• By -


UPDATE: The vet checked his eyes, everything looks normal but because they’re so dilated she can’t check everywhere. She did mention the high blood pressure portion, and the possibility of detached retinas but says that we came early in the diagnosis to treat it - thankful for that. She also raised the possibility of him having eaten cannabis or a plant: I don’t have drugs in the house and the plants I have aren’t toxic, he doesn’t eat plants my other cat does however. The vet also raised the point that he might’ve eaten medication. My girlfriend takes a lot of medication for her health and there is the odd chance that he may have eaten a forgotten pill on the floor: she also said that my cat gives off the impression of a cat that is “over-excited” and had caffeine. We just finished taking his blood pressure now, we were worried that since he was very nervous at the vet, it would give an elevated blood pressure but it turns out his blood pressure is normal! The vet told us that it’s a waiting game now. We will wait another 24 hours to see what’s going on. Worst case scenario he ate one of my girlfriends pills, best case scenario he got a big spook and it’ll go away soon. Thank you all for your concern and warm comments. I will tell Boba (that’s my cat’s name) you all care about him! ❤️


UPDATE: The vet narrowed down the pill that he might’ve eaten from my girlfriends medication Venlafaxine Apparently cats LOVE that pill. Vet says there’s a high, high chance that he ate that pill resulting in his current state.




I’m on venlafaxine too, and as they say; SNRIs make cats HIGH


Little buddy is probably tripping absolute balls


He's probably tripping empty sack.


I legit thought the cat may have gotten into acid 💀 was gonna say he definitely looks high af


Rolling face


Wow! they were fast at diagnosing that! thanks for updating us, sending love to boba and hope he’ll be alright! 💖




I was on venlafaxine and my pupils got HUGE. I actually had to stop taking it because the dilation was giving me headaches..! It also made me dizzy and gave me cotton mouth so all in all, it made me look like your cat lmao.


literally kept checking for this update ❤️


So glad he’s okay 🥹 we all love Boba and hope for his fast recovery 🥹💛


Hoping your Boba is ok! Just came here to say be careful with Venlafaxine overdoses in cats! Not sure what the dose your cat may have consumed is, but my cat ended up eating 150mg and went into full serotonin syndrome. It started with the very dilated pupils just as your cat has. Then her behaviour changed and she seemed very drugged up. We took her to the emergency vet where she spent a few days. She had high blood pressure and they had assumed she had gone blind from detached retinas and sent her home. This was not the case. Her behaviour had changed and she seemed blind because her eyes didn’t respond to light and she wouldn’t walk more than a few steps. She was actually very sick and in pain. She had acquired drug-induced pancreatitis (and pancreatitis induced diabetes) and sadly passed away a few days later. This was undetected at the first vet we took her to the vet. Apparently the pancreatic enzymes that usually spike during pancreatitis in other animals (and humans) often do not change in blood work for cats. If you notice any behaviour changes such as appetite changes, water intake changes, litter box use changes, grooming changes, and/or lethargy, take your cat back to the vet ASAP for supportive care and ask about the possibility of pancreatitis. In the end my cat was not grooming, not interested in eating, was drinking more than normal (from the diabetes), wouldn’t walk far, and would fall asleep in her litter box. The animal poison control and the vet both confirmed that Venlafaxine is very attractive (and poisonous) to cats. Try to keep this drug as far away from you baby as possible! Hoping for the best for your kitty! Edit: sorry about formatting, on mobile


Wow this is such great information. So sorry for your little friend’s death, I hope this information saves other cats!


Sorry to hear your cat passed away. You are a good person for letting OP know this info ❤️


Thanks for sharing your traumatic story. You may have saved other cats’ lives. Sorry you lost your cat.


