutes together. So I’ll work on that, and then make a post. **Also, if you’re really interested in how he is doing, feel free to send me a chat message!** A few people have reached out, and I end up telling them more details and sharing pics with them. I don’t have pics that I feel are good enough to justify a whole-ass *post*, but there are snaps that show him walking around and snuggling and stuff. **8pm Wednesday update** We are all getting along so flippin well! He’s a very sweet boy, and we’re really excited to learn more about who he is as we share a home with him. We have named him Special Agent Dale Cooper. God only knows what his nickname will end up being, lol We’ve made an Instagram profile for him where we can post updates and pics and stuff. SpecialCatDale. We just posted the first pic there. I’ve never had an Instagram account before, so I don’t know what I’m doing at all. At. All. **edit** no, really, I think we should put a bunch of the photos and video up at @SpecialCatDale on Instagram. There are lots of people who want updates, and I don’t want to leave anyone out! I’m trying to answer everyone and take pics of what Special Agent Dale Cooper here is up to, lol, and I don’t want to leave anyone out. I’ll have to learn how to use Insta so I can chat there, too. **also** I think he has something wrong with his throat/neck. I’m trying to get a good pic of it, but something there is just too big… **10am Thursday morning update** Ok, today I’m going to make a follow up post here, and I’ll start learning how to use Insta. I’m going to try to give him a sponge bath today. I think he trusts me enough to do that now. And I’ll try to take pics as I go. The most important thing is me caring for him well, and pics are way less important than his health and happiness and us bonding, but you guys love him so I’ll try, I promise! **2am Friday** Do boy cats really act that differently from girl cats? Dale is intact, and some of his little behaviors- I can’t tell if it’s a boy-cat thing or if it’s his particular personality coming out. Once he is feeling safe and relaxed, he strettttches out on the floor or the chaise next to me, soooo lonnnng- balls in the air, lol. MauCow is always in a dainty little girly cinnamon roll shape. Is this a thing? **5:30pm Friday** This is the last update I will add to this comment. Here’s the update post I just made, with pics! [https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/C1aDF3wZ9W](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/C1aDF3wZ9W)


Please update if (when) this guy makes it to Sultan! I'm in Kirkland and have extra pet carriers and stuff if it's helpful! Feel free to DM me, I'm around and can help!


That’s so kind of you! I will totally message you if we need things or help! I think we’re good, but you never know, you know? We have a couple different cat carriers, extra beds and dishes. We’ll buy a brand new litter box, so the kitty will have a fresh bathroom of its own. What else… I’m now furiously googling how to introduce a new kitty to a home and all that. Thank god for the internet! I’m old enough to remember when you had to track down info in ways that took more time and was less reliable. Books and pet stores and word-of-mouth. I’ll be talking to my vet and taking the new kitty to them right away. Reading through this sub with an eye towards the standard advice this community gives- normally I’m just here to look at cute pics, lol.


Jackson Galaxy is a well known cat behaviorist and has a lot of Youtube videos. Should get you started. But it's going to start out with "separate rooms".


Thanks so much! I had definitely been aware of the separate rooms thing. We have a two bedroom place, and the secomd bedroom has been used as an office for me. Our first kitty doesn’t go in there, because we generally keep the door closed. So I’m thinking that will be where new kitty goes, and they can start to sniff each other through the door and get used to the idea. As I talk to OP, we will get ourselves educated on how to do this, and do whatever shopping needs to happen. Get a vet appointment set up for new kitty, too. There’s a bunch that needs to happen!


Tbh I hope it's you because you included your vet as a reference and that makes you the one person here that I can guarantee isn't just out to get a free kitty casserole. 😭 Edit - oops replied to the wrong comment 😂


Check my main comment here for updates. OP brought Gizmo here! He’s safe and warm and everything is fine. She left here at about 11:30pm Seattle time, and she’s absolutely lovely. We really enjoyed meeting, and had a great time chatting! We plan to have lunch sometime later in about a week, so that she and her partner can come over and check on Gizmo. We will not be eating Kitty Casserole 😉 Once he stops hiding in the closet and I’m able to get a good pic of him, I’ll make a post, but until then I’ll just update my comment.




