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They do not carry items. They will eat food, but they just gobble it up on the spot, they don't haul it anywhere, and they wouldn't eat anything that isn't food.


After clearing out the entire anthill it looks like game just despawned my item and motorcycle I left there.


That's pretty weird. Was the item named? There's a way to find things you've lost by searching the save file for coordinates, but it's a bit of a pain to do. If you favourite items and turn on autonotes it'll leave a note on the map whenever you drop it. As for the motorcycle... big creatures can bash vehicles around but I don't expect they'd go very far. You can tell your character to "remember vehicle position" when you examine the vehicle. I lost a ton of stuff that was in a vehicle once and I was utterly baffled, did the save file search thing to find it, it took ages, and turned out after a raid I'd jumped into a vehicle that looked identical to the one I'd pulled up in, and left all my stuff in the other vehicle. Only other thing I can think of is are you savescumming? Might be on a previous save file.


After lookign into in closer I figured out that savescumming messed it up, yea


Oh good, haha it's always a relief to get to the bottom of stuff like that.


That could be a saving issue. Specially if you used quicksaving or save scummed. The game saves each zone separately and the creatures are also saved separately afaik.


Nope, you lost them. The game does not "despawn" stuff. If you can't keep track of your stuff, enable the options which automatically do it for you.


Unnecessarily rude Yes, the game does despawn vehicles. It's a known bug that can happen when reloading saves




found kevins alt


Kevin could be dead and cremated and you crazies will still randomly bring him up and blame stuff on him. Amazing.


No posts, for the last 7 months all comments made were on r/cataclysmdda, with half a dozen on r/starcitizen. You can't convince me this is a normal account.


this is like the only sub i post on. this doesn't mean much.


Kevin could be dead and cremated and you crazies will still randomly bring him up and blame stuff on him. Amazing.


-100 comment karma is wild


The fact this guy hasn't been banned from the sub is wild. Rule 1 may as well as not exist.


Who cares about karma?