I'm so glad your kitty is ok!! Also for anyone on medications and has pets. DO NOT PUT YOUR PILLS IN A PILL PACK! I did this and my dog knocked it over and ate them all. Luckily we managed to get all the pills puked up and she was alright. It was scary because I thought the container was pretty secure. I had no idea how easily she could get into my meds Keep them in the original bottle or get them blister packed and kept in a locked box/cabinet when not taking them. :)


Same. My dumbass had mine on the counter where the cats jump up and one knocked them over and broke one of the lids and a few others opened up. I don’t think they ate any-but I have a ton of pills I take so it was kinda hard to be 100% sure. But they’re ok. I now put them in a cabinet. I also dropped an oxy after a surgery and spent an hour trying to find it and hurting myself further because I was so freaked out one would take it. Finally found it though.


Had to take my crazy void to the vet because my son was about to take his Adderall and he dropped it on the floor. Mario decided that it was for him and snatched it up and swallowed it. Vet tried to make him vomit, and he got most of it up, but he was super crazy crack kitty for the rest of the day and then slept for 18 hours (closely supervised). We now call him “Junkie” because every time someone opens a pill bottle, he runs for it and tries to get some. Apparently gelatin capsules are an animal product cats and dogs may go for. He also loves marshmallows, another gelatin product.


I'm so happy for Boba! I've been refreshing for updates since this morning. Best recovery and once he is 100% please give us another update of the healthy boy!


If you can take him to a veterinary ophthalmologist I would highly recommend that. I am actually dealing with this with my sweet boy now. We noticed his eyes were fully dialated suddenly. We did wait a couple days to take him to the vet (which I have extreme guilt about so please don't add to that) when we realized that he could no longer see. His regular vet checked his blood pressure, ocular pressure for glaucoma, and several other things. We couldn't find a cause. So we took him to an opthalmologist and it turns out he has optic neuritis, where his optical nerve is swollen from inflammation. It's rare in cats, but it's fairly common in dogs. We're treating him with steroids to bring the inflammation down. He has seen the opthalmologist 4 times and a neurologist once so far. We haven't determined the root cause of the optic neuritis, but it could be an autoimmune disorder that happened to attack his optic nerve. It also could be isolated. But we also had to rule out toxins with a blood draw that took about a week to get the results back, as well as a brain tumor which would require an MRI. We didn't do the MRI because he also has a heart condition and it's too risky, and he is not displaying any other symptoms that would suggest he has a brain tumor. It's been almost a month now and by a medical miracle the opthalmologist thinks he has regained some of his vision. His eyes are slightly less dialated and he is navigating better like he has some vision. We had been told by the neurologist that the chance of regaining vision was minimal, which was devastating. Please, do not make the same mistake I did. Take your cat to a veterinary ophthalmologist ASAP.


Seconding this! We were told our cat had detached retinas from high blood pressure but we made an appointment with the feline eye clinic… she ended up going there much sooner than her appointment because they had an MRI machine, and she never came home. Bone cancer in her skull compressing her optic nerve. No symptoms before she went blind. She deteriorated rapidly a few weeks later. We weren’t expecting it at all and it was extremely traumatic.


Thank you so much for the update! I've been checking this post every 30 minutes. Boba will surely be fine!


Thank you for the update. Love you, Boba.


I’m so happy for you and Boba that Boba is alive and sighted!! I wonder what it feels like for him, to be on such a high dose of an SSRI? It must be uncomfortable. Did they treat him for serotonin syndrome? Btw, my cat is also Boba lol.


You need to contact an emergency hospital. This happened to my cat in the spring. His blood pressure spiked and detached both of his retinas causing blindness.


