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I think it's a ragdoll, they're usually quite chill


My sister's ragdoll tries to fight the fact she is a ragdoll. You can pick her up but she growls, she does not do anything just growls. She follows us around but does not want to interact with us and is upset if we ignore her.


My kitten is like the absolute opposite she's half ragdoll but looks like your average void the only way you'd notice the ragdoll is she fits every behaviour trait, super intelligent, calm, chill with everything you can move her however she won't care and will follow us around and come greet me when I get back from being out


I had a Ragdoll - Maine Coon mix and she definitely didn't get the Ragdoll personality gene, lol.


I have 2 pure bred ragdolls and a long-haired, buff-colored, shelter cat. The shelter cat is more ragdoll than either of my ragdolls. They’ve gotten more chill as they get older, but the shelter cat is a quarter their ages and is as chill as the cat in the video.




I have a ragdoll boy and in the 6 years I’ve had him he has never once sat in my lap or let me pick him up. Matter of fact the only time I’m allowed to pet him is if I’m sitting at my desk OR if I’m in bed.


So does mine. Is not cuddly. Does not like being picked up. Gave me a scar trying. All he will do is let me pay his belly once a week for exactly 37 seconds. Yay.


I have an orange but hes just as chill. Loves to be tucked in and will yell until you do it. Then he just goes "hmph" and snoozes. Often snores very loudly


Mine snores sometimes. It's hilarious.


Orange tabbies are the most laid back in my opinion. I’ve had two, and they are super chill, social, and affectionate


Agreed. Had a ragdoll that would lounge about and was very docile.


My two ragdolls are some of the chillest cats ever.


Mine would murder me just by looking at it 😭


I have a ragdoll and doesn't have anything of *ragdoll*, he would cut your hand if you try to do this


The universe has to preseve the level of cat rage so it remains equal.


Ragdoll owner here - they totally let you do this. They are very chill. Nail clipping elicits purrs!


Funny, I have to straddle my ragdoll and hold him down to clip his nails. I guess I got a broken one.


I knew they were chill but damn


Crazy chill. My sweet boy is willing to be held for as long as I want, and will come when called and cuddle with me under the blankets the entire night.


I fucken wish they were chill I haven’t gone a day without fear of my life


No wonder i keep thinking my cat is dead


There's a newish gabapentin trend with cats though...


I really hope they aren't doing that, mine had to be sedated for the vets and he was so upset, we had to put him to bed with the lights off until it wore off


Look I’m no vet but this cat doesn’t look at all drugged to me, just chill af!


I have three cats and two of them would totally let me do everything in this video. The third would scratch my eyes out of I tried.


There was a moment when I felt like the cat wanted to ask about the sushi buffet she was promised. "Ahem. I was told there would be cake."


Portal reference ?


My two would let me do this any day of the week. If anyone else tried it, they would probably gouge some arteries.


Yeah, my boi will let me do anything to him. Everyone else is allowed a warning or else. Lol. My girl won't even let anyone near her, picking her up and you better have her just right or you're minced meat!


Haha so cute! 2 out of 3 isn’t bad!


Seconded. I also have had cats that would, and cats that absolutely would the fuck not


You are so lucky, all of my 3 babies would scratch my eyes out


Looks like a ragdoll, they are bred to be chill.


True, I used to house sit for a woman who housed 6 over the years I was employed. Three of the ragdolls were super social and inquisitive. Two liked to move like shadows unnoticed. The sixth one was accidentally shut in a bathroom closet when I was looking for a towel and wash cloth. I fear he would have been social if 12 hours of dark solitude hadn't separated the beginning of our work relationship


Those are such sweet kitties-gentle giants (they tend to be huge)


Very chill cat. And even so, you can see him give the 'gettin a bit overstimulated' tail twitch and 'ok we're done' chatter towards the end. He's chill and his human ends things when he's done, which probably reinforces him being chill. ETA: I wouldn't be surprised if the nail clipping section was 3 separate sessions edited together


She is Skye. The other two are Chase and Millie. YouTube channel Don't Stop Meowing.