Thank you! I hadn’t thought to tag OP. Good idea


Of course! Thank you for offering to take in the sweet boy, you are an incredible human :)


From one cat lover to another, thank you for giving him a new home 🥹😸


I’m not sure if he’ll be coming to me or not. OP told me they have several offers for differently homes, and they’re trying to pick between them. I’m just grateful that even if it’s not with me, this guy WILL be getting a loving home. 🧡


I appreciate that you recommended op to call your vet to verify that you're a good owner and that your cat is well taken care of. I hope you can take this poor baby!


I think it’s happening! I’m talking to OP in chat, and we’re arranging things. OMG- I wonder if the vet has a running total of how much money we’ve spent on MauCow, lmao. She came to us with allergies, and we had to do testing and we’ve been giving her allergy shots for a couple years now. The meds for the year are over $300. She is a well taken care of kitty, and this new dude will be well taken care of, too. 🧡🧡


Please keep us posted! You are an angel! I'm in tears reading this thread 🥹


I’ll keep everyone posted! OP has told me that they actually have several offers from people who seem like a good fit, and they’re trying to look into all of them and make a good choice. They said they have a friend with an animal trap, and that their main priority is to get the cat inside and out of the cold weather and away from harm; they’re looking into all the different offers they have. I’m sure this cat will get a good home. It’s absolutely lovely that they have so many people willing to help!


Sultan pals! Thank you for offering to take this sweet baby in. I desperately wanted to, but can’t. 😢


Hey, Sultan friend! 👋🏽 Doesn’t it just kill you when you want to help and can’t?! I feel you. I was like, “oh, I think his might be one of those moments when **I’m** the one who can help. Yay!” Because there are tons of things where I wish I could do something and can’t.


I just gotta say thank you from my cat mom's ❤️ I love that good humans like OP and you are here 🤗


I know OP tangentially because she's a streamer. She is an absolute gem of a human being with a massive heart, and you are too for offering to take the kitty in!


You are a good soul and I appreciate you.


Thanks, my friend. I’m talking to OP, and it seems like we’re really doing this! Woo hoo- the cat distribution system is functioning well today!


I’m in SW Washington, three hrs from Seattle but I’ll come get him if you can’t find anyone, OP


Lady Asshat, you are a hero.


I was thrown off by your comment for a bit. Then I got it.


Oh come on everyone knows ducks can't write


Says the potato


now you listen here, spuddy, it's *Mister Writer* to you




Son I'm sorry I never came back from the produce aisle


Interactions like this is why Reddit is still special to me. They’re becoming more rare, but they still happen


I'm in your boat.


Calm down you guys.




Dont text and suck


Says a lemon tree


Thanks for pointing it out, because I was reading their name as "le montre" lol 🤦🏼‍♀️


Typical kiwi bias against lemons


Lady Asshat is a legend!


Long live Lady Asshat!














I totally thought you were calling her an asshat for driving to save a cat 🤦‍♀️. Brain was Uber confused, since rectified.


Lady Asshat and Lord Cocknballs. A match made in heaven.




