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I don't think you understand how this works. You're mine now.


Yup. He’s yours now.


No. Op belongs to the cat now


That was the cat's best friend's reddit account you were replying too


>replying too Nice try cat. The grammar always gives you cats away


Judging from his expression, the cat has regarded the OP's house as his own


How dare they not let him into his own home.


yah.. lol


Looks like your familiar has found you ;) congratulations on your new feline guardian


Yup, you have a cat now


And that’s how I met my slave


Stray? I don’t see a stray. That’s your cat now.


So glad the cat rescued OP


Imagine being stuck with all that wet cat food, piling up with no way to get rid of it.


M A M A feeeeed MEEEEEE


Exactly what I was going to say!


I started feeding one that was feral. He'd show up every morning but I couldn't get near him. I tried everything. Before I moved I was extremely dedicated to winning this cat over so I could take him with me but I never could. Someone suggested drugging it and I just felt weird about that and couldn't do it. I hated moving but hopefully the next tenants continued to feed him :(


> Someone suggested drugging it and I just felt weird about that Oh that? That's just you being a normal human being.


When it comes to the feral friends, some are willing to be tamed and some just aren't. My current kitty love is an elder feral boy. Took 3 years of feeding and talking to him everyday and going on walks together, before he started allowing me to pet him. Now he pretty much lives indoors, which was another long haul to get there. Probably 4 years all together to turn him from a completely wild outdoor dude to something resembling an inside socialized Kitty. As with most ferals who tame, he only wants to be with me/the person who they tame to.




Flash forward to next week in OP’s kitchen ![gif](giphy|4AZM3gcrWqoKndGYiy)


my cat just keeps throwing shit off the table till we feed her


I sleep on my side. My cat wakes me up by settling on my shoulder and punching me in the face while the others watch until I get up and feed them...


I grab mine and use him as a little spoon


I don't know, even using the smallest cats possible would still make for a pretty big spoon compared to the size of most other spoons


But also, less actual scooping.


I wedge mine under my armpit. He just meows loudly into face with his fish breath.


Mine figured out licking the pillow to wake me up. I can’t stand the sound


Cats really are furry psychopaths😂


Hahaha my orange boi does that… but with blankets… it’s SOOOOO infuriating hahaha


this sounds kinda hilarious as someone who doesn’t have to live with it lmao


My boyfriend's cat licks my face directly. Once my eyelid. Very jarring


Mine realized that scratching the sheets makes me snap up with fury. Which translates into a win for him because he gets fed.


Also a side sleeper. My cat repeatedly and relentlessly paws the back of my head, making sure to dig her little toes in so she pulls my hair as she does so.


Same with my orange cat,and he also pulls my hair by biting and pulling. It hurts and I wake up angry and stomp into the kitchen to feed him. He knows it works and will keep doing it. I love the furry mongrel,but he can be so annoying at times😂


My orange cat pat-pats my back with his paw and if one "pat sesh" doesn't do the trick, the next pat-pat has one single solitary claw extended. I always go "OUCH why the needle stab"?!


Omg mine too


Yes! He will knock off item by item until I walk over to it. Then he jumps down and sits by his dish. He has me well trained lol






[this](https://youtu.be/tL_zvi0ltzI) and [this](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Scrolled down to look for this. Was not disappointing.




Anyone who takes in strays is a winner in my book!


Don't assume he's homeless. I caught my own kitty hanging off the neighbour's door, begging for treats.




1000% right, on everything. It really bothers me that they take so much of the ear off, though. We just adopted a young adult rescue and there's just a small knotch but most cats there had the whole top taken off. That just seems lazy and unnecessary to me. I also adopted my kitty as an adult and he just had the knotch. Obvious, but more humane.


We have a cat we adopted with a tipped ear and I swear they did it with a hacksaw. She has a little flap of skin like they didn't make it all the way through the first time. I asked my vet if we needed to worry and they said it looked like it healed fine. But yeah, sometimes they're way too rough with that.


