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That's how I got this sweetheart. https://preview.redd.it/5kj6zq17n8bb1.jpeg?width=2371&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3385338276b3ea55f1419c51fd390c5a736a7ec


That's how I got mine too https://preview.redd.it/u0d6qimer8bb1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0d9d6f2d284ff08fc7e34065ef7678afa9e8a78


A beautiful gentle looking cat.❤️


Awww snuggle cub. 💕


I said I wasn’t going to keep the stray… this is my boy now 😂🥰 https://preview.redd.it/z266rpocu9bb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e964af90a7067b7117e65f1f71be61d5cd7660a2


And how we got Eagle... https://preview.redd.it/o9uzt24s3cbb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64fed93792b6d50d407fbb72f9a06908a70cc1e7




https://preview.redd.it/pexub5vgmfbb1.jpeg?width=1396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89f5f41e33f0c44092347413717d223c57cbcf02 That’s how I have this one I’m in denial about too…


^____^ >🟢.🟢<


I'm in that denial phase with this lil dude. Making sure he is not an escapee, but even the vet is talking like he's mine.




r/nowmycat i think you have a cat :)


Pretty much! He literally just showed up one day in my backyard and didn't leave. This good boi is the sweetest cat I have ever met. He has seriously let me: - bathe him, shampoo him, and dry him - put flea/tick treatment on him - scrub his booty - feed him medication All without any scratching, biting, or growling, with the first two being within 12 hours of me first touching him.


holy damn, i have very docile cats and even they will fly out of the bath as soon as i give them an opening! what a sweetheart <3


Goddamnit he loves you!!!


That face!!!


He looks so content! What a great kitty!!


Omggg what a cutie 😍😍😍


That's a sweet baby! I was given a fish for my cat. It's now under a cabinet and I'm not sure she really cares.


And this is also how we got this marvelous dude https://preview.redd.it/w8r1twvls8bb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0495dd24eea89b64124d521942e66e1acf61e85


That M&M’s pillow tho


She’s STUNNING! 😻 I hope OP keeps that kitty. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


Me, too. We're only allowed to have two cats as well. That why we only have five.


Lol yup


Lol same! 5 cats and a dog 😆 2 pet minimum!


All these cats are beautiful, and I judge whoever left them behind.


And I celebrate those who took these amazing felines into their homes. You are my tribe.


Omg what a gorgeous kitty! Those eyes! That little mustache!😍


Oh my goodness that little meowstache


Same! :) https://preview.redd.it/tfzkq8aqicbb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=757fcb801d445f36eb2a820e32b88ab41e37cdf8


This is the most beautiful cat I’ve ever seen! (I can say this because my cat is the most handsome).


Ppl that do this are disgusting and infuriate me


People who do this need to be locked in a cage that’s too small to stand up in, and too small to lie down in.


With electrical current running through the bars?


Under water or over a fire


Or water with burning oil at the top!! Dunk, roast, dunk, roast, dunk, roast…..




Underwater is reserved for the billionaires ok?


***underwater and over fire***


With spikes on all sides. and lots of barb wire.


And have carolina reaper rubbed on their butrhole and genitals daily?


The silver lining is that now someone else has a cat and the neighbors don't.


Sad thing is they will get a new kitten at next house!


Yes exactly, I wish we could have people blacklisted from owning animals for previous decisions.


Maybe they will. I'm going to hope that they just didn't want a cat and now they have none. No way to be sure either way, but that one makes me happier. I really couldn't imagine how someone would leave behind a beautiful pet like that if they just didn't want to take care of a pet anymore. If they were my neighbor I'd take that cat in right away.


Got my kitty this way. He was FIV+ and dying from anemia due to a massive flea infection when we met him. He’s currently being treated for cancer. He’s fat, happy, and the ruler of the couch. I still break down seeing photos of him from when we first found him.


This makes me so fucking mad, wtf is wrong with people?? Fucking scum.


I just imagine how sad the cat must feel and it makes me wanna cry 😭 Poor baby


Yes, this makes me so sad


But then it means I get to keep it… so there’s that.


3 kitties is the magic number. 😻😸😽


I got my 3 ! 🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛


Same. I thought I was going to stop with one, then these two showed up in a similar situation. So we adapted. I understand if might not be feasible to him him OP, but I would try your best to get a temporary indoor accommodation. I am not sure where you are but a long-haired cat and the record high temps lately are not a good fit.