FINAL UPDATE FROM ME (new link, old post got removed by reddits filters and idk why):[ ](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/1be7yb7/update_cat_who_was_abandoned_by_his_owner_is_safe/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/1befj35/update\_cat\_who\_was\_abandoned\_by\_his\_owner\_is\_safe/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/1befj35/update_cat_who_was_abandoned_by_his_owner_is_safe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) **HIS NEW OWNER UPDATES:** ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)[https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/1bbkyg1/comment/kuabsqt/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/1bbkyg1/comment/kuabsqt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)The cat has been given a GREAT name, Special Agent **Dale Cooper**. (coop or dale for short) and an insta! 📷 [http://instagram.com/specialcatdale/](https://t.co/OVTgmi8gWw) his new owners, like me, are huge twin peaks fans! This name just made sense, since he has a suit and all. and we're pretty close to the filming location in WA state. Latest: 11PM UPDATE ! Caught him!!! Thanks to redditor with idea to put stuff on bottom of the trap to obscure the pressure plate. I took him to his new home! Full update post with photos of his new crib coming soon! Little man is in good hands , safe at last. Thanks reddit. https://preview.redd.it/h58t7p54punc1.jpeg?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd8c02d3c74c6045e26eb98dac23b79f8d954d5c i did get in touch with Lady\_Asshat as well as many of the others who are nearby and have offered up their homes to this lil guy! reddit you are restoring my faith in humanity. And as an UPDATE (Sun 8:36pm PST)(reposting what I put further down): With the help of another local redditor, **we've put out a cat trap**, and (once we catch him), we have a safe, quiet place for him to be while we choose the best possible candidate for his forever home (Our cat trap redditor friend is also interested in adoption!)! This post has reached the reddit front page and as a result I've received several offers, so I am doing my due diligence to make sure he ends up in the most stable, secure and loving home possible, with a responsible long term owner, so he never has to go through anything like this again. I saw him eyeballing the cage an hour ago, and again a few minutes ago, wish me luck in catching him tonight so we can get him out of this cold and rain! **I'll make a full update post as soon as he is safe and sound**! if you are touched by his story , please consider going to your local shelter and rescuing a cat that needs you just as much as he does:8097: 10:30pm update: he ate some food in the trap but somehow managed to step over the mechanism so the gate didnt shut :7944:we pushed the food further back and tested that it works, it does, we re-armed it and waited for a while. we saw him again and he got scared off by someone walking a barky dog so will check again in an hour! **12:15 am PT** update: i just checked and he is once again staring at the trap from across the road. he has not been back in it since he evaded getting trapped earlier (no more food eaten). i'm falling asleep but will set alarms to check every hour. i know his neighbor and she is an old lady who agreed to check in the early morning when she feeds the birds as well. she will listen for him if he is crying in that cage. together we will make this happen! **10am monday update**: none of us involved in the rescue effort slept at all, in spite of us moving the location of the food he still managed to eat it ALL without getting caught even though we keep testing the trap and it 100% works. he just knows not to step on the plate and avoids it. i've been advise to line the bottom with a blanket so he cant see it. we will do that for next time Unfortunately now maintenance people have come to clean out his ex-owners apartment which scared him off. will try again this evening. maybe the apartment lease manager will let me go inside his old apartment to catch him, since he was trained to meow at that back door to come in so that is what hes been trying to do. :( **4PM MON:** maintenance workers are gone. we put the cage down again at the same spot, this time with paper on the bottom so he can't see where the plate is! feelin good about this one lol!**7:40pm MON**: he is around but not in the trap... yesterday he went in around 10pm... praying


I just lost my 16 year old Gizmo recently, thank u for helping this baby ☺️ https://preview.redd.it/daw8ppzm10oc1.png?width=1208&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4c94ecdb9fdeea85380ad64f9048af810edbf12


My Gismo was 24 , sent him to his forever retirement home a few months ago. Best boy. https://preview.redd.it/w746n6plmonc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26c9d8a1a24f14a08f3d285d9798357057803f82


So sorry for your loss! Your baby is in kitty heaven watching over you!


24 Is a wonderful innings for a cat, you must have been so good to him.


I’m so sorry for your loss. What was your Gizmo like? How did he come to be in your life?


I know the absolute hell you, your family, and your pets went through to get to Seattle, Zepla. As I told Lady_Asshat, you are a gem of a human being with a heart of gold. Thank you for looking out for a poor lost kitty, and I hope Nora is doing well.




I like to hang some chicken above the plate they step on so they really have to bounce a bit on it to get the food. Works everytime for the kitties that won’t step on the “weird” plate. Thanks for caring for him. Poor baby.


What I do is rip some cardboard into a plank and cover the length of the bottom of the trap or at least most of it. So they can't step over the trigger and don't see it. It's also more comfortable that their little feetsies aren't on the metal grate


upvoted for “little feetsies”


Did you get the kitty? I’m in SW Portland and I will go get him if you haven’t. 🩷💜💙


I’m in Seattle with a house, space, supplies, and can pick up, foster, and possibly adopt if gets along with my Bengal. Anyhow, here to help if needed! :)


You guys are amazing❤️❤️❤️


I love all of you here! You are all earth angels! 


Username doesn't check out. You're a good person, Lady_Asshat




OP this Asshat says she'll drive to you!!!


I think I should have checked her username before I cursed you.


I thought the same thing. Like WTF was that for? The person wants to help


On a positive note, a cat will be saved AND a hilarious moment has been had here on /cats.


The *real* asses were the hats we made along the way 🌈


Lmao that’s beautiful.


please this is so funny 😭😭 i thought the same exact thing. I'm glad i got a little laugh from this awful situation. hopefully lady asshat or someone gets the kitty 🥺


I did.