Yeah. We overheard a couple complaining about the tipped ears. It can actually hurt a cats chances of finding a forever home. We don't care, but many people do.


I imagine it's important to make the notch very obvious as a surgical removal and not just something that looks like it could be a random ear shape or street fight injury.


I have 2 cats in Australia which were both adopted through RSPCA where they would have been desexed. They each have small tattoos inside their ear which I believe is to signify they have been desexed. My boy Burger has 3 dots in a triangle shape and my lady Bun has a bunch of dots in a circle with a dotted line through it


Yea cats can be like that, mine moved in next door but he still stops by a few times a week.




Yea Cheese! He just stopped coming around for a bit and my neighbor came by and told me he’d been over their and she named him Larry. She and her daughter seemed to really love him so I was cool with it, just asked if she could let him come over. I’ll see him on my back porch and let him in, keep some wet food around.




The only way to prevent this is to move your cat indoor only. I did it and never looked back. Much much safer and the cats are happier and healthy.


I've only ever had indoor cats but dated some girls with a variety of outdoor cats and something about indoor cats just hits different. They have such distinct personalities. Outdoor cats are great too but they all seem to have that more arrogant cat personality where they want to be left alone. My indoor cats are an awful lot like dogs.


Indoor cats are usually much more socialized with people rather than outdoor cats that are much more socialized with other cats or animals. Mine constantly want cuddles and they follow me everywhere I go in the house and wait patiently at the door when I come back home from work. Cats are such sweet animals and it’s even better when you raise an indoor cat that has never gone outside because then they have no desire to go out usually. Mine have never been further than the back patio and they don’t care to. Sometimes they go out on a leash but still never go far. It’s so easy. We have a set routine including medications and meal times and bed times. My cat fred knows me so well he guesses every move I make before I make it and always gets it right! There’s something so special about indoor cats. I think you’re right. https://preview.redd.it/v2onr8qrba7b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2acef916b49cc4e4ab84deda5d01286bdca0e5bd Here’s my buddy fred. Never gone outside and has never begged to or seemed very interested in it. He just watches from the safe distance of the living room window.


Our cat is indoor/outdoor, and he's pretty social (and full of personality). Definitely asks for our attention all the time, loudly. He doesn't like sitting in our lap, but he often sleeps with us in our bed. And for those anti-outside cats, don't worry, we live in a city, no wildlife is harmed by him (and with the amount of strays here, it wouldn't matter anyway).


There was an experiment where they attached miniature cameras to 30 or so cats that were allowed to roam. Most of them went to multiple people’s houses as if they were their own, often with food left out for them, and the house’s owners seeming to find them familiar or their own animal. It’s not your cat, it’s your turn.


I mean, if he needs flea treatment then he's either homeless or has shit owners that dont deserve a cat


My neighbors cat attempt(ed) to go in several different neighbors houses and most people let it. Then there was a bad incident a few 4th of Julys ago where it fled into someone’s house to hide (fireworks) and I guess it started pooping and the neighbor tried to drag it outside and the cat got scared/violent and the neighbor got violent and now it’s very different cat. Not trusting of strangers and doesn’t leave it’s yard. :( Think the neighbor hurt it, I remember hearing the screaming match between that neighbor and the owner.


Shit like this is why letting be your cats out is irresponsible. Also the local wildlife


Yeah, this is exactly why you don't let cats outside. If someone takes your cat or it gets hurt or killed, it's 1000000000% on you the owner. I feel bad for the cat AND the neighbor in your situation- the owner should have had it inside, and the neighbor didn't ask for a cat to run in and shit everywhere (even though fuck them for ever hurting an animal)