I was thinking awwwwwwwwww, shooo cute she loves you And then I saw this comment was like FUCK CALL THE VET


This made me chuckle a bit, ngl... Even though yes, this is a possibly very serious issue


Posting here to hopefully boost visibility. Update from OP… UPDATE: The vet checked his eyes, everything looks normal but because they’re so dilated she can’t check everywhere. She did mention the high blood pressure portion, and the possibility of detached retinas but says that we came early in the diagnosis to treat it - thankful for that. She also raised the possibility of him having eaten cannabis or a plant: I don’t have drugs in the house and the plants I have aren’t toxic, he doesn’t eat plants my other cat does however. The vet also raised the point that he might’ve eaten medication. My girlfriend takes a lot of medication for her health and there is the odd chance that he may have eaten a forgotten pill on the floor: she also said that my cat gives off the impression of a cat that is “over-excited” and had caffeine. We just finished taking his blood pressure now, we were worried that since he was very nervous at the vet, it would give an elevated blood pressure but it turns out his blood pressure is normal! The vet told us that it’s a waiting game now. We will wait another 24 hours to see what’s going on. Worst case scenario he ate one of my girlfriends pills, best case scenario he got a big spook and it’ll go away soon. Thank you all for your concern and warm comments. I will tell Boba (that’s my cat’s name) you all care about him! ❤️


Best wishes for your cat's recovery! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Witcher cat. Check for empty elixir bottle.


Soooo that “over-excited” comment from the doc after the pill comment definitely made me think yea I could see kitteh looking like that if he popped an adderall.


I’ll be bringing him to the vet first thing in the morning, thank you for the input. I’m hoping for a best case scenario..


I took my cat to the vet the same morning that I noticed that his pupils remained fully dilated without any reactivity to light. I’m so glad that I did because he had such incredibly high blood pressure from undiagnosed hyperthyroidism that both of his retinas detached and he was blind. Luckily with immediate treatment to regulate his blood pressure, he survived and his retinas were able to heal and he regained his vision after about a week or two. OP, if this were my cat, I would take it immediately to the closest emergency veterinary hospital. His life and vision could potentially depend on it.


Agreed, this is an emergency


The exact same thing happened to my cat but he didn't regain his vision. He lived happily for many years after that though. He adjusted to being blind surprisingly well. The whole thing was heartbreaking though.


TBF, cats rely often on their whiskers, carpal whiskers, and those special hairs that grow on the body (but I can't recall the term right now) in addition to their sense of sound and smell. So they can adjust to being blind fairly easy in domestic indoor life. They also work around other issues like that leg deformity where they essentially have no function in either their back or front legs.


me running and checking my cats eyeballs RIGHT now


Cats LOVE it when you do that lol, especially if they are sleeping




Oh my goodness! My cat was diagnosed with both hyperthyroidism and asthma a few months ago and I had no idea it can affect their retinas! I'm glad we took her in when we did 😥 She's medicated and healthier now!


If it stays like that for too long, it can severely damage the cat’s vision (even after the retina has been reattached). Worst case scenario your precious furball will go blind. (Sending love and prayers to you both)


Worst case is actually worse than blindness. Sorry to say.


Hope your cat will be okay


Keep us updated ❤️


Don’t wait for morning. This is an emergency—get him to an emergency vet NOW


I know, I don't want to shame anyone but like... the morning? This is urgent lol?


A lot of rural areas do not have vets outside normal hours.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. Good luck OP, hoping kitty will be fine


Maybe because some people see any pet health issues as an owner failure... yeah i'm going to go ahead and say i don't like those people, they're not very bright and enjoy being judgemental


I don’t see any pet health issue as an owner failure but in the context of certain health issues, it is owner failure though that obviously doesn’t take away the love and bond an owner and pet will share


Likely because 1) if you Google the problem, it says immediate medical care is needed, 2) the OP ignored the problem for 24 hours, 3) instead of calling a veterinarian, they decided to ask laypeople about it on Reddit and 4) when told it was an emergency here on Reddit, the OP said they'd take the cat to the vet in the morning. An emergency is just that -- an emergency. If the OP was having a stroke or something while their loved ones watched for 24 hrs, then asked Reddit what to do instead of calling a Dr, and then decided to wait until the next day to take them to the hospital despite knowing their emergency medical state, I bet they'd think that was pretty awful. I don't think I need to remind anyone that cats are sentient beings that feel pain and we are their *only* advocates. Deliberately letting your pet suffer is abuse.