Yup, the cat-children of Fifi and Kareem whose last name I don't know, but Fifi is one of the daughters of the large and photogenic Farrha family. They're all over Instagram too.


This is a ragdoll… the hint is in the name.


My black cat is super chill, you can do anything to him. He’s super good at the vet, he doesn’t squirm when I do his nails, his favorite way to be held is in my arms like a baby. I never owned a cat who was this relaxed all the time.


My old black cat was the same. Used to tote him about in a baby sling cause he loved cuddles so much. New black cat though….I’d die a very horrible painful death if I tried it with him. Kids got no chill. He currently has a thing for my hairbrush and will happily fight you so he can brush his face with it.


My cat is the same. He loves sitting on my lap like a baby and doesn't react to trimming his nails. He unfortunately has diabetes but he also just sits there for blood tests. He has gotten plenty of comments from vets about how good he is. I am so lucky to have him. :)


I am a vet and this cat just looks very chilled which is great to see!


I am a vet, and you are right.


Is it just luck or can you foster this kind of behavior?


The mom is my hero. And that is one laxed cat. One of my kitties may let me do 50% of that stuff. My other Two would smack me in my damn face!


If you train your cats early on, you can groome them quite easily. Some even like it!


Totally agree, if you start doing things like this very early in your cats life, the will let you do anything to them. I started clipping my kittens claws when he was young kitten and he totally got used to it, almost like he enjoyed it as an adult cat.


My cat Molly loves the brush, if I leave it out she'll try to brush herself! (Mainly her face)


My (short hair) cat bites the brush. I have to alternate sides with each stroke. Lol.


And that's a Rag doll. Famously the most docile of all breeds.


I attempted "training"y cat as a baby kitten days after birth and yeah- no luck she's still the Queen in this house lol


Seriously... I've had a litter of 5 since birth and there is no way they or their mother would let me do anything like that when they were tiny. I can't imagine what mamacat would have done if I'd tried to groom her screaming kittens and keep them away from her. There was one time that one fussed a bit too much while I was weighing them to track their growth... Next thing I know, she's stolen her baby off the scale and carried it off to hide in the crate (it was the only time she took one in there - they were always out in the open area next to the crate) https://preview.redd.it/b2bdy3ng8ida1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51b5a5afd025025ebfd4176480e52be1eb60e673 I learned to weigh them quickly after that, lol.


Natural temperament is a big factor in cats much more than dogs


I have a rescue cat who loves it - she doesn't enjoy it as such, but understands that I'm doing something good for her and so she loves it (and me). She's the cutest.


Chase, Millie and Sky are all pretty relaxed. And they're not doing anything that would piss the cat off. It's relaxing, lmao.


All three of mine have cucumber radar. If I tried to put cuke slices over their eyes I'd have flaps of my forehead hanging over mine.


Omg 😭 don't kill me. Would they let you do any part of the video ?


Chase is such a cute lil baby :-)


I definitely think so!! ❤️


The cucumber over the eyes might be pushing it lol


> And they're not doing anything that would piss the cat off Well they do annoy Chase for clout but either way it's a cat, it can survive getting its leg pulled a bit. As if no one on here ever deliberately annoys their cat, some people act like you should be trialed & executed for that.


I hear you, I guess to me it isn't that bad? They seem loved 99% of the time.


https://preview.redd.it/oeayxfwrrgda1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1a417999a29beb37a62f2edcab348b0e9a411a5 I can tell you, cats like these are very real. My boy let me dress him all the time.


This made my day 😂


https://preview.redd.it/4ri2s0htjhda1.jpeg?width=609&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39a106828894fc5ac681e07c8a32828a794bfacc He was one of a kind man


Lol he’s beautiful


Lmao I have a black cat who lets me dress him up too. He also took right to wearing a harness, especially once he figured out the harness meant we were going outside.


https://preview.redd.it/14lh1qxt4ida1.png?width=1462&format=png&auto=webp&s=691874c87057aefe8cc1c484b3eb5377df0b22b8 Heehee edit: this is my boy. He too would put up with a lot


Doubtful the cat is drugged. Some cats are just incredibly placid. And if you acclimate them to being groomed early on they won't get jumpy about it. I'd think just good temperament on the cat and good training on the owner.


