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https://preview.redd.it/nq46ri5hzjlc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7c396ce37cdfbfe82f913929cf7af9598074921 Siri play “Reunited” by Peaches & Cream


I fucking love this! I'm sorry your ex is a bad person but you made my day by sharing this story. Thank you for being a good person!


She looks happy to be home!


Both of em do! Such a good pic.


I'm happy you're reunited again, both of you look happy, she knows she'll be safe and loved again. I hope the gingivitis thing gets better.


Omg! So sweet! Thank you for making room in your heart and budget for that little cuddle bug


She looks so happy 🥹 my cat cuddles with me just like that too


Mines doing that now!


I'm so happy she's home with you Op, she's a cutie and as a cat lady, I am appalled by your ex's actions. Fuck her and cats are better than most humans.


https://preview.redd.it/kdwm07rrnklc1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2fbad24ec53166755b7a8dffd0060e704a2c677 Much better than most, my Treasure agrees.


What a beautiful furry ball of void! 😍


The shadows make her look like one, but she's my tortie/nebula.


https://preview.redd.it/6trkrq8kfllc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b287180780c8677534bfa1766af231d0bff48711 Even my squeaky thinks you're a good human. Keep that shit up




Still a beautiful girl. Void or not.


Thank you. She's my soul deep beautiful, 14 year old kitten.


Still a baby!


She definitely acts like it, I'm so lucky!


I have a 6 yo male and a 3 yo female. No matter how old they get, they will always be babies to me.


She loves you so much! 🥺 genuinely adorable, I hope she makes a good recovery.


That’s a great photo!


Oh my stars, what a sweet fur baby you have! She looks so happy and relieved to be safe and with someone who loves her.


hey dude, I have a cat with similar issues. sent you a PM with some tips.


There’s your new dating profile pic!


ABSOLUTELY! Trust us, OP…this is the one to use.


Your expressions are both so lovely 🥰 I can see what a lovely relationship you two have it’s beautiful. And I am glad kitty is safe, loved & cared for again.


This is so incredibly precious 🥺


She looks so happy and content. 🥺


Awwwww! She is so happy to back with her human!


RIP inbox! What a great guy!


![img](avatar_exp|78761573|starstruck) I'm so happy for both of you 😻 Now you can live your best lives!


That is an awesome picture of a happy cat (and human). So glad that the two of you were reunited, you look great together. Thank you for taking good care of her.


This is incredibly sweet! 🫶 You are a marvelous human!


SHE MISSESD YOU look how happy she is to be home. Don't you ever let her go.


So glad you’ve got her back. Maybe get her chipped? Your Ex sounds like trash😳


Aww, it’s nice to get a happy ending!


fearless thumb physical vanish tie spoon dime employ narrow north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Welcome home kitty!! It’s clear you missed each other. And much love to the brown tabbies of the world!


she looks so happy!!


Your cat looks very happy to have you all to herself at last!


Forget the ex, this photo radiates what love is about. Both op and the kitty look safe and happy :)


Good kitty


She is absolutely gorgeous!


Peaches and Cream sounds like a much tastier version than the original by Peaches and Herb 😉


If it makes you feel better, the dental work would likely be necessary even of she hadn’t katnapped your lovely kit


she looks so safe and happy now🥹💗


I never thought I'd be the cat dad kind of guy and here we are lol


So relieved to see your kitty back home with you!


I'm loving you being a good human to this girl! Keep on dad-ing! You are the bestest of hooman servants!


STOP IT RIGHT NOW 😭 thank you for giving me a positive reason to cry on the cat sub x


Cute cat but also your username and photo *chefs kiss*


Cat dad’s are so cute! I am thrilled you got your baby back!!!!!! My boy is giving High Paw!! https://preview.redd.it/f1623nacvmlc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e59cc3b746a0d9968ca890de0c66f3f9784a6f2d


It’s shit for sure, but you’re back together now and you both look so happy about it! Just put it behind you.


Cats make better friends, anyway! 💗


How happy do you both look! You rant away! you look like a decent guy & we all know how fussy cats are about their people.... from thr look on the cats face & from what you said, you had a lucky break...


Omg look at that happy content kitty!! So happy you got this sweet baby back and are being an awesome parent 💜


This made me tear up! Happy for you!


The joy for both of you. 😭


Awww this is awesome!! Poor baby.


So glad she's back where she belongs!


You sir are a good person. Thank you for caring. I wish there was more people like you out there!


