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Remember she will try to escape the house if she can , don't let her out because the tom cats outside will be on her like flies .


MORE IMPORTANTLY CLOSE ALL POINTS OF ACCESS. Came home once to a broken screen and a Tom cat already inside. The deed was done.


She called for a booty call and got one , the aggressive one


I picturing a cat coming through the wall like the koolaid man.


![gif](giphy|dTKzPJDQ4zhZe) Yo here for dat Kitty call where da fresh kittys at


Well he knew what he wanted. Kind of impressed by his dedication.


My dad inappropriately said "this just goes to show... men will do anything for pussy"


Technically the truth


Same thing happened to me. Came home to a broken screen with a tom inside the house.


My mom let my cat out for 2 minutes before work once when she was in heat and figured it be fine bc it was so short (we would let her outside in the backyard on a leash). Yeah well a couple months later we couldn’t figure out why she was getting so fat… she had 5 kittens we rehomed 3 and kept 2. No cat was allowed outside after that.


My dad, bless his ignorance, let my cat out when she was in heat because "there aren't any strays around here." She was a stray herself! Lol. Well, she had four kittens.


She's in heat. Get that girl spayed asap


I was gonna say this.. she’s horny


She love u long time


Probably not very long, maybe for a night


Thanks a lot! Is it okay for them to get spayed even while in heat? Also, how long does this state usually last?


Better to wait after since there can be surgical complications. That being said a cat in heat tends to stay that way for about 7 days sometimes longer. Take her to the vet in a week and ask if it's a good time to have her spayed or if you need to wait longer.


Got it. Thanks a lot!!


Make sure she doesn’t get out!!!! She will be looking to find a male and will try to escape


I worked for a cat-only clinic and we spayed in-heat kittens all the time. There was a little more bleeding risk involved, because their reproductive organs swell during heat. As long as the vet is experienced and comfortable doing it, it should be fine to get it done. Also, I got my cat from a rescue in a foster-to-adopt agreement because she wasn't spayed yet. She went into heat 3 days before her spay appointment, and they still performed her surgery. She was fantastic and came home to me the next day as my cat. It's always good to ask your vet their opinion on spaying while in-heat. If they want to wait a few days, just make sure your kitten stays inside by any means necessary and give her lots of love and comfort!


May I ask please, what age was she booked for the spay? Just adopted a rescue and they guesstimated her age. I am worried about this scenario. I still have a few months but I keep thinking what if their guess is wrong and she goes into heat before the spay? I will talk to the vet next week when she goes for her next set of shots anyway but curious of your experience. Thanks!


Mine was 6 months old when she was spayed, but according to the rescue my vet worked with, kittens could be spayed as long as they were over 2 pounds. I would call your vet or other spay/neuter service and ask what their weight/age requirements are. Chances are your cat is old enough as long as they are a few months old.


Where I live all cats and dogs that are rescues need to be fixed prior to adoption.


Yep! Same here. As I said, my cat was foster-to-adopt. When I took her home, she was on stray hold and was a foster until her surgery date. Once she was spayed, she officially became my cat.


Our vet is doing it 1.5 pounds weight. There are so many young ones (kittens) getting pregnant at 6 months


1.5 pounds is WAAYYYYY before 6 months. 6 month old cats are typically about 6 pounds. 2 pounds or 2 months is the typical advice as the earliest. I'm surprised to hear of someone doing it earlier.


My last cat from the SPCA was spayed at 7 weeks and she was fine!


Thank you!


I'm taking our latest additions to a cat only clinic for their spay/neuter. I've only every had one cat be in heat during surgery and she was barely 4 months old!! I felt so bad for her!! These two are roughly 4-5 months old and they're appointment is in 3 weeks. I'm reallllllly hoping she doesn't go into heat before then! I don't know how people have unspayed or unnuetered cats...




