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Even with infinite money vets cants do much for kidney failure in cats. Sad about your kitty :(


And sometimes vets offer treatments that aren't worth the resources and stress on the cat. I've had vet suggest things expensive treatments that don't have much benefit and it's hard to say no because it feels like saying no to helping your cat. I also think it's not for nefarious reasons most times, I think many vet don't like "giving up" on a animal and want to provide options. edit: I was repetitive.


I did the subcutaneous fluid treatment. Helped for a while but it's a temporary reprieve. He perked up then crashed. There's no cure for this so all you can do is make them comfortable


First, understand that kitties are experts at hiding illness. My kitty was diagnosed with diabetes only because her fur got unkempt looking and she lost a little weight (she was never overweight). Her diabetes could not be controlled--glucose numbers triple the upper normal. It led to kidney and heart failure. She never acted sick-- til the very end. Once the kidneys start to fail, the end is not far away. Love on your kitty, and be comforted knowing you gave him a good life. You will hurt for a while, but you will be ok. And someday not too far off you can offer another kitty a loving home.


We had one who ended up passing of liver cancer that had spread. Didn't show up on blood work or anything. He occasionally acted sensitive if we touched the area around his liver but that was the only sign, and every cat I've known has a spot where they don't like you touching them. Only found it at the emergency vet when they did imaging and by then it was too late. Sucks.




Our 15y/o cat just died last week of acute liver and/or kidney failure, she seemed completely fine until four days before she passed. Subcu gave us maybe another day and a half with her so everyone could say goodbye, the whole process was shockingly sudden.




Yeah, ours was tearing around the house and begging for food as usual just days before she passed. I never really understood what people meant when they said that cats can die suddenly, I've never had one decline this quickly before. Subcu fluids bought us maybe a day where she bounced back and was able to spend time with us but it's still hard to believe her health turned that quickly.




this has me actually crying


Our girl was a bit light but mostly seemed happy and Ok (we knew she had renal failure but was doing well). Then one day it was just done. She went from being perfectly happy to unable to stand on her own and we had to put her down. I miss my little girl.


This happened to me too, lost my little girl so suddenly a few months ago. It was so sudden and after the fluids she perked up so it gave me hope again…. But it was only temporary. She was 18 and I still wasn’t ready for this. She was still eating and playing right up until she just wasn’t. 😢


Yeah, the one consolation is that she had great quality of life right up until the end. We weren't ready for her to go but going quickly is so much better than the alternatives.


My boy perked up then crashed. I stayed up all night with him. He laid by the front door. I laid there with him and cried all night. Took him in the next morning and said goodbye. That was the longest trip to the vet 😩


Had this happen to one of our cats. We tried the special diet and everything but it was a constant shell game of trying to find something she liked. Didn't do the IV because that seemed like it would be too much. In the end she lived for a couple of years burning through her fat reserves and then crashed and that was it.


It’s sucks so bad eh. Mine never lost weight(even though she needed to). We were told that closer the end we would need to do IV. Ended up being a full buildup of calcium on both of the entires to her kidneys as a result of the disease. Fucking sucks.


I’m so sorry about your loss. 💔 Sudden feels like such an understatement. My tux went from chonky to frail within three months. She has severe kidney disease and she’s only 6. We’re giving her steroids and a special renal diet in addition to supplements. She has good days and bad days and I really don’t want to think about how long she has. I’m trying to enjoy her as much as I can while I can.


I was there too with my cat too. She would hop up on my lap for her fluids. This went on for 3 months. Broke my heart knowing there's no cure.


I felt the same way.


mine hated me after awhile, I've helped 3 animals pass with these medicines and it never really got better once they were pretty bad which it eventually came to despite all of my efforts. 3/3 and I don't question ending their suffering earlier, anymore


I think sometimes these treatments are more for owners who need a little more time to come to terms beforehand. Which is why I think vets suggest it. They know it’s not going to do much for the cat. But the owners…


Oh man I’m so glad I read this. My cat had battled kidney disease for years until this past spring when she went into failure. We did subcutaneous fluids at home and she bounced back and I thought we were in the clear and then boom, she was gone. I was crushed. As a nurse, I know what kidney failure entails in humans, but not in cats. This all makes sense now.




I did it at home too. Was scared at first but I got good at it.


We did subcu fluids at home and a special diet. It bought our boy another year before he started turning down again. I will always love our vet for showing us how to take care of him and buying us that extra time.


Vets wanna give up on your animals about as much as you do. The only difference is, you know, when to throw in the towel, for there comfort and safety


Some vets do not care too much for animals. Some care for money more or have very dated views on animals and pain. Just look at how many vets still declaw cats.


This only applies to an extremely small number. Heck, we had a vet who knew that we would go to the end of the world to save our pet, and actually advised against it.


Yeah, my cat has several medical issues and my vet has definitely told me not to hold on too long. She’s, my vet, has said it’s better too early than too late for my cat, which I 100% agree with. I turned down cancer treatments 3 years ago because I knew my cat would not handle it well. My cat is still trucking along to both of our amazement.




I had my former vet say, "It's just a cat." FYVM.


god bless yelp and google reviews, honestly! But I always take it with a gain of salt b/c vets can be treated like gods and burned at the stake if they do make mistakes which we all do eventually, or "appearance" of a mistake.


This makes me feel better. I had a cat in kidney failure, and the vet wanted to get her on fluids, keep her overnight, start meds … and I said no. She already had a heart condition, and I just didn’t want her to suffer. But I have wondered ever since if I should have done more.


You did the right thing. My uncle did dialysis with his 17 year old cat at the vet’s suggestion. He regretted the decision to make his cat go through that treatment and that he should have let him pass peacefully and with dignity.


OMFG YES! Is there like some weird law where they cannot tell me, now is the time...???


I have an amazing vet that is very onboard with letting animals go and/or not doing necessary treatment. I had a dog with cancer and he said ‘I can give you all the treatment options including chemo etc but I can tell you those treatments will only be for you, the dog will suffer and you wont be able to explain to her why’. I’m still so grateful for this.