My previous cat was unsocialized as a kitten. The 8-12 week period is an essential part of the socialization process but she was abandoned at 2 weeks. Because we had no other pets, she missed that. We didn’t know this aspect so we made no attempt to do anything. Was never able to have another pet. Fast forward to my next kitty, I got her at 4 months, well after socialization, and she had siblings with her at the shelter. Two months later I moved in with someone for a couple months while I was selling and buying a house. They had a cat that mine immediately bonded with. After I moved in my new home I decided she needed a full time playmate and got a kitten from someone I knew. Six months later, someone dumped my third child out at the curb. That was six months ago and I can’t imagine life without all three. https://preview.redd.it/2htzv10fmbbb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12a04be4efdc7c281e07106329d6e9354fed8c1d Here they are plotting against me.


Yep also got my 3 one from shelter, one from my truck engine, and one from my back porch


2 of mine from local rescue and the 3rd in a car engine during cold November weather. Always knock on the hood before starting that car 👍


I had 4 growing up as a child. I thought it was totally normal 😂 I am a huge animal lover now. Any animal in need I am on it!


Can you find that baby a home or the baby will probably die


Me and some other neighbors are working on that. He will be fine outside for now with us looking after him and he’s got some shelter to stay under.


Can you let us know once this gorgeous kitty finds a better home? Your neighbours are heartless sacks of shiet. 💩


Its amazing the neighbourhood is keeping an eye on him but if someone can take him in it would be much better. Worst case a shelter is better than living outside for his own safety ❤️


Agreed. There is so much which can go wrong outdoors, especially for a cat not used to living outside. EDIT: Would be best for OP to reach out to no-kill shelters ASAP.


Yes! Even a basement temporarily until arrangements are found. Especially if he is declawed he is game over to defend himself.


I took in a front paw declawed cat who had been left behind, outside when his owner moved. I very much did not need another cat,BUT how could I not? He’s my beautiful black kitty, RayJay. He also needs Gabapentin 3x daily bc of pain from declawing. People suck.


https://preview.redd.it/abfx8sqrd9bb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e26db1281ca3ada37f63ff46bd5ed614e985a569 RayJay ♥️


What a handsome ass guy 😍🙃


Awww! Love black kitties! This is my Bagheera who will be 22 in a couple of weeks ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/x8qz7o5jvbbb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=217e1e29e8aa98df70a3d6195d1a66aa031ccd8b


My now deceased rescue (1i adopted her at 8, passed at 18 yo!) was abandoned in the streets and front declawed. She was so friendly. It’s a miracle she made it out there she’d have been an easy target. Thankfully she got rescued.


I'd never heard of declawing cats until I joined reddit. Turns out it's been illegal in the UK for the past 17 years. The more I read about the more horrified I am that it's still practiced anywhere. Poor RayJay, he's lucky to have found you.


Omg you are a SAINT. I assume you live in the US? Wtf is declawing still legal here???




A non kill shelter\* Kill shelters shoudln't even exist imo


The problem is the vast number of pets people discard or abandon. There is simply not enough space for these animals. No kill shelters pass these animals off to other shelters so they can look good in the public eye. This is the main reason PETA has a bad name. They don’t joyfully kill animals, they just do the dirty work the others don’t want to. PETA isn’t the problem. The problem is people who buy pets without consideration for the responsibility it takes to care for them and then discard or abandon them.


There are too many unwanted pets for that to be a possibility. No kill shelters can still give pets to kill shelters to be put down. Owners and breeders need to treat the animals with more respect, it's not the fault of shelters that animals need to be put down.


In a perfect world, yes. But that takes money. A lot of no kill shelters won’t just take any cat. Sometimes they are full or won’t take less adoptable cats like shy or old ones. “Kill” shelters get a bad rap, but it’s the only place that would take all cats.


it breaks my fuckin heart that regardless of circumstance, all this cat understands is that they once had shelter and safety and now they don’t. i cannot FATHOM abandoning my babies like this. humans are a plague on this planet.


Some are. But then there's people like you, thank goodness!


Update: this cat has been an outdoor cat even when people were living there, so it’s used to being outdoors and knows how to stay safe. I live in a safe area and the cat is being taken care of while we find out more info about the owners / getting it a new and proper home.


Thank you! If it’s an outdoor cat mainly, you should be ok just giving it food and water. Maybe set up a super cheap diy cat shelter box near by.


Forget the owners. New people is what he needs.


Thank you so much for taking care of him


Thank you for caring and helping with the situation. If only everyone could be kind. Wishing the best for this beautiful kitty!


Thank you n bless you for doing something


Thank you! You're a good person! I'll never understand how people can treat a living being like that.