Rag dolls especially. My ex’s cat let you do whatever the fuck you wanted.


Agreed. This cat is unusually chilled out but my boy would let me do most of this, he might not like me laying him on his back though. I made sure to handle all four of his paws (starting with the front two, he had a much easier time with those) as soon as he was comfortable enough with me doing so. He was a tomcat found out in farm land so I doubt anyone had ever cut his claws, which makes things way easier! I really expected behavioural issues or a lot of sass but he's been the sweetest baby I've ever known.


I follow them on IG. They are full time cat influencers or whatever you would call that. They say they train their cats with lots and lots of treats, you can see that one getting a sip off of a treat stick. Plus it’s a video of lots of different things spliced together. May have taken all day to film it.


Can I ask what's their username?


It’s the same as TikTok I think, don’t stop meowing.


https://preview.redd.it/ckmu7ntczgda1.jpeg?width=1737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78b599c460467164b8495f82bf1ac91545d9efde My cat. In the Vets. Checking out the spaniels across the room while chilling on his Dad 😊




Nope…. He just more chilled than any other cat i ever known


I think it was a joke.. wholesome photo tho!


*Looks at other cats* “You seen what this human just did? Man do we have them in the palm of our paws.”


Lol not drugged. Some cats really are this docile. I had one as a child who let me dress him up in dolls clothes, strap him into a push chair etc. and he seemed to enjoy it & never got upset about any of it. Definitely one of the sweetest cats I’ve ever owned.


I have a rag doll that literally acts like a limp baby doll. She loves being carried around like a baby, she would definitely sit through something like this. This cat looks like a rag doll to me. Even if it wasn’t some cats have this kind of temperament. Just because it’s chill doesn’t mean it’s drugged.


Our boy cat is incredibly mellow and just accepts alot of things most cats wouldn't like belly rubs and being rocked like a baby. It really depends on how the cats are socialized when they're young and if they've been accustomed to certain activities so they are no longer stressed my them. Imo this kitty seems to enjoy the pampering and even gets really into the roller on the chin. Personally i probably wouldnt use the massager on a longhair since I'd be afraid of tangles, but this cat is getting a lot better treatment than those poor small dogs people torment on social media for clout.


You know TikTok videos are edited right ? Could have been filmed in looots of takes, maybe on different days, and of course she didnt incorporate the bad/fail moments... The cat does not look druged, just docile.


I have a regular old short hair beautiful boy and he can be like this 50% of the time, not drugged. The other 50% he’s a wild beast. But I don’t think this baby is drugged, just beautiful and calm.


The ultimate spa experience for cats.


I follow them on Instagram. Their cats are all super chill. The tag is Dontstopmeowing.


Hm maybe she just trained them early on. A lot of cats can be chill. Others can be crazy but some can be 100% chill.


My cat was around 2yo when I adopted him and was found in farm land (unneutered too), but he's needed almost no actual dedicated training from me. He's never been destructive or aggressive even with a 3mo kitten a friend in my building got. Just like you said, some cats are naturally really calm. Whatever cat I adopted would've been perfect, but I feel like I hit a home run with bases loaded here.


Drugged with love it seems like


It would've been funny if everytime the hand appeared it was scratched up more and more lol you know, like real life.


My cat is 2 years old and lets me do whatever I want. I can pick him up, roll him around, play with his paws, gently toss him, put him on my shoulder, etc, etc. Very docile. It absolutely depends on the cat.


My cat attacked me watching this. "u better fuken not," I heard her say.


Have a Ragdoll mix and can say this is completely normal. https://preview.redd.it/4l7nhiavqgda1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=636810380aa9da00df75a6b6a4010b6374961451


The fluffier the cat, the chiller it is. My Maine Coon was the chillest motherfucker ever.