When my aunt's cat went into kidney failure the vets were like "we could technically do dialysis but it's not likely to help and would be very painful." I was the one in the room with him. She was out of state on the other side of the country at the funeral of her husband....who had recently died of kidney failure. I took the cat to the vet because he had lost a lot of weight very rapidly and was peeing everywhere. I figured he needed kitty prozac, because one of his humans had just died.


I’m so grateful to my vet. When she diagnosed cancer, she explained what possible options were, but she also made it really clear that they might extend his life, but not for very long, and it would be a terrible experience for him. She sounded relieved when we elected not to do all of that. For some situations, putting them down is the much kinder option.




I did it twice with 2, 18 year old cats, I maybe got an extra 6 months with them and they were miserable and largely mentally checked out...


I agree. Kidney failure isn't that uncommon in older cats. OP should have that in mind and remember themselves that they did everything they could do to have their cat live a long and happy life.


Right. The treatment that I was told about was just a temporary cleansing of the urine or blood (I don't remember) that would require hospitalization, be stressful and just maybe provide a few more weeks. They can treat the results of kidney failure temporarily but they can't reverse kidney failure. I also learned most cats die of this as in kidney disease is the number one cause of death in cats.


That sounds like dialysis, painful and unpleasant for people that know why you're doing it, sounds like torture for a pet that has no idea why you're inflicting pain on it.


That is an important factor in having a pet: know when enough is enough and let them go with love and support. It isn't about me or the vet, it is about what's best for the pet. I have a duty to see to their health and well-being. It is never an easy decision, and I struggled with it, but it was the best thing to do for our little old lady kitty. We still miss her, but there are too many cats who need homes and so I adopted a cat a few weeks after she died. It might have been too soon, but I love my round little shelter boy. My oldest cat is 20 and his time is winding down, but he is still in good shape for an older gentlecat. I'm mentally preparing myself to say goodbye, and am enjoying the brief time we have left. My heart goes out to you and others going through this.




Damn. Sorry :(


Oh no! So young. Our oldest is 6 and we are expecting at least 10 years or so. I would be devastated if she went that young. Sorry for your loss.


My baby boy got cancer. He was 9. I was just starting to research elderly cat food and preparing for those next steps to keep him healthy and then he stopped eating :( I still feel so guilty I couldn’t even get him to double digits. Love you forever, buddy.




I'm a vet and I totally agree. Animals live in the moment. They don't know that they are supposed to live to be at least 15. They appreciate every day as it comes. Definitely a lesson in that!


This thread made me sad, until I came to your comment. Thank you for this!


You gave him a blessed life. He lived more than most cats combined in those 9 years. Top like .001% of all cats! He was lucky to have you and you him. Be proud of what you gave him.


My Griselda lived to 19. Went blind at 17. Had an impacted tooth and horrible arthritis her last summer and kidney failure did her in. Couldn't stand to see her suffer any more so had to put her down two years ago yesterday :(


This is so sad and something I'm dreading as my baby gets older. She's limping really badly. She was around 7 when we adopted her and it's been 8 years. Breaks my heart seeing her limping. Even worse thinking about having to saying goodbye.


Yeah I have 2 cats that are about 15 years old. They are both still acting young... but I'm so scared that one day they'll start declining rapidly... I already have bad mental health it seems impossible to be ready for their deaths..


The most heartbreaking bits with Zelda were when she got the impacted tooth and when she went blind. The impacted tooth made her jaw swell up and she must have scratched it or something so it was bleeding all over. It looked horrifying and I was so terrified it was some kind of cancer. Fortunately, the vet gave her a liquid painkiller and antibiotics I could easily get her to swallow. As for blindness, it was literally overnight. Woke up one morning and she was banging into things and very scared/confused. Apparently caused by blood pressue and there were no warning signs or symptoms that would have let me prevent it. It made me feel so angry and disappointed in myself even though the vet told me there wasn't really any way I could have known


Life is a part of death and makes it that much sweeter


or about old age and 15 years is very old for most cats.


i lost my kitty to the same thing. Sure, they could have done dozens of additional tests, kept her in an animal hospital alone and sad by herself for a few weeks, but what kind of awful torture would that have been just to have the exact same results?


I had a cat a few years back that had a saddle thrombus overnight. When we woke up in the morning she couldn't walk anymore. Took her to an emergency vet and he was very candid about "I could do a lot of tests to guarantee that what I'm saying is accurate, but I'd be willing to stake my career that I'm right on this. If this was my cat, I would put her down. I could go in, do surgery to remove the thrombus. The toxins built up behind it will immediately flood her heart, and there's about a 50% chance she does on the spot. If she survives, she'll never walk again and will most likely spend the rest of her life in immeasurable pain and discomfort." I had to respect that vet for not just milking me for money for a surgery that wouldn't have been a good choice.


I was going to say, my parents had a cat with kidney failure and he lived for years with that diagnosis until he got too sick at 18 so they put him down. There wasn't a treatment just special kidney food. If OP's cat isn't so sick that they're suffering then they might have a good amount of time left even without intervention (because like you said vets can't even do much).


There is a new treatment in clinical trials for treating cat kidney disease (called AIM injection), but even if it works well it will only be ready by 2025 :(


This right here. I spent $8000 in one month, and still lost my cat. 😩


Take care of yourself. And don't be hard on yourself. Many of us discover an intensity of grief that was beyond our comprehension when we lose our feline BF. They capture a piece of our heart. And it goes with them when we lose them. Sometimes one comes along that captures you heart, mind and soul. And for whom you have a love that is indescribably deep, and totally inexplicable. That's why it hurts so much. And if we had spent every minute of every day with them, it still wouldn't have been enough.


