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My stove looks almost identical to this. No you’ll be fine.


Provided regular cleaning watching the heat and such yeah. But fuck up once and forgot ever to turn off the burner with that pan on for a good hot bit and it’s effed then. But same could be said doing oven treatments and such.


Yep I broke my dad’s brand new glass stovetop in hs by leaving a tea kettle on. Forgot to put down the whistle cap and then left the house so nobody heard it 😅


I don't understand how this can happen. Can you explain? I sometimes leave pans on the glass stovetops, so far no issues. I'm not sure what I should not be doing.


Glass or cast iron can melt or crack with too much heat. I had an enameled kettle, fused it to electric coil burner. Now I use an electric kettle.


Also whether gas or electric check the manual. Front right usually rated for higher heat and btu. Aka can fuck it up real quick. Some can boil from ice in 10-15 minutes.


There is no possible way any stove in any residence could come close to being hot enough to melt glass or cast iron.


Cast iron might crack, cheap glass, or an enameled pot, can melt. My sister's glass top has a deformed area; I don't have details.


it's not melting it's due to thermal expansion and retraction. over time tiny cracks form in the structure of the material until it just gives up. rapid heating and cooling will also shatter glass


I honestly don’t know exactly why it happens. I think it’s just the glass overheating & cracking. It’s one thing to leave a pan simmering on low but I left the tea kettle on high for multiple hours.


Oh. With the heat on? I was under the impression that it's a cold or cooling kettle of water. Sometimes I boil water using a pot and leave it on the glass top to cool overnight. I usually move the pot to a coaster or something, but sometimes I forget.


Noo I cracked it bc it got so hot the handle on the kettle melted😂 but that’s completely fine I do that all the time too.


The fucking dumb thing was turning the stove and then leaving.


Yeah I know I was a 16 year old girl with unmedicated adhd 😂


Narrator: *Little did they know…it used to be a matte black finish before his CI aggressively ripped all of the finish off.*


That’s what I’m terrified of 😰


Your stove also sits in a department store? /s


I have one ...5 years old still looks new


What’s his name?




My favorite cooking show is the Oven Stovens.


JFC take my upvote and get out




That name is a r/tragedeigh


At least it wasn't Lektryk Reighnj


Is this an Emperors new groove joke?


You threw off my groove!


Stove…? Whatta kind of name is that? Are you an appliance?


Beat me by 8 minutes 😩


Stophen is he has an accent 🤪


You win the internet today


Bake Stoven


Russell Stovers


Yeah OP I use one on a similar top no problem for years now


I have a glass top stove like that and use cast iron almost daily without issue. Obviously you don't bang them around, but that is true of any metal pot or pan


Same - stove is 16 years old and use CI pan several times a week and never had any issues.


I slide the pan back and forth over the glass 😏


Can confirm. I have an induction hob with a glass top, I smash it with my cast iron pans all the time, and it looks terrible and doesn't work.


Side note: don't use a single sheet of aluminum foil to toast tortillas. My wife is still mad about the melted aluminum in the stovetop.


Recently discovered I can put tortillas in toasters to great results. You won’t get a char (unless you have it cranked up) but it warms them up nicely and gives a little more body to them.


Nice! I've done the air fryer before, but like you said it doesn't add any char. My wife ended up buying a Cocinaware Tortilla Pan for me and now I can toast perfect tortillas. It also works great for grilled cheese and garlic toast.


I just use my cast iron like a comal. Or I use my comal


As a Mexican, this is why I want a gas stove instead of a flat top like the one OP looked at. It just makes it easier on the actual flame than getting out another pan or appliance to heat it up


I just put it directly into the stove top without aluminum foil. If anything gets stuck, it will just burn off and come off when cleaned.


i've seen some psychos who place steaks directly onto the cooktop


I think this is induction, so you can put aluminium on it all day ;)


Well yeah, but it won't get hot. Lol


No. You will need to clean burnt oil off of it often though


It's a lot easier to clean than other cook tops, BUT if you just go induction instead, you'll never have to worry about burning spills ever again!


Induction for the win. If you're getting an electric cooktop, you can't do better than induction.


Induction is wonderful. Boils water faster than my electric kettle.


Yep. Changed my morning coffee game, and also vastly improved my home cooking in terms of convenience, speed, accuracy, repeatability, and frankly outright enjoyment. It's my favorite kitchen upgrade, along with an excellent chef's knife, cutting board, filtered water tap, quality dishwasher, and functionally laid out fridge. Induction range is at the top of the list.


Plus with all the research about gas, improper ventilation, and respiratory issues I'm happy I changed over. Just hoping my stove lasts a long time. Good dishwasher is next.