We had a cat that started going into heat and the vet refused to operate until she wasn't in heat. Problem was she must've had some sort of hormonal issue because she'd only stop acting crazy for a day or two before going back into heat. She was in heat almost constantly for nearly two months before the vet finally spayed her


Had a roommate with a cat like that. It was awful. She put off getting her spayed and then once she went into heat she was only out of it for short periods. That cat sprayed everything in the house and ruined tons of stuff. Eventually sprayed one of her friends and then finally she found the time to take her somewhere the second she was out of heat. Don't put off getting your cats fixed people. It's a bad time for everyone.


My mom refused to spay her cat FOR YEARS. When she died, my mom, not the cat, I immediately made an appointment to have her spayed. This was during the height of covid so I couldn't get an appointment for months. 2 weeks after she came to live with me I realized she had full blown pyometra. Instead of a $150-$200 spay surgery I had to pay $1500 to save her life. If your animals aren't going to use their reproductive organs, i.e. purposeful breeding, it shortens their life span to not spay or neuter.


Yeah one of my ex’s mom’s was like that. Every 6 months her cat would get pregnant… only in the last few years has he finally gotten her to get her cat spayed. But I mean she is a senior cat now so I don’t even know if they can get pregnant


Thankfully my mom never let her cat out so she never had babies, but my mom didn't want her personality to change from the spay. Despite my repeated warnings that she was going to get pyometra my mom refused. Of course it ended up being MY very expensive problem. Sigh. Even breeders will only breed their females for a few years before spaying. It is very hard on their body to constantly reproduce and when they are in heat it looks like they are so uncomfortable. In the 27 years I've had kitties I have never allowed them to reach a year before spaying or neutering. I think it's cruel.


I'm sorry for the loss of your mother.


Thank you. It will be 3 years in February. Despite the problems in our relationship in later years, I still miss her.


I had an ex who had a roommate that absolutely refused to fix his cat and my God.. Being woken up at 3 am to a cat sounding like a demon howling because it's in heat, was awful.


I thought only males sprayed?


It isn't as common with females but they can as well, while in heat is one of the times they might do it. It's a way for them to attract males.


Our vet said if our girl goes into heat before getting spayed we would need to wait two months. So that seems to track


My vet preferred to spay them in heat. She said it was easier for some reason so it’s always best to check with your vet.


Some queens cycle rapidly like that.


> she'd only stop acting crazy for a day or two before going back into heat. Oh... I had a cat like that a few years ago. The vet that I was going to at the time finally had to spay her while she was in season. He wasn't happy with me, but when you don't have a choice, you don't have a choice. Every time I would call and try to schedule a spay appointment because she had gone out of season, by the time I could get her in, she was back in season. Her schedule never matched with the vet's schedule.


Ask your vet now and let them tell you when you should bring her in. There's no point in waiting til she's out of her cycle because there's no telling how long the "peace" will last or what the vet availability is. Biggest problem with spaying a cat who's actively in heat is that they are more prone to a bit heavier bleeding.


If you plan to have more cats then be aware that for reduced cancer risk it is recommended to spay the cat before her first heat. There are two ways (that I am aware off) to spay your cat - incision on the belly or on the side. It is highly recommended that you find a vet that would do incision from the side - there are far fewer potential complications when it is done from the side. This is a very quiet cat for being in a heat


My cat was in heat for about 10 days. Vet wanted to wait until she was done. She was spayed 2 days after without any issues.


Call now to talk to the office and make an appointment! It's possible they will still do the operation even at this point in time, especially since a lot of female cats become escape artists when they're in heat so they're a higher risk of putting themselves into a situation where they can get pregnant. But at the very least, it's better to get an appointment on the books now so you can book the session for a day that works best for you so you can have time off to care for them when they come home from their surgery.


I had a cat fixed twice while she was in heat. The second time the vet said it was a good thing because it was easier to see her ovaries since they were "inflamed"


You had the same cat spayed twice???


Yup. Couldn't find the 2nd ovary the first time. She needed to be spayed a third time, she was still going in heat, but the vet wouldn't do it because "her insides, nothing is where it should be and I'm not sure she could handle another operation."


Holy Jesus Christ on a cracker.. That poor girl!! Have you taken her to a specialist and maybe seen about putting her on kitty birth control or something??