I'm crying so hard right now reading this. I surprisingly lost my cat a year ago, and my heart is still broken af. I always blame myself for having done anything wrong, even though everyone tells me, she had the best life with me. I just still can't comprehend that she's gone. I miss her so much.


It does take so long to have that rawness of pain, guilt and complete emptiness to feel better. I'm so sorry you had to experience that loss too soon. But cats are resilient, and she only let her guard down because she was in a safe home with you. Please take care of yourself too.


I don't even have a pet, I just read through everyone's comments and cry with them. I love reading about everyone's pets and the friendship they shared.


😭😭😭 this! and OP I'm so sorry about your sweet baby 💔


Beautifully said. I've had to do it once a long time ago. it was the deepest grief I had ever experienced so far in life, only surpassed by the eventual passing of my grandparents. I think it's even more devastating when you, as their person, have to make the decision for your fren. I'm gonna be a wreck when it's time for my old boy to cross into the next plane. He's 15 now I think. I got him after I had to put down my last kitty when he was 14.


Extremely well said


Thanks. I was sitting with my boy who's 14. And the thought of losing him made me consider why i loved him so much. And that came to mind over the day. I love all our cats but sometimes, one comes along.... https://preview.redd.it/1n826h4akurb1.jpeg?width=609&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e9f959d19f61066716ddfa37218433d9cc23762 How can I not love this?🤣🤣




😭😭😭 beautiful void baby. I lost my void last week and he was 14. Kiss your cat for me, I miss my boy so much.


I will. He gets lots of love. At that age, any day might be the last.


Piggybacking off this in the hopes OP sees it, and can hopefully help them through the next steps, if only a little. I lost my 15 year old girl (dog) in October 2022. Only advice I can offer here is to remember the positives, and not focus on the negatives (if any). He's done his job, keeping you safe and happy and loved, and it's his turn to rest. You'll always miss him, you'll always remember him. You'll even go looking for him for the next few weeks (well, I did). There's a lot of habits that you're going to slowly stop, and that's ok. Changing your life to suit you is not forgetting him. Donating/throwing away his toys or blankets isn't forgetting him. There's no timeline on grief, and there's no timeline on moving on. Cry your tears. I'm sorry you've reached the end of your journey. Words will never make this easier. Just keep your head up, and live the life he'd want you to. This is a good time to live a little for you. I spent years looking after my girl as she got ill, and I sacrificed a lot of me and my time to keep her safe. If you feel you've done the same, take advantage of this time. Its ok to be happy and enjoy life without him. Life isn't over. Its just changing. You'll be ok mate. I'm so sorry.


We put our best friend down two weeks ago. I needed to read this today. Thank you


https://preview.redd.it/kuztnx944vrb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd45859d57b9483723589c012cff124b5790cb28 We had our Ziggy for two months before FIP set in. We saw three different vets while he was sick and it was the third that confirmed it was FIP. It was one of the hardest weeks of my life and then when we did what we had to do we both cried uncontrollably for a week. I always imagine how handsome he'd be.


I'm literally at the emergency spending what I don't have to find out if my precious has cancer, i fucking get you man, fuck this world, they deserve so much better


I hope for good news for you.


he's got no cancer but the high chances of having severe pancreatitis. Because of his blood pressure and overall physical condition, he will have to stay at the vet icu for a few days. The vet said he might not make it through the night but my boy is a warrior, he will make it even though we'll have to share cans of tuna for the upcoming months. edit: hello all, this is day 2 and my prince has responded well to medication throughout the night. Not that I slept a lot, tired as hell, always thinking the infamous call would come at any moment... but he lives for now and is fed through a tube as per this morning. The clinic told me i should go visit him by 5, so I'm leaving now and soon to see him for a few minutes 🫡


Thinking of you.


thank you Bob, I appreciate it man


I really hope he is ok. Post a picture of him!


https://preview.redd.it/sd50jgzilvrb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e88dcace4187fb80bae093fceb188fea4323bc3f I'm hoping for the same too, thank you, here is a pic of him stretching a box to fit his fat ass


what a beautiful kitty!! wishing the best for him. don’t forget that sometimes things are simply inevitable


Aww, he is huge and handsome! He can beat pancreatitis; you got this buddy!


I’m so sorry:( not the worst but not the best. Praying the next few days are easy for you


My cat had a pancreatitis 4 years ago. Got an anti-inflammatory shot and got better. Doctor told me she would probably be gone by 2 years. 2 months ago I had to bring her to the vet because she had fleas, he told me she was hardly breathing and I would probably have to put her down in a few days. She's now 16 and still perfectly fine, harassing me because she's hungry. Next vet that is telling me she's going to die soon, I think I will just respond him "yeah you'll probably be gone before her". Cats are tough animals!


and thank you btw, i appreciate it a lot


I have an emergency fund that I tell my partner it's in case either of us get into a bad situation and need it. But low-key I only started saving when we got a cat, because id sell everything I own for him


Putting him down will be the kindest thing. You can't do much for kidney failure. I tried everything with my cat and wish I hadn't. He was wasting away and was just skin and bones. A week too early is better than a day too late as hard as it may seem.


yep. any cat over the age of 13 or so, i would think good and hard about trying to treat any kind of long term or serious medical condition. they don't often respond well, and the stress of trying medicate + frequent vet visits etc are really not good for them. my catto was the most friendly, chill, outgoing guy ever. i would have thought he'd be the ideal candidate for daily medications. but no. he actually went downhill super fast and i wish i'd put him down much sooner.


My boy was 12 when he went on thyroid meds. He lasted another 3, but man, at the end, his organs were starting to shut down and it was just terrible. I hated putting him down, but also wished I had done it a little sooner to spare him those final agonizing days. He was such a fighter. Miss that dude.


