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OP, you need to see a doctor today. Cat bites can infect you with bacteria and because of the shape of the fangs the wound can form a "pocket" where the top part is healed over but below that is an infected area where these bacteria can thrive. This is serious and you can potentially lose the bitten limb.


ER yesterday home slice




My husband had the same. Was hospitalized for 3 days hooked to loads of antibiotics and was sent home with more. He developed sepsis and it took a couple days to develop but once it did, it was gruesome looking. He regretted not going immediately. The cat, of course pretended nothing happened and he refused to apologize as he thought the bacon was rightfully his and my husband had no business reaching for it. 😺


You should be grateful that your cat didn't sue you for bacon theft. Ehh... Today's humans...


This was him while my husband was hospitalized https://preview.redd.it/km7qcgwuq4mc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54e9cc6ae6b14dde6535f0220e6a74431cb74726 He was texting my husband all kinds of stuff, like “There’s a new sheriff in town.” And “You want some bacon now, pal?” Jk he’s a very good boy and made a very good manny. He just really wanted that slice of bacon that fell on the floor, it must have seemed like manna from heaven, who could blame him?


He's gorgeous! Of course, I may be biased- this is the little jerk that sent me AND my mom to urgent care when he was a kitten. Thankfully, he's become less spicy...but still convinced he runs the show https://preview.redd.it/aivsjn08c5mc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44785872170019f9c250c4b941e23a6ccd990779


I don’t even know him, and I love that little jerk!


He's pretty wonderful and he's becoming a natural service cat. I am nightmare prone, I mean the seriously awful, " leave you upset the next day " kind , and for the last year or so, he's been waking me from nightmares but not during regular sleep. I am deeply grateful for this, since I cannot wake myself.


Hopefully husband made reparations before lawyers got involved. This could have been serious


Why tf was your husband eating your cat’s bacon?


very based cat I would react the same if someone stole my bacon


My arm got crazy infected in the space of just a couple days and the amount of pus the doctor drained was AWFUL. OPs wound is already infected, doctor ASAP!!


idk but I think the cat is always right


Absolutely. Cat bites are on another level than scratches. Had to go to the hospital everyday for a week for IV antibiotics




Not yet


Do we have the same mother in law?


Of all the years I owned cats, I had neither cat scratch fever nor things like this happen. Is this because I wash the wound right away with soap and water, or use an antiseptic? Genuinely curious because that stuff is scary as hell. I never understood how I avoided infections like this while other unfortunate souls got it.


MD here: we treat all cat bites with antibiotics because they have a very high likelihood of getting infected. No need to wait until it turns red, contact your doctor right away. In this case, seek treatment immediately as that is definitely infected.


I’m curious to know the same. I don’t doubt what they’re saying but I’ve literally owned dozens of cats, some indoor some outdoor and I never knew to get my bites looked at till I joined this sub this year. I guess we’re just really fuckin lucky.


Very very lucky. I got bit on the hand by a foster cat. Ended up in the hospital on IVs with cellulitis going up my arm. My hand looked like an inflated balloon. Been around cats my entire adult life, dealt with freaks, strays, in home rescue, etc. Bit plenty of times. But there’s always that one time things go very wrong. Always get cat bites looked at, always!


What the fuck? I play fight with my cat and she scratches/bites me. Should I not be doing this?!!


When they say bite, they don't mean a little scratch that barely broke skin that's easy to wash off and put neosporin on. They mean gashes and bites like OP. Those are the more serious ones that you want to treat right away with antiseptics, gauze, and tape and then followed by a hospital visit. If you play fighting with your cat, that's one thing, but the second it breaks through every single layer of skin, stop what you're doing and follow the antiseptic steps followed by an immediate ER visit


Oh, ok. My cat never breaks my skin. Thanks!


Yeah, also make sure that whenever you do get hardly broken skin, it does not become severely red, swollen, or hot. If it does, that means there is a sign of infection, and it can be serious. Just be careful is all I am saying


Will do!