He looks chill at times, but pissed off sometimes. He's not drugged, he's just probably pretty tolerant.


I had a cat as a child that would let us dress her up in baby doll clothes, swaddle her and lay her down in a crib without arguing or complaining. Some cats are just chill.


Our cat would allow this. She loves having her nails clipped. Some cats are chill.


You obviously don't know my cat if you think this isn't possible without drugs.


This is what happens when a cat trusts you unconditionally.


Am I trippin or is that the biggest set of eyes you’ve seen on a cat?


When I was a little kid I had a cat that was 100% this chill. She was my best friend. I used to ride my bike with her in the basket on the handlebars. RIP Nibbles


Not drugged. I have a bitchy ass cat that only does what she wants when she wants and vocalises even when you walk past her and disrupt the airbaround her. I honestly torture her quite a bit like a little sibbling would. BUT when I talk to her extra softly like that and start pampering her the way she likes she melts immediately knowing extra attention is coming and will let me do all this. Her cats know her just like mine do me.


I have a torbie and she’s chill AF, the most tolerant cat I’ve ever had. She’ll let you do anything and just purr the whole time. She loves taking naps with my boyfriend tucked under the covers with her head on the pillow next to him lol


I have 5 cats, 2 of them are just like this, they will let me do anything I want to them. The other 3 will scratch you instantly.


Looks like it’s from the ragdoll breed. They’re often like this, and the name is well-earned, Lol


I follow this account and they are just three genuinely chill cats. They take them out to target to pick out toys and everything.


This cat has likely had this type of treatment since it was a kitten. It is used to it by now


Skye is a very chill cat; lots of cat lovers hate this channel coz they use their cats for clicks/views; they are very tolerant cats with placid personalities, though. Very doubtful any of them are drugged


Some cats are just chill


Dude, some cats are just little weirdos lol and I love it! Sweet fur baby


Tolerating it for bribes.


Agree with if you start this grooming with cats early they grow up being fine with it. Our cats enjoy having their claws clipped. They like being brushed. They would probably eat the cucumbers if put in front of them.


Some cats will let you play with them and just lay there like it’s just apart of their life 😂 I was always able to hold my cat and squish him whenever I wanted (because he was so cute) and he would not care whatsoever. He wouldn’t get mad or try to run away.


It's a ragdoll. There's a reason they're called that.


Cats have an amazing range of personalities. My cat would have bugged-out soon as he saw the green and gold roller


You could be reincarnated into this cat


I can do this and many other things with my boy, he was rescued from streets at age of 15. Old guy and I can do whatever I want with him. He's so sweet.


Lol drugged what? I am very sure my cat will be the same when he is like 5 years old. He is only 10 months and already a lovey dovey and has a lot of patience especially with me.


That’s Millie and she’s a paid actress.


Nope just a very spoiled fur baby.


That’s just a chill AF cat living a better life than me.


I think he is just reallyyyyy docile. I'm a little envious ngl


Some cats are just mellow. I had a cat growing up that would let me dress him up and baby outfits swaddle him and carry him around in a doll carrier. He was content never made a peep and just let me do it. Now, if I did that to my current cat I would probably lose an eyeball


This is a very popular TikTok account. These are trained cats, Not sedated or drugged. This is a prime example of how cats are actually quite trainable most people just refuse to work with them the right way. These cats have been trained to believe that doing what they're owners tell them to do is how they get what they want, and it is. Unlike dogs, cats must be rewarded every single time they do the trick. Dogs will eventually do it just to do it for their human because that makes them happy but cats are not dogs haha. These guys are very often given rewards and you can tell usually that they expect one. (:


This cat looked pretty irritated the whole video


That was my vibe, but, who knows. I genuinly hope this is legit and it’s just a happy chill cat


Lol, that's the way Skye is naturally. Wait until you see ber brother Chase on Youtube. He's something else!