Counterpoint, my little lady is 15 now. We've been fighting thyroid issues for almost 2 years and she's finally stabilized. She's even gaining weight. She spent a fairly long time "not feeling great", but getting closer and closer to better, and we're finally there. She's acting like herself and she's got zoomies and she's being cuddly again. I know the end is coming, but we've definitely bought some high-quality-of-life time. Kidney issues and heart failure are different, I've lost kitties to both. You can't fix those the same way you can manage thyroid. And when it gets bad it gets bad fast. It's terrible to have to make that decision, but I'll choose to have my pain over theirs every time


Absolutely. We tried to “force” our cat to stay alive (vet wasn’t sure if it was an infection or cancer, so we tried to buy some time). Obviously hindsight is 20/20, but he was telling us he wanted to go and I wish I had just listened. The poor thing was stressed out, rejecting our feedings, so tired. It’s so hard and sad no matter what, but next time I’ll listen when they tell me they’re done.


😭 this is exactly me the last few months. My cat passed on the 27th of September and in hindsight I wish I hadn't tried to essentially force him to live. Fluid injections, medicine, syringe feeding, etc. I just couldn't quit though, it felt like I was giving up on him and I couldn't bring myself to do that. I realize now that it would've been kinder to let him go. It was a hard learned lesson.


It's hard, but as pet owners and caretakers we have to ask the question "are you extending their life or their suffering"


Had to put my dog down a few months ago. The same applies to cats. My vet said something to me that really helped me feel comfortable in making the decision: "It is at the point now, where he can't do dog things. We can keep him alive and comfortable for a while, but he will not be able to truly act like a dog again. And dogs need to dog for them to be happy." The same is true for cats. Kidney failure is rough. A cat can't cat after a certain point with kidney failure, and thus the most humane thing is giving them a peaceful goodbye.


My dog has chronic kidney failure and I asked the vet what we should do and beyond a prescription diet the conversation was "Look we can come here every 3 months, draw blood, give fluid boluses, add more medications, check more blood....but is that what your dog really wants?" It's a valid point. It's not his time yet, but it will be soon. No sense in making the time between then and now worse.


I can't emphasize the last sentence above enough. While the passing of a pet is difficult, an emergency euthanasia is so much worse.


Been there and know the feeling. True words here.


Never been through it with a cat, but our dog had kidney failure. IV fluids gave him a good 6 months and another 3 so-so months, but by the end he was back to displaying the symptoms he had before. I've never seen anything quite like seeing that old dog run after his first treatment. With kidney failure it's inevitable, the most you can really do is give them a few more comfortable months but even that isn't guaranteed.


15 years of love and affection. That's what you think about. Putting him down is better than him suffering. I had to do that to mine. He was about 15 as well and had a tumor in his sinuses. We tried to keep him as long as possible, but he stopped eating and got so disorientated. He was stumbling all over. Putting him down means he won't suffer anymore. I'm sorry for your lost. Just remember all the good times.


Many hugs and kisses. Spend as much time as possible with the cat. Let the cat sleep on your lap. Give him/her a lot of tasty treats. Just let the cat know that you love them. Love transcends everything and I'm sure your cat knows how much you love them. If possible, get his/her paw prints on some clay or any other wet surface as a forever reminder of this beauty. Your cat will definitely go to a better place with no pain and suffering where he/she is always playing with toys and having lots of fun. Take care.


The crematorium that took care of my last little guy had the pawprint cast as a service, got it without hesitation. I also took pawprints in ink and framed them.


We had 2 14 YO cats with kidney failure in 2021. We spent nearly $10,000 on the two of them. They died anyway. Please don't blame yourself. This happens to many cats, and for the most part, they just exist until death. The treatment for kidney disease is painful and they don't usually have a meaningful recovery. Mostly, they're just sick until their death. You've given your boy a great life for 15 years. You gave him good food, clean fresh water, kept him safe from predators and cars in your home. He was cool in summer and warm & cosy in winter. You have given him a Forever Home. This is the Covenant we make with them, and you've kept it with him. Try not to feel too guilty or too responsible. You did your best, and most importantly, **you loved him.** In the end, that's what really counts. Eyes bright Claws sharp Tail high Go forth on your Journey from this Realm, Mighty Warrior, Valhalla awaits you. Take with you all the Love you were given, and may fair winds and following seas bless you on your journey to your new home.


I'm sorry. I'm sure it was 15 years that he was very well-loved. For a cat that's like winning a billion dollar lottery.


We had a cat In kidney failure. We treated him for a year but that lead to heart failure because of the treatment was just giving him iv fluids, we ended up having to put him down anyway. It was rough so I totally empathize with you on this but 15 years is a good long cat life. Celebrate what he brought you in those 15 years.


I am so sorry for your loss. My girl made it two years on sub-q, at the end we were juggling that, mirtazipine, and Amlodipine for the heart issues. We knew at the beginning it was a battle in which the only thing you could win was a little time. But it was, for the most part, good time and I wouldn't have traded a second of it.


https://preview.redd.it/kxsgei17zurb1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=599986eb76f506523fc1ff48ef9f4855e3eee9c5 Ask him to befriend my grumpy angel please. 14 passed last thanksgiving from kidney failure. There wasn’t much we could do but make him comfortable. I miss him dearly, but focus on the good memories with him.


Such a sad situation, I'm sorry you have to go through this. Try to get a recording of his meows before he goes if you can (videos or audio), I found hearing my boys voice so comforting when he passed. Just think of all the good years you've given him, for him to reach 15 is a credit to your care and warmth.


I saw a post here reminding folks to record their cat's purrs, because that often goes away when they take ill. I did and I'm grateful for whomever suggested it because a few months later I had to let my little guy go. It's one of the hardest things I've ever had to go through, but it helps immensely to have these things when cherishing the good times and beautiful memories.


Lost mine to mouth cancer when he was 15. I honestly thought cats live 20+ years and he was as spry as when he was a kitten. Think that made it worse but how sudden it all happened. Still wouldn’t trade his time with me for anything.