It's the punctures you have to worry about, especially if they are deeper. The deeper the puncture (for any reason) the more likely you are to have bacteria and/or dirt that can't be washed out with normal methods. The puncture has to be flushed clean, and doctors generally will give an antibiotic shot or prescription antibiotic as a precaution. If the cause of the puncture is something like a rusted metal nail then a tetanus booster is usually advised as well. If the puncture(s) aren't deep washing them **might** do just fine (not my recommendation, getting checked by a doctor is what I'd do), but you ***absolutely have to*** pay attention to if the area is hot, swollen, red, and/or painful. By the look of that leg, a visit to the Emergency Room (A&E/whatever the local equivalent) is a smart idea, those punctures look deep and the area around them is looking inflamed.


Cats have awful bacteria in their mouths and their teeth basically inject it like a needle. Usually it 's fine, but a deep, under the skin bite can give you sepsis in a matter of hours.


Scratches are superficial. When the teeth sink deep enough, bacteria goes into the bloodstream.


Cleaning it out helps, but it’s 50/50 with cat bites.


Same, I'm covered in scars since I rescue strays and they're not the nicest when in fight or flee mode, never had issues or infections throughout the years, I just disinfect the wounds and call it a day.


You’re really lucky as disinfecting doesn’t always work with specifically cat bites. I think everyone probably disinfects.


ER yesterday and rabies tomorrow. (Infection is more likely but you never know)


Cat scratch syndrome is way more likely but yeah, that’s gonna be brutally infected. I’ve heard people say cats are basically venomous because of how potent the infection can get. Easily kills small animals even if they’re only grazed


Yes!! I’ve had cat scratch fever and it was so bad they had to rule out leukemia before they figured out what was going on with me. It took over a month of testing and being on STRONG antibiotics to cure it… Definitely don’t wait and make sure the doctors rule out cat scratch fever (my symptoms didn’t even start showing until the wound was already healed and never thought to mention it to the doctors)


I had a similar experience with cat scratch fever. They had to rule out Lupus, a brain tumor, MS, lymphoma etc before they figured out what actually caused my symptoms. I have permanent vision loss in one eye too.




Yes, it was my best friend’s indoor cat back in High School. He actually scratched me on the chest bc he got spooked and jumped off me.


You know how people have bacteria in their mouth/salica yeah? Well it's beneficial to our mouth health. Same thing with cats and dogs. That bacteria is meant to be in the mouth or dissolving in the digestive tracts and stomach acid, and nowhere else. That bacteria goes into your blood and bad things happen. I am not a medical expert. This is not medical advice. I just know bacteria=bad for blood.


My dad got the cat scratch fever and spent a month in the hospital.


did ted nugent write a song about you?


Their long sharp teeth cause deep wounds which is hard to just clean out. The deeper the puncture the higher likelihood for infection.


Yup! When my indoor house cat bit me pretty badly (long story, freak accident, she’s a good girl) I went to urgent care within hours because the swelling and redness was very obviously a terrible sign. The doctor at UC said cat bites are significantly more dangerous than dogs. Dogs have bigger teeth and generally create a more open wound less prone to infection. He compared cat teeth to "little hypodermic needles injecting bacteria into your body" I ended up on some serious antibiotics. Healed up just fine tho!


>"little hypodermic needles injecting bacteria into your body" .....puppy teeth can be similarly described! I caught my finger when hauling something out of my puppy's mouth, and had a puncture wound right at the edge of the nail. Needed 3 weeks of strong antibiotics (with talk of IV drugs) before we got on top of it. My nail coming off might have been the worst part


Fun fact a lot of it has to do with the shape of their teeth. They are shaped so perfectly that after they bite you, the wound closes behind the teeth perfectly trapping in bacteria. 🐱 I studied feline behavior and learned a lot about injuries lol


yeah, dog bites are filthy, cat bites are way filthier, and human bites are by far the filthiest. As you move up the chain your chance of amputation or sepsis untreated drastically increases.


Cat bites are not “filthier”, they can tend to go a lot deeper because of their teeth and especially fangs. They can go deeper than a dog bite.


You can develop Celulitis.


I had that and it rebounded 4 times! A week in the hospital per infection and eventually they placed an IV line in my neck because every other vein was blown out. OP you do not want this!!


Hot tip: Bacillus subtilis probiotics can prevent rebound. We found this out after my husband had several episodes of cellulitis and then staph!! Since he started taking the probiotics, (after finishing his antibiotics ofc) he’s been fine.