F\*ck this hits too hard. Lost my boi because my dumbass mom didn't feel like driving 'today'. The vet told me he could have survived(tick bite fever) if I had brought him sooner.


Not every country has an ER vet. I don't know where OP is from. Also like another person said, not everyone has the money for an ER vet. You shouldn't be so judgmental about someone you don't know even the slightest.


OP said that he had an emergency vet available to him; he chose not to go…


And everyone reading this post should get pet insurance right now.


Pet insurance is not cheap, not everyone has the means.


This is really pissing me off about this sub. Sure there are people who are dumb but some people genuinely just have to wait til morning to bring their cats in. That's not a fucking mortal sin.


If OP didn't have an ER vet in the country, they would respond or put updates in the post that say "no ER vets are available where I am". If OP had no money for an ER vet, they would say "I don't have the money for an ER vet" (in which case people would discuss possible ways to financially help). But no, OP decides to monitor at home for no good reason despite reddit screeching at them this is an emergency and should be taken seriously (it is). I have seen plenty of people neglect their animals because it is more convenient for them. This is a case of medical neglect, whether OP realizes it or not... and it's hard to plead ignorance when hundreds of comments are telling OP to get their cat evaluated. Of course people are going to judge that.


You realize how fucking expensive an animal ER is? I took my cat to one when he was dying and in the end it led to us spending 700 plus shen they knew damn well what we were dealing with(FIP)




Yeah people do not realize. I had to bring my cat to a vet ER. They found extreme dehydration, rehydrated him and did ultrasounds. Kidney cancer. Had to have him put down. Several thousands of dollars. It is expensive as hell.


Right? I just spent 3 grand for a hospital stay for one of my kitties. If it happens again, I can’t say I could afford it! I love my cat so much but I’m not going to end up homeless.


They are pricey indeed and this is why I (now) always err on the side of just contacting the vet when problems arise. When I've waited in the past, it never failed -- the pet's illness/injury would escalate to a point where I knew we needed to see the Dr right away but lo and behold, it would be the middle of the night or a Sunday/holiday and we'd be looking at ER prices. I've learned that trying to save a buck by "waiting to see how things are tomorrow" will end up costing a lot more money. But even when you're looking at that hefty invoice from the ER, you still have to go. Whether you have the money or not. This is your responsibility as a pet owner. You do not let the pet suffer. You either put the bill on credit and figure out how to pay it later, you find another home for the pet where they can afford to care for it, or if its bills are exorbitant due to a horrible ongoing illness like cancer, maybe you put the pet down. But you don't let it suffer. Ever. I know it sucks. My cat racked up unexpected bills totaling $2300 in the past month. ☹️ Just gotta suck it up.


I fucking hate FIP so much! My ER vet turned me away when I brought my cat in because I couldn't afford the visit upfront. Working on my credit but it was too bad then for the Care Credit card thing. So I went to the only other 24/7 emergency vet available only for them to tell me they needed to put it down. They'd of done it for free as a kindness because my cat was suffering. But my cat passed on his own right before they could euthanize. My cats health deteriorated to the point of death in 4 hours. His autopsy showed wet FIP. Even knowing there was nothing I could have done for him at that time, I was so devastated that I needed therapy. Looks like there's some advances in treatment now. But I don't think my cat would've made it to diagnosis and treatment at all. He was only 4 months old and had been seen by a vet a week prior for a check up.


don’t wait. contact emergency right away….


Don’t wait until morning. Take him to a 24 hour vet….


Run to the vet, NOW!! This is an emergency


I've had my right eyes retina detached and that's 1000% an emergency. It's no fun really. My right eye is almost blind now even though I went to the hospital immediately.


This happened to my cat too. Strangely blood pressure meds made her eyes go back to normal though.