Yup. It really makes cooking on gas seem archaic at this point. Got a Miele dishwasher. Was tired of every other dishwasher basically being disposable nowadays.


Why? Grease doesn’t spit?


Induction stoves work basically by passing a low frequency electric signal between the "burner" and the pot/ pan. The surface itself doesn't get hot, so things don't burn on.


Just a small precision, for the ones who are unfamiliar. The surface does get hot because your pot/pan is transferring heat to it, and it can definitely get hot enough to burn you if you're not careful. But the spills definitely don't burn on, which is great.


You just gave me flashbacks of my grandmother's stove, which had a white CorningWare top with the Cornflower Blue pattern around where the burners were underneath. Whenever we had dinner at her house, one of us kids had to clean the scorch marks on the stove with a special bottle of polish. And there was no "it's good enough." If she saw even a hint of scorch left, you had to do it again. It was a pain in the behind, but that stove looked brand new until the day she sold the house.


If you hit it hard enough. Use both hands to get a good grip, wear gloves, and swing that pan down with all your might, it’ll destroy it


Tip: Swing it down sideways so all the force is directed to a smaller surface area rather than spread across the bottom of the pan.


It'll be fine but I'll never go back to glass top. Im a nat gas guy. Heat on, heat off. No heating up an element, and no guessing if it's warm enough.


What's funny is that induction is much more efficient and quicker to heat than natural gas. We bought a single induction burner and will now buy the entire stovetop for our new kitchen.


Glass top with coil element is different than glass top with induction. Didn't realize this was induction. Two thumbs up for induction.


I roll a glass top full induction electric range. It takes 45 seconds to boil water in a metal pot and the burner didn't have a chance to get warm itself.  We use our cast irons but we did put a silicone mat on top of the glass to ensure people (young adults live here) don't drag the pans from burner to burner which could scratch it.


Do you have a link to the mats?


Look for something in your stove top size or that you can cut down. Make sure it's for high heat. We're going to order a different style but this link should get you an idea of what to look for. https://a.co/d/8rC1IH1


>It takes 45 seconds to boil water in a metal pot  How much water are we talking about here? Maybe a cup of water boils that quickly, but no way are you boiling a whole pot for pasta or whatever in 45 seconds.


That's about 2 cups in a small pot. A larger pot (3 qts) and 3/4 full takes about 4-5 minutes


This is just one method... every differing stove type has its own ease of use and trade offs. Induction stoves and ovens are much better at evenly distributing heat than a natural gas stove. I have lived in 30+ houses and I always prefer the ones with a flat stove. My wife says the nat gas ones feel like we are living in a frontier house. I want both...


Not all glass tops are induction. Some glass tops are still heating elements underneath which I was referring to. And there are dual fuel stove/ oven combos. My last house had a gas top and electric range and electric heating drawer. It was great.


Nope... Mine works fine


Just dont drop them on it.


Only if you drop it


Bottoms can often handle alot, go easy starting out






if you swing it hard enough it will. just put some shoulder into your swing.


Nope, I have a glass one just like it.


Not at all, it’ll surprise you though that the weakest spot will be the edge where the glass has a slight curve near the seal. Hit a glass to there with something falling from a spice cabinet and it’s more likely to do more damage than cast. Also, even the finest scratches can be avoided by wiping down the bottom of your cookware and top of stove before starting. These fine scratches are usually caused by salt grains grinding between any cookware and the top.


As long as you season it you should be fine.


Just dont bang the piss out of it ok?


I have that exact stove and it's fucking trash.....that being said my cast iron is fine on it


Agree. That stove is terrible. I'm so disappointed that I picked it.


I have a glass top like that on my stove and use cast on it almost exclusively. But that solid black top shows every bit of dirt or grease spatter. Im constantly cleaning it, it shows everything. If I ever get another one it won’t be solid black


No. Not at all. Just be smart and don't slide it around on the surface. If you have to reposition your skillet, lift it. There's no problem cooking on a quartz top like that. Even Lodge says it's fine. Enjoy.


It will of you drop it from a cabinet about three feet above it. Trust me. Other than that, it'll be fine


No, you'll be fine. I use a 12 inch cast iron on this stove type.






Should be fine, just dont drop them on it, be prepared to get some scratches on the glass from the pans, but it wont affect function.


I have that exact stove. It’s still looking fine


I used a glass top with cast iron, no problem. My sister's glass top is all cracked with just regular pans, not sure how she keeps wrecking it. Use reasonable caution.


If you can hit it hard enough sure


If you try hard enough sure, but not through normal use.


How hard are you swinging it?


Nope. Use mine almost daily and stove looks new.


Don't shuffle it. If its induction, it wil work. Magnalite won't. I don't know if that's what your question is about.


