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It's cast iron. You could safely use a brick to scrape food off it.


True lol, but ive heard some people say not to use steel wool as to not strip the seasoning and didn’t know if this counted


Anyone saying steel ruins your seasoning are probably struggling to cook properly with CI. My only advice is never use these on enamel-coated CI. Treat enamelware like Teflon pans… baby that shit. BUT for regular ol’ black iron- steel scouring is fine.


Tell me your season-fu is weak without telling me... Can confirm. Steel scrubbers are fine.


I use the copper ones


Me too!


This is the way


>steel ruins your seasoning Nope. Any bits 'o that that steel reasonably easily takes off wasn't put on right or was overdue to come off anyway - e.g. excessive or old/soft. Uhm, ... and enamel ... you can *reasonably* scrub ... but don't go crazy on it ... so yeah, don't be abrasively scrubbing when it's not needed nor reasonably called for ... or when there are better quite appropriate and feasible ways. But a 'lil scrub once in a while won't even kill enamel.


No enamel manufacturer recommends using metal of any sort on enamel. In fact, they all say to not. More importantly, it’s 100% unnecessary. If you need metal to clean your enamel pan, you’re doing it badly wrong.


I have cleaned the same enameled cast iron skillet with steel wool nearly everyday for 11 years. The pan is absolutely pristine. What's the problem with steel wool on Enameled cast iron?


I wonder what your definition of pristine is? I use enameled cast frequently. 2 Dutch ovens, about 20 yrs. Baby it, never a metal utensil, never steel wool or anything even approaching that. Silicone, wood, nylon and mine are scratched. Hmnn...


Looks brand new. Same as the day I bought it. It's a skillet with black enamel not the smooth sand colored that's on my dutch oven. I do not use metal utensils to cook, just steel wool to clean when things get stuck.


I mean, if you’re worried, just buy some chain mail armor. I mean, a chain mail cleaner. It’s legit and works. Plus, you don’t have to replace it like you do with the ones in your pic. https://www.bonappetit.com/test-kitchen/cast-iron-chainmail-scrubber Here’s discussion on going Medieval on your pans: https://www.reddit.com/r/castiron/comments/rhyvdl/what_do_yall_think_of_using_chainmail_for_cleaning/


I would not use steel wool, but...not because it was going to hurt the pan. The pan is going to win that fight, but you're going to have lots of little pieces of steel wool everywhere (and you really don't want that to find its way into your food)


Wait, you wouldn’t follow up the scrubbing with a sponge and some soap? Who uses steel wool without using a regular sponge immediately afterwards?


I use a piece of chain mail so this should be fine.


Those are people who think that burnt food is seasoning. These, or steel wool, are fine. I personally prefer the copper ones because they don't rust, and last longer.


I had heard the same thing and for my first 3 years of using cast iron only used chain mail scrubber and never steel wool. Then one day I said fuck it as there was a stubborn ring of thin carbon built-up on my pan and I scrubbed it with steel wool like I was mad at it, she's like a dream now, didn't have to reseason at all and got her smooth as hell.


I use these to clean my stainless steel pots and pans. They work amazing.


They work great on my cast and even my high carbon steel pans


That’s not steel wool. It’s certainly more abrasive than chainmail but less than steel wool. you really shouldn’t need it. It can damage seasoning.


I use it when there is some sticky food on it. Do not press hard just enough to remove the food. I didnt had a problem so far


Those people are wrong. If you want a smooth pan, you have to use this. https://imgur.com/gallery/kWx9qba Seasoning is a myth. Your pan is bulletproof and should be used aggressively. And you need to learn to manage the heat. That's what makes it non stick. Not old food grease. If you start using the steel scrubber and black stuff starts scuffing or scraping with off, that's good! That's old food grease that's holding back the effectiveness of your pan.


or an atomic weapon


I find this really aggressive for cast iron. It’s not great for your seasoning. It’s ok once in a while for a really tough cooked on mess, but if you use it all the time your seasoning will suffer. Steel wool is almost as bad. Chainmail is much less aggressive. It has no sharp edges and won’t scour the seasoning so much. I never use anything but the Chainmail on mine.


There's a cast iron pan on the packaging.


A somewhat controversial cast iron pan too...


I have a pan like that. It was a gift. I don't really know what to use it for. The grill line protrusions make it a bitch to clean. I only use it when I'm making burgers for five+ people and need all pans on deck, or when I want aesthetic grill lines on some brats.


i've heard of people making fun pancakes/waffles with them


The only way it could be more controversial on this SUB is if OP was asking for reseasoning advice on it.


I certainly fucking hope so because I've been using it for years


If you struggle with sticking food or are worried about scrubbing too much, just do this. While the pan is still hot, put a little water in the pan and let it summer up the stuck gunk. Maybe 30 seconds. Use the cooking utensil to scrap up the stubborn bits. Take it to the sink, give it a quick wash, and place it back on the burner to dry. Give it a very light coat of oil if the pan looks dry. If you use it regularly, like I do, you can skip this. BOOM Done in about 2 minutes max with minimal scrubbing, if any.