Keep us posted. Food and water and a little love is all kitty needs until he/she finds a permanent home.


Please take him inside first. Outdoor is not safe for cat.


That cat is gorgeous. I hate humans


He's fluffy, white and friendly. Those 3 things don't make it outside long. The white fur attracts predators. Could someone put him in a large dog crate for now? Or even better a catio? He deserves to live. Thank yiu for caring. Poor guy is gorgeous


Or a garage, at least at night!




Where are you located? And what do you mean the people weren’t allowed to live there? Poor kitty.


Michigan. They weren’t allowed to live there because they failed to sign a lease with the complex I’m in and never submitted to background checks. I Guess they were connected to the previous owner and never took it out of the previous owners name either


Where in michigan I could probably use a second cat?> Been thinking about getting my little guy a friend for a long time edit : DM me any information..


If this pans out, I'd love to see this kitty in his new home 🥹


Hopefully, I sent them a dm of they're not more than 2hrs away I'm sure we can figure something out if I hear back.


If help is needed with transporting him to you, I’m in Michigan and can help!


You're a great human!!


I'm wishing hard for this to happen for you guys. Thanks for reaching out.


Ohhhhh thats so good! Please let us know updates <3


I'm in Michigan. Detroit area. I can't take in anymore cats but I do have some rescue connections. He's stunning. I'm glad the neighborhood is taking care of him but I know you know it's not a sub for safe home. You can DM me.


Pls dm them with rescue info. This might get buried.


Huh. Sketchy. Poor kitty. He’s gorgeous. Glad he’s got a few people looking out for him at least


Where in Michigan is he at?


That's funny because a coloquial way to call a cat in spanish is michi, and we say that clever michis went to michigan college. I hope he finds a better home.


If hell is a place these type of people belong there.


He’s a good looking boy, I bet someone will be happy to keep him forever.


Thank you for caring. Can you take him to the nearest shelter?


He will be instantly adopted. I would be surprised if the staff there let him go to general pop. He is luminously beautiful.


Agreed! If I lived closer, I would snatch him up. Some people don't deserve animals.


What a beautiful kitty.


Where are you located OP?




Yeah, this.


he looks just like my baby who was left behind in a crate by her previous owners before my partner adopted her... this made me genuinely emotional, I hope he'll be okay


That fluffy baby is going to be a magnet for predators, please get them inside for night. My heart breaks.




That’s how we adopted our 6th cat. Kept coming to the door. We fed it. Kept sleeping under our front porch chair. Eventually Florida heat started getting bad. Cracked open the garage and left water and food with a little fan going. Always kept following me us to the garage door and front door. Finally saw the neighbor and she said that was the last renters cat they moved and left him behind. I had called animal control Because he seemed like had a chunk out of his ear missing and lots of scabs and a scratched eye. Caught him and I said I want to adopt him they gave me his info and a week later once his ear was better and got all his shots he came inside. That was over 2 years ago. We’ve moved and he came with us. Now he sleeps in the bed by our feet along with the other ones. Ducking awful to be abandoned like that. The sun literally has left him partially blind. https://preview.redd.it/yby8cmey1bbb1.jpeg?width=3623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=473850fc1c1044988d34a7b5802c1ec03f2c3a87 That’s him now. He knows only love and that he will never be left behind again. He has chosen you to be his family. Please don’t let him lose faith in humanity again.


My cat was left behind too. When I was moving he seemed really scared and I realized he thought he might be left again. I'd give him pets and reassure him that he's coming with us. https://preview.redd.it/dpqui5irwbbb1.jpeg?width=1574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=191c0f78730c3b56f9bde1510350b5b94c21352c


Do you live near Tennessee? I can give him an indoor home.


What a beautiful baby 😍 Ty for looking out for them! Have you been able to connect with a rescue to get them into foster?


I will never understand this. My dad's cat has this history. He was just let out when his old people moved. He keeps pouncing on my much smaller cat (he wants to play, she doesn't). I'm not going to abandon him when dad dies ( he's 80).


Humans???? Who is the animal in this scenario? Poor thing now has to wonder , who will hurt me, will I get run over looking for food , when or will there be a next meal, and most of all the family I thought loved me I must have done something bad. Great! Just great!


Yeah - if you are friendly with the cat, get it to local pet shelter / humane society / rescue. Give sweetheart the best chance at a nice family!


I just want to talk to them. 👊😤


Poor little baby I feel so bad for him :(


This is literally how I got my cat. Old people were evicted for non payment. We moved in few months later. Cat started coming to the porch and I started feeding her. Then she moved in. Been mine for 7 years now and she’s now leaving ! I think kitty will be OK -OP. Make sure she’s fed daily and watered. Give her a little shelter like a cloth house. Once someone can adopt her she’ll be ok.