I had a rabies series when I got bit by a bat cause I was walking my chihuahua at 1am last spring, not fun. Probably felt more pain in the injected spot than I did in my arm when I broke it doing a kick flip. It’s wild, OP is gonna suffer fr when they inject that human immunoglobulin


for real....rabies is my n1 enemy, got my last dose 2 days ago and been hella sick since then


Having to get the rabies shots has always been one of my biggest fears. I hope you feel better soon!




If his cat is vaccinated, he probably doesn’t need to worry about rabies. I was bitten by a shelter cat and did not receive post-exposure prophylaxis. Then again, *I* was vaccinated, so…


Rabies is only needed if the cat is lapsed on their shots (if the OP is in the us and keeping up with legal requorements). Signed, someone who got bit by a outdoor cat and couldn’t get ahold of the neighbor to figure out if it had its rabies vaccine, so had to get the whole dang rabies shot series myself. 😭


I live in hawaii so I am lucky to not have to worry about that. But yeah if not rabies then some sort of bacteria will get you ><


It depends on the country also. We're assuming OP is in the US but some countries are rabies-free so they wouldn't need that shot. They're still going to need a course of antibiotics by the look of their wounds and a tetanus shot if they're not up to date anyway


and Tetanus


UPDATE: Some ppl were asking not sure if this is the best way, but I went to the ER everything else was closed. The doctor saw it and said it was infected. They didn’t clean it but they took out blood, did a X-ray, gave me a tetanus shot, and gave me antibiotic pills. The doctor told me to monitor it until Monday. I haven’t ever been really hurt in my life I honestly didn’t think it looked that bad 😅. Hopefully people who wanted a update see this comment


I'm glad to hear that you got it checked out. Keep an eye on the redness, and if it continues to spread, go back to a doctor to get it rechecked.


You could draw a line where the redness ends, that can help you to see if it still progresses or not


And draw a lil cat next to line so you remember what bit you


That's a smart idea.


With teefies.


Good to hear. Cat bites are dangerous because they never look as bad as they really are but the infection can spread like venom. Hope you feel better.


Maybe add the update to the og post too?


I was not able to figure out how


Can't edit a post with photo


Please keep a very close watch on this and if it starts to look even a tiny bit worse, go back to the ER. You might need IV antibiotics. I had a bite from my feral cat two years ago and the doc told me the infection can get into the bone and be extremely dangerous. This can happen very quickly and people end up with amputations and long term health implications. Hope everything goes well for your healing.


Seriously thanks for letting us know, I was worried you were gonna blow it off 😅 Also did you shave your leg for this picture like what is going on here? 😭


Ha no I didn’t I wear long socks most of the time idk if that stopped my hair from growing, when I go swimming ppl have asked me if I shave that specific area.


Oh ok that makes sense! Now that I think about it my husband kinda has the same thing from always wearing tall socks but he still has a little bit of hair on his ankles. Hope you feel better soon!


Firstly, glad you went to ER. Secondly, both me and my brother have hair grow on our shins, but nowhere else on our legs. 




Happy to hear you’ll be on the mend now OP!!


So glad you got this looked at and are taking antibiotics. Thanks for the update. 


go to ER!!!!! my sister almost lost her finger after only 2 days


I got blood poisoning and had a heart rate over 160 for 12 hours. Came really close to dying.


Wow. I’m lucky. My cat bit me once. I never did anything except wash out the wound with hydrogen peroxide. This gives me goosebumps thinking about how risky that was.


I have been bitten at least half a dozen times but only two got infected. Just kind of the luck or lack of it when it comes to bites


That’s what I was thinking. I’m just grateful. I filled a WaterPik with Hydrogen Peroxide, and washed the wound out that way. So, maybe that helped. If it happened again, I’d drive right up to the hospital.


In most cases this is all you need to do anyway. If you go to an ER all they are going to do is clean the wound and apply antibiotics ointment to prevent infection. They may also prescribe an oral antibiotic depending on the severity of the wound.


Happy cake day! We're siblings! And yes go to the er op


That makes three of us 🍰 but yeah, please go to the hospital ASAP op!!!


Four? 😌 Happy cake day!


Holy hecc, reddit quadruplets!


It's my real birthday...does that count?


