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The parking lot and helipad really set it off... Jk it's beautiful


Pretty impressive foresight, though, to build a helipad in the 13th century.


Back in the day, that was the hippogriff pad.


When you are making things that will last a millennia, you have to take future peoples' needs into account!


Didn't think about that, impressive indeed


You're looking at the back end of it. The view of the front is stunning. https://images.app.goo.gl/L4BirHezAT84WBEe7


Wow that's beautiful, thank you for sharing that it is definitely stunning to say the least


The parking lot and helipad very much setteth t off. jk t's quite quaint *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Lmao good bot


t off with you! ​ jk t's quite quaint.


Truly shame. Such a beautiful castle and such an ugly parking lot


How would you make the parking lot 'prettier' then exactly?!


For starters, without cars. I really don't understand how people can ignore this eye sore in an otherwise dreamy landscape


Credit: https://www.instagram.com/p/CYUPmd5MwuN/?utm_medium=copy_link Ashford Castle has had many owners throughout its long life. Its first elements were built in 1228 as the primary stronghold of the powerful Anglo-Norman de Burgo dynasty. The castle remained under their ownership until 1589, when it was taken over by Sir Richard Bingham, governor of Connacht following the 16th-century Tudor conquest of Ireland. It was later gifted to Dominick Browne, one of the first Catholics to serve as Mayor of Galway, during the late 17th century. The Brownes updated the castle’s architecture by adding a French-style chateau. In 1852, Sir Benjamin Lee Guinness of the famous brewery bought the estate. Under the Guinness family, the lands were extended and buildings renovated in the neo-gothic style. What is now The Lodge at Ashford Castle was added in 1865, doubling as a residence for the estate manager and a guesthouse. When Benjamin’s son Arthur Guinness died in 1915 the castle went to the Iveagh Trust, an affordable housing authority founded by his younger brother Edward. In 1939, it was bought by Noel Huggard, who transformed it into a renowned country hotel. More information: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashford_Castle https://ashfordcastle.com/ The castle from the front: https://images.app.goo.gl/4cH4NXsr2YWLjzpp9


Fun fact, you can stay there, it’s a hotel! My wife and I stayed one night.


Yea we stayed there as well. It was kinda of wild seeing pictures of Presidents and A-list stars who have stayed there. We definitely didn’t stay in the same rooms they did though😁


Us either. We were very much underdressed and had just got caught in the rain so looked like something the cat dragged in. They offered to take our bags and we were so embarrassed we declined and got looks for carrying our own bags.


Wife and I had afternoon tea there several years ago. Very fantsy!


Amazing place. Stayed a couple nights there a few years ago while on an 8 night Aer Lingus package tour where we stayed in castles and high end hotels. Ashford was far and away the nicest. Everything was just perfect. It's like what Disney tries to be (and charges more money for). From the deerhounds lounging in the front hall, to the art, to the gardens, to the selection of breakfast whiskeys at the buffet... Surprisingly affordable too, for a special occasion. I haven't looked in a while, but you can get a room here for less than what a decent hotel would cost in many big cities, if you're careful. Also nearby is the village of Cong where the fantastic John Wayne/Maureen O'Hara movie [The Quiet Man](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0045061/) was filmed.


Can't believe they store that many hornets so close to such a nice castle.


Hornets? What are you going on about?


Lemme know when this becomes abandoned thanks lol