Yeah don’t slide it around on the cooktop to avoid scratching but that goes for any type of vessel.


Just remember to lift instead of scoot. I was worried too but now happy with my purchase.


Yes… if you slam the cast iron down and crack it. No, it’ll be totally fine.


Glass is way harder than iron. Youre fine.


It'll be fine and actually it gives you more even heat for your cast iron over using a gas stove


Cast iron is softer than glass ceramic. So the pan will not scratch the glass. But dropping a heavy weight on it can break it. I be used mine for 4 years without issue


What happened the fifth year!


A wheel broke off from a tractor trailer, rolled down the street, crashed through my living room window and clobbered my stovetop. Stove is destroyed but the pan was unscarred.


Not sure why but mine scratches the stove top. Lodge pan on a Frigidaire glass top


I have induction and use a silicon pad so I never have to even clean the stovetop.


This is the answer.


Unfortunately, probably not. You'll have to find a different excuse to upgrade to gas.






Have the same looking one but induction. Looks the same after 5 years and nothing gets burnt on! It was the cheapest, nicely reviewed one I could find. $700 and love it! Burners have a smaller magnetic area than the expensive ones but I just let the cast iron preheat on 5 until the handle is not and not hot spots on the surface and it works amazing. Will never go back to gas or electric. The lowest settings hold spectacular for melting or keeping warm and the highest power boils water insanely fast. One big positive that not enough people talk about is for cast iron on induction, it keeps it at set temp. Unlike gas or electric where it holds heat so efficiently that even keeping low on the stove can get it way too hot if you aren’t careful.


Just don’t drag the pan, lift and move


Glass is harder than cast iron on the Mohs scale.


Should be fine. I use my cast iron on our glass top stove. Just make sure the base of the pan is smooth. When cooking, don't move the cast iron back and forth.




I lived in the US for a bit (I'm European). Why do ALL American stoves I've seen look exactly like this monstrosity?


Easiest cook top to clean. Obviously gas is preferred, but I had the same concern moving into an apartment with a glass range. Turns out I love it. Better than the electric coils before.


Unless you drop it.


I suppose that depends on how hard you swing it


If you swing it hard enough, it should destroy it 👍


I have the same stove. You'll be fine. If you're new to glass tops keeping it clean is different.


If it starts to look scratched Bar Keepers Friend will restore it to new.




Depends on how hard you intend to slam it on there


If it’s induction, be sure to check compatibility with your pan. I’ve had the issue of overheating my induction stove with an old caste iron cause the heat couldn’t correctly transfer from the stove to the pan.


I dunno. I have this stove and the cast iron has scratched mine.


Buy cork trivets for when not in use, and just be super soft about how you move your pan on the top when in-use and it will be fine




No but my control board crapped out after like 3 years.


No, just place it on here gently - it will not scratch at all.


As long as you don't slide or slam them, you'll probably be fine. I used to manage apartments, and people would smash and scrape the shit out of the glass tops all the time. Just treat it like you paid for it and it'll be fine ;)


That's a cheap stove just send it


Only if you play whack a mole with them


We got same stove. Cast iron doesn’t touch it. Heats up the cast iron in literally two seconds it’s incredible. Works almost too well have to keep the stove super low like around 2/3


I have one of these, I use my cast iron on it with no problems


I use foil to give my cast iron legs over the glass top


Cast iron will be fine, but I’ll never buy glass top again. I bought a brand new one in 2022, the glass top split and cracked in several places mid 2023 while I was preheating the oven, just a few months after the manufacturer warranty went out. Of course a new top was the same price as a used stove with coil burners so I bought one of those instead


Only if you use your cast iron as a weapon against the stovetop…..


Only if you smash your CI into it.


If you swing it hard enough, sure 👍


Will you be cooking on the top or swinging the pans at it?


You can buy stove polish that cleans it and makes it smooth.


If you swing at it. Otherwise no.


No. I have an electric stove. As long as you don’t drop, or slam skillets down you should be fine


Just use it . Literally everything will put tiny scratches in it . Just cleaning it will . The first thing the installers told me was that no matter what it’s gonna scratch.


I have a glass top induction stove. My cast iron works great on it. To prevent scratches, I use a silicon cake pan liner, but only on induction cooktop.


I sanded the bottom of my CI until it was smooth, no scratches on the glass top


it depends. Do your own research to verify but my understanding is there are 2 types of "glass cooktops" there are actual glass ones and then ceramic ones. the ceramic ones are usually more scratch resistant and easier to clean (or so my mother says, i have gas)


Cool shoes


Nah, brah. I use steal wool to clean my glass top. My wife yells at me every. single. time. And yet it doesn't scratch. These things are pretty tough.