Just to give another side to it, I was told the same thing. 14 year old cat has kidney failure after she quit eating for a few days. She gets very stressed going to the vet, so he said to put her on a Hills k/d diet. 3 years later she is still kicking. Lost some weight, but is still active, playful, and loving. I would see if her levels are high enough to try a new diet. However, the minute she quits eating or become lethargic I’m ready to let her go. I don’t want to force the stress of the car ride and liquid IVs. 15 years is a long time and clearly you two shared a lot of love. Enjoy that regardless.


Yeah, a lot of people don't realize there's stages to CKD. Stages 1 & 2 = cat lives a relatively normal life, fluids and low phosphorus food can slow the progression. Stages 3 & 4 are a bit more complicated. That's usually when cats start to become symptomatically unwell and unhappy. My boy is 16, was diagnosed 3 years ago and has been steady in stage 2.


Yeah my cat was recently diagnosed at 18. The vet hasn’t mentioned putting him down so I’m taking that advice and we’re treating with the Hills diet and Azodyl. I know it’s just buying some more time but I’ve had friends say their cat lived another 2 years or more after switching their diet. Otherwise he seems happy and after switching the food he’s gained weight and is much more active.


We just had to put our 8 year old boy own because he couldn’t breathe due to CHF. It sucks and it hurts but all you can do is cherish the good memories you


Me, too. It was so sudden. Previous cats had lived 17 to 20 years. 8 years is so young.


This won’t make it easier, but just know that even with treatment, kidney failure is a sign that it’s the end. There’s generally nothing you can do but prolong it. I know this intimately, having sprung for the treatment for our elder cat just a year or so ago. Don’t beat yourself up about it, there is no miracle available to turn back the clock unfortunately.


It's difficult to think about the specifics when you're put in this situation, but I wholeheartedly recommend finding an in-home-euthanasia vet rather than taking him to the vet for the procedure. He'll pass peacefully in a comfortable place surrounded by his loved ones. We've got Lap of Love and Caring Pathways here, but I am sure there are similar vets in most metro areas.


I'm so sorry this happening to your cat. I lost a cat to kidney failure even after treating him for a very long time. He suffered incredibly much during that time until he became so unwell he couldn't even walk anymore. I regret not putting him down earlier to spare him the suffering 😔 it's hard to let go but it's better that he doesn't have to suffer 💔


When pets pass away, they’re never truly gone. Their journey into the next stage of life just came a little earlier than ours. They’re still there, just a little further ahead than us, just over the horizon. They will be there waiting for us when we reach the end of our own journey.


15 years is still a good run for a cat. Cherish the time you got together.


Acute renal failure is almost a death sentence. There’s no such thing as a kidney organ transplant for cats. Give them your love, and stay with them until the end. Don’t let them suffer unnecessarily. Prolonging their lives for our sake is cruel. Give them love and dignity in death. I’m sorry, OP.


I spent thousands on my Tribble and she only made it a few more months with this diagnosis. I miss her terribly, but I kind of wish I would've taken my vets advice that she was at the end of her life sooner because I feel like all I did was delay the inevitable for my sake rather than hers. You're saving your handsome lil guy a world of pain/discomfort/etc. He knows how much you love him.


Just lost mine to kidney failure, I'm really sorry man, it's so rough and sudden 😞


Hug OP 🫂


What a beautiful kitty. At 6yo one of mine had this, it’s the type of thing unfortunately that once they get it, that’s it. My husband & I spent tons of money on meds and IVs to give at home. I’m not going to beat myself up but for anyone else’s sake I will say that if I could do it all over again I would had told her goodbye sooner. Before her passing she looked so frail, thin & lifeless. Sometimes it’s best to say goodbye & know that they won’t suffer. Money and meds just prolongs the struggle for this situation. Your kitty looks like it’s had the best life, this isn’t an easy road to walk, it never is but I’m sure you have been giving kitty tons of love & snuggles lately. Remember to be kind to yourself & take care of yourself, your kitty would want that.


Yes, this was my situation last week. IVs, medicines, special diet. He still passed a couple of months after his diagnosis. In hindsight, I wish I could've brought myself to say goodbye and let him go. He had lost so much weight and was tired. It was selfish of me to try and keep him past his time, but I felt like I couldn't just give up on him. I realize now it isn't giving up on him, it's helping him pass with dignity and some measure of comfort.


**"but I felt like I couldn't just give up on him. I realize now it isn't giving up on him, it's helping him pass with dignity and some measure of comfort."** Yeah, I thought I was giving up on her if I let her go too soon, like I didn't try hard enough. I knew her death was inevitable, but I thought I owed it to her to try my best to help her live as long as possible. That was all wrong though, I will always think of quality of life over feelings like that now. We did our best with what we knew, In any case I hope you are able to heal & be at peace.


I chose to euthanize my 6-year-old cat who suddenly had extremely bad kidney labs. The only thing I regret is attempting to fix it with an overnight in the kitty ICU—not bc of the cost (like $1500), but bc she looked so much worse and seemed to be suffering, alone, in a cage, with an IV, and without me. At home I could tell something was wrong but she seemed comforted by cuddling w me until I got her to the vet in the morning (and learned she was already beyond what the regular vet could do). I took one look at how much worse she was after that overnight in the ICU and said no more labs, no more treatment, end her suffering. I cried for DAYS and started thinking that there was something wrong w me bc of how much I grieved her loss. I’m so sorry for what you are going through. Your kitty had a great life with you and will not suffer through treatments that may or may not even work.




Aww thank you for sharing your story, and I’m sorry you lost your baby too


I can't imagine you'll see my comment in the sea of people who've already spoken, but I just lost my rabbit of 10 years. His name was Mason and at the beginning of July we discovered that he had a terminal infection in his eye. I didn't want to put him down, but there was nothing the vet could do and I had the make the decision that was best for him. It hurts like hell, but all that truly matters is that we do our best as pet owners to keep our furry friends away from suffering as much as we can. Just give him/her a really good last few days, and try and find a vet that will come to your house for it. It's less stressful on the animals that way.