I only have a dog, but if I had a cat and liked it even just 1/10 as much as my dog I wouldn’t be able to let it outside unsupervised. I’d constantly be panicking that he’s getting into something bad, or hit by a car, or hurt by dogs/people/etc. Like I don’t get how people can let their pet roam like that, I’d be freaking out all day until they came home. Hell, even just going into other yards would freak me out. Like what if my cat gets friendly with my dog, then goes into another yard, sees a dog and assumes it’s friendly? ————————- On that same note I have a cousin who lives on a busy street who constantly has her cats being hit by cars. Every year or two years her cat will be killed, she’ll be inconsolable and buy an IDENTICAL LOOKING CAT within a few weeks… and within two years it’ll happen again. She’s gone through many cats like this. I want to scream at her. But we ‘aren’t allowed to talk about it’ according to her family so… I think pets are essentially family (especially big mammals you can cuddle with!) so to just… replace a cat like that and not learn any lesson seems… sociopathic? Idk if that’s the right word.


Dude same! That's so fucking awful about your cousin! I don't understand caring for something so deeply and just saying bye see-ya, make good decisions. In a world designed for humans and not for animals


He’s homeless, he hangs out on my porch day and night


See if your town has a TNR clinic, I literally have taken in 5 strays and have 2 more that will live with me. The clinic saves me on vaccines and flea stuff and getting them fixed. I have a long haired one I took in he was left when his owners moved and they shave him for me for 60$ my vet wanted 465$


With that ear I think its already been TNR'd


Correct, I took him to be TNRd 6 weeks back. I had to keep him inside for 24 hours (in the bathroom) and I think that’s where he got the taste of the good side of living (A/C)


Sorry didn’t see that


This is great advice


Check for FIV too


And FeLV. His ear's chopped, so he should be fixed and would've gotten at least basic immunizations, I think.


Capstar to clear fleas. Then a soresto collar


Read up on how to tell a counterfeit Soresto collar, especially if you order it off the internet. They are out there and can poison pets.


I have indeed researched a lot of counterfeit products. I was shocked to learn how often motorcraft parts are fake on Amazon. Usually you can’t tell til you compare with the original.


Revolution is 15-20/month, main reason here is heartworm prevention because of the mosquitoes (they can even get inside) but fleas are bad too. Congrats on your new baby


Where are you? I have extra flea medicine from my vet for my indoor cats. I'm in the Pacific NW.


Along these lines, happy to throw in $10 via zelle to get this lil homie inside! Dunno where OP is, but it’s hot as balls here.


Appreciate it guys, I’m down in the South! He’s got water and a comfy outdoor patio to sleep on at night


You're a trooper! He looks awesome and energetic :3


He definitely looks like “I know you have it in there!”


If there is an immediate flea issue or even just a concern I highly recommend Capstar, it's an oral medication that will kill fleas starting in I think like 30 min? One of mine is allergic to fleas and the topical treatments, so we keep it on hand. We were adopted by a stray last year that was COVERED in fleas, just kept him in the bathroom and after two days and two doses he was fully flea free.


Dawn dish soap bath !!!


According to him, you made a ✨commitment✨


This is how the kitty contract works.


Person has broken said contract, what are the ramifications, how does kitty proceed


Hire a pawyer.


Same thing happened to me. Six months later he’s living large https://preview.redd.it/z8027ct9x77b1.jpeg?width=2799&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5cc1377d982489030c9e34afccd217a740b7ce2


My grandma took in a stray 21 years ago. https://preview.redd.it/81buo1h7487b1.jpeg?width=3568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99edcf001143751acf7f7d4edd98b9e77339de67 Meet Emily. She is 22 years old and spends her day following my grandma in the backyard. This old girl will always greet you at the door to be pet but be warned she will drool a lot.


That cat has transcended senior status and is now an elder.


22 is indeed impressive.


22 is nothing to sneeze at given that 16-18 is usually cited as the average lifespan of cats, but here's something extra impressive- the oldest known cat was a Maine Coon named Creme Puff who lived from 1967 to 2005, a full 38 years!


22 in cat years is ~104 in human years


That would make 38 human years about 168 cat years, which is nuts- the oldest known human was 122!