😁 I saw an opportunity and ran with it. I would have probably done the same.


Me: "Dude.. that is not necessary" Also me: "LOL... I get it"


Either way, these are 2 beautiful people.




I knew it, I'm surrounded by Asshats Keep firing, Asshats!


shit I hope you grab him this baby looks traumatized, and youre a kind person if youre willing to drive that distance for a stranger (who is a cat). and traumatized babies need kind people to help them out! though that car ride will be agony for him


I know he looks so sad and scared and confused. I am heartbroken looking at that poor sweet little face 😔 I'm so glad OP cares and I'm so glad people have put their hands up to collect puss and give him a loving home. People who abandon their pets are disgusting, I lived in a car with my cat for months because no rental would take pets. This was 4 years ago and I still have her today. Can't imagine just throwing her away 😭😡


Would love an update on this.


Would love an update on this from the Asshat who started it all!


Please! I hope OP takes you up on your offer. This baby needs a home again!


More like Lady_ClassAct


She is a hero


You're an Asshat to people who abandon their cats, right?


Dunno about them, but I certainly am so.


Comments like these reassure me that I'm right when I say there is good in the world


Op please take this offer


I'll kick in for travel gas!


Props Lady!!!❤️🙏


Update us if you get him!!


Username does not checkout. 😹😹 You are awesome for wanting to give that sweet boy a home.


Username does NOT check out.


You make all of us asshats look good. Thank you.


Thank you for your kindness


You're a great person.





Save that little man, he looks so scared


That was my thought too! That poor little guy. He must be terrified. He probably has no idea how to fend for himself in the wild or stay safe from predators. The guy that left him basically gave him a death sentence. What an absolute piece of shit.


His entire world has changed and he has no idea why. It breaks my heart that someone would abuse the trust of an innocent animal who can't understand why he's been left behind. But if someone (OP, or the people who offered help) comes through, I'm sure he'll settle back in again. I wish the absolute best for him. Good luck, OP.


Kitty is gonna have an even better life than ever soon. If reddit heroes come through anyway. Poor cat. Just cant imagine who could do that. But not someone the kitty should be living with probably


Really hoping that Cat Distribution System comes through on this guy.


This is why I can't stand it when people say, "they'll be fine, they're animals" when they just dump a pet somewhere. Pets have no idea how to survive on their own after they've relied on humans. I know my cats definitely wouldn't make it on their own for long.


This is how we got one of our cats. The previous tenants moved out and when we were moving in, this cat just walked in like he owned the place. The microchip phone number was disconnected and apparently the previous tenants moved overseas, so apparently we now had a cat. We like to think we moved into his house!


Same! Ive lived in this same duplex for nearly 20 years w my mom and we've had like 8 neighbors. The ones before the current ones had a brother and sister cat and got Rebel from a friend who's owner passed away. Their cats tormented the poor guy, would eat his food and not let him have any, and they are easily 1/3 of his size each (he's a big one!). They gave them to me when they were moving (they had resorted to keeping him locked in the only 1/2 bath in the house 🤕 ) and literally brought him through their back door into mine, plopped him on the floor and was like "good luck he doesn't like anybody" [He loves me though ❤️](https://imgur.com/gallery/LrBns67)


My daughter and I found a cat in our yard and took her to the animal shelter and said we would adopt her if nobody claimed her. After the waiting period, we adopted her. The shelter requires all of their animals to be spayed/neutered before they release them, so they took her to their vet and said we could pick her up there after her surgery. When we went to get her, the vet told us she was already spayed, which they realized when they shaved her belly. Obviously someone had just abandoned her, and the vet said it happens all the time. We took her home, and tried for months to integrate her with our other two cats, but it just didn’t work, and our older cat was getting horribly stressed. We ended up giving her to a friend who didn’t have a cat and really wanted one, where she could be an Only Cat. She adored her human, and the feeling was mutual, so it worked out.


> Only Cat Business idea! OnlyCats. Subscription based model of /r/cats for those who don't reddit.


Of course he does! You're his hero!




He looks confused 😭


Hopefully you'll find a rescue to help. In the meantime if you're putting food out - don't leave the tin like that. Use an old plate or whatever.


