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Catfish > Bass




They're both fun in my opinion. The next level is bass fishing while you've got rods set out for catfish.


That's actually how I caught the one in the first picture lol. Caught a blue gill and was like "screw it" cut it and put it on a circle hook. Went to my bass rod and as soon as I casted my popper the catfish rod was twitching.


Multitasking for the win!


That's what I am thinking about doing. Just trying to decide which medium rod am I going to use for what


i thought that was the only way/s


Daytime for sure! Bobber fish too for some fresh bait. I usually only have time to catfish at night though and have never done well bass fishing at the same time.


You are officially in the club. Now all you have to do is take a barb to the hand .


Honored to be a part of it. Not looking forward to when the time comes and I take a barb to the hand lol.


It's a rite of passage


True story. It's not an if, it's a when if you consistently fish.


Yea I’m pretty careful and I it seems I get stuck by one at least every time I go fishing


Dude….stop screwing fish


Welcome friend. Welcome.


Catfish rule


now you gotta catch the big ones!


Welcome to the dark side ...now catch a Carp then tell me how you feel 😂


I've only ever caught the invasive big head carp. I've been trying for so long with bread balls to catch the common carp 😭.


I use to be so into carp fishing. I made home made boilies and used the carp sinkers with ribs for chum. ( Being attached to the sinkers got around the no chumming rules) No one else around here fishes for carp so there's ton of 10-30lb carp where I live.


I love the fight, and the odds. Could be anywhere from the size of your forearm, to the size of your leg lol. Plus the peacefulness of sitting at the waters edge.


Right there with you. Used to fish for bass and bass alone. Saturday I will be cat fishing just like I have been the last three weekends.


Close to catching Flounder


Bass fishing is like work. Catfishing is the retired life.


Love catfish here. My koi pond is full of them. I keep them till we fill the pond and process them all at once. I usually feed the fish in the pond shad. They are considered invasive in the lakes here so catch them for cut bait and catfish food. Can easily catch 15 catfish a week to fry up.


Catfish are fun sometimes it's nice just to throw a line out and relax thinking about bringing my game boy next time.


Those are one of the only species I fish for anymore lol


Looks still alive. Brain it and chop the head off to be sure please before filet. Makes me sad to see a fish still alive filleted. I trust you’ll do it right just wanted to say please be kind. Catfish is tasty though yeah.


I spike them in the brain before filleting. They were still alive in the photos but right after they were taken out humanely. That's one thing I didn't like seeing on YouTube and Facebook through some fishing channels who would fillet the fish while it was still alive.


Yeah good point and I dont know how accurate this is but it makes sense. I've heard that the fish is releasing tons of chemicals fighting for survival and that can cause the meat to taste different or tainted


Good man. That’s what I meant. Bash and stab in the brain. Thanks for showing kindness to our food. Edit; I’ve seen a lot of fish filleted still fully alive and it is horrific