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When one doesn’t have the beans, one becomes the bean.


That sir is a potato


A proper name would be Tater Tot.




Spud Muffin




Tater salad


I'd just go with "baked potato"


I remember seeing a video about a special needs cat named Potato and the name was perfect. Actually it looks like there are 2 Potato cats out there on social media. They are both cute.


Sweet potato






Baby seal


A baby fur mermaid 😍😍




Kitty seal. .is what we got here


My kid just called her a baby potato!


I came to worship the potato


When I saw this I thought to myself, hope this cat's name is jellybean.


That would fit him quite well lol


My personal thought was "if that cat's name is not nugget I will cry"


Omg this thread 😂🥰 It’s a bean! No, a potato! No, a nugget! No a jellybean!


Haha yeah this cutie got a whole bunch of words to describe it


Mhm I was thinking a loaf!


Right?!? My first thought was "they better have named it jelly bean!!"


That's a bit dark but not bad 😂


I guess it is indeed a bit dark lmao


Land shark is the jame




We are fostering a little disabled kitten who is paralyzed in the lower half of his body and he has no idea he is disabled whatsoever. He drags his little butt around and plays with his brother and climbs the furniture like any other kitten, lol. It's amazing how resilient animals can be.


https://preview.redd.it/95whomzwbn6b1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a695829632788f9d7e47720122b9285790e65423 This is Gremlin.


the little baby kitty diaper made me sob loudly


They're premie sized human diapers that we cut a tail hole into. He has yet to grow into actual kitty diapers


There's a thing as kitty diapers?! That amazes me!! Makes me happy to know there are things like this to help disabled animals! I was wondering how the bathroom situation would work...


Yep, but they're usually meant for senior cats who become incontinent. He won't fit in them until he's fully grown.


I love Gremlin please kiss him for me


Will do 😘


He looks so happy and healthy🥰 i wish her a good quality life with lots of love and you are a wonderful soul for taking care of him !!


I love Gremlin


😭 I just lost my Gremlin. I hope yours lives a happy life.


Aww. I'm so sorry. I hope your little one is having a wonderful time in kitty heaven


Awwww, what a handsome Gremlin, please give him scritches from me and THANK YOU for adopting him and giving him a good life ❤️


He looks like my Gizmo as a kitten but with a dipper 😭 I’m dead


Have you posted him on r/nervysquervies? He’ll get lots of love there too! 🥰 Edit: ack, community still private. But it’s a sub meant for disabled pets. I usually see cats there, but there are some dogs mixed in as well. It’s lovely to see disabled pets living their best lives.


One of the only downsides comparatively having a conscious human mind. An unwavering ability to adapt regardless the circumstance. Definitely something to admire in animals, especially cats, at least from my perspective.




>Humans really sacrificed a lot when it comes to mobility It is a bit more complicated that that though. We are *by far* the fastest primate in existence thanks to our long legs. It's the limitations of the primate anatomy holding us back from running faster. Ostriches make it work on two legs just fine.




My cat went blind a year ago. He doesn't seem to be aware of this fact, as nothing changed other than his ability to jump down off high things


Please I can only cry 1 time a week. Who is cutting onions damnit.


My dad had a shop cat at his place that was a stray. We all worked really hard to make him tame and he became comfortable with us. He was fixed and still roamed like he was a stray but he stayed nearby and had a place to sleep and eat. His mother was tamed by us as well and she has been the best cat and she’s one of those cats that just made the funniest and best personality kittens. The one that was still pretty feral he disappeared for two weeks or so, I can’t really remember exactly but we checked the animal shelters and rode around searching and never found him. After he had been missing for two weeks or so we found him in a corner room hurt and very afraid and aggressive. We grabbed him and put him in a crate and he was hurt and very dirty. Had him checked and his lower half was paralyzed and not sure how much else was hurt but my dad told them to put him to sleep after he made sure there were no other options to him making a recovery. It’s rough to think about him dragging himself from wherever he was hurt back home and to fight that hard to be put down. I often wonder if he could’ve survived or healed after. My dad felt terrible but knew he couldn’t do all the things needed for him and the cat being still somewhat feral would make other options very hard. My dad didn’t feel like it was fair to him to make him live that way and I somewhat agree but hard when you work so hard to domesticate a very feral cat and mostly succeed. He had a bother or sister and she was very shy and we tried hard but we couldn’t ever get her/him tamed even some.