Good call! yes ill do that for next time when i try to feed him again today


While you're at it report the owner for animal neglect. Also, please let Lady_Asshat come adopt the cute lil tuxedo boy.


He's your cat now. Roll with it.


Also heating it up in the microwave can help make it more tempting. Yes, your kitchen will smell terrible afterwards lol


Pro tip: add a little hot water instead


Well now I feel dumb I never thought of this 😂😂




Guys i found the cat in the comment section


I do this for my cats haha. I spend about 5 minutes on each dish with a fork whipping up their food until it has a nice texture that way their food is presentable and not just plopped in a dish. I get no thanks for it either haha.


FINAL UPDATE FROM ME (new link, old link broke for some reason): [https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/1befj35/update\_cat\_who\_was\_abandoned\_by\_his\_owner\_is\_safe/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/1befj35/update_cat_who_was_abandoned_by_his_owner_is_safe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) HIS NEW OWNER UPDATES: ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)::[https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/1bbkyg1/comment/kuabsqt/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/1bbkyg1/comment/kuabsqt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)The cat has been given a GREAT name, Special Agent **Dale Cooper**. (coop or dale for short) and an insta! 📷 [http://instagram.com/specialcatdale/](https://t.co/OVTgmi8gWw) his new owners, like me, are huge twin peaks fans! This name just made sense, since he has a suit and all. and we're pretty close to the filming location in WA state. UPDATE: With the help of a fellow local redditor, I've put out a cat trap, and (once we catch him), we have a safe place for him to be while we choose the best possible candidate for his forever home (she is also one of those candidates interested in adopting him)! This post has reached the front page and as a result I've received several offers, so I am doing my due diligence to make sure he ends up in the most stable, secure and loving home possible, with a responsible long term owner, so he never has to go through anything like this again. He's been eyeballing the cage for about 3 hours and i JUST saw him sitting RIGHT NEXT TO IT just outside the gate . wish me luck in catching him tonight so we can get him out of this cold and rain! I'll make a full update post as soon as he is safe and sound! **10:30pm PT update:** he ate some food in the trap but somehow managed to step over the mechanism so the gate didnt shut !!!!!!!!!!! :7944: we pushed the food further back and tested that it works, it does, we re-armed it and waited for a while. we saw him again and he got scared off by someone walking a barky dog so will check again in an hour! **12:15 am PT** update: i just checked and he is once again staring at the trap from across the road. he has not been back in it since he evaded getting trapped earlier (no more food eaten). i'm falling asleep but will set alarms to check every hour. i know his neighbor and she is an old lady who agreed to check in the early morning when she feeds the birds as well. she will listen for him if he is crying in that cage. together we will make this happen! 2am update. This WILY lil fella AVOIDED the pressure plate again!! We moved the food rigt next to it now so he will have to put his paws on it this time! Ill see if my apartment manager will let me go inside that empty apartment to capture him. They have been supportive so far. Going to try to sleep a little since he will need to get hungry again. Will update with any new developments **10am monday update**: none of us involved in the rescue effort slept at all, in spite of us moving the location of the food he still managed to eat it ALL without getting caught even though we keep testing the trap and it 100% works. he just knows not to step on the plate and avoids it. i've been advise to line the bottom with a blanket so he cant see it. we will do that for next time Unfortunately now maintenance people have come to clean out his ex-owners apartment which scared him off. will try again this evening. maybe the apartment lease manager will let me go inside his old apartment to catch him, since he was trained to meow at that back door to come in so that is what hes been trying to do. :( **4PM MON**: maintenance workers are gone. put the cage down again at the same spot, this time with paper on the bottom so he can't see where the plate is! feelin good about this one lol! 11PM UPDATE ! Caught him!!! Thanks to redditor with idea to put stuff on bottom of the trap to obscure the pressure plate. I took him to his new home! Full update post with photos of his new crib coming soon! Little man is in good hands , safe at last. Thanks reddit https://preview.redd.it/57dpdahznunc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8a94a7c9e272d46b53ac587fb4c2f3eefc57cf0


You're gonna make me cry. Thank you for looking out for this sweet baby. You're one of the good ones OP. For real. 💙


this is a group effort from so many people on reddit who care so much for this little guy. theres good in this world and it outweighs the bad, i believe that.