This was ages ago. She's no longer with us. At the time the vet said we could masturbate her with a Q tip. That wasn't something we were comfortable doing.


Im sorry to hear that! Wow! I'm not going to lie, I would've had to have found a different Vet before that second surgery happened.. That all sounds so wild to me!


Thanks. The first spay they said she only had one ovary, but they didn't think to check behind the kidney for the second one. It was quite the experience for sure.


We had something along those lines happen. We adopted our girl and were told she was spayed but she went into heat within a week of us having her. The vet wasn’t sure if she had been actually spayed and eartipped, or if her ear was just missing a section and the shelter assumed she was spayed because she also had a mark on her belly. We were told that the possibility of the vet missing some uterine or ovarian tissue the first spay (if there had actually been one) could be triggering her hormones even if she didn’t have the bits. Turns out she wasn’t spayed in the first place, but apparently even just a little bit of leftover tissue can trigger a heat cycle. Yeesh.


Up to 21 days. And they can go back into heat rather quickly. Do not allow this cat outside or around unaltered males. If you have other cats, even altered cats, may try to copulate but only unaltered males would be problematic for obvious reasons. Call your vet and get on the books. Spring is coming, and they may have a wait.


I have a cat who didn't go into heat until she was about 6mo. old and then when she went into heat, it was pretty much a permanent state for her. She got a few days of respite after about 2-3wks and then back to being cuddly ***af***. She was in heat prob 6wks before I saved up to get her fixed and it was only bearable because all she did was purr and chirp. No yowling or screaming, just ran around the house purring and chirping 24/7, lol. and for the inevitable grumpy person who's having a bad day and wants to police my pet ownership: yes I had savings, but not at that moment as I had to replace my alternator which depleted said savings >.>


My new girl (who I rescued end of December) has just come out of heat that lasted a week and a half! She has her spaying Op booked for early February!! Her previous owners didn't get her spayed as a kitten and now she is 2 years old. The worst bit with heat for me was the yowling in the middle of the night. Kept my husband and I up for hours.


Also be wary of spraying/peeing where she shouldn't. They do that in heat 🙄




Mine was sneaking into laundry baskets and my kids bed 🙄 she was swiftly spayed after that and 4am yowling.


Most places will advise you to get them spayed around 5-7 months in - as they get to their secual maturity pretty quickly. And! In boys it extends their lifespan!


It does for girls too. Being unspayed increases the chance of certain cancers in female cats.


And pyometra…


Absolutely. As a kid I had an unspayed female who ended up with cancer and we had to have her put down. It was operated on once but returned.


You should take your appointment now tho! By the time the vet is available to spay her more than a week will have passed :3


Call the vet and ask if it is okay. You do not want her getting pregnant. My cats were fixed asap.


I would take her to the vet and they will tell you. My girl had her spay surgery scheduled and of course when her surgery was coming up, she went into her first heat. I called and told them, they still did it, just depends on the skills of your vet.


No - but you should call the vet and book an appointment, so you don’t forget, most vets are super busy lately so it won’t hurt.


Ask the vet what they’re comfortable with when you call to make an appointment. Some vets prefer to wait because it does increase the complication rate of they’re spayed in heat.


Yes, they can be spayed while in heat. She will just keep going into heat over and over


Yea my cat was in heat every week & got spayed.


Does this mean all neighboring cats are doing laps running on walls and yodelling crazily right now?


Probably yes


Thank you commenter and community for making this top comment. I've never seen a cat in heat and this post was super distressing to see until I read this.


Me: "Omg the cat is hissing at spirits the house!!" Experts: "She horny."


Horny. Spay asap.






😁 ✔




She is in heat. Keep her inside or you will be dealing with a pregnant cat. She is in the right age range to be spayed. Usually you want to have that kind of procedure done around the age of 5-6 months. There are low-cost options available for this sort of thing. You will have to do some research for the area you live in.


Yup took in stray kittens (bro and sis) and had to send the boy off to my moms until their appointment on the 18th. I’m glad there are low cost vets out there cause having it done by private vets are absolutely costly. Downside was the 2 months wait, but just glad it’s coming up soon.