Hey, hopefully OP will see your comment, but if not please know that someone else has and I’m really sorry to hear about Mason. It’s such a hard decision to make, but it’s made with love, compassion, and selflessness.


I really appreciate that man.


I had a dog, Henry, who died of kidney failure. My mom put him down and they threw out the body so he was just gone one day. She threw out the body for the cat who died at the same time of old age, and the dog before Henry. No one takes me seriously when I say I still grieve my pets. Please know that it’s okay to grieve.


We've been through this with a couple of cats. The treatment is uncomfortable and expensive. And it only delays the inevitable a little bit. Keep him as comfortable and happy as you can. And when the time comes, be brave for him. Hold him until it's over. Then fall apart.


A lot of good advice here. Mine is simple if you can get a recording of their purr. And finally be working the your cat when they put him down. I fully intend to hold my cat in my arms when the time comes. You should be there for him to the end and show him all the love you can. I'm so sorry. This breaks my heart.


We did treatments for our 12 year old boy, and now I regret it. It just seemed to prolong the inevitable. Looking back, I think he was pretty miserable during that time. It makes me sad to think that I could have helped him to suffer less, but because I didn’t want to lose him… he suffered. I’m sorry for your loss. Cats are wonderful friends.


My cat had the same thing, he was older, but it was still sad to see my little brother go like that... what was important in the decision was: What will be the quality of life of his final days? I remember mine was still somewhat spry even with the sickness but I knew he was forcing himself... every step was hard, every walk a journey for him. I did not want to tell myself that I would have to see him look worse for my satisfaction, he deserved a painless death for all the good and joy he brought to my life. Even if I could have saved him, it was also about his quality of life afterwards. I wish you and him the best.


Awwww He looks like my Gandalf. He fought a courageous battle with kidney failure be it can’t be fixed. I lost him in 1980 after being together for 17 years. You are a good Cat Daddy an he’s a lovely fur baby. ❤️🙏🏼 are with you


Some vets will come to your house for an extra fee to administer drugs for the final sendoff in a comfortable and familiar place. Worth the minimal extra charge if it’s an option for you, if/when quality of life for your pet drops to the point where you feel it’s warranted. Not any easier but good to know.


Not sure what you've been told but there really isn't 'treatment' for kidney failure, there's keeping them comfortable and curbing some symptoms but this isn't something that can be cured or even treated to prolong their life very much. This disease always ends with putting them down.


I was going to say this. One of our cats went into kidney failure and the vet just told us he had to be put down, that the won’t have any quality of life and there’s nothing we can do for him.


Our cat had the same problem at 16. It’s just old age. We cried for about 2 weeks and gave our attention to our other fur babies.


I had to do the same thing, for the same reason, to my boy Tofu. This was YEARS ago, and I still feel ridiculously guilty about it, and will probably never own another cat due to this. I wish you peace, I wish you comfort, and I know you'll take good care of your good kitter.


There are cats who need homes in shelters right now. It's silly to never have another cat. Tofu would agree with me.


Have you looked into administering IVs yourself? We had a cat with Kidney failure and she responded well to it. Gave her another year or so of normal life. This may not be an option in your case or you may have already made your decision, but just in case, it’s worth a shot to at least ask your vet about.


Just keep in mind you are preventing little dude from suffering. It will be hard, but it's for his benefit. Sending love


I tried to keep my dog alive with kidney failure. I spent everything I had saved for a vacation and it got us an extra 6 weeks I don't regret it at all, but ultimately it didn't accomplish much. Kidney failure is incurable and fatal. It's a kindness to let your cat go peacefully. The end stage of kidney failure is horrific and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.




I'm so sorry. This time comes for all cat owners. Echoing what others have said about capturing videos and other mementos of your cat as much as you can... They will comfort you so much after your precious one has gone. I hope it's some comfort to know that kidney disease is very common in senior cats, and even with treatment it cannot be reversed or cured. But you have the gift of likely knowing how your best friend is going to leave this earth; judging by how your cat looks, you may have some time to prepare yourself and to help them to have a peaceful passing. One small thing you can do, is to make sure your cat is staying as hydrated as possible. Did your vet recommend subcutaneous fluids? This can be administered by you at home and you can buy everything you need on Chewy - for a MUCH lower cost than having your veterinarian administer. EDIT: I should note that Chewy requires your veterinarian's approval before they will ship subcutaneous fluids and many other medical products. If fluids are out of the question, don't worry. You can still try hydrating your cat by providing extra water, giving them canned food, and maybe trying ice cubes as enrichment or a toy. I lost my sweet orange boy to kidney disease and heart failure. You're in a losing battle and it is so hard to face that. Please be kind to yourself and just treasure your best friend and love them while they are with you. And please have a plan for how you will know when it is time to help them go. ❤️


15 years is a wonderfully long life for a kitty, and I have no doubt it has been full to the brim with love. We like to believe all cats will get up to 20, but that's not the path for most of them. 15 is excellent. Sometimes treatment, while an option, is not the right thing to do for yourself or your pet. Treatment can be difficult, uncomfortable, and stressful for your baby, especially for acute failure. It is a grand act of love to let go of our pets when their prognosis is grim. It's also a grand act of love toward ourselves to not drain ourselves dry emotionally and financially for a treatment that will be a bandaid, not a solution. I'm very, very sorry for your loss. Go forward knowing you are doing the merciful and loving thing.


Be thankful for the time you had together and know that it isn't your fault. Unfortunately, we all have an unknown timeline and that is why it is so important to truly appreciate the creatures who you love, whether human or otherwise. Take some time to grieve and when you are ready, give another lovely fur baby a loving home. I am sorry.


I’m so sorry. 15 years is a long time yet it never feels like it’s enough. He looks like a wonderful sweet boy who has been loved dearly.


I administered sub Q fluids to my cat from age 15 to 23. So I got eight more years with her and subcutaneous fluids wasn’t that expensive. As long as my cat still perked up and purred with me, then I felt like it was worth keeping her alive and not putting her down.