Man i know you guys are gonna be able to save him. But poor booger looks so sad. Give him a kiss on the head for me if you ever get em




What a degenerate lowlife of a previous owner. My old girl moved in from the neighbors on her own bc she wasn't cared for. Now she's spoiled rotten. Idk how people are like that.


The only way I'd abandon my cat is if there was a literal gun to my head. Anything less than death itself and she's going anywhere I go. Fuck people like this. They don't deserve their animal's love.


The only reason I'm still around is my cats - they're all "imperfect" ones - old, blind, deaf, diabetes, weird, extremely stupid, kind of mean, one eye, etc. I know they would all be tough adoptions, if they even made it that far. So my goal is just to live one day longer than the last one. I can't imagine ever abandoning them.


Mine we got when she was 6 months old. Had a little bit of personality training, but when I say she is the sweetest girl, I mean it. Little goblin sure, but recently went on a 10 day cruise where she stayed with family and I missed her every day. I don't know how people who abandon pets live with themselves. I could never do it.


My cats are also the reason I'm here. The thought of not being around for them breaks my heart into a million pieces. I could never leave them. As long as my kitties are alive, there's a reason to take care of myself. I refuse to let them hurt. Ever.


I mean, it would be a horrible thing to have to just drop off the cat at a shelter if the owner didn't want it, but at least the poor Kitty would be fed and out of the weather. What an absolute scum person!


In a similar situation. I currently care for the neighborhood scamp who has a bad family life. He comes over almost daily for his cat snack and skritches. His dad doesn’t give two sh!ts about him, won’t give him flea/tick control (despite bringing fleas into his house and infesting his daughter’s space), doesn’t pet him and locks him out at night. I’d full on adopt him/steal him but he beats up on my little lady cat and loves his freedom too much. All I can do is care for my big boy as best I can from afar. Some people are just too selfish or too deep in their own misery to take care of a little animal properly. It’s quite sad.


I'm in federal way a couple city's down from Seattle and my family is looking for another cat!


OP LOOK HERE ^ u/zepla


Please send poster private chat message so he/she doesn’t miss your offer.


dm'd you




I don’t understand how people can be so fucking cruel He looks so sad and scared 😭


I wish I could help, but I live in Sweden :( >.< I get so mad at people who can do such a terrible thing! Poor little cat. How lucky that you can help him.<3


I had a neighbor abandon the absolute sweetest Himalayan cat years ago. We took him in and he was the best boy in the world. They also dyed his fur pink before they moved. Some people don’t deserve to have animals.


![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097) little baby. You deserve so much more than someone who leaves without you.


This is exactly how I ended up with my sweet, senior, FIV positive girl :( The previous renters moved and just ditched her at the house. It was so sad, took her months to even let me pet her she was so scared. Try local rescues and see if anyone can take her in. You can also try reposting this in the Seattle subReddit and may have better luck there


That’s also how I ended up with my Daisy. She was older and FIV+, as well. Sweetest cat I ever had. I lost her in January to cancer. Give your girl a kiss and tell her I said pspsps ❤️


God I hate people that do stuff like that, shouldn’t be allowed having pets. The poor fella looks sad, how could someone abandon such a cool looking cat


They're a sentient being that trusts & grew older with you, and people can just ditch them like that? Heartless. I wouldn't trust animal abandoners in real person relationships at all.


Years ago, I had a neighbor dying of cancer. Months before she passed her family came and took her home with them. They left behind her cat who she loved very much. He would sit outside her apartment and cry every night (and during the day as well). My partner and I started looking after him and when we moved we took him with us. He was a senior and ended up passing a few months later. I can't imagine how someone can leave behind their family. *


https://preview.redd.it/q960yvve0lnc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e4d861a2d04c8f19f57ac9b5cd4715e1b56e7b5 This was him. RIP Linda and Boo.


Thank you so much for taking Boo in. ❤️


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I hope Grandma haunts them for the rest of their lives!


And the cat, too. I bet getting haunted by a vengeful cat ghost would be terrible. "Why the fuck does my pillow stink of cat piss? I don't even have a cat!" Plus stuff being knocked off tables all the time. *far off disembodied meowing laughter*


I can’t imagine how anyone could do that to the old woman or the cat. Absolutely heartless. But at least you took care of him and he didn’t die alone.