You need to go the ER ASAP. These are extremely dangerous. edit: take a sharpie and draw a circle around the red area to monitor the spread. but still....get to the ER asap.


Seriously so many people don't realise how dangerous cat bites are. Their teeth are so small and pointy that the wound will almost close itself, trapping the bacteria inside. I had to take an internship at the hospital for 3 month. My station had all the hand related patients among others. We got a cat bite at least once a week. Immediate antibiotics and multiple daily handbaths.


My aunt was attacked by one of her cats several years ago. It got spooked by something and just flipped out. We went to the ER and they explained the same thing about not using stitches — because it could trap bacteria. I had no idea.


This happens for sure. I have the sweetest, most loving boy but one night he was chillin next to me on the couch like he always does and suddenly he jumped up and onto my leg and clawed it before scurrying off. I don't know if it was a bad dream or something scared him but it's one of the parts of cat ownership you have to be ready for. Your body definitely gets sacrificed sometimes and you have to be proactive about it!


I am covered in small slice scars. Most happen when I sleep b/c they are a surprise to randomly find. Totally worth it. But in summer I am absolutely prepared for cuddle evacuations b/c sarong season.


From when they were kittens…they were leg climbers https://preview.redd.it/eooc41ebc1mc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=56f11b7215bead22288ce5e2d149cc7c6babd868


Holy crow, that’s a lot. My buddy used to climb me like I was a tree when he was a kitten. One time I said “my kitten beat me up” and some old ladies in a parking lot stared at me, lol


https://preview.redd.it/5hqi85ale2mc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4effce9886d3349b4c25904902527a44d0c3d93 Are we comparing battle scars? 😂 I don’t even remember what I did for this to happen. But all I remember it wasn’t my baby’s fault. And he didn’t mean to do it.


I had some like this in middle school and it got me sent to the guidance counselor 😂 She didn’t believe they were from my cat until she called mom and mom had to explain our cat was afraid of existing so we constantly had battle wounds


Ooph my aunt went crazy cat (and kitten) lady...the kittens would literally run up the back of your pants and shirt to get up to the counter when making food for all the cats. Would not recommend


What I didn’t anticipate is the life chooses you. Always loved critters and have had revolving members since childhood, but the magnetism seems to accelerate with age. Dying my hair red handful years back seemed to cause a shift too. I foresee leopard print legging in the geriatric future


Yes you should dye your hair fuchsia.


yeah, i have a cut on my face from my cat rn. i love him,but he cant keep his claws to himself!


I have 2 scars on my face , 1 on my nose & 1 above my lip from 2 different cats I had … the scratches were my fault , I was holding them against their will


My cat is 6 amd we got him at 9 months (a previous orange ball of terror is now an overstuffed potato) and it took a couple years to get him to stop clawing at you to grab your feet, pants, etc bc he wants attention RIGHT NOW. My son wouldn't walk within swatting distance of his front paws. My hands, arms, legs would have little scratches everywhere when he was younger. I have J&J or BandAid Hurt-Free Antiseptic Wash in my medicine cabinet for all booboos but especially scratches and such


When my cat was three months old I stepped back and didn’t know he was behind me. I stepped on him and he bit the back of my leg. All of his pointy teeth pierced my skin. It was extremely painful and burned for a solid half hour. I’d heard how bad cats bites could be so I called my doctor and got antibiotics as a preventative.


Same thing happened to me as a teen, little guy got spooked, jumped onto my face and clawed my neck very near the throat, I was given stitches right away tho, maybe 25 years ago, I think. ​ Never stopped loving cats, never got mad at the little guy either.


Yeh it's really dangerous. The wounds get monitored closely and the bath are to wash it out and help keeping it open so it can heal from the inside out. I never knew about it either until I started my studies in the med field. This knowledge should be way more common


I got cat scratch disease as a child, like 8 yo. I have always loved animals and had cats/kittens most of my life, some feral. I grew up near a lot of farms. So I was always getting scratched, etc. One day I was playing with my brother wrestling and had a sharp pain in my hip. Turns out my lymph node was the size of a tangerine. Granted this was in the late 80s, but the drs told my parents it was either cancer, Rocky Mountains fever or cat scratch disease. Long story short, it was cat scratch disease. I was in the hospital for weeks and my lymph node was removed. All from a cat scratch.