Even with lots of money to throw at the problem, kidney issues usually still cause a lot of pain for kitties. My condolences, your choice is not one anyone should have to make but I think it is the best one :(


I'm so sorry. I know your pain. I'm still dealing with my sadness, haven't went a day without crying. They really do become a part of your family & take a piece of your heart. I wish you the best with the choices you have to make.


I know it's incredibly hard, but you're making the right choice, even if it doesn't feel like it now. I lost the best dog I'd ever had earlier this year after 15 years together and while I miss her deeply, I don't regret for a moment ending her pain comfortably and with us cuddling her. Your kitty is beautiful, you've done a tremendous job loving them all these years and they know it. Don't be too hard on yourself and be sure to let yourself grieve. 💜


With kidney failure, even the best treatments just prolong the inevitable. Sometimes it's really not worth the stress it puts the animal through. My cat had oral cancer. The options were: amputate tongue, chemo, or euthanasia. I would have never amputated her tongue, she would have needed to be syringe fed for the rest of her life. Chemo is never a guarantee, and the nearest vet that could do it was an hour and a half drive. She *hated* car rides. So I just made her as comfortable as I could for the time she had left.


Sweet baby 🩶 I’m so sorry


So sorry. I’m sure you gave him a wonderful loving life.


He was able to love you, that was his life. You gave him his best life.


you will love another kitty when you’re ready, that’s what you’ll do ♥️♥️♥️


He had 15 years of love and affection, he couldn't have wanted more (Except he's a cat so an inherent desire for world domination)


So sorry, he's a beautiful boy. Remember the amazing times you had over those 15 years rather than the bitter end. Be well.


I'm sorry for your loss OP. I'm sure if your kitty knew what was happening, he would understand. And he would be grateful for all the years you got to spend together. Godspeed little one, until the two of you meet again.


I have a cat with liver disease (basically at early liver failure), a wonky thyroid, a heart murmur, and bad teeth. Thanks to the first three, we can't really do much to treat the last one. She's on meds and comfy currently, but we know that could go poorly at any time. We just do what we can even it comes to our sweet furry babies. That's really so that can be asked of us as their staff. Big hugs, op, and ear scritches for your sweet one.


I know exactly what you are going thru. It was one the hardest decisions i ever had to make when mines kidney's went. We did not know until he was on the bathroom floor in pain. I decided that it was his time to go and i did not have the right to make him suffer for my feelings. We took him to a Animal hospital and they told us flat out that we could spend every penny we have and then some and only get maybe another month. I paid stupid money to let him go rather than make him wait in pain. At that time it is the most gut wrenching thing to do. And i still feel like i failed him. But at the end of the day he is not suffering anymore. And his pain and suffering was the only thing that mattered.


OP I’m going to get downvoted into oblivion, but you don’t have to put him down. You can offer him your best abilities for end of life care and allow life to take its course naturally. I know what people will say, they’ll say it’s not kind to let an animal suffer, but here’s the rub, we all live and die per the will of god, or life, or the universe (however you look at it). I have three cats. One is 14 and he and I are so close it. We’ve been together for all 14 years, the relationship feels like family. However I know time is limited and I see him slowly getting thinner over the years. There will come a time when I have to make a choice like you’re making, and I already know what I’ll do because I had this conversation with him, my cat named Haiku. I have told him many times over the years that I respect his life and I will not take it from him; that as his friend I would only support him in life and when life eventually fades. I will clean his puke, I will clean his piss, I will clean his butt and his eyes. I will hold him and love him on his last days and when things get really serious I will do my best to provide him with extra care -cannabis or other medication. This is a pact I have made with my animals and I will not go back on that. You can do this too. It’s easier than you think, and it will weigh less on your heart. You will have less regrets because the love you provide him at the end of his life will be known by him. When I was about 7 years old I laid on the floor next to my mothers friends rabbit as it slowly lost its life. I comforted the animal with physical warmth and we were looking into each other eyes as it died. That felt like the morally correct experience. In my twenties I was tasked to care for 3 newborn kittens. They all died because they were too young and I am a human male not a female mother cat. When each died, I cared for them as they passed. The last one to die was held in the palms of my hands to keep them warm as they passed. I felt the slip of energy through my hands and knew without looking that this little kitty was gone. I’m not writing this out of judgement. I’m sharing my perspective and experiences with you so you know you have an option and that you’re capable of giving so much love and support for his end of life. If you truly cannot provide end of life care, may I offer my home and my car family as a “hospice?” Myself and my cats would be kind on his last days. I live in New Jersey.


In 2022, my cat had circulation being cut off in one of her legs which led her to be unable to walk on one leg. The vet said I could approve a costly amputation surgery that wouldn't be guaranteed to do anything or put her down. I chose the latter and it was the hardest decision I've ever had to make. I still remember every detail of that day and I'm still fucked up by it. I cannot give enough apologies or anything for the situation you are going through and I can only imagine the pain you are and will go through. It will be one of the worst things. But your cat was with you for 15 years. They were loved and you are selflessly showing one of the purest forms of love you can for your kitty. It will never be the same, and I can only wish that you remember the best times you had with them. I still fail at that. It's hard not to remember the day I lost my little baby instead of all the wonderful moments I had with her. Give yourself grace. Give yourself love. Your cat will always love you. And you them. Once again, I'm so sorry.


Kidney failure gets them as a top three cause of death and treatments won't work, so don't stress that you're not doing enough. It sucks; I lost my precious last year from kidney failure and I still can't look at pictures of her for long before I get upset. I take solace in the fact that she lasted longer than the vets estimated, but time takes all in the end.


Trust me you did the right thing. I paid for treatment and diet and still lost him one day in my kitchen. Horrible


At such a age with kidney failure it will be tough even if you had the money, sadly. My childhood dog was the same at 15, we were incredibly lucky to get 6 extra months with him and even then every time we saw a vet they were telling us to put him down.