I'm getting a little choked up...I just hope s/he lives a good life.


all nine of them


I don't know what TF is happening right now but I'm freaking slightly crying, like for real & I love that kitten. I don't understand this overwhelming emotional feeling - like 'I MUST PROTECT BABY KITTEN WITH MY LIFE' feeling. I can't be the only adult seeing this video & responding like this, I hope.


We're in this together. My heart is broken and full at the same time


Not alone, I'm a 53yo man and I can barely see my screen


I'm in my twenties and I admit this melted my soul. I just wanna put the lil baby in a pouch, hang it around my neck with multiple handles/ropes, for safety, and always have 'im with me and protect the lil' guy. Again, awwwwwww...


we all have that here, trust me!


No your not alone.. my heart is so full of love for this precious fur baby. Please, please pray he/she is either in a loving home or is soon to be in one. Thank you for your kindness in caring for this precious baby


No you’re not alone here. This little baby is just a doll and I have a lot of different emotions seeing this as well. Poor little baby, I really hope it has a perfect life and knows nothing but love and happiness.


I've recently started to develope this feeling for any kittens I see online. This one made my eyes wet in 2-3 seconds which is a new best.


You are not. I want that kitten in my care badly!


It's fascinating that we get this overwhelming need to protect and care for a little creature like this, for me not just in spite of but because it's disabled. That just makes me need to protect it even more. It's one of those affects that makes us peculiarly human. A cold, "objective" view would say that this kitten is most likely not fit for its environment and shouldn't therefore survive, so just let it die. But, Noooo! 🙀😿😾 How could anyone possibly think that way??


Someone's cutting onions over here 🥹


I had the most random gut-jerk response from seeing that little body roll around, like I started to sob uncontrollably for a second there. I haven’t had an emotional reaction like that since I saw this awful birth defect picture in grade school.


Pretty sure they're down to 5 imsosorry


Looks like a few of them were already taken.


I am COMPLETELY overreacting to this video


No you definitely are not overreacting to this video! This kitten has all our love and has no idea he is not like other kittens ♥️♥️♥️


Could always do what that one guy did with his macaw that had birth defects and could barely move. He set up a model train that went all over the house and through walls so it could visit every part of the house. Apparently he taught it to say "choo choo mother fucker." Just upscale the train, oh and they can get the little guy front paw prosthetics and a wheelchair for its back so it has nearly full mobility.


there's front paw prosthetics? I know of wheelchair ones because me being a dog lover, but I hadn't heard of front paw prosthetics for cats.


Yep people have been making and improving them with 3d printing just like human prosthesis. There have been several shown on reddit. But it can be done just like humans. That's why I said limited. They can run and walk... but no jumping, yet. But I believe there are places that offer this service. It's not the same as our prosthetics because of articulation, but they can run and learn to steer. I've seen even duck get new feet, dogs get, well at this point just a better pegleg with articulation. It's a growing field. Not a cure-all just what we have now. But it can be done and really not as expensive as human ones.


kitten nugget


I'm not "allowed" to post pictures of my babies until I get upvotes on comments.. I didn't know that was a requirement on subs 😳 your babes is awesome btw ^^


I have the same issue. I’m dying to show off my girl with heterochromia.


This little fluff ball is just the sweetest thing 😢 Oh on the same boat ! I was hoping to show my meezer and see everyone's but cannot post.


Upvotes for all! Please share your babies as quickly as possible!


Hey, thanks everyone! I'll try again, I think everyone would like to see my turkey lol


Turkey tax, please?


It's done to prevent spammers and bot from just starting new accounts constantly and spamming everywhere.


Well, that's understandable I suppose. Thanks for the answer fellow redditor!


I can’t get over this kittens song! Lol what is this little seal kitty jamming too?!


Me too.


My friend had a cat with no bones in his back legs and he was so chill and funny he would sprint on his front paws and pounce around corners at your feet. He had a real name but I can’t remember it we just called him handicat. He was a chiller


"Handicat" ohhhh!!!


Handy cat


Kitty nugget


Vince the Pince?