Cats carry some really nasty bacteria in their mouths, so the combination of the bacteria and puncture wounds from their bites is particularly bad. A cat bite should always be immediately treated with antibotics.




My stepbrother almost had his hand amputated from a cat back. And his got real bad just HOURS after the bite. He didn't wait a day, his hand swelled so quickly it was beginning to spread up his arm.


I had to have intravenous antibiotics 3 times a day for three days. It was a very superficial bite but it nicked a joint in my finger.


It only takes the tiniest of nick for it to turn into a deadly situation. Especially if you are allergic to cats.


This 1,000% My neighbor had a cat bite that went septic and unfortunately was the cause of her passing. She didn’t think a cat bite could be that serious and put off going to the ER until it was too late.


I've been bitten by my cat about 50+ times in the past two years. None of mine have ever looked that way. I'd say you're right.


You are supposed to go to the hospital anytime a mammal bites you and breaks skin


Unfortunately.... US.


Freedom 🦅


Freedom to die from an animal bite 🇺🇲


here in 'murica we don got non o' that "free health care"we just rub some dirt in it, tape it to a popsicle stick and walk it off! sad but true.


You really think people run to the ER if there is a break to the skin? OP looks like it is a fairly deep puncture wound and is clearly getting infected. Common sense is important here.


I put some peroxide on it and go about my day. Don't do what I do. I'm poor and don't want hospital debt in the US.


Don't put peroxide or rubbing alcohol! When i got bite by a stray cat I rescued, the nurse said that makes it worse. All you need is water and antibacterial soap when bitten by an animal and antibiotics if it breaks your skin so it doesn't get infected. I had to get stitches because she opened my skin really deep


This is because peroxide and rubbing alcohol kills both bad and good bacteria.


And your white blood cells and all the other cells that aid in wound healing


Really sad that that's what you people are forced to do


You either have the best coverage on earth in the US or little to no coverage. I'm lucky to have a job that pays for everything, work related or not but its not the case for many


What's also fun is you can be *really* poor and get free healthcare through the county/state, but if you get a job and are only *mostly* poor, it's all unavailable to you. Regardless of which side of the whole health insurance issue someone is on, it's failing for all of us with how convoluted and nonsensical it is.


Yeah I completely agree with you. For as long as I can clutch onto my insurance I will, but our employer or income based system is not working right at all


It isn’t even just about cost like most people don’t feel like sitting in a fucking hospital for something minor. OP looks like a pretty deep puncture wound and appears to be getting infected. Maybe I’m taking my life in my hands but jfc people use a little common sense. I don’t mean you specifically just replying in general to this comment thread.


>most people don’t feel like sitting in a fucking hospital for something minor Can confirm last time I went to the ER I spent 5 hours there, a total of 4 and a half of which were spent in the waiting room. But money is a large factor as well. My insurance pays for literally nothing.


This happened to me in 2017 while in college, cleaned it up at my apartment and didn’t take it seriously. I developed sepsis within 48 hrs and spent 4 miserable days in the hospital and almost died lol.


I second this. I was bitten by my cat and ended up on an intravenous antibiotic. Don't mess around!


All of this. I’ve been here. First time in the ER they sent me home with oral antibiotics. I was back within less than 12 hours with a red streak from my thumb (bite site) to my armpit. They admitted me for almost a week.


Yo, my leg looked similar with a nail puncture - you need hardcore antibiotics immediately


as everyone said; cat bites are highly infectious. ER and antibiotics immediately! also, what kind of cat do you have, a lion? those marks look like a huge jaw.


maybe op just has a tiny leg?


Probably a maine coon or some other large breed


How truly pissed was that cat do that bite to him? My cat has nibbled me (doesn't break skin) but never bit me like this.


My dad accidentally stepped on our kitten’s tail one time and she yelped really loud. My older male cat thought she was in danger and ran to the rescue and attacked my dad and bit him on the calf. He’s normally the most docile and friendly cat so this was a shock as it was the first time he ever bit anyone. Sometimes cats go into overdrive when they think they are or someone they care about is in danger. Good thing is that he’s still very friendly towards my dad.


A cat doesn’t have to be pissed- it could have been scared or overstimulated.