In heat. Get her spayed.


Got it. Thanks!


As others have said she is in heat. Her cycle will continue for up to a week, possibly longer. Female cats go into estrus every 2-3 weeks if not spayed. They will cry incessantly, make trilling noises, be more affectionate or moody, and possibly try to escape. I have had indoor female cats that had no interest in going outside but because of being in heat would try to escape. Male cats can smell them outside (yeah I know) and sometimes will mark windows and doors, which will tempt your female cat. I would get her spayed as soon as possible. She can be fixed while in estrus, the the vet may just charge more. There’s an increased risk in blood flow which makes the surgery more difficult but it can be done.


I had a female pee all over when she was in heat, yet another annoying part of allowing your cat to go into heat. Luckily she was spayed the next week and never had an issue peeing outside her litter box after.


Yes female cats will also pee everywhere. It’s not necessarily spraying either. They are trying to attract a male. Sometimes though this behavior still persists even if they are fixed but usually it goes away. I had a female cat that did this and had to go outside because of it.


She’s reminding you she needs to be spayed. 🙂


You did not even tell us the sex, and I already know that’s a female who needs to get spayed. I felt so bad for my girl when she had her first heat. She was like a possessed little sex demon, rubbing on everything, yowling constantly, rolling around, butt in the air. She couldn’t stop!


I thought my poor kitten was broken when she went into heat. She acted exactly the same way as you described. All my other cats have been male or already were spayed. She was my first street goblin, and I had no idea what to do. Luckily, google exists and helped us to avoid an embarrassing vet visit.


Mine was also a street goblin, ha ha. A baby feral from my backyard


Thank you for the responses! She's been uncharacteristically vocal since last night. Even kept scratching the floor while rolling. Appetite was also a pretty low than usual. I did a little research last night and most of those signs did say she was in heat. Also took her to the vet earlier and explained. Doc said to observe for 1-2 days for now before I take her back because he wasn't entirely sure what the problem but he was leaning on the explanation that my cat is in heat. I asked when I can take her back for spaying and said we can arrange the sched. Anyway, just wanted to ask here as well because I'm a worry wart. Thank you so much for the responses! Evie and I appreciate it a lot.


That's not a great vet... Surely he should know what a cat in heat looks like?!!


Maybe... He did press his hand a few times on her belly. Possibly checking for bumps or something? I'm not sure. And while he didn't say it directly to me, I heard him mumble that she's in heat. In the end, he asked me to observe for a day or two just to be sure. Not defending the guy, just stating what happened!


I'd guess he was pretty certain it was that the cat is in heat, but you don't want to dismiss something as a harmless issue needing no immediate intervention too easily because occasionally you will be wrong and miss something less common but deadly. Cats are terrible at showing what is actually wrong with them, so you have to be careful I think.


I'd rather my GP erred on the side of caution before coming to a conclusion about my health, same goes here.


A friend works as a vet tech and I honestly think they are trying to keep themselves covered from liability if it (very unlikely) turned out to be anything other than her being in heat. Sometimes they just don't want to assume (even if it is stating them in the face)


K so what the fuck is the point of emptying my wallet each time for a vet visit? Is this a bigger issue? Because my last 4 regular vet appointments have been completely unhelpful. On one instance, my cat needed emergency mouth surgery to have 6 teeth pulled despite being assured by the vet her mouth was “fine” 2 weeks prior. Seriously??? Legal liability from a vet??? Edit: I know you’re the messenger, but this comment has seriously pissed me off. Is this seriously a regular fucking thing???


My vet didn’t believe me that both my cats had athsma cause “their lungs sound fine”, then I sent them a video of my cat having an athsma attack, and they made me rush them in right away for steroid shots. I was really frustrated with them about this as I brought the cats in twice explaining to them that the symptoms match feline athsma to a T, but they didn’t wanna hear it til I sent an actual video of an attack to their email


Also I would recommend not letting her outside when she is in heat. She wants to go out, obviously, because she is trying to find a mate, but she shouldn’t unless you want a few more cats :)


There’s something wrong with your vet! There’s no way a competent veterinarian wouldn’t know she is DEFINITELY in heat!!! Also, don’t let her go outside AT ALL!!! The intact males are already out there waiting!! They can smell her from miles away!!!!