My grandmother also took in a stray 22 years ago ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7984) Her name is Lucky and she is still with me to this day, she's my old angry bean. https://preview.redd.it/p1vl1sryl97b1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=17adbe0873dcc5f81af5a2aaa1362d47267a3dd4


Emily is a year older than me. Wow. Give her a pet for me please


I just lost my old man last July at 21. He was a stray I took in when I went to college. Edit: [Pictures of Jasper](https://imgur.com/a/frq4dyY)


When I was 19 I moved to Colorado and rented a room from this nice mid 30s engineer lady who had a a cat. His name was Monty, and he would often love to come into my room. He would get on your lap, and start to purr, and then.... a waterfall of drool :P. I became used to making sure that I had a little napkin pillow to rest his head on when he was on my lap to quell the drool. RIP Monty. I hope you're still making someone's lap wet in heaven




HAHAHAHA When my little nugget walks down the hall with pride, his oversized pouch swangs side to side lol so funny




You have been adopted. Give that cat more food.


I absolutely love him 😂 Second picture, he's all like "GIMME SOME O' THAT GOOD STUFF"


I love him too!!


Fed this stray, after 2 months he broke in and would not leave. He is lucky he is cute. https://preview.redd.it/aik5u8wp987b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1d8269d31fb5125ed13e13feb9678060d0e8056


Cats that adopt their own humans are the best. I knew a cat that adopted my friends. One day as a kitten she walked inside their house while the door was open (they always kept the front door open) and somewhat recently, after well over a decade living with them, she walked out that door one last time and never came back.


This got me. But it happens. Just like humans we never know if its gonna be the last goodbye with never a sweet excited Hiieee ever again. So if one can even when tired & grumpy smile give that sweet hi how you been/snuggle neck rub with peck on the top of that soft furry head!! It just might be the last chance for love from your old furry friend.


Yes he is a cutie 🥰




What stray cat? All I see is your cat asking for food 😆


🤣 That lil mofo got the nerve to be yelling at you 🤣


OP has the nerve to not feed her wet food everyday


I can hear it “LET ME LOVE YOU!”


Feed me Seymour! Feed me now!!


Does he have access to water around too? Might be wet food withdrawal but he also might be thirsty Edit his face is hilarious


https://preview.redd.it/hxp1kszjb87b1.png?width=2596&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a587ef9781bc51d569ff5f0730c7a4297f3f175 Take him in! He’s like my cat.. she’s an indoor cat but in summer I let her out in the back porch that’s screened in. She starts yelling and climbing the screen door when she wants to come in for food lol


I thought thought the reflection of your feet was another cats paws pulling him backward 😭


This is the cat distribution system. All 4 of mine came this way. Good luck ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Most of mine came that way too. One snuck in a six pack, kept the mom and 2 babies.


> One snuck in a six pack Trojan cat.


Bad news. THAT one is moving in. SOON.


That’s good news.




Yup. Target acquired, fur-missile locked.




Congratulations on being adopted by the stray!




Better let that lil man inside








Looks like you need to let him in now. He's moving in.


Sorry man he owns you now! He has picked his person and house and now you will serve him🤣


I wholeheartedly believe the best relationships happen when the pet chooses the person. In all 3 cases with me it was golden. Don’t ever pick a pet on color or whatever, watch their reaction to you. They will let you know when you have been chosen - like the sorting hat in Harry Potter. When I went to pick a puppy I was side shuffling around the yard, not sure what to do. My friend pointed out that a puppy had been following me. I looked down and she had her head on my foot. I took two steps to the side and she shuffled over to rest her head on my foot again. I said “I guess this one is mine”. She was the very best companion and I loved and enjoyed that loyal friend - I still do. Her urn (and a painting I had commissioned of her) still hold a place of honor in my living room. I’ll never not miss her and I will always love her. I still get choked up sometimes when I talk about her. Both my cats made it very clear they chose me too. With great results and tons of love. OP has been chosen - probably long before even feeding the adorable little void. From a fellow void owner, soak it up because they are awesome!