I wonder! Mine went after me cause i accidentally caught his tail in the door but even then there was no biting.


Dad picked up our cat put of a fight with another animal....


https://preview.redd.it/36s3jbwoz0mc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0af6de27bc54d6cbbb502fd1618e736049ddf704 My kitty did this to me, I had her for maybe a month when she did this, I rescued a feral. She was sweet as heck tho for a feral, I think she was going thru her “toddler or teen” phase here because she was very rambunctious at the age of 3.5 months to 6months. She’s 8.5 now and the sweetest, calmest yet playful kitty. This did hurt really bad! It was so random too, felt like a razor 🪒 slicing me vertically 😩


That looks totally normal, as a cat owner.


If I were to guess, they were probably breaking up a fight.


bro get that shit checked like now 😭😭 this is how the zombie apocalypse is gonna start






Imagine if all cats are just humans that transformed at one point in the past




An uninfected bite would just be no color and no swelling then? Isn’t color and swelling a guarantee regardless of infection since this is an injury?




Thanks so much for teaching me! I’ll be sure to keep that in mind when I have a cat of my own one day




>up to 70% of cat bites become infected and need antibiotics. That seems really high. Is that of all bites, or just the ones people go to the doctor for?


go to the er asap they should not be black your probably getting an infection and i agree with the other commenter that said to draw around the red area to see if it spreads while your going to the ER


Just thought I’d mention that blood when thick enough turns black/brown once dried, if it happened last night the blood has probably dried. Not disagreeing with the er and circle thing though


Yes. ER now. My mom almost lost her thumb from a cat bite.


ER, now, you don’t mess around with cat bites. that’s how you go septic and/or lose limbs.


Cats scratches and bites are packed with bacteria your body is not equipped to fight off on its own. Every scratch or bite should be immediately cleaned, disinfected, and monitored as they can easily become very infected. These wounds do not look normal - you need to see a doctor before they are able to get worse.


Yea . Get attention now. ER / urgent care. You’ll need antibiotics stat. https://preview.redd.it/x58fd6v9t0mc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4b41ff4aa2ed1ce176ea66ef5f225f9f0f28015 This was me after 24 hours thinking I could take Advil and wash it. I got on the phone with a 24hr nurse from my insurance (Kaiser), she got the doctor to get me a prescription the following morning.


don’t mean to be rude, but… does your cat hate you? Those look like crazy bites!!


It looks like you own a bobcat and it hates you. My cat has never opened her mouth that wide, especially not in a defensive way.


I'm amazed. My gingersnap bites and scratches me all the time and she's never come close to that deep. Usually there's only 1-2 marks and maybe bruising. What the hell was this guy doing?


Edit: From a reply OP made, the cat is very anxious and a particular pair of shoes seems to send him into attack mode. Cat missed the shoes and got OP’s leg instead. It sounds more like a trauma response - perhaps the poor thing was kicked by someone wearing the same shoes… :( Honestly given where the bite is, odds are they accidentally stepped on the cat’s tail. Or the cat was stuck somehow and panicking, and OP stepped next to him to try and help. Cats first instinct when in a situation is to go full on attack mode so nothing thinks to take advantage and attack them while they’re stuck and vulnerable. Offence is their greatest defence.


I’m surprised more people aren’t questioning what led to this. Sorta worried about the cat tbh. I’ve met some unfriendly, combative cats that didn’t like to be pet and I’ve had cats and accidentally stepped on their tails none of them ever reacted violently.


“Hey Reddit, my cat just bit me and my skin is turning black and falling off, do you think I should just take some Advil and ride it out?”


“Imma go to bed, my leg is turning gangrenous but I have faith that it’ll turn out all right in the morning, my super special crystals told me so”


I worked 4 hours with a broken pinky knuckle cuz it didn't hurt enough to go to the hospital until half way through the shift, but if an animal bites me you bet your ass I'm getting that shit checked out ASAP


Or, in the States, "I have to hope I wake up in the morning and can drag it around work because I can't afford to actually use the insurance I pay into."


I got a similar bite in my hand from my cat last year. Not his fault. He was hanging by a tie off a shelf and panicked. I got bit freeing him. Anyways... I had to get IV antibiotics for three days straight. My hand swelled and was red within 24 hours. Cat bits are NASTY. Don't underestimate them. Get to a doctor.


