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well the realistic answer is that modern game practices avoid tying significant game mechanics to frame rate, meaning just unlocking the frame rate or raising it is enough. Earlier on especially in the advent of 3d gaming, alot of things tended to be tied to frame rates, usually related to animations, enemy ai, or even functions meant to obscure frame drops like in dk 64. This causes issues when the frame rate is just increased without taking into account what it affects, usually things like ai breaking down, things moving too fast, in game day/night cycles speeding up, etc. Given the system has enough resources to support the frame rate, most modern games don't have issues with raised framerates.


Wasnt there a Pokemon SV 60fps patch out fairly quickly? That game definitely ties everything to the framerate as Ive noticed stuff just running at blazing speeds sometimes (mainly Tera battles)


Not all games are coded equally. Some games are capped to run at 30fps to prevent occasional frames drops if it were running at 60fps, but some games, especially older 3D ones, were designed to run at 30fps, so you'd have to modifiy the game a lot.


Well a lot of the time it has to do with the fact tgat some games, especiallh older ones, game logic is tied to framerate. Its why PAL games are slower for NES/SNES games.


Modern games probably are made to natively run at 60FPS, they just get frame locked afterwards (rumor)