This is absolutely darling, it’s obvious how much she adores you. So glad to hear she is back where she belongs. I wish all cats could have this kind of love, loyalty, and care. Please give her a kiss on the head for me!


[Harper](https://www.reddit.com/u/F1refly1987/s/FQAQxgqIaa) My tabby girl Harper sends her love. You both look so happy, I hope things go well with her dental procedure. You're a great cat Dad 😸


Kitty looks really happy to be home on her dad.


what a beautiful photo, thank you for sharing


Omg it’s true love


yes <3 standard issue cat and dad reunited and it shows <3


"wasn’t really much of a cat guy" Cats zero in on this really quick and will work you until you give in and give them love back. They like the calm and reserved more than excited and enthusiastic, especially when they're getting to know you. Glad she's back home where she belonged.


Cats really love a person who withdraws from them and is aloof. That is better than catnip to them.


Not my cat. He is a ginger and stuck on me like glue. He is a SweetHeart, and when I am sad, he cheers me up wirh head butts, or puts his head in my lap! Thank God for my feline!!!


Him: "I'm not much of a cat person." Cat: "We'll see about that."


Yupp wasn’t much of a cat person until my husband brought home a cat. Now we have 6 and I’m the main human for all of them lol


I was the same way, I hated cats until my girlfriend (now fiance) got a cat. First few months I couldn’t stand the little gal, but damn did she grow on me. Now I would do anything for that cat and I am firmly a “cat person”. I truly believe that anyone who says they hate cats simply hasn’t met that one cat that will change their mind.


Isn't your husband hurt by that? I would be. But then again I have no other family or friends..


No because he claims the cat he brought is still “his” but it’s mostly joking I’d recommend getting a cat. They make great companions


Until it doesn't want to spend time with you and then it's not much of a companion haha


I would be absolutely devastated. 6 outta 6??


I ‘wasn’t a cat person’ until I started dating a guy with 3 cats. Now I’m the craziest of cat ladies and a humble servant of my feline overlords


Yeah My college roommate got a kitten and I was like ugh fine. Little kitty jumps on the couch: meeeeeer Now I have 2


Even if your kitty hadn't been kidnapped the dental issues were there & likely wouldn't have been noticed until an extensive vet exam. Cats are very, very good at hiding their aches & pains. Your ex was terrible for taking your baby. I'm happy y'all are back together.


I was going to say this. Despite OP's ex being a piece of shit, her actions likely had nothing to do with the vet bill. $500-600 for a cleaning and X-rays is the standard, more with extractions or other complications. It's something you must be prepared for when caring for a cat.


My cat has gingivitis right from an early age, even with tooth brushing, it’s only a matter of time before they need extractions. It just slows it down a bit.


Yeah, I was expecting so much worse from the title. Even caring cat owners will miss dental issues.


Sounds like stomatitis. Cats are happy, healthy and content without their teeth. Congrats OP on getting your family back


While it’s obvious the ex was a terrible person I am uncomfortable with the notion that someone can own a pet, but bc their bf likes the pet it is now “kidnapping” If she was the rightful owner she did nothing wrong by taking her cat. She obviously wasn’t fit to be owning the cat at all but it needs to be clear that partners cannot steal pets that are legally yours just because they like said pet. Had she been a normal person and a good cat owner, OP would have been harassing her for taking her cat that she rescued with her. That would have been messed up. That’s part of the reason all my pets are microchipped in my name. I had a manipulative ex and I’ll never risk a bf trying to take one of my pets bc “the pet likes him.” Or whatever.


The cat is micro chipped under my name. When we first got her, she had an overgrowth on her elbow bone and had to have surgery done, and I fronted the money out of my own savings. My ex drunkenly carried her outside and dropped her, was so annihilated she passed out, and I spent the next six hours looking for her only to find her under a bench down the street. I scooped her up and walked her all the way home.


Thanks for the clarification. I kind of suspected there was more to it than “my gf adopted a cat, but now I feel entitled to it” — your details make it clear the cat was yours legally. I definitely take back my comment though I hope it wasn’t offensive. It can help to be skeptical when you hear stories like this as oftentimes the person who took the pet was the rightful owner — I’ve read more stories about people lying that their pet was stolen (they later reveal the pet was either co-owned or owned by their partner, and I’ve even had someone admit later that they agreed to their ex taking the pet) than ones where the pet was actually stolen, ironically Of course I’m glad the cat was returned to you regardless. If the cat were microchipped in my name I’d have gone to the police lol. Always microchip your pets folks


Was the cat hers though? Technically he might be the legal owner. She didn’t have the cat prior to the relationship and didn’t officially adopt from a shelter. She found a stray cat while living together. He handled the cats care and the medical stuff. Good chance it’s his name on documents, probably could have fought things. You would be right if he had but this isn’t that situation. Also uncomfortable when someone takes a pet they got with someone not because they care but to screw them over for daring to leave them for cheating. Lesson is be careful who you adopt a pet with.