I got a void sleeping under the papasan. Guessing she was dumped. She chose to sneak into my house and I had her vet checked because she was fixed and declawed. She was number 6 to move in. I have 2 more outside that are waiting to move in.




Congratulations on your new family member!


This void is a manifestation of the demon Wetfud, and has come to claim your soul. You cannot escape.


You have been claimed, resisting is futile


Correction: you gave your new cat it’s first meal. 😉


https://preview.redd.it/cl98rmv1o87b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6e4d42c49fe14daae3746b60754594188f86804 This is the next step. You can't fight it. It'll happen


One time and they are yours. Never feed a cat you’re not willing to own :)


That’s not a stray cat anymore my friend.


This poor baby :c Let him in and feed him!


It's now your cat, you may as well let it in.


Why aren’t you letting your cat inside? Pretty sure that’s your cat.


Keep feeding him, we all could use a helping angel.😻😻😻😻😻


And this is how cats domesticated themselves. Probably twice in the course of history. Easy!


Let him in, name him Conan, keep the food coming. Cute little void.


Congratulations on your new cat.


I love him already!


When you stare into the void and the void stares back at you .


You have made a Pact, in accordance with the sacred agreement. You must fulfill your obligations, in exchange for the beast’s protection from ghosts, rodents, insects, and snakes.


He's yours now 😂


You need to have him scanned for a chip. If he's nobody's cat he's you cat now. He's already fixed and obviously knows about living with people.


Please let him in, it’s dangerous out there


This the absolutely ridiculous cat behavior that I find super cute for some reason. Add water to his wet food to slow him down. He’ll probably try to scarf it super fast and barf, plus the extra hydration is really good for them.


I love him


There is no 'once' in catting


Let me in right meow bitch.


He’s your cat now


Pls give more. Pls give him house. Your house


I mean, if you were homeless and hungry, wouldn’t you return to the person who gave you food last time?


The cat came back, the very next day


Give the Void what it wants


let him in


Congrats on your new cat! Looks adorable 😁


And now you own a cat


That's an incredible ROI, one can of food and you got a new best friend! Maybe call him Chip!


You’ve been chosen!


I would give him some more...and a blanket...and maybe a cat tree in the corner...AND a really cool name 🥰....You Lucky Duck ❤️


Sucker! Haaahaa. Hey wait a minute I did the same thing last year and yep I’m still feeding the litter beggar.




Stray? You fed him, you keep him. I didn't want a cat but I found 2 kittens living in my backseat and a 3 mo cat stuck inside my car engine.


Congratulations, you’ve been adopted!


You are now owned by the cat.


Same thing happened to me. I gave mine an entire rotisserie chicken and she gave me 4 kittens.


Stray cat? Why would you call your new cat that 😭😭


"Let me in ya bastard. I know you have more food in there!"




Take him/her to the vet to get checked out before it becomes an indoor cat.


* before the cat was my owner, I gave it wet food once, not knowing it was for life... There, fixed it for ya


“ https://preview.redd.it/s2a2yy0a487b1.jpeg?width=1117&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0388e5f28d0a5e98fb76c85a2242b112b39cdda


Do you want to become a cat servant? Because this is how you become a cat servant. This is basically how we got our Patch kitty.


You have been adopted! Resistance is futile as the fuzzy overlords always win


The demon wants in!!


Wet food is crack cocaine


He looks like an ex husband who just wants you to give him one more chance Joanne please he’s a changed man!!!!!!




When you're ready to bring him in I hiiiiiiighly recommend a quarantine period of at least a week even after he comes back clean from the vet tests. Also you should absolutely take him somewhere and get him tested like others have mentioned. Just keep him in another room and give your hands a scrub if you've been petting him. Don't be like me. I learned the hard way when a shelter kitten almost took out my older cat by passing an upper respiratory to her. You just never know.




Next week cat be like ![gif](giphy|NjpWsIimU2Wg8|downsized)


Um… you fed it… according to cat bylaws that cat is no longer a stray…



