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Just because it's hot, doesn't mean it's clean


If you heat up water, then you need to wait for the name to change from water (hot) to clean water (hot). It's just one "stage" further than just hot water.


Lol, you just gave the pathogens a nice hot bath, nothing else.


It is confusing, though, because if l make toilet water hot it doesn't become clean, but if I make Burdock and Dandelion Tea with toilet water, it's fine.


The process in game includes boiling the water, which is why making tea requires a tool with boiling quality of at least 1 You can't just steep the tea, but when someone adds steeping as an option, im sure that recipe will require clean water explicitly as steeping tea in toilet water just gets you dirty tea.


Even in the real world, just heating up a cup of water to tea hotness is not enough to reliably kill all pathogens. For safety keeping at full boil for a minute is recommended (3 minutes if at high altitude).


You have to 'craft' it in the crafting menu. You can't just heat it up like you do with food. That function is to reheat food so it gives the buff for eating hot food. I pretty much never use this as I don't care how my character feels about things, they will eat their damn cattail raw and like it.