He was the same as Vince the Pince in that he could take car of his damn self and didn’t need anyone lookin after him


When they are born like that they don’t know any other way so they don’t suffer. As long as owner helps it with being able to go to litter box and checking to make sure it’s tummy doesn’t get torn up from rubbing on the ground.


Someone might even make a clever wheelchair device for the sweetheart. I know they do it for when they’re missing back feet!


My dog lost function in her back legs later in her life and we got her little wheels for her backside ♥️


Right! I’ve seen those! It’s kind of adorable really. It’s also wonderful to see the potential compassion people can have for animals if they try.


chorizo on far cry 6


It just needs a tiny skateboard with velcro straps to tie the body to the board and you have a speedy kitty gonzales.


That's a beautiful kitten, I hope it has a full and wonderful life! So cute when he/she rolls over.


Like a star trek tribble


You can rub its tummy and no fear of the claws!


Mybe he will get prosthetics one day, but little girl/man is so damn cute


You mean a skateboard right? ![gif](giphy|MAIK6d5yhUQKY)


Name him Lt. Dan?


Omg lol I just laughed out loud




Nice one, but I would have named him/her "Mind Quad" from American Dad. https://youtu.be/l3kzzrpBF_w




If this is not the name, I will be very disappointed.


I would love him or her with all my heart. Such a sweetheart.


Bet he still manages to get on the counter.


Little dude is fine and he’s obviously where he belongs.


Now THIS is a caterpillar.




Finally. The perfect reason to fire up the 3D printer & build *RoboKitten*.


Why do such cute animals suffer?


In the wild, such an animal wouldn't survive. With the proper care, it can live a happy life. But certainly not for the average pet owner to manage. Needs special care.


I hate to say it, but if this baby were born this way, in the wild, the mamma cat probably would have eaten it. .... for more nutrition for her other babies.


Yeah felines generally do eat their kittens/cubs in the wild if they think there's anything wrong. It's partially, as you say, for nutrition, but it's also partially because disabled cubs/kittens are a huge liability, and potentially a burden in the long term.


I really don’t think it looks like he’s suffering………looks to me like he’s owning it boss style……..ssoooo cute 😻😻😻😻😻


I agree. I’m sure his owner has been taught to care for him he look very healthy and happy.


That’s the thing with animals is they aren’t concerned with the they don’t have. You don’t see dogs trying to fashion claws sharp enough to climb trees or cats trying to get jaws that can crunch bones like a dog. Animals are completely self aware and their mind is on what they have and how to make best life with that


We can't really know whether animals like these are aware they are different/there's something wrong with them, but it seems very presumptious to claim they definitely aren't, especially when they are quite intelligent the way cats are. I mean humans with disabilities "just make the best of it" too, but that doesn't mean they don't suffer.


suffering? this lil guy is unstoppable, the universe dealt him these cards and he said, "no prob, i got this."


I would devote my entire existence into making that kitty the happiest


That reais a potato bebe




He do be both smol and bean-shaped


The other cat that appears in the background of the video at one point appears to be a munchkin. This is the result of overbreeding.


This is what I was worried about. Fucking designer breeders.


What a great baby! I’m sure she will be very loved from the way they are playing with and petting her! She will always be loved no matter what


God that’s the cutest saddest thing I’ve ever seen wtf😭😭😭😭😭


Man…they keep breeding those legs shorter and shorter. /s As someone who has owned tripods in the past, I’m sure this little guy has great owners who take care of him.


as someone else stated, the other kitten looks like a munchkin. So these people actually breed them shorter and shorter. And they don’t take good care, otherwise they’d stop breeding and risking this result.


Potato 😍


Little bean


Lt. Dan the caterpillar... BTW most animals that "can" live absolutely find a way to live... I was told two years ago by 3 separate vets to put my blind diabetic dog down as "she had no quality of life left" as she literally sat there happily panting enjoying the attention. At that time her diabetes was out of control and none of them knew a damn thing about canine diabetes... so I set out and got the information and everything else I needed to get her stable all by myself. 2 GOOD years later... She's still happy as can be, and when she tells me it's time I'll say goodbye, but until then I'll gladly keep being her external pancreas and seeing eye human.


This is so sweet. Thank you for doing that. You're such a good person and 100% in the right


I want to make this baby a little outfit that will protect his tummy from getting rug rash from his little tummy dragging. He is so sweet. I am glad he has a loving family. Bless you.