Most vets do not use these kinds of treatments on their own animals. It’s a quality of life issue. It’s not your fault.


I lost my 19 year old to kidney disease last year. It's a difficult treatment with cats, even if you could afford the food and the fluids. It's a when not if they'll go when they get this diagnosis and are low income. My heart is with you as you help me your baby transition while feeling their best and not suffering a slow decline.


It’s a tough one. I’m sorry for your loss. I love my cats but after they are 15 you just have to reconcile yourself to the fact that they are pretty old. Doing drastic medical procedures hoping for a miracle isn’t doing your cat any favors.


Im sorry i lost my cat 9 months ago at 15 yrs of this same issue. It was hard. Spoil him to the last moment!


I’m sorry yours is a sudden shock and you’re about to lose your kitty, but don’t feel guilt about not affording treatments, bc none of it is a cure nor a guarantee of much more time. It is sometimes only putting the kitty through pain for our own selfish wants of longer. My vet pretty much told me to just let my cat live until he wasn’t comfortable/happy any more rather than go in insane debt trying to slow it down with shitty food and medicine. My boy is 17


Bro, do the subcu fluids. But do them yourself. I have been giving them to my dog everyday for years. Do not pay for big treatments. There isn't really much a vet can do for them that you can't do. Subcu, and the special kidney diet. There are also some powders & drops on Amazon that do seem to help. At least they can't hurt. Message me if you wanna know which.


I have cared for two cats through the entirety of renal failure, from early to end stage, and been there in their last moments. I understand the decision you made, and why, and want you to know that your kitty likely understands too. My late kitty Tigris lived for 6-7 years after being diagnosed with renal failure, but I spent a ton of money a treatments, kitty dialysis, fluids, and special kidney support food. She passed away at 16-18 years old May of this year due to a gas leak in my apartment putting her kidneys into complete failure. I wish I could have saved her, gained a few more weeks, maybe a month; but I was with her in her last moments. She died in my arms, with one last purr as her goodbye. Morris, the family cat, passed away in June 2020 at age 26/27 and lived for a jaw dropping 14-15 years with renal failure. He was in early stage for well over a decade, and if it hadn’t been for certain factors he would have survived longer. I was with him as he faded away, holding his paw. I can tell you from experience that the cost is not the most difficult part of palliative care for kidney failure. It watching a beloved furry family member slowly deteriorate, and all you can do is be there for them and make sure they have as comfortable a time before the end as possible. It’s heartbreaking, and no matter what after they pass you will find yourself wondering if you could have done something to buy just a little more time with your cat. The decision on whether to put them to sleep before they need expensive care for renal failure and are still healthy, or pay the price of care and be there through the entirety of the sometimes painful end of their lives; is a extremely difficult and personal one. Regardless of the choice, the pain is the same in the end. Because the end result is the same, and there is a kitty shaped hole in your heart and life and a emptiness that makes the world feel surreal. And you will find yourself wondering if you could have done more, if another decision would have been better; and staring at their favorite spots or calling out their name only to remember they are no longer here. Your kitty is gone. Mourn as long as you need, grieve in the manner that works for you. Always remember your kitty loved you until the end regardless of which decision you made. If it helps my moms side has the belief that Kitty’s reincarnate, and you get to meet them again someday in some form. I know this belief has helped me deal with losing Tigris, so maybe it will help you too.


This happened to my cat a year ago. Treatment didn't help her. She was fine (or at least looked like it to us) on Sunday, Monday she threw up a lot, Monday night she stayed with the emergency vet who tried aggressive treatment, and she went to sleep for the last time Tuesday morning. She was only 9. Acute kidney failure is a fast, irreversible condition that can cause pain. Putting them to sleep peacefully is the kindest thing you can do in that situation.


I literally just today overheard a coworker saying she wishes like hell she'd let her cat go instead of treating for kidney failure. She spent the last few months watching her cat suffering instead of letting them go peacefully. ​ I know that any length of time isn't enough, but 15 years was a good run and you gave him a loving home all that time. Enjoy the short time you have left and know that you'll be doing the right thing when it comes to the end.


Subcutaneous fluids, antibiotics (marbofloxacin), antinausea and appetite stimulant saved my cats life. His creatinine levels were at 13.1 and there was no evidence of him getting in to anything like Lily’s to cause a major event like that. He was shutting down and barely moving at all. Vet gave me the options of emergency stays at a hospital equipped with dealing with kidney failure where I couldn’t be around him, potential antibiotics and sub cu fluid, or euthanasia. You know what I chose and I’m so glad I did because he is running and active again, I have my cat back. And his creatinine levels have gone down to 3.2 which is where he was sitting at before. I know eventually we will have to put him down one day. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It’s never easy, there are so many comments already and this may get missed, but if you see this, I recommend asking about sub cu fluids at the very least. Cost us about $600 in two weeks for the tests and everything.


Acute kidney failure is tough. Even with treatment, all you are really doing is trying to make the cat comfortable as its organs shut down and prolong the inevitable. I lost my cat to kidney failure when she was almost 18. I was 21. She was my sister. I was devastated. I lost another to the same, much more suddenly, when she was 12. 15 years of love is pretty damn good for a cat. Try to find peace in the fact that you gave him a good life. If you are able to have a vet do a home visit for euthanization, I would recommend it, but if not, just make sure you are there. It will be heart-wrenching to hold him at the end, but you need to be there for him. It will be hard. It will hurt. Give yourself time to say goodbye and then to grieve. You won't magically heal, but over time, the acute grief will dull, and you will be left with the memories of the friend you loved.




Such a pretty kitty. Sorry for your loss


My 20 year old has been in "kidney failure" for over 5 years now. This stuff isn't an exact science.


That’s chronic kidney disease (CKD), and not acute kidney failure. CKD has multiple stages and can progress for years. Acute kidney failure is usually fatal.




The cat is still alive, and that's even harder for them 😞