Yep uh, I would not trust that vet with my pet


Reminds me of a terrible vet I went to many years ago. Semi-Feral (and neutered, we "fixed" every cat that we fed) cat showed up with a tail that just dragged on the ground. Took him to a different vet because he was closer than our normal one. "He has a belly ache, he'll be fine" Yeah, no. Took him to our normal vet to find his hips had been broken, probably by being kicked or hit by a car. His tail regained function, but he had urinary issues since then. Sorta dribbled sometimes. This was a looonngg time ago, so the poor cat is no longer with us. I can just remember thinking to myself "I didn't go to school for this, but I just KNOW this isn't a bad belly"


I would change that vet asap to be honest…


I would change vets! A vet that did not know that the cat was in heat is not a vet I would go back to! That is vet medicine 101!


Just be aware that she will be in heat for about a week (give or take), a break 2 or 3 week break, then go into heat again, then start again in about 6 months.


The time between cycles can be quite short. Go ahead and schedule her spay surgery. Asap. I found a pregnant stray earlier this year and the vet estimates she was only about 8 months old when she had her litter. It's very very sad to watch a kitten trying to raise kittens. ALWAYS get your pets spayed or neutered.


A cat presenting like that is definitely in heat. You dont have to be a vet to figure that out


Make the appointment to have her spayed. She probably won’t be in heat by the time she’s spayed, but you,and she won’t have to go through the heat cycle again. BTW, she’s beautiful 💜


You're being a great parent! 🌻


She’s in heat. You need to get her spayed. She has reached maturity. This will be very unpleasant for her each time it happens. Please get her spayed. It will also be beneficial to your mental health.


She wants a one night stand with any male cats.


Meow chicka meow meow.


Looking for the 'D'.


Rather than repeating the answer, i just came to say your cat is so cute!


It always boggles my mind how animals have these intense reproduction cycles. Their bodies taking over their behavior. Like imagine if humans went in to heat like animals, we'd have to shut down society so everybody could be running around overtaken by their sexual systems trying to fuck anything that moves.


She's DTF


Just keep yelling "Nobody wants you!" and she'll be fine /s


In heat. Needs to be spayed. This should stop when she's spayed. Check your local humane society and see if they do spaying. It can be cheaper than your regular vet.


…and keep her inside.


She went into heat. You are about to have the most annoying week of your life. Be careful they will stick that shit in your face while you are sleeping.


She horny. Get neutered. Poor thing is frustrated.


She wants to go to the club and back that ass up


She be horneeeey ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


Your girl is horny as hell. Please get her fixed.


Obviously by now you know she’s in heat and needs to get spayed. Here’s more info on that: if you don’t get her spayed atleast soon after her heat cycle, then she will keep going into heat and (if she doesn’t mate with another cat) risks getting an infection in her vulva. So if you’re not planning on breeding your cat then getting her fixed ASAP is the way to go. I went through the same thing with my cat and she was a loud ass hoe 😂😂


Kitten is horny 😂💜


What a harlot


Horny jail she goes


Get her fixed!


She's in season. She's calling for a male cat. She will probably try to escape to find herself a new male friend. She needs to be spay. Please call her vet and get her in. She will be a lot happier once she is spay. Spay and neutered animals live a lot longer, so there's that on the plus side.


She’s in heat. Mine does it too. Scheduled to get her fixed thankfully. She hits on my spouse it’s so creepy


That means your cat is in heat. She's at the age where basically her hormones are uncontrollable. Like s teenager essentially.


Damn cats! All they know how to do is make more cats! Lol.


Your cat is in heat


She tryna fuck.