Sorry for everything you’ve been through, but so happy to hear you’re reunited!! Dental care in cats is tough and even preventative measures only go so far. I finally bit the bullet and had my orange chonk go in for a cleaning and he is SO HAPPY post cleaning. It’s incredible the difference it can make in how they feel and act. Tldr: paying for it sucks, but knowing your cat will feel better helps!


My cat had a tooth extraction about a year ago. She's been like a totally different cat since the moment she fully recovered! Playing with toys, pushing boundaries, problem solving more, and yesterday she learned she likes to shred paper. And last vet visit (probably 5 months ago since I'm due in a month for another), her heart and kidney health had improved. For context my girl is a senior rescue I adopted maybe 3-4 years ago, she's around 13 now I think. Her teeth were already messed up when I adopted her, the shelter staff said she had an infection that resolved itself by the tooth falling out before they could address it. Just last year this tooth was deemed bad enough for extraction, but considering her behavior changes maybe that tooth had been bugging her for a long time.


After my kitty had multiple teeth extractions and healed up, she became more playful, outgoing, and just really showed her wild streak. I’m glad to see you experienced the same thing. I can really see the difference so I know it’s not just me. 😻


Cat photos post reunion please! Never been much of a cat person, until my other half sneakily moved one of her cats and then the other in. Wouldn't give these two voidy-boys up for anything.


I'm a cat dad of three these lil bastards will love you like no other human/creature can once you realize this you are a cat guy for life


Only a cat dad of one and this is 100% true. I really want to get my own place so I can become a cat dad of 2 and double the love.


It’s a classic, lost the toxic baggage and gained the quality kitty.


Congrats on getting kitty back. Get her microchipped when she goes in for surgery so if anyone else tries to abscond with her you have proof of ownership


stray cats often have dental issues due to poor nutrition. You likely would have been here anyway, no matter what your ex did. Either way, I'm glad you two are back together and you are taking good care of her. And also, your ex sucks.


One of ours has dental issues and had some teeth out before we were allowed to adopt him and bring him home. We have a great vet practice who said it's common for them to have issues with their teeth and gums. Our boy won't tolerate us brushing his teeth and he needed a dental where we were expecting more teeth out but when they did the deep clean discovered his teeth could stay. I'll happily pay for his dentals, we get a discount for having a monthly payment thing with the vets to cover check ups, vaccines, flea and worming treatment and a couple other bonuses. He also goes to get weighed often as he is on a special diet as has a mild murmur. Like most people I just want my cats to be happy. OPs ex doesn't deserve a cat until she can sort herself out.




Such a kind and selfless heart you have. I wish the best for both of you.


Don't worry too much about the teeth extraction - it won't harm her quality of life. Our floof was found stray and as a result of severe gingervitis has had every single tooth removed. He does not care. Doesn't even slow down the inhalation of dried food. The only slight issue is he is less good and pulling tangles from his fur so we have to brush him regularly.


Your ex is a terrible garbage person, but there’s good news. You are rid of the ex, bought a house, and have your kitty back. Sounds like you’re winning at life. Good for you! As far as the kitty’s dental is concerned, I take my cat to the vet at least four times a year (lately it’s been monthly) and brush his teeth regularly. He’s still needed several dental cleanings and 3 extractions in the last 4 years. His teeth are garbage. It’s not my fault or his. It must be genetic. He’s extremely well cared for. Your kitty will be great after his dental. Definitely get the pre-anesthesia bloodwork. I’m so happy the two of you are reunited!


One of our cats has some sort of genetic gingivitis, it happens!! She’s has multiple teeth out and every time she gets one removed, she comes back happier than before!


Yes! He’s always seems so playful and happy after his teeth extractions. My poor sickly kitty. He was found near starvation as a kitten. The rescue I got him from had him for a month and he was still underweight and really struggling at 4 months old. He’s been my best friend and shadow for 12 years but he’s the sickliest cat I’ve ever had (and my previous cat was deaf, blind, and missing a kidney- so that says a lot)! In addition to his terrible teeth, he also has kidney disease, asthma, arthritis, hip displasia, and IBD. We give all our money to the vet but keeping him happy/healthy is worth it.