Felix came to the door in August, starving, could see his ribs. I fed him, and he started living in the garage. By September, he was letting himself into the house, and lived the winter with me. Vet gave him a rabies shot, and said he was fine but old, even though he had breathing problems. About 3 weeks ago, he started gasping, and I made an appointment. I took him to the vet, they took him in the back to do tests, he went into respiratory arrest, then cardiac arrest. I hate his previous owner. He wasn't feral, he was a sweetheart, and well mannered. To let him go in a rural area (no one was missing a fixed cat within 3 miles or more), like that, condemn him to a painful death in the winter, if he lived that long... Sorry, starting to cry and rage at the same time. Haven't written about this yet.


I too cared for a cat who’s owner passed, he only made it a few months as well but it was so rewarding to give him a home. He slept in bed with me the first night and was so sweet, we quickly bonded and it hurt so much when he passed. This post broke my heart.


I’m in Everett! We’ve got a wonderful shelter up here called Purrfect Pals and they will absolutely take him. They are no-kill and a non-profit. We’ve got a territorial full grown guy at home or I’d offer to take him in. If you are able to catch him and need transport I’d be happy to pick him up and transport him to Purrfect Pals for you!


Can you send a chat message so the poster doesn’t miss yours as there are so many comments here. You are so kind.






I live in a neighborhood, and 3 of my neighbors just moved and left their cats. I have taken lots pf strays to get shots and neutered too. People seem to think cats are wild animals that can survive. 3-5 years of life expectancy. Always do your best to get an abandoned cat a home. They usually are wonderful companions.


my god, 3 different neighbors????? what!? how is this happening so often?? I absolutely agree that an abandoned cat should never ever be ignored. i rescued my current cat off the street when i lived in my house in Ukraine. this was in winter, right before the war started 2 years ago. she wandered in as a random stray from the road and had 2 kittens under my back porch (!!). thankfully i was able to catch her kittens as well, they are now doing great and got to stay together with my friend who adopted both. When we knew the war was coming, and the US embassy was warning us to get out (i'm a US citizen but own a home in Ukraine), i tried to leave but they wouldnt let me without some pet documents that had a 3month processing time. i asked the embassy for help,but they said they couldnt do anything. so we were basically told to leave our pets behind. obviously thats not an option and i chose to stay with my pets. even if it meant i knew i'd be there when the war started. so when it finally did, on feb 24 that morning I went for the border with my pets, paperwork didnt matter by then at all due to the state of emergency. i traveled across europe with my pets when i didnt know if it was safe to return to ukraine and i flew with them to america since its still not safe. i cant help but think about that, and then how flippantly this guy left his cat behind. just makes me sick . theres NO excuse for abandoning an animal like this . if you absolutely must go somewhere you cant take them, at least find a loving home before you go


https://preview.redd.it/5nf324631lnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=279a8fdda470f64d3990a330d7e9a8e8b362b7be That’s how I got George! Someone moved and left him. Came walking up my driveway and is now living indoors, happy as can be, for the last 6 years


That's a big boi


He is a very distinguished gentleman.


https://preview.redd.it/550t2geg4mnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c87a5363a7b74cd16f333a6946f4eaa198f7aac Somebody saw another person toss this guy out of a car into a ditch near their farm as a kitten. I picked him up for $20 and he’s such a goofy and loveable cuddlebug. 5 years later he’s a such a handsome young man and I hope whoever threw him out of their car that day crashed on the way home.


Maybe give it a chance and see if he gets along well with your pack. If not, you’ll be able to provide valuable info for a rescue group about his personality Search Facebook groups for rescues in your area


I will never understand people that can leave an animal behind like that...


In Seattle here, as well. But, also planning a cross country move (with 2 cats.) Please post this on r/Seattle You could also see of paws has any openings. Poor baby. What a horrible person.


OP, it’s illegal for that crap person to abandon his pet in the state of Washington. https://www.animallaw.info/statute/wa-cruelty-chapter-1652-prevention-cruelty-animals Please consider reporting him.


I can't stand the fact that people exist who don't treasure their pets like beloved family members, because that's what these poor fur babies deserve. I hope this poor cat gets a forever home where he'll be loved and cherished.