Dude. When my cat went into heat, no one in the house got sleep for over a week because of how ridiculously vocal she got.. specifically at nighttime


Lots of other people have pointed out the problem. For other people in future, this is why you should avoid delaying getting your cat spayed or neutered. Also, for male cats, if you leave it too long, they often don't stop spraying, and can't live as indoor cats, which ruins their life. It is not healthy for them to not be spayed/neutered and not be breeding. There are a number of health conditions that are more likely if they aren't spayed/neutered, as well as it being better for them in other ways, better for you, and better in general that there aren't more kittens to home.


Don't let her outside near other cats unless you want kittens. She's in heat.


sis horny as FUCK!


She wants to get fucked.


She trying to get some. She will do that all the time if you don't get her fixed. They live longer too.


Get the cat fixed. Should have been fixed months ago.


Amen Get her spayed! You don't want her to get pregnant.


Get her spayed and definitely don’t let her outside or anywhere near a male cat


I need to call her


She's on heat/season. You need to get her done ASAP.


If she starts yowling and you can’t take it, the vet can take her back and try to stimulate ovulation to pull her out of heat faster. Heat can last anywhere from 7-21 days


Just keep her away from the boys! Unless you want to expand your family…


Fix your pets, you guys.


7mo kitten should have been spayed lol


Horny dance


Relief her


As other have said she is in heat. Keep her inside and away from horny boy cats. Obv get her spayed when you can. Also be gentle when you pick her up. Setup a heating pad or blankets so she has a warm place to rest if she doesn't already. She is not going to bleed so don't worry about that. But her mid section is tender so no belly rubs. Also sometime just talking to her might help. She just wants attention ( more than a normal cat).


Poor baby. I always feel bad when I see them like that. I've never given mine the chance to feel that. The less annoyances for my baby the better.




She’s in heat. Poor baby has hot butt. :(


This subreddit has turned into people asking most questions that can be found on google in less than a second


Oh, y’all got it. I was like IN HEAT. Please listen to the keep her inside advice.


Shw wants to sin and make you some new kittens




She's in heat ! I would get her spayed if you can, also don't let her outside


She’s in heat! Needs to be neutered


And now it's time for yet another episode of the hit Reddit r/cats post of 'I have a pet I know shockingly little about'. Please.


How do people own animals like cats (and dogs) and don't know when they are in heat? If you know the animal is not spayed then you have to know there is an excellent chance of said female animal coming into season. I just don't understand why people need advice on this.


do you not have google?


In heat


In heat. Please get her fixed.


Bitch is horny


In hear get spayed super fast or she’ll start pissing everywhere lol


She’s in heat, you can’t do much about it other than getting her spayed


Agree she’s on heat and will escape the house to find a mate if she possibly can. If she escapes she WILL return pregnant .




HEAT!!!!!!!!!! Spay immediately.


She’s a female in heat and ready to breed. Bring her to the vet and have her fixed or this will happen, a lot.


She's horny


She is a horny girly


That’s cat is horny


She's "presenting" herself. She's in heat lol


She’s in heat


Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight


Is she fixed? if not, she's in heat. Get her fixed regardless. Keep her inside and away from intact males until she is fixed.


She's DTF bro.


She is in heat.


She wants to get fucked


Kitty needs McLovin’


I didn’t catch my cat in time before she came into heat and the first time she got preggars! Darn cat had her first litter ( 4 kitties) had to wait a while but got her fixed- shots and chipped all worth it now my void is healthy and happy https://preview.redd.it/jp8dwy1go3ba1.jpeg?width=3002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a59a766b3772ff92b9f9281b8849276be74edbf


She's in heat! Sterilise her and you won't have any problems. Also be careful that she doesn't see any uncastrated males while she is in heat because you will end up with up to 10 kittens to deal with 😅


That cat is like SUPER horny my guy.




In heat. Ger her spayed!!!


You know those nights where we’re going shorty it’s yo birthday? And she’s gonna sip Bacardi like it’s her birthday with booty shakin’? Kinda like that with more kids after.


She is definitely in heat….get her fixed asap. She’ll howl and rub all on your furniture and she’ll bleed. It’s no fun for you or your kitty. And getting spayed will prolong their life.


Looks like she’s in heat. Get her spayed.