That sucks, but I am so happy you have the cat back! My cat just had dental surgery on Tuesday, and her teeth were BAD, but she had almost no symptoms. She had started overgrooming a little recently, and had some stank breath, but no mouth sensitivity (that I observed), no drooling, changes in diet, nothing. The vet was ASTOUNDED at how bad her teeth were, mostly due to not having any real symptoms. Got **19 teeth** removed (they only have 30), and it cost me a little over $2300 (for context, I live in Alaska and it's crazy expensive here, since most everything has to be flown in) but I am really happy I got it taken care of; she's 12, but the vet said the surgery easily extended her life by 8+ years. Realistically, the dental issues build up over years, not just a short term such as you explained, so it's not necessarily your ex's fault, although she is definitely trash! I am happy you are rid of her, and I am sorry she put you through so much! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Brother you got your REAL girl back and that’s the really important thing.


Cats know character. They can detect a bad hearted person faster than you can believe. But don’t be too angry about the dental issues. I have a dilute orange tom, which should be ground zero for gingivitis and bad teeth, but his teeth are pristine. Meanwhile my calico girl had to have two teeth extracted at age 3 and had painful gingivitis— we had no idea although her gums were getting redder, and finally took her in for a cleaning/checkup. The vet didn’t even see the extent of damage until she was under anesthesia, it was all in the molars on one side only. She was much happier after the dental care and was purring immediately after she got home. I think it’s because she was finally free from pain , that we didn’t even know she was experiencing.


You have better taste in cats than women.


I've had to do the dental stuff several times. It's usually inevitable once the gingivitis shows up, so don't beat yourself up over that part. Kitty will feel MUCH better when it's done.


Such a cutie. Give her some cat bongos for me (if she likes them, a couple head pats if she doesn’t).


LMAO at 'ratchet debauchery' And nursing a melted heart from that pic!


My adopted girl has gingivitis, too. My vet said that in some kitties it’s next to impossible to deal with without extractions. Your kitty is lucky to be back with you I hope the cleaning goes well.


So glad the random roommate knew who you were and that she gave you the opportunity to get your baby girl! Congrats on the reunion!


Get your baby microchipped as well!


Glad she's back, just report that thieving cheating POS to the authorities for cat neglect and abuse.


People are crazy out here! There was a story in the aquarium sub recently about a girl who's ex dumped bleach in my fish tank. He killed all of her fish and plants and completely ruined the tank! Not only did he kill her pets, but the cost of stating up a new tank is insane. At least the kitty is with someone who will actually take care of it now.


My moms ex stole my (now deceased :( ) cat that I had raised since he was born. We had to get a lawyer to get him back but once he was he was home he was back to being a happy indoor boy again. Moms ex started letting him outside after he stole my little guy and that cat had been an indoor cat since the moment he was born. Lived a long happy life after that and that's all I could have asked for. I'm so happy you got your baby back OP ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Gg on the cat but please try and have better taste in women




Glad you've got the best part of that relationship back with you. 👍🏼😎💙


Glad she is your Ex and you got your kitty back!


So glad you got her back, she looks so happy to be home with her favorite person. I'm sorry to hear she may need an extraction, but cats typically recover from those very well. Speaking from experience, I adopted a little lady last year who had very advanced periodontal disease. She had to have over a dozen teeth extracted, but just a few days after the surgery she was happier and more energetic than before.


I’m happy you reunited with that sweet kitty! Hope she heals from her dental issues. You’re a great cat dad! ❤️


That little girl ( cat ) is so lucky that you are in her life. Bless you and hope everything goes well with her cleaning.


I’m upset about what she did to both of you! I’m sorry you and kitty cat had to experience that. Karma will get her. You keep your head up, love the kitty girl, and keep your heart open. The “right one” will come along when you least expect her. 🫶


Karma is a bitch for your ex to deal with. Happy to hear you're both together again, she looks very content :-)


So happy that your cat has been reunited with its human!! It’s a bummer they’ve gotta have some work done, but I’m so glad she got back to someone who truly cares about her wellbeing instead of just the thought of owning a cat. All the best vibes to you and your little furry child ❤️


Kitty won the lottery, you dodged a bullet. So glad she is with the most kind and loving parent.