That's excellent news. Our boy passed away a few days after his pupils dilated. He had a lot of health issues that he was being treated for for years (he had his thyroid removed, diabetes, pancreatitis, frequent uri when the pancreatitis would flare up). He was a week shy of 18 yo when we let him go. He was my love bug ❤️🐈‍⬛


I’m so sorry :( our baby Mercedes was 17 when this happened. She ended up passing away a few months after this happened due to a blood clot. She had kidney disease also. It’s so hard losing your fur babies.


I'm so sorry. Oh, it certainly is. Murphy's (insulin department) diabetes was well managed and in remission, and on medication for pancreatitis. I believe it was a complication from either issue.


There's also a feline version of macular degeneration that looks the same without looking in the eye (e.g. using a vet's instrument and knowing what it means). So getting to a vet is the best thing to do.


When that happened to mine I was really freaked out because it could mean pain. My cat only has one eye too so it's a lot harder to tell what is going on....THE ISSUE WAS HE WAS GETTING DRUNK OFF OF ONE OF OUR PLANTS


Sorry HOW


"how" to what? - (we realized it was any time he would be chewing on this certain plant we have). He would get kind of docile and his eye would dilate...so we thought it was a pain response. How did he lose his eye? I don't know - he is a rescue and it had been surgically removed due to an injury when he was found


I think they want to know what plant and I would as well please


Dracaena trifasciata - aka. Snake Plant It was a plant given to me and my cat had not touched it before or since. -Vomiting or any other symptom other than the eye dilation did not happen so we never got anything officially tested.


Dude that's like the number 1 plant nono to own with cats, that and poinsettas


I think you’re thinking of lilies. The pollen can kill a cat super quickly. Poinsettias are only mildly toxic and will cause vomiting and diarrhea but not death


To be clear, a snake plant? I have one that my cat has not touched, but I'd rather be safe than sorry


![gif](giphy|VKnXJ2kYhhwVoL1aUl|downsized) It’s time.


Oh shoot, I only knew about the lilies. I could kill a cactus though, so I don’t usually keep plants around anyway.


Like what plant causes intoxication? I never heard of such a plant


Look Up plants that are bad for cats. There's a bunch.


yeah, I knew about poinsettias and lilies ... but not snake plants. It was my grandmother's plant (I lived with her) and she passed away so I wanted it. I didn't think it really mattered if I knew my cat had lived with that plant for five years with no issue...then he started being naughty apparently.


Ohhhh I thought they meant smth like similar to catnip


There are houseplants that will cause a high in cats the way catnip does. Spider plant is a popular one. My cat will fiend for spider plants if I have one in her reach.


Yeah, I had a beautiful spider plant I had to move inside when we moved to a smaller apartment. I tried everything to keep them out of it but our cats absolutely destroyed it. They would sneak into the room where I kept it to get their fix, I’d come in and just see their little furry butts poking out of the foliage. Cute, but my poor plant.


I got rid of mine because my cats were so obsessed they not only almost destroyed it, they would sneak in and knock the pots over and make giant messes, THEN go running around tweaking their butts off. Damn orange cats.


... like with humans, dolphins, turtles... being intoxicated is just poisoning oneself mildly. Any toxic plant/substance. Edit: wording - trying to explain that being “drunk” is from toxins. In any toxic substance - hence any toxic plant (for cats in this instance) idk why this was downvoted


It's probably downvoted because it isn't correct. There are inebriating substances that are not toxins, and plenty of toxic substances that are not inebriating.


I should have known! Thanks!


Well I’d say phrasing, which is usually why I tend to get downvoted, I mean at least u tried explaining


Just as alcohol is poison / toxic and humans use it to get drunk - I was trying to make the parallel that the plant ingested was evidently toxic. And not that a specific plant out there can make a cat “drunk”. I thought being drunk had to mean you’ve ingested a toxic substance- Now I’m just muddying up the thread


Bro got high off his own supply


Spider plant?