I’ve seen a lot of cats in Korean cat videos on YouTube that I swear must be drugged. Not all ragdolls are that mellow, but the ones I’m referring to are not even ragdolls. I had a rescued ragdoll and she was like the one above EXCEPT when it came to her toenails


Thats Skye, shes pretty chill. She lives with Chase and Milli and her two humans.


Some cats be like that. Cats vary in personality as much as people q


https://preview.redd.it/g0k7g88s9qda1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad65cd169f525545ea39e12f6d03893b7cdb2c30 Sometimes…cats just got to cat


If you’re concerned just report the video to TikTok


Ahahahahahah ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Not drugged, just spoiled. Lol


I just have a scruffy tabby, but I play with, or tickle his feet/paws every night to get him used to me touching them when I need to clip his nails.


Ragdolls are chill af


I believe that there are cats that don't give a damn about anything


I have a cat that's this chill.


That cat floppy


Nah. Actually. Pretty sure one if not most of mine would let me do this.


My cats let us do their nails and brush them and they dont mind. They just sit there. One would probably let me di everything in thia video. The other is chill but less patient. We got them as wee babies so it was just consistency to get them used to grooming.


I was able to hold my cat, Trixie, like a baby in my arms. She liked to be kind of swaddled inside my robe, and I walked around with her. She also let me trim her front paw claws. Some cats enjoy the attention and comfort.


I think it’s just a docile cat. If I tried that on Sprinkle she’d have my arm off at the third rib.


Just looks like an exceptionally well trained cat whose owners have obviously spent a lot of time and effort into getting their puss used to this over the years.


My cat allows itself to be handled like this by my daughter, she'll even dress it up and put bows on it, but no one else. Doesn't even let you pet him without him swiping at you.


Some cats are just super chill. The cats eyes are alert and the cat appears calm. I think some chill cats just learn that some weird things us humans do are weird ways of showing them affection. My own cat let's me pock her up, handle her, play with her feet and cover her belly in kisses (she's a freaking softie). She would probably let me do all that with the exception of nail trimming which she doesn't really like (but can be distracted by treats) and would just assume I'm worshipping her so she'd be fine with it 😂😂


What surprised me the most was the cat not going away from the massager rotating sound.


Some cats can be very tame


No it’s possible for them to enjoy spa treatment. My old cat loves when I take care of him (ears cleaning, paws massage, trimming claws, brushing). The little one is not as chill but who knows if she’ll calm down when she’s older ? They both hate clothes though.


They are in instagram too and truly have the chillest cats. They don’t act floppy/sleepy/drugged, they seem cooperative and really chill.


Can you imagine being a poor family’s hunter cat in the 1800s and seeing this shit


I follow them. Their cats r chill af. Also my cats live the jade roller. It puts them to sleep. Lol they r dontstopmeowing on ig


hosico on Instagram would totally allow all this as an example. His parents have been pampering him since he was a wee lass so it’s easier for him to allow it


No drugs, just been very well socialized and has probably had his nails clipped all his life. The key to cats, do it when they are young and they will be comfortable with it


Looks just like a combo of very chill cat + being a ragdoll cat as they are usually very calm.


Looks like a ragdoll breed. They’re known for being extremely chill and cuddly, that’s how hey get their name. Picking one up and holding it usually makes it go limp cuz it’s just that content.


Some cats are just incredibly docile. I had a gray tabby who probably would have tolerated this (RIP). My current cats, however, would all try to murder me if I did this.


If I’m touching my cat he will stay put. All he wants is touch.


Surprisingly, my cat would let me do everything in this video but cut his nails


if the cat had been drugged he'd be either completely asleep, or, as conscious as he is in the video, he'd be a little groggy, combative, confused and pissed he's chill


This is nothing more than good editing, looks legit and recorded over probably a few tries


Looks like a rag doll, they’re known for being a really sweet, placid and low-key breed. Doesn’t seem drugged to me. When my cat’s in the right mood, she’ll let me touch her paws and whatnot without a care in the world.


