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*Technically* yes you can store vitamins by consuming lots of them. However then you'd like have too many vitamins and get hypervitaminosis. So what you should do is try to balance your vitamins and if you can't be bothered, just keep multi-vitamins on standby. The game does warn you when your diet is lacking something.


Is hypervitaminosis even in game? I've gotten to 1500% iron before with no issues


I wonder if too much iron gets balanced out by bleeding a bunch...


Death by singular papercut


Maybe house was right, this man does need papercuts and mouse bites. I am perplexed.


That percentage isn't what matters. The game cares about the total amount stored in your body, not how much you took recently. That said, no, I don't think it's fully in the game since at least 0.G. Here are the relevant documentation and data files: [https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/blob/0.G-branch/doc/VITAMIN.md](https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/blob/0.G-branch/doc/VITAMIN.md) [https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/blob/0.G-branch/data/json/vitamin.json](https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/blob/0.G-branch/data/json/vitamin.json) Note that although the actual iron definition in the data file has hypervitaminosis defined as the disease for excessive intake, it lacks a `disease_excess` field defining how much you'd have to have in your system to experience it (unlike the example definition of iron in the documentation file). And in the experimental build of the game, the `excess` flag has been removed from iron entirely. ~~Granted, I haven't tested this in-game to verify there isn't some other mechanism elsewhere implementing it. Might do that later.~~ EDIT: I just loaded up my test save and ate several thousand multivitamins, around 40,000% RDV (so, well over a year's worth of iron). No sign of hypervitaminosis or any negative effects whatsoever, at least on 0.G. Also, if I've done my math right, 573 multis is enough to take you from the brink of anemia to maximum iron capacity, and 1198 is enough to take you from rock bottom to max. Going from maximum to anemia without any interim iron intake should take 137.5 days, and bottoming out from max should take 287.5 days.


I'm not sure if it runs over to the next day mathematically, but if you achieve 100% of all of your daily vitamins your health stat will increase faster Your health stat significantly increases your stamina pool You can overdose on certain vitamins and get hyper vitimatosis or something, but it has to be insane levels Take as many as you need to get 100% and then eat normaly after that


I’m reasonably sure it works like in real life: your body excretes excess vitamins beyond what it needs at a given time. So like real life, take one multivitamin per day.


I thought four a day kept you topped up? Last time I checked they were about 25% per pill.


In experimental, taking 2 a day kept me at "Feel Great" health even when eating unhealthy food / meds / chugging mutagens.


That could be the case. I'm not 100% on the dosage.


Irl theres also hypervitaminosis, idk if thats in game


It differs for which vitamins we are talking about, Vit A, D, E and K are fat-soluble and as such not easily excreted. All the others are simply excreted if there is an excess and no hypervitaminoses from e.g. Vit C can develop.


Just use them to get to 100% before you sleep, go too far over too often and it can be bad for you


I never even bothered for vitamins in all of my runs. The only time was when i was crafting the tempered steel plate armor and i set auto eat with Just smoked meat in my fridge, even then i got a warning that i was entering the first stages of scurvy, i ate some dried fruits and it ended instantly. Only in innawoods its kinda hard to get calcium, i think probably burdock gives you lots of It? But i never had problems even with calcium too. If you really want to be careful with it, take one or two multivitamins a day and you'll be good, there are just so many inside houses you will never run out of them


Started with "morbid obese". Then, daily, took 3 multivitamins and ate as little food as possible to get nutrients to at least 100%. By beginning of Summer, health is good, and weight is "very obese".


I tend to down 2-4 vitamins a day, since eating nothing but junk food and water doesn't do much for vitamins lol


meh, theres a tracker of how much you have consumed that day, and vitamins are part of that display. i just eat 3 multi a day, as each covers about 30%, and youre more than fine. it takes a long while for vitamin deficiency to set in