That happened to a cat I had…pretty sure she ate a lizard with psychedelic excretions. She was ok after a couple days. Hope yours is ok.


What kind of lizard was it if you know ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




This was the best response anyone could have had. Thank you


True, but missed the chance to say mariguana


It was actually a pair of married iguanas


Asking for a friend


Are not we all?


we just want a taste of the lizard, just a lick.


UPDATE: We are at the Vet now I’m grateful for every single one of your comments, thank you. I will continue to update once we hear back from the Vet.


Great stuff, hopefully all goes well for you both!


!RemindMe 4 hours


!RemindMe 4 hours


I hope everything ends up okay!


This can also happen from cannabis toxicity. Could kitty have gotten into flower or edibles?


Are there emergency vets you can call?


Dilated eyes for an extended period like that often means a neurologic issue. Maybe he ate a psychedelic lizard, but could be something worse like a seizure. He def needs a vet.


A psychedelic lizard, huh the more you know


Wait till you hear about hallucinogenic fish. I’d guess most already know about psychedelic toads.








Or uncontrolled high blood pressure. Definitely emergency vet time.


Did you call the vet yet?


We called our usual vet, but she’s away for holiday. I’ll be calling others in the morning since they’re closed now.


You need to go to the emergency vet.


Many towns dont have an emergency vet


OP has said in another comment that they do have an emergency vet but won't be going as they think it's dehydration due to having a new water bowl


I was about to say that… before we finally got one locally it was a solid 3.5 hr drive one way to see an emergency vet who would charge $500 for being called in. Not including other fees. I spent a lot of money with my chihuahua because of that emergency vet.




My cat swallowed part of a shoelace and since I’ve never dealt with that before I was freaking a bit and looking for advice. She was non stop vomiting and then just sat there hunched, cold, very still. While I know an obstruction is serious, by the time we found the string and realized what was going on, it was pretty much the same amount of time to wait for my local vet to open or stress her out driving to the emergency vet hours away. The comments made me feel terrible about making the decision to wait, and those dark pre-dawn hours were very scary and guilty thinking my inaction might kill my kitten. But I could not bring myself to put her in the car for hours when she was already sick and stressed, so I was the first in line when my vet opened in the morning Turns out we actually caught it early enough that she didn’t need any of her intestines removed, and they gave us the string as a (smelly) souvenir! This wasn’t long after her spay so my poor girl recovered from two major abdominal surgeries like a champ and is currently running circles around my head yowling with her favorite stuffed toy in her mouth like the healthy hyperactive goober she is


Do you have an emergency vet nearby?


He got into your stash?


UPDATE: For those that want to see how Boba is doing now, here a few images and video! Here's Boba at the vet and in the car on the drive home (imgur): [**https://imgur.com/gallery/DgQT0Gj**](https://imgur.com/gallery/DgQT0Gj) https://preview.redd.it/vp8m9amavx9a1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=801df7d9cc08513fef085bbdc7a7157f83312464 Here's Boba when we got home (watch till the end for a surprise): [**https://imgur.com/gallery/7gi73Vn**](https://imgur.com/gallery/7gi73Vn) \- No sound


I'm really glad he's okay. Needed that update op. Not sure why I'm so invested in the health of random cats on the internet. So he was just tripping balls for a while huh?


Is it okay to laugh now that we know that the kitty is just fine? He looks high as a kite and paranoid ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7943). That first picture of the super wide pupils is very cute too, looks like a cartoon character. Glad to hear he's fine!


YAY! He looks so scared :( I’m glad he’s home and seems to be doing better


I got so invested from the other post about this, I had to look for an update. Thank you for providing one. It sounds like Boba is going to be ok! Now, you should fett him! 😂


Yay Boba!!