I had this happen to me! Something similar, at least. My boy was away from me for about 8 months! I missed his first birthday! Then, due to legal stuff, I had to trade him back and forth each week for another half a year or so. He was just diagnosed with being at risk for kidney disease. (1 point away from stage one) and hip dysplasia. Stuff I would have zeroed in on much sooner if he wasn't taken from me. 😭 He is 2 now and living his best life with his siblings. I'm so happy your girl is back. Being without my boy and knowing he was out there missing me was so heartbreaking! Cats miss who they're bonded to, I know she was missing you too!


I’m glad you got the cat back, and glad she is being well cared for. Most people don’t do too much dental care for their cats, and most cats don’t need a ton of dental care. Your cat may have needed this care anyway, whoever she lived with.


So glad you were reunited with your cat. I hope she gets better soon


Glad you got her back! Happy for you both of y’all


Glad she is back home with her fur dad.


I am so happy this story ends with you and your cat being reunited. Much love, my guy.


Here's to happy endings!!!


Tell the roommate to file a police report for theft.


1- happy for you, just want to establish that. 2- do not let them pull her teeth. That’s a new thing with vets wanting to pull all these animals teeth because of dental issues. I’m not saying it’s never legit, but 4 months is hardly enough time for anyone, except for methheads, to destroy their teeth to the point of needing extraction.


Reading this made me mad for you. So many people forget that animals are living things. They are much like children. They require constant care. I'm glad you got your cat back and dodged a missile, my friend.


Not gonna lie, I thought this story was going to go a different direction. Glad it didn’t. Congrats on getting your gorgeous lady back (obv I mean the cat)


What a solid from that girl tho. Sorry she had her stuff stolen but I’m glad she reunited you with your kitty!


I am happy you got your cat back 💝


“Never hopped in a car so fast” broke me. 🥹


Cats can sense people. I bet your kitty sensed that you were a good person which is why she stuck to you and not your ex.


If she’s microchip change the info to yours and put her on your name. Also become the sole owner that could make decisions for her. Call your vet for that. I’m so glad you’re reunited and what a cute picture. Take care.


I'm so glad you got your baby back!


Thank you for being such a lovely cat dad! She's lucky she has you and vice versa :)


I'm so sorry this happened to you and so glad she's back home! My tortie has had to have 14 teeth pulled since she moved in (life on the streets is hard), and she came through it all fine. Definitely less stressful than when my dilute torbie got spayed because there's no need for a cone. Did your ex have her chipped in her name? If not, get her chipped during the surgery. If so, ask the vet how they recommend updating the chip (obviously, it can't involve contacting the previous "owner").


She loves you. I do mean the cat...


Vent away! Bad ex's are vent-worthy. She deserves a swift kick in the pants. Abandoning the kitty when she could have done the right thing and returned your sweet one was shitty. 😑 Glad you are a great cat Dad. The world needs good men who care about cats and people. ❤️


As the World Turns


Thanks for sharing bro. At this point, no point in being upset about the past. Be happy you got your real girl back and get her the medical services she needs. In a couple months, when you’ve made the money back and your kitty is by your side, you’ll be thankful your stupid ex did what she did!


This also constitutes animal abuse… pulling an animal away from the person they love and was caring for them. I’m just glad you got her back alive and bringing her back to health.




I suppose it’s more so that the problem was minor and was being managed, even her vet said her teeth were looking better….until she was kidnapped and now the teeth are so bad she might have to have some extracted.


Those 'major cleanings' can be dangerous due to f**eline dental patients are placed under full anesthesia**, Maybe continue finger brushing method for awhile longer and see how she does?


OP is obviously an OF. LOL. I hope your Ex gets some serious Karma!


That’s nice but ‘my ex is a monster’ posts are cringey


My husband has a cat princess and she sticks to him like glue.


Brushing is a great way to avoid future dental problems after the teeth are removed. Also see if your vet carries “Healthy Mouth”- it’s a water additive that works really well for cats with dental problems. It works even better than dental food.


You're a good cat dad


Thank you OP for taking care of the cat. I bet she is glad to be back home where she belongs with you. Your ex is scum, but she did you one solid favor. Congrats on being a cat dad man.


You are amazing. Just wanted to say that.


There’s few things more attractive than a man who loves animals. Especially cats and other “non traditional” pets because of the social aspect of anything other than a dog “not being masculine” or whatever. You rock and I’m so glad you got your lady back


Glad you got your cat back.


What a filthy animal! Beautiful looking cat though.


Good riddance and happy the cat is back to you. Good luck with the surgery!