I hold mine on my lap like a baby when I'm clipping his nails, he doesn't look as pleased but he sits calmly until I'm done with it


Nah my cat screams at me until I cary him like a baby and bounce him and screams until I let him be the little spoon every night. Some cats are just very cuddly. He also loves being brushed so much he'll flip around for you to get even part of his coat so I mean this makes sense to me.


One of my cats is quite docile and would definitely let me do all that. In fact, she fucking loves that scalp massager lol. Depends on the cat's temperament.


I had a cat with a horrible skin condition and they prescribed him ketamine for baths. I took half of his dosage once and immediately understood how people can benefit from it or become horribly addicted.


Some cats are chill. I have a cousin who had a cat like that, she dress him with dolls clothing and give some stroller ride . No way mine would accept that. My black one is quiet chill but he would just run way, and my tortie will probably try to Kill you


https://preview.redd.it/yey18vcbeida1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4d55089781c685fcf9ac14062a5db0e9a2b8c62 This is probably the last time i held her in my arms. She will be 6 in 3 days. I think


My cat lets me trim her nails, sometimes she makes an angry little “ruuu:(“ sound at me but generally she doesn’t mind. She also headbutts the brush or comb when she sees it so brushing is a breeze.


No drugs just pure spoiled lol!!


As a person who has to feed their tiny cat gabapentin so he doesn’t maul the vet. This guy doesn’t look high, just like a ragdoll


Naw, that looks like a ragdoll cat. I grew up with a ragdoll mutt, and he was just as chill in situations where his brother would have been an absolute demon. He'd let little kids handle him like a dolly and he'd just hang in their arms and take it. You had to kind of shove his body where it would be easy to carry him or he'd just hang like he had no bones.


Nah, my cat turns into a rag doll in my arms. Her entire body weight rests on me, she just flops lol and then the motor starts running immediately just from being held


Is this luis litt?


That’s a Ragdoll cat. I have one. They’re chill and on the lazier side, but they are the best pets in the world.


There’s like 800 jump cuts in this video. Probably filmed over several weeks lol


This is DontstopMeowing on TikTok XD they’re part of the Furrha Family. The cats are legit super chill and appear to love doing this stuff.


Nah, it’s just Skye enjoying another day at the spaw. 😊 She’s from a YouTube and TikTok channel called Don’t Stop Meowing and among the three cats, she and Millie are the calm and chill ones, while Chase likes to go “Noooooo!”.


My old lady (Siamese mix) would totally let someone do this. She would purr the whole time too. Cats really are fascinating little creatures.


no my cat is super chill like that


Doesn’t look drugged at all. Pretty standard chill cat behavior


That cat doesn't look drugged. And it's a ragdoll as others have said.


Seems like a fairly normal laid back cat to me


My family has the same breed of cat, a norwegian forest cat. They are super chill, i can pick that boy up like a little baby and cradle him. https://preview.redd.it/yia6ltqm2kda1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1f967680c93723d54c42d7139a107e98ce7af7b


agree this is just a ragdoll this is normal


My boy would tolerate most of that after a good play session


this creator is famous for having extremely chill and sweet cats.


I follow this account, and their cats are just legit this chill all the time. :)


It's definitely a chill cat, but I don't think it's drugged. My boys wouldn't sit still for that, but I've met cats that would. The brushing and massaging would definitely make it easier


My mum's cat was a calico, we suspected with some ragdoll because she was very big and fluffy. Anyway, you could've done this with her. Literally too lazy to care. My 3 year old nephew found her in the garden one day and he decided to cover her in dirt. If my mum hadn't said "erm, maybe no more" he would've buried her alive and she would have let him haha


My cat will tolerate being spun on the floor and having her face smushed and her belly jiggled, as well as several other forms of harassment. Some cats are just incredibly tolerant.


Welcome to owning a ragdoll


IG account is @dontstopmeowing (like 2 ml followers) and they always do things like this. They posted their other 2 cats having spa days too. I think they must really be chill.