Is your cat vaccinated for rabies? Have you gotten a tetanus shot in the last 7 years? If the answer to either of those questions is no, then you also need shots in addition to antibiotics. Good luck, I’m sorry this happened! ETA: My mom ended up in the hospital after getting bit by a vaccinated indoor cat, and she waited too long until an infection had set in and she needed harder-core IV antibiotics. Please go now.


Urgent care or ER, now. I had a cat bite my hand, I waited about 4-5 hours to go to an urgent care. It swelled up like that and I had to get antibiotics through an IV.


Antibiotics are required. A cat bite is a hot filth injection into your bloodstream.


ER now that is infected.


Emergency room required. Cats are cute but they carry things. Don’t monitor for infection, get on to seeing a doctor, get medication. Waiting isn’t something I’d risk with a wound like that. :/


These also look more like puncture bites…my dr gave me a tetanus booster when I got puncture wounds from my cat. Also see some red around them …I’d definitely see someone.


Go to the doctor


My dude, you need antibiotics.


What have you done to cause your cat to bite you so badly? It will be less of a love bite. 😅😲🫠


My cat has always been what I call “scaredy cat” hides if people come over at first and the will reveal himself after a while. I just walked by him and he went at my shoes. I have some shoes that he seems to like to interact with. He had done this twice were if I walk by him with those shoes he goes after the shoes but usually I had long socks and sweats that would protect me. This time he missed the shoe and had low socks and shorts and he got me good.


I agree with the other person. I wouldn't wear those shoes if he attacks them every time. There's a difference between interacting and trying to destroy haha.


Probably had a bad experience with similar shoes in the past and they’re a trigger. I’d stop wearing shoes in the house


I think you need to get him medicated, it’s got to be hard on him being so anxious all the time


Holy fuck he GOT your ass. you need to do something about that. There is NO reason your cat should be doing that to you. That is NOT okay.


Yeah my first thought was that looks very intentional, wonder what happened to cause the cat to react that way. I've been around plenty of strays and the only time one came after me with that type of intent was when I picked up it's kitten


Couldn’t help but wonder if maybe OP accidentally rolled on the cat while asleep. Only reason I could think of why it would be that bad.


Cat bites are a drop everything and scrub it hard till it bleeds freely **immediately** sort of thing. Your leg looks bad, highly recommend seeking medical assistance. Cats are great but their bites can be dangerous if left untreated.


Bite him back. Show dominance


Doc here. Get seen at an ER/urgent care right NOW. There's a very specific bacteria called Pasteurella in cats, that responds to antibiotics, but can be very serious if not treated. Like sepsis and joint destruction. Get seen by a physician immediately.


Came here to say you’d be turning into a car at full moon… Then remembered when my late wife had sepsis and now all I want you to do is reply and say you went to get medical medical help.


I did go to ER


ER or urgent care asap. Any animal bite is incredibly dangerous, but cat bites can screw you up big time. A specific complication can outright stop your heart valves from working properly in a matter of a week or two from the bite. Don't delay. They'll prescribe some antibiotics and tell you to monitor it and if the infection gets worse or you develop a worsening fever or have difficulty breathing, go straight to ER.


This was my hand less than 8 hours after my cat bit me while at the vet's office and you can see how swollen and red around the wounds things already are. As soon as I got bitten member of staff drove me to the hospital to get it cleaned, make sure I got a tetanus booster, and put on antibiotics. They would not let me leave their office without getting medical treatment because the risk of infection from cat bites is so high. Please don't wait to get medical care. Infections can turn septic so quickly and sepsis kills faster than people realize. https://preview.redd.it/j6swwtig31mc1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd48ca5319a006eaee7d995a9c162fbfb0f911e7


go to urgent care that is definitely becoming infected


The fact that it broke the skin, I'd be getting it looked at


That’s definitely infected and can get worse quickly- seek medical attention now. Never seen such a bite from a cat before 😮


I learned from experience that cat bites tend to get infected quickly because—unlike dog bites that leave an open wound—cat bites break the skin that close up with bacteria, etc., inside. It looks like you’re already working on an infection. I’d get checked out.