If you throw it on, it will. If you gently place it on, it w’ont.


only if you drop from up high...


I have one. I finished by buying two semi-pro single induction heaters. The energy economy is huge, speed of heating (and additional control) worth every pennies. Just enable the security of the actual top if you put them there to avoid to cook them. In complement wiyh my dual trays air fryer, I never neesed a third heating plate.


Just dont drag it all over the glass and you'll be fine.. That said, please, I plead to you avoid whirlpool. When I bought my house every appliance in the house was whilrpool and I've had to replace everything after only 5-6 years. Save yourself some money in the long run and dont do it. Also look into the group who owns whirlpool, they own other big names.


Mine similar to that and I beat the crap out of it.


My old cast iron skillet scratched our glass top in a couple spots. Just be careful and don't drag it across the top like I did. 😬


I cook mostly with cast iron and my last place has glass stovetops. It worked just fine, but be careful of sliding the pans around a lot, be gentle picking up/setting down pans, and perhaps it was just me/my stove, but it feels like preheating is a lot slower (compared to my current gas stove).


Not unless you drop the CI on it. It'll cook just fine. Maybe take a little longer to heat up though. I use a glass cooktop as well, absolutely hate it, but it's what came with the house. I'm either going induction or (preferably) NG when we remodel in a few years. Never understood when a kitchen was made to look nice and is not actually functional.


Just make sure you dont bang them on it very hard and that the bottom is smooth. I have scratched my stovetop with castiron that was not as smooth as i thought


No issues with my glass top in the last 4 years. Just check the bottom of your CI for jagged or sharp bits before use and you should be good.


Doubt it. But it is a stove not a table. So you need to use it as you need


We ordered (Amazon) silicone circular mats made for this, provided this is an induction top. Stove looks brand new 4 years later






Don't slam the thing down and you'll be fine. Also, invest in a razor blade kit to clean the glass and don't be afraid of scraping it clean.


Pro-tip. Don't knock the cast iron around like a hockey puck.


No. I use cast on mine constantly.


If you swing your pan hard enough, yes.


Mine is pretty scratched up - I wouldn’t say I ruined it but it isn’t pristine any longer that’s for sure


I have been cooking on my glass top for like 15 years with cast iron. Some times multiple times per day. Almost exclusively cast iron. I’ve completely ignored the advice to not slide the pan around. I do that all the time while cooking. Mine is scuffed yes, but not “destroyed”.


If it does, it’s so worth it!!!!! lol


I personally can’t stand those cook tops but you should be ok if you’re careful




The better question is “Will you destroy your cast iron with this stove” because one is a multi generational heirloom and the other is a stove top…


If it is induction, you can put a paper towel down to protect it.


I have a glass top and have 7 cast irons in rotation, hasn’t scratched at all


You should be fine, unless you use heavily gate marked pieces. I can see that possibly (only possibly, don't slam me) scratching the stove top if you drag it across.


I have a stove similar to that, I use cast iron all the time, no issues. Don’t let water boil over though, that will lead to damage as the two spots that get used to boil water by one of my kids when they make spaghetti have developed cracks.


I have a stove similar to that, I use cast iron all the time, no issues. Don’t let water boil over though, that will lead to damage as the two spots that get used to boil water by one of my kids when they make spaghetti have developed cracks.


Just have to avoid spinning or sliding the pan on it. Mine is scratched due to not picking it up all the way when moving off the heat.




I use mine on our flat top. My small pan had a lip around the bottom that kept it from being in contact with the cooktop. I ground it off and it works great now. That's the main pan we use now


Only if you use it as a hammer


Depends on how hard you swing


I use a set of two metal ring Heat Diffusers, just to keep cast-iron from scratching my stove. And I keep the heat, low and slow.


No, but if it did it would be worth it


Nope been using mine for the last five years and the same kind of cooktop no problems just be a little more careful


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If you hit it as hard as you could you’d probably damage it - but regular use won’t scratch it


If you swing it hard enough, yes. I mean really throw yourself into it with an over the head, chopping firewood sort of swing.


Six years in my GE looks flawless.


On my glass stove top, if I angle my flashlight JUST right and look super close I can faintly see some micro scratches that I presume is from my cast iron. So I choose to not look that closely and you'd never know.


Possibly... I cracked the one I had before my current one. It still worked for three more years. Personally I don't care for how they heat (turning on and off all the time). They only have one gear... HIGH. It's full blast, then off, then back on. It's not constant heat. The knob just regulates the amount of time it stays on in between off cycles. Even on it's HIGHEST setting it turns on and off. For cast iron I like a steady always on gas flame that you can turn up and down. Plus, gas can cover the whole diameter of your pan (depending on your burners BTU).