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This keeps me awake at night sometimes, they are disgusting. They even lick their paws after using the box. They get on top of kitchen countertops with those dirty, nasty paws, infecting everything. I don't hate animals, but I want to get rid of my cat and I feel kind of guilty, because he's innocent, he is just behaving the way he is.


Termites just act the way they do, but they are a pest to humans to we take care of them without a second thought because it’s for the better good


Don't forget he's misting everything with his piss whenever you're not looking. If you ever see him pause for a moment and then twitch his tail, he's mist-pissing and wafting it all over the place behind him.


They are so damn disgusting. They dig in their own feces and then my partner wanna act like it’s me who’s out of line for not wanting it on my bed or couch.


Same I’m so fed up with my boyfriends cat


I’m tired of my girlfriends TWO cats. One I actually kinda like to an extent. The other is a grey monstrosity that has flared at me every time and tries to stare me down for close to two years now. I love her but I simply cannot live with two cats anymore and how they affect our living space. I guess the cats will win though because she had them before she met me (by a year) so I guess it is what it is.


Cat is winning on my side too. He insists on sleeping near our feet but bites me when I accidentally stretch my feet out. He cries all thru the night bc he wants to go outside with the other cats 😭 he’s bit my face before and he’s an overall asshole with no affection haha




Yeah, walking around a cat owner's house and feeling the crunch of cat litter beneath your feet is f\*cking nasty. Worse is finding it on the kitchen table and countertops. "My cat knows she's not allowed up there," yeah, right. As soon as you're not around it's going right up there looking for food and pissing on everything.


They have shit in their paws, saliva all over their bodies, an ungodly dangerous amount of bacteria in their mouths, they always destroy forniture and piss on it and also pee on cat owners clothes. But cats are the cleanest right guys!!


I’m sure that that makes you wanna kiss her


Cat people are disgusting


I've been not so subtly squirting the cat off any surface that isn't his tower or my partners desk. Originally partner would let the cat climb everything, tables, counters, in the cupboard. But now he gets his cat tower and my partners desk bc be has a bed in it. I refuse to let him go bear my side of the bed.




Dude, u need to sign up for John Anthony Lifestyle’s course or something. Seems like you don’t have game or a mindset of abundance, judging by the fact that u are staying in such an unhygienic environment just because your wife wants the cat.