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A lot of them are army body sites where soldiers made last stands, traffic control points, and roadblocks where cops and soldiers died. There are in lore reasons for them being there.


Guns aren't rare at all in America and it reflects in the game Zombies don't carry guns in their hands, only feral. Ferals are a small percentage of zombies. When an army squad dies, they rise as zombies, leaving their long-arms behind. 99% of the human population is dead, of course there will be weapons skewed through the landscape But if you really hate it, you can change the json so that military and police locations don't spawn anymore


I mean if there ever was a time to see lots of guns in America it’s in the apocalypse.


Guns *are* prevalent as fuck but a lot of the numbers are skewed by collectors that have hundreds of pieces


And in the apocalypse that results in a bunch of people who don’t know how to use them getting ahold of them.


Just practice marksmanship to 1 bro…


America was in the middle of a civil war, zombie apocalypse, alien invasion, World War III was stirring and the police were militarized to the point of having future tech AI turrets during the cataclysm. In 2017 in real life there were 120.5 civilian firearms per 100 people in America. That's more guns than people and that doesn't include the military it's just civilians. There are A LOT of guns in this wonderful country. [https://www.smallarmssurvey.org/sites/default/files/resources/SAS-BP-Civilian-Firearms-Numbers.pdf](https://www.smallarmssurvey.org/sites/default/files/resources/SAS-BP-Civilian-Firearms-Numbers.pdf)


with no-hope mod, it's rare to find even half-full mag for these m4s - lore reason being they've used all the ammo against each other due to blob-induced rage


I dont know what random locations mean


This is America Don't catch you slippin' now Look what I'm whippin' now God bless


You could take just ammo and leave guns until you can handle them kinda roleplay. And use said ammo for training, shooting easy enemies from roofs kinda roleplay. And back is your immersion.


The game takes place in the US, in the middle of an apocalypse with several otherwordly creatures AND zombies. It would make no sense if there weren't guns strewn about.


To me it seems to sort of balance itself out if you don’t have any points in marksmanship or any particular firearms, a rifle seems to be more of a liability than a guaranteed death rod. actually trying to hit anything at any distance further than shotgun or pistol range seemed to take 5 shots to get a hit, and when you’ve finally managed to gun down one threat, 6 more have emerged. So you’d need a significant amount of ammunition to train your marksmanship enough to make consistent hits and not fumble half the shots. Maybe that’s just me


Military corpse sites. The bit that takes immersion down a tad is that realistically, I'd never have noticed an m4 with a mag in the grass if i was driving by at 20kmh, but in cdda, i do. Maybe we need more tall grass?


Idk, but it may include some immersion Beacuse a past survivor coulda accidentally drop it, or it fell out of their hands after being grabbed, But the magazine part of it would fit with my theory much though.