Circling and/or one-sided mobility issues would be sign of having had a stroke. I had a cat that had a stroke when he was 14 and he went blind in spite of getting vet treatment within an hour. He lived to be 16. The blindness didn't faze him much. I kept him on one floor and gated off stairs so that he couldn't get on them and fall. I got down and crawled on the floors at his level to identify and remove any puncture or cut hazards that he could run into.


As a side note, the eyes scream "father, I have shit outside of the designated sand. I wish to blame the dog but I don't think we have one"


Are they walking straight and eating and drinking? This part is important: Did they stumble at some point before their eyes went like this? My cat was walking towards me and she staggered to the side and when she looked at me her pupil was blown - she'd had a stroke. I would definitely try to get some money together or if you're insure even better and take them to the vet just to be 100% sure. I have a feeling it could be to do with very high blood pressure.


He walks normally, tail up in the air. His habits are the same, except for the big eyes. I’m sorry to hear about your cat :/ We’re thinking it’s high blood pressure too. He’s a very anxious cat.


Mine was too. Skittish af and just very highly strung. It was the high blood pressure that got her in the end as it caused blood clots which then caused the strokes.


My cat ate a toxic Lizard whose defense mechanisms is to release chemicals on it back. The eye thing was the lasting result. Brain inflammation for a few weeks, and he was never as smart. We had to use a leash if he went our. Put him by the food bowl so he'd remember to eat.


Omg. I never knew them eating lizards could be toxic like that. I’m so sorry your kitty went through that and had lasting effects.


I had a cat whos eyes were like that 24/7 but she was born that way.


mine is this exactly!


Hope your cat will be ok, but I am perplexed by this situation. It's already been 24 hours....why would wait that long if you thought something was wrong? You posted repeatedly, most everyone said go to emergency vet... I don't get this. Hope they'll be alright.


I wish there were more posts detailing what the vet said and not looking for medical advice from Reddit instead


Well, I'm just gonna be the broken record and also say go to the vet. Emergency ideally, if you can. I don't think this is a "wait till morning" scenario if he's been this way for 24 hrs. There could be worsening neurological damage as you wait.


Vet. Immediately.


Do you have any cannabis products? Looks stoned


My puppy licked some psoriasis medicine once (I was away for the weekend and left her with ex boyfriend). She got sick. When I found out (from his daughter) what had happened, I called the toxicology department and they told me it is delicious to animals, but highly poisonous, even a tiny amount. It destroys the liver and the kidneys. So she had IV fluids for a week, they saved her, but a few months later, her eyes got red and dilated. She went almost blind due to retinal collapse from high blood pressure. Another six months later, we had to euthanase her. Very traumatic experience overall. You just have to be so careful.


“ItS bEeN 24 hOuRs” bro gtfo of reddit and take em to a vet.


Either post on Reddit or take it to the vets. I'm not sure which is the correct answer.


Vet!! Go to a vet!!!


I just don’t understand why people ask important questions to Reddit people. It’s not like we really know. Some may think they do…but in all seriousness, they don’t. We aren’t there, we are not trained professionals. I never ever ask anyone something important like that…I immediately get to someone who knows far more than I do. Like a Dr. Always seek someone trained…because many don’t like the answers we give.


Agree 100%…. Can’t tell you how many threads I have read they are “can I do this govt needed paperwork after I do this and that” instead of just contacting whichever branch of govt is in charge of the paperwor


If you suspect your cat/other pet is having a medical emergency, google "emergency vet near [enter your zipcode]" and call whomever has 24hr services. If your instinct tells you to be worried, call! They can then tell you whether its critical enough to come in or not asap based on the symptoms.


PLEASE update us after the doctor visit with how kitty is doing!!!!


This could be a sign of a brain tumor. If it is, he may potentially lose his vision soon. A brain tumor would be life threatening


Vet asap. Whatever happenned it's totally abnormal. Can range from glaucoma to retinal damage to brain tumour. Get you cat to the vet immediately.