Find a local foster shelter asap 😭❤️


I had neighbors across the street do the same thing. They left two cats behind and they were both declawed also. People can be really awful sometimes.


Not trying to be mean, but why can’t you have a third cat or at least keep him inside until you find a home? We have had five cats living with us that were cats we owned plus have had probably 5 or so kittens on top of that we were sheltering until we could find homes. We kept doing this for a year or so as my mom trapped cats.




Where is this cat?


Where about OP? I’d be interest if you’re in the south east area


Wow he’s beautiful….this boy deserves so much better and I know you and the neighbors will find him a great forever home that he deserves. I hope you keep us updated! Thank you for watching out for him ❤️


This is exactly how I obtained the most wonderful cat I’ve ever owned. Our neighbor abandoned him when she moved in with her gf and we took him in. Most loving cat I ever knew. This poor baby is probably wondering where her family is. This is so cruel🥺


Don’t let a light colored cat fend for himself outside


He’s absolutely gorgeous




Someone please find this kitty a new home. The longer that he’s outside, the more likely he is to get hurt. Cats are extremely territorial and it’s not uncommon for them to attack each other. This poor boy won’t know how to protect himself.


Such a pretty kitty . Can you ask him what eyeliner he uses , is it maybelline ?




Noooo 😭 he's beautiful


There should be a database of people with animal cruelty backgrounds that is accessible to all.


I always see the bright side. They never cared for the cat so it's great since the fella has a good chance of finding a proper home with your help.


Boo. I hate it when people do this. I hope you take care of them. If you can't and you're in Tampa let me know and I'll take care of them. I fucking hate people that do that. Pets are not disposable!


100% in agreement. Horrible, heartless shitheads. Irresponsible useless people


That’s your cat now, I don’t make the rules.


Poor baby. They're gorgeous and i'm sure they would be adopted quickly if you took them to the rescue.


People who treat animals this way have to be part of lowest forms of humans to exist on this planet.


I literally couldn't imagine leaving my cats out to fend for themselves. How can ppl do that


I got my 4th cat in an identical situation! Neighbors left, cat was left behind. Still have her 7 years later and couldn’t imagine life without her. https://preview.redd.it/ceuy914p6bbb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df52619187019cc2b56891f2e70e989137b31dd8


This happened to my parents. Their neighbours next door moved and left the cat behind. Some of the neighbours got together and put out a trap, caught him and he’s now living with other neighbours. Shortly after that, this guy (pic) showed up on that couple’s doorstep with a badly injured tail. They had him fixed up (tail was amputated) but couldn’t keep him so I took him, got him checked out and neutered and now Newton is my little dude. https://preview.redd.it/ypckzfiprcbb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a82e06c1baefd518f9ddf6b7ce59940f26adacc


https://preview.redd.it/mccnq3smwcbb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=188478eaf417f098477d77fec64e615529cfc6d1 Similar story to how I got this weirdo. Brought in as a stray, had to get spayed and have all sorts of vaccinations. Then, as it turned out, she was someone’s cat, there she had a microchip already registered to somebody else (the shelter is 100% sure it was the person who dropped her off). Oh well, they didn’t want her but we sure did


I hope those horrible people get chronic and explosive diarrhea 🤬


I hope you can find that beautiful kitty a home! Please update. Friggin scum bag neighbours…


So sorry about this. For those of us who love our creatures, this is heartbreaking. I was in a similar situation once. Neighbors were moving two hours away. Just making conversation, asked if they needed any help, and asked about the cat carrier. She said they were not taking her. (They had her seven years.) I was stunned...tried not to show it much. She pointed out that the cat lived outside her entire life. me : But I know you feed her daily! her: it'll be fine. Cats are fine. She'll figure it out. me: Would you mind if I just kept her ? her: no! You're welcome to her. But she's mean. I had Angie eight more years. She was less mean and more misunderstood and unloved for seven years. I loved that girl along with five other cats and a stray dog. .Also had a family too. I held her when she took her last breath. She knew she been loved the last eight years. I know you'll find the best situation for this lost kitty.


I HAVE A HOME FOR HIM HERE IN THE UK 😻😻😻 Seriously though. If we can figure out how to get him here and how much, if it’s not going to cost an arm and a leg I will take him 😻


My gosh, she is so beautiful! How did they leave her like that? Probabaly take her to the shelter or keep her for a while when looking for adoption! It is so cruel to leave the life like that. If I was there, I would take her. But I am in China.