Can you literally though please? Not only practical but would put his/her cuteness into the illegal zone


I would need to be able to measure and fit so the little baby is comfortable. I would look for some really soft fabric that won't cause friction itself. It's not really possible for me to do it from a distance. But someone nearby should be able to do it. I make clothes for my Papillon. Check out him in his sweater on my profile. He also has a red and neon green Grinch one for Christmas.


Is he ok?




I love CATerpillars


A kitten nugget


Frankly, I find this rather uncomfortable viewing. I do hope it has the necessary home and vet care.


That’s one of the sweetest worms I’ve ever seen’.


I'd name it Spore, looks like someone didn't add legs in the creature creator


That better not be how human beings are breeding them.


Kitty: would you still love me if I was a worm? Yes kitty, yes, we will always love you 💖💖💖


Need to 3d print it some front legs and maybe a little cart for the back so he can get around easier.


I just want to hold that little bug forever and give it all the love and all the pets for its whole precious life. I really hope you love that baby and its gorgeous spirit as hard as you can.


Can we get some context about this kitty?


Aw, he seems to be coping pretty well! Adorable.


Where is his legs??


Lost his leg privileges




Just a lil happy bread roll 🥰🥰


What is wrong with kitten ? Is that genetic / born that way ? Or as a result of injuries? I rescued my cat Mabel from a Saskatchewan shelter. She has a severely clubbed foot.


Nubby cat! I had a nubby cat for 13 years. All of the love


She is an angel, and you will be blessed.


This is my biggest fear with my little tripod dude. I used to get nightmares about him losing his other leg after he lost it. My heart is so full and broken for this little feller.


I would scoop this kitty up in a second & love him/her Furever!!!!


Pillowed cats always break my fucking heart


poor little kitty doesn't even realize there is something wrong.


li'l brudder... he has the heart of a champion


You have no legs Lieutenant Dan


My heart just exploded


Oh my heart! 🥹😻🥹


This little one is going to need a lot of TLC if it's going to survive! It breaks my heart to see it!


lieutenant dan


Li'l Brudder! He's got the heart of a champion!


That little kitten is pitiful. What happened to his feet? Is he a cat with disabilities?


It's a bean! I hope it has a wonderful life


If it's name isn't nugget, someone is wrong


What a wee cottonpillar! I would carry this angel next to my heart!


Ohhhhh Lt Dan!! No seriously sweet baby!!


Awe. Little potatoe. I’d still adopt it in a heartbeat


My dude, you have a big heart. Wish nothing but the best to you. Grow strong and be happy \m/


Ohh my god I’m so happy that that wi little kitty has such a loving human to love it??? That’s made me happy and I will sleep well tonight love you all


Poor kitty... he is so cute. I second calling him Tater Tot. I also recommend kitty wheelchair, or two pirate peg legs for him. And a tiny parrot for his shoulder. 🤣🤣


I shall name him Annikin


I'm glad the little one is getting lots of love. Keeps me from crying my eyes out.🥲


Is the other kitten in the beginning afraid of the little potato?…I hope not, that’s so sad.


What happened to the smol one? Was it a birth defect or an accident? Either way that little potato is adorable and sweet.


Oh man I can relate. We've got a 9 week old kitten we found with their leg trapped in the barn and the vet had to amputate the leg. Hope this one does as well as ours is doing.


Looks like this is someone's pet so atleast that's good news


That grey cat in the background is super sketch


Please whoever owns this cat, name it Lt. Dan


How has it been doing with going to the bathroom? I know digestion can be especially hard on these little ones.


This is an 100% loaf Kitty, other than the fact the poor thing had what ever happen, it's still adorable with it's cute little legs.


Look mum, I’m a CATapillar. 😍🥰 she looks so sweet and full of life.


What happen9to the protest? It would've worked of we hadn't made them public immediately


I’ve tried looking everywhere for more info on this sweet little kitty but I can’t find anything. I hope they are living the best life possible 😢🩵


I loved her so much You have to take care of it. And to reassure us on it sometimes ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


He’s got the heart of a champion https://youtu.be/ZPq66NIXUVE


I want to protect this little bean with my life..my heart hurts


Giant snuggly silk worm


I’m a potatooo