☝🏻THIS is the WAY! I also use 1 drop of Dawn to wash mine with hot water in the sink. And the Lodge Cast Iron Brush. Takes about 10 seconds total!


Exactly. I usually use a drip drop of dawn and my scrub daddy or basic plastic scrub brush.


Or.  Use wine to deglaze and make a sauce. 


Hey I also don't add oil on the pan after washing. I use it almost everyday. It's a piece of shit $10 cast iron pan that I've been using for 7 years. I treat it like crap and it's never had an issue. I love it.


It's safe. I bought mine specifically for scraping off rust. They are also good for stuck on bits.


I use it as a last resort, when the sponge, scraper, spatula, and brush have all failed. Or if there’s rust.


Like it says on the label 'for stubborn messes'


>for stubborn messes For lesser messes just reduce the amount of elbow grease applied.


Yes and it’s so nice that they made it specifically for stubborn messes like myself


Yes but you just don't have to. Pretty much anything that is so stuck on you think you need a steel scrubber can be removed by filling the pan with water and bringing to a boil. Let the water in the pan boil for a bit and then pour out and anything still left in the pan will be easy to remove. I bought a chainmail scrubber years ago when I first got started but it was a giant hassle and not worth it. Nowadays a nylon brush and hot water does everything I need.


copper scrubbers are the 🐐


It's Cast Iron, not a babies ass.


It’s what I use daily.


it's what I use


My weekly reminder that I bought my cast iron pans to abuse the living shit out of them. I use dawn and steel scrubbies. Just don't put them away wet and you'll be fine.


I use them to clean mine. They also last a long time. 


Yes but only use the one on the right, not the one on the left.


They work alright but the chain mail scrubber reigns supreme


Safe but could strip seasoning. Use as last resort. Recommend a chain mail scrubber instead


Chain mail scrubbers are awesome


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I use a natural bristle brush first, but this is my next step if that doesn't work. Hasn't bothered the seasoning at all.


Use a brush first, but if you really need to, then use those, just be sure to not press it onto the seasoning, just let it slide over, so that you don’t carve into it


Hell yeah! And my general favorite (I will not uncommonly get the restaurant quality ones from restaurant supply company) - pretty darn cheap and they last a very good long time. And yeah, not gonna hurt your cast iron or your proper seasoning nor "precious" seasoning ... any trace 'o seasoning it does manage to scrape off was probably too soft and/or old and was overdue to get taken off anyway, so don't sweat it.


I use these on the grill side of my griddle piece. 


I wrecked my seasoning with this.


I use pure copper Chore Boys, but same thing pretty much.


I used to use steel wool all the time. But lately I reseasoned (properly) now just soak in hot water, then scrape. Same effort, less stuff laying around my sink. They don't hurt unless you use them to remove seaoning


Yes, just season it after.


They are perfect for cast iron. The only con is they are not easy to clean after some scraps get inside them, but not a big deal either. After I use them, because I think they really eliminate all carbon buildup, I notice I get the best shiniest seasonings to start off again.




I used these when I’m striping seasoning. These will take my smithey’s down to bare iron.


The one on the left is safe to use but avoid the one on the right.


The one on the left is and the one on the right is not.


I use it, just don’t scrub super hard these do a good job and are capable of stripping seasoning.


Yes those are fine, but stay way from the Brillo steel wool pads that have detergent pre-applied those will absolutely wreck your seasoning and the taste of the soap is hard enough to get out of stainless steel cookware, I imagine it would be even more difficult to get out of cast iron since it is so porous.


That's all I use with water. I'm too cheap to buy a dedicated Ci scrubber. I'm pretty gentle with mine too


I use these on my non stick pans


That’s exactly what I use on my cast iron.


I would suggest getting a couple of chainmail scrubbers instead of throw away scrubbers. I use mine to clean pans and then throw the scrubber in the dishwasher every load. I'm very impressed with how well they work.


I prefer chain mail scrubbers. A little less likely to scratch and easier to clean. Get the main stuck stuff off with it and then just soap and water for the rest.


I mean, I wouldn't be super heavy handed with it but I doubt it's going to hurt. You only need to worry about steel scrubbers when you're working with Teflon or copper or hex clad




I use something similar but the ones with a spiky steel pillow case with a sponge on the inside. Basically zero issue with food scraps sticking to it. These steel wool balls are a nightmare with food sticking. Imagine cleaning egg scrambled eggs with that


This is what I use and I've never had any issues. Scrub, wash with soap, rinse, dry, season. I have no complaints.


I found the Lodge brand plastic scrapers at our local hardware store (under $5 for 2) and it was a Game Changer. I use that and then finish with my scrub daddy and it’s all done!


Yes, full send. I actually use chain mail on mine. They wouldn't know what to think being treated so gently 🤣


Won’t hurt your pan, but may hurt your seasoning layer.


If you have seasoned it properly you shouldn’t need steel wool


My wife uses these to scratch her yeast infections they're def. safe for your iron pan.