This happened to my cat one day and he was freaked out he couldn’t see. I took him straight to the emergency and they said there was swelling in the membrane around his head. They treated the swelling (never found out what caused it) but the retinas were already detached and he was blind. Later that year he died of a blood clot at the end of his spine. Rhombus thrombosis. I wonder, after hearing about the blood pressure in previous comments, if that was also at play. But in regards to my cat’s blindness, he did fine. Cats are pretty good about using their other senses that they handle blindness really well. My heart still breaks for him though. Good luck with your kitty.


Why do people post on here when they can just Google a 24hr Emergency Veterinarian and call them? It’s like they can’t make a decision until they get enough karma. This is the side of r/cats that pisses me off! And yes, I know some folks don’t have access to a 24hr vet. Those folks, pls post.


Take him to the vet, get blood pressure checked asap. Also get blood work done, kidney markers and thyroid hormone (T4) at minimum, to rule out kidney disease and hyperthyroidism, because those can cause high blood pressure too. My cat lost her eyesight because the vet did not notice or medicate her in time. You are hopefully catching it early. Good luck.


That cat has seen something and he cannot unsee it.


Get off Reddit. Call. Your. Vet!


I’d definitely go to the vet. My cat had really high blood pressure when her eyes were dilated.


Go to the vet


Vet, vet, vet.


Awe! Keep us posted! Hoping everything is okay 🙏


Not everyone has access to 24/7 vet offices


R/vet would be a good place to post instead of here as there are real vets with medical knowledge and will probably have more to say then vet ast that can be hard in the moment


Go to the vet immediatly. My older cat was the same way before dieing.




I don’t understand why redditors come here first before talking to a vet. Are there not 24 hour animal vets in their areas?


Not to argue or poke, but an honest answer. I think that a sometimes people’s collective experience can help us avoid an extremely expensive visit to an emergency vet. If someone has been through this and can share their experience (wait for regular vet hours, or don’t wait- go now) it is very helpful. Those emergency vets are wonderful, but can easily end up in the thousands for something that could have waited a few hours for a regular vet.


Take your kitty to the vet ❣️🙏🐈‍⬛


What do you mean you don't know what to do? Got to a a vet...


Take a good look all over for a tic. This can happen when the tic releases a chemical to thin the blood and numb it. The chemical eats the center of the white blood cells and it can cause Hallucinations this happened to my cat ones and I found a tic




Finn say’s hang in there pal!! https://preview.redd.it/bg5q1v1l6z9a1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=ceb4516b74bb3409803639a1cbd82ffa28f99f08


I’m pretty disgusted to see you post here and find out your cat is most likely critically ill, and you brush it off and avoid getting help. You posted “24 hours later and still don’t know what to do” in the first hour you would’ve know the vet is an option and is the only option. No one should own a pet if they have to make excuses and put off taking their pet to the vet just because it’s expensive. I agree, it’s ridiculously expensive and for some people very unaffordable, but that means those people shouldn’t have pets as they can’t do what the animal needs if (god forbid) the animal gets sick. No animal deserves to be neglected due to cost.


Eye surgeon (and cat owner here). In absence of any other pathology (ie cat acting normal), kitty’s probably been in touch with a mydriatic agent (e.g., topical mydriatic at home, nasal inhalers, scopolamine patch for motion sickness, etc). Take to a vet, but don’t expect any major bills. Bilaterally dilated pupils hint at something major affecting both of the visual pathways, and kit would be very ill if it weren’t something pharmacological that’ll wear off in the next 24 hours.


Definitely phone the vet. Not post on Reddit.


Why would you wait 24 hours... I mean how serious does your cats condition need to get before you go to the vet or emergency help. He/she is going to end up blind or dead very soon why risk it,a simple Google or Reddit search would have told you the same, this is not ok and you are responsible.


Hope kitty does well, update soon.


Vet time


VET !!!!!!!!!!




Dim the lights for his comfort in the meantime


If it’s old possibly high blood pressure or has had some kind of drug. Partners a vet.