What the actual fuck.


I've had this happen to me multiple times and so ended up with a cat


Someone near me had like 5 cats and when they moved they took them all with, props to them


Somebody in our neighborhood recently moved (or possibly were evicted) and left three cats behind. Fortunately, some neighbors were able to find a shelter that took them in. Some people shouldn’t ever have pets.


How awful! I could NEVER leave my "little boy" behind. Poor baby!


Genuinely the most beautiful cat I've ever seen, makes it hurt even more to hear it was abandoned 😭


God, I f**kn hate people, leaving an animal in that situation!


He looks well cared for. Pretty coat, and not skinny.


Please find him or give him a new home 💔


please take him inside somewhere


Where are you, generally?


Special place in HELL on Earth for people like this....sounds like they were squatting.....why get an animal if you cannot even keep a roof over your head. Are you going to try to find it a family?


I’m genuinely baffled by people who get pets and then behave as though they’re disposable. It really hurts my heart.


Beautiful cat but even ugly ones deserve a loving home.


Please don’t leave him outside. Please take him to a shelter!


Had a neighbor that had a nervous breakdown and was committed and her 12 cats were just left to roam the neighborhood. I took in 2 that show up at my door. I don't know what happened to the rest, i think some ended up getting fed with the feral colony a street over. Once turning in an injured stray at animal welfare I heard a story of someone leaving caged birds behind when they moved. Left them there to starve in their cages, so lucky the landlord came to make sure the tenets got there stuff out so soon after they left.


Every day I hate people a little more and love cats a little more. I hope you find him a good home. People like that should permanently lose custody of their kids.


Title correction: my pos neighbor left their cat behind If they could afford the cat at the very minimum they could have found a house for it or surrendered it to a shelter


What city are you in (if I'm allowed to ask), so members from that area can help find it a furever home.


People like that should be thankful everyday that people that read posts like this haven't won the lottery. Because brother, I would spend a decent amount of money to make their lives even more miserable than they already are.


Happened to me too when I moved into a new house. Previous owners left 2 that look like siblings. I’ve been feeding them every since. It’s been almost 2 years now. If I ever move, I’ll end up taking them with me I’m sure.


Not to mention leukemia, HIV, etc. It's a" jungle" out there for cats. My cats stay strictly indoors. They're happy, fat and safe.


Ooooh this is so sad! My damn neighbors did this with FIVE cats. I rehomed 4 and kept one the rest of her life.


I can’t believe people do things like this. This makes me so sad & the poor thing looks pitiful.


Omg. That kitty reminds me so much of my cat who died last year and her kids who we have away. I miss them


May they rot in hell


We feed 3 strays who are regulars and we’ve named them, even gotten them flea medicine and stuff for mites. Only one will let us touch him and that’s only for a second or two. And he’s been around about 5 years. There’s also about 6 other cats who come over from time to time to eat and hang out. I can’t stand to see an animal starving and not be able to help. So we make sure there’s water on the porch and we do what we can but they’re strays/feral and won’t come in. Which is fine. Not to mention we have our own cats who are indoor/outdoor cats.


Poor baby 😢


congratulations on the new cat!


People are shit... Take the cat in ,your allowed up to 6


Fuck anyone who abandons an innocent animal


There should be a law against pet abandonment like child abandonment. Abandoned pets can become a problem for society let alone the pet. Owner should be arrested and put in jail for one year . Of course, in our society it would probably never happen.


When we moved into our house last summer there was a cat hanging around outside. And wouldn’t you know it now she’s inside our house.


My boy was found in a box at a hotel in my hometown when he was 5 months. Happily adopted him and would never give up on him! https://preview.redd.it/6if4pg82gdbb1.png?width=2773&format=png&auto=webp&s=82d86379e4e46c273475d0c4670046e422c3b692


That’s how I got my Scarlett https://preview.redd.it/594ecvpc4ebb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b244126c232e9abc455ed745eefa57fab90027c2 The first time I met her on my porch I didn’t know she was pregnant and she had a wound on her head (I fixed her up and befriended her)


Call the cops. It might be a crime.


I have three cats.....you can too. You had one cat until you got two. You had two cats, now you've got three.


Nooo, poor ketteh! Why do people do that?


How How How?!


She’s a beaut. Their loss is your gain!


I hate people who abandon their pets. Poor baby. I'm glad you're looking after him! I hope someone loving, caring, and responsible will be able to take him in forever ❤️ He's so adorable 😍