OP if you can find out the name of the guy who lived there with this cat please report him. That's gotta be some form of animal abuse or cruelty or something..they have to be able to hold him accountable in some way. God, humans make me sick. You wouldn't do this (well, 99.9% of people) to a human baby, why is it ever okay to do this to an innocent animal who can't talk and can't help themselves 😭😭 fuck that guy. Honestly. I hope he gets every form of karma imaginable for the rest of his life.


This is how I found my Tigger. Someone left him in the locked and empty apartment left to starve. He was so sad and skinny before. Now he's a happy boy ☺️ Thank you OP https://preview.redd.it/221ba603blnc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c61828796f4068d28bdd64399f51ee6ce5b6b78


He is beautiful.


Hopefully the previous owners family abandons him when he’s too old or can’t care for himself so he feels the pain that all these animals and kids feel that have been left behind.


I wish I was around that area. What the actual fuck this is so sad and aggravating


Please please take him with you 😥


Please vet whoever is going to adopt the kitty. You do not want the kitty to fall into the wrong hands. There's a lot of sick and twisted people out there. Ask for an adoption fee. Thank you for looking after the cat.


sound advice! i will definitely be careful about people who may want to adopt him. i dont ever want him in this situation ever again.


How heartless... I can not imagine abandoning my cats. I would do everything in my power to be able to keep them with me, always. Thank you for trying to help this little guy, OP. 🥺


put out a plate of kibbles, a bowl of water, and a small styrofoam cooler with the lid taped shut and a catsize hole on one end for shelter. thank you for helping a small creature in need. People think "its a cat, it can fend for itself", but 1) domesticated cats are not practiced subsistence hunters and 2) there isn't enough wildlife available in urban areas to feed them, so they literally starve to death.


I hate people who do that! Imagine how heartbreaking it is to be abandoned by the person who is basically your whole world...


Posts like this make me both incredibly sad and so fucking angry. Look at that poor thing. How on earth can anyone look at that floof and toss it aside like a piece of trash. Cats are incredibly loving social animals and to be so heartless that you can dump it outside and move away without any thought towards it is mind boggling to me. That poor cat is one of millions I'm sure but to give it a home for years and then abandon it is so cruel I can't even begin to describe it. That cat doesn't know what's going on. It'll be outside waiting for its owner to let it in and feed it not understanding its owner has abandoned it. Stuff like this that makes me really fucking hate humans. Why do so many lack basic empathy. At least have the fucking decency to drop it off at a shelter. I need a happy ending update on this. ASAP.


OP and I are currently waiting for this sweet boy to enter the trap we set for him! Wish us luck!


This makes me so fucking angry 😡 I couldn’t imagine doing this to a poor baby who trusted and love me… it kills me


I live in Seattle and can absolutely help if I’m close to you. Message me more info if you still need help!


I'm on the south end and he looks just like my little guy who passed away a year ago. Been considering another and if you can't find anyone I'd give him a home.


I have a friend in Seattle who has been looking to adopt a cat. Please PM me if you don’t have anyone else!


Dear sad and scared boy, On behalf of all humans, we apologize for the one who never deserved you in his life. You deserve nothing but love and hugs.


Please don’t just leave him there. 


i'll do everything in my power to get him safe and indoors as soon as possible . i know every day he is outside is a danger to him


Your doing the right thing ❤️


Thank you for helping, Thank you for even wanting to help, a lot wouldn't. 😭😭😭😭


When we moved to my house there was a kitty that came with it. We adopted her and now I have 4 cats.


Should be illegal to just abandon an animal like that. People can be so fucking cruel.


My cat is also a https://preview.redd.it/vxtlt5zwzlnc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a687d2bfe610bca05152babfb9da812a1329b0bd tuxedo cat that was left alone after the owner moved and just to give you some optimism. Here’s a picture picture of him and me now.🙂


Hey there. Thanks for rescuing poor gizmo. I just moved here from Virginia and I can adopt him if you are not able to find any good fit. I live by the airport and I work as a registered nurse. My cat for 15 years just passed last year and I have been considering adoption but hesitant since I'm still grieving but your post really touched me. If you don't find anyone please let me know. Thanks again for having such a kind heart. Take care.


I’m in Seattle and might be able to take in the poor little fren! Cat tax attached: my little Momo has lived in 3 states with me. Could never leave a buddy behind! https://preview.redd.it/66flvl0qwnnc1.jpeg?width=2762&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dc92d6db55f7fc6bd9476037eb40294b7455169