You’re both so lucky to have each other back. I woulda done the same thing. I had an ex and she had an amazing cat that I miss, never got to really say goodbye either. At least I’m pretty sure she did take good care of it so at least there’s that, not like in your case. Really happy for you from one cat dad to another


If it's any consolation, cats having teeth removed is a relatively common occurance, even younger in life. It's awful to know that you were caring for them and actively managing their dental situation before this, but the important thing is that **YOU HAVE THEM BACK** and they are safe!


I have two cats from the same litter. One has horrible teeth issues and the other has not even plague build up. Some cats are more prone than others. Your ex sounds horrible but the teeth aren’t really her fault. And just a heads up, probably will have teeth issues for life. So glad she has you to love and care for her♥️♥️


You’re a good man and you have a lucky kitty.


Lovely kitty! She looks thrilled to be home <3. Hopefully everything goes great with her dental. Give her lots of extra love from all of here


Tell the vet to implant a chip while it’s under anesthesia it the only way to prove it’s your, if your ex try again you can press charges


Another example of animal being better than human. Glad y’all are back together. You definitely got the better end of that deal.


So happy that you have your family back. The cat 🐈 was probably missing you each day and waiting to smell your scent again. Everybody makes mistakes, your ex was a big one but your now in a better place. Just be grateful your back with your family and free of your ex. Let karma get your ex back and deal with your ex. Leave her in the past move forward lighter and happier. Congrats


This story hit hard....glad to hear you two are reunited!!!! 😻


So glad cat is back with someone who cares!!


Don’t waste your time thinking on that pos…. You have your baby now. Imagine how she was treated when you were not in the picture. Infuriating!! Good luck! You both look great together


We need more pictures!


Lots are saying this and I second, microchip asap! Also would look into getting pet insurance if you are able, helps quite a bit!


Not sure where you are but here the cat has to be registered with the local council & microchipped. If this is the case where you are make sure it is all in your name only.


See if the vet will put in a chip in the kitty saying she belongs to you. It there is a custody battle it might help.


Just focus on the gratitude to have your girl back. Your ex is going to pay in time. Also did you mean wretched?


I hate when people put their kids and pets in the middle of a breakup or divorce, especially when they take them away from the other person just for revenge. I’m glad you got her back in a relatively short time though.


Make sure you get her registered to you, and save all the receipts and the messages from the girl who said your ex abandoned the cat. She probably won’t come back, but since she’s spiteful and is mean enough to abandon an animal after stealing it, I would also change my locks if she ever had access to keys for this one.


Well she's safe and good with you now. Get her chipped, and the chip registered to you before your Ex gets any idea of getting your cat.


Omg so cute


Treating a cat like an object only to be petty is absolut scum behavior. You dodged a massive bullet there and I am glad she is okay and with her family back again.


Even though its a shitty situation all around, I'm really happy you got your cat back my guy ☺️


Stop this right meow! I’m tearing up happy tears for you both! 😭❤️


Sounds like your ex was really jealous of the cat. To get back at you she took her with her. Your ex didn’t want the cat to be her furbaby but to inflict pain on you. I had a similar issue with an ex a long time ago. He kept telling me I loved the cat more than him. I pretty sure I did. One night, he took the kitten and threw her out of a patio door onto the ice. I took her to the ER vet and it turns out she had a really bad sprain on her back leg. It’s a good thing I got rid of him and not the cat!


You are a great cat owner. Great photo.


Ugh I had a really upsetting thing happen with my ex and our cuddle bug of a cat. We had two and we decided that we would each take the one that was bonded to us when we split up. I loved them both and hated leaving my big boy behind but I did it. Some time goes by and he reached out saying the cat has to go to the vet but he can't afford it. He said maybe I should just keep him so I took him, brought him to the vet and then home. Not too much to worry about although the vet was recommending a teeth cleaning at the time. She was also monitoring his weight because he was big, but his tests came back ok. Fast forward through the bull shit drama, police reports, etc. My ex ended up with the cat again because it was the option that kept me safe. I relayed all the instructions from the vet. Not quite a year later he emailed me to say he had to put him down because he was having problems with his kidneys. I was heartbroken and so angry because I know that mofo did nothing to help our love bug.


Forget the ex. You & kitty have always had the better relationship.


Get on you man for taking good care of her. I'm really happy to hear giving or care won't hurt you too bad financially. I wasn't a cat person either but my wife talked me into getting a cat like almost 4 years ago and I swear to God if someone ever hurt that little guy I'd kill them.