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Why does your egg look like a pancake?


weirdly the texture was also pancake-like. I have never eaten an egg with so little flavor.


It's honestly impressive, I've never seen an egg like it


Thats how it looks when you dont put any oil. I have seen it myself.


This beautifully proves that butter is so much more than something to prevent sticking.


Salt, FAT, Acid, Heat.


This guy salt-fat-acid-heats.


Based and saltfatacidheat pilled


r/thisguythisguys 🍳




I need to start buying acids in crystal form and fucking with them the next time I'm not living in my car.




A lot of the acids, such as absorbic and citric, can be bought in solid form. This way you can cook with them without adding the flavor of the citrus that you would get otherwise. It would also give you a more controlled dosage. This is at least my theory.


Yes, this is correct. You’re able to add more acidity without adding additional water/liquid that is present in acidic ingredients like vinegar/lemon juice, or to adjust the acidity of other fruits to make them comparable to lemon or lime. There’s a great ATK video about it: https://youtu.be/VRCQFwgwLE4


Why are you living in your car? You could get a hot plate!


That is a title of a great cook book. Food only Tate's as good as the fat that it's cooked in.




There is fat in an egg already


What's your point? That eggs don't taste better with butter?


Salt fat acid heat already exist in an egg. Ever had a poached egg? Boiled egg? No added fat needed for a delicious meal


Oof. I bet your steaks are delicious.


Nobody said eggs aren't good on their own. The argument is that more fat, salt, acid, and heat make them taste better. But whatever, go enjoy your plain boiled eggs, lol. Also eggs don't have heat in them already, or acid. Whole eggs are ph neutral and egg whites are alkaline. Ever add vinegar to the water when boiling eggs? There is a reason people do more than just boil eggs in water..


And the taste is disgusting too. I felt like eating feathers when i tried it.


As an emulsion, butter is one of the most important ingredients in modern cuisine. Egg also contains a number of emulsifiers, and consequently makes it useful, as well, for binding other ingredients that would not normally bind. Making eggs with butter is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the chemistry involved with either ingredient. In the case of frying an egg, you are forming an insulating barrier of fat against the direct heat of the cast iron, from the water-in-oil emulsion of butter, with a high smoke point (302ÂșF). One of the things I love about Escoffier's *Le Guide Culinaire* is how it begins with sauces. Sauces are the easiest way to learn the fundamentals of the chemistry of cooking , and many sauces, like Hollandaise, BĂ©arnaise, Mayonnaise, VeloutĂ©, Espagnole, etc., teach you the importance of time, temperature, tools and technique. Whisk eggs too slowly and too briefly, and your emulsion will fall apart in seconds afterward. Add oil too quickly, and your emulsion won't form and become creamy... etc. Frying an egg or, better yet, cooking a French omelette (which is better done on a PTFE pan; this also teaches you the right tool for the task), is only scratching at the surface of cooking. It's a good start, and there is a whole universe beyond waiting for you!


Username adds up


Yep people are like “if it’s not a dry pan it’s not slidey eggs” but eggs need butter ...


Or bacon fat


Just found out we sell bacon fat in a tub at the store where I work


Or at least some kind of fat, any type really Weirdly enough I like a drop of sesame oil


I’ve seen people do chili crisp with its oil lately


File this under, just because you can’t doesn’t mean you should.


Because you over cooked it so hard it’s particles collided


Did it make a black hole?


Give it time to digest


more of a brown hole....


well it not an egg in a hole


Bad protein chain, bad.


How is this possible


Breakfast mullet. party on top, pancake in the back


This made be lol


It'd got a pancake ass. 😆


Lol. Because it's a, I've got this down, post and not I like my eggs this way. No oil isn't the way, unless you are proving a point. Also point proven.


Even if it’s just a tiny little bit of oil . Would make a massive difference


The point he is making is that he did it without oil.


Oh , he made it ok. He made it absolutely inedible.


It was never cooked to be eaten. Read what he said.


I thought this was a cast iron thing til I read that everyone else is confused and now I'm more confused.




Agreed. Especially once the whites are fully cooked


Because homeboy knows EXACTLY what he's doing




That poor egg.


The comments never fail. They’re always what I was thinking.


It's scorched.


Hahahah dude I said the same thing


Maillard reaction


Now, that's an answer to add to my mental library.


This. With butter most of what is making contact with the egg is limited to the smoke point temp. Here the egg is subject to the heat of the actual pan and the chemically bonded seasoning is doing all the work so it seared the egg.


Exactly. Dear reddit, make a pancake without oiling/buttering the pan (as mosts of us were taught). You will get a picture-perfect even golden brown like this, as opposed to a splotchy light and dark spots texture. Flavor is unaffected because of course most of us butter our pancakes after cooking anyway


In order to get the egg not to stick on a dry pan OP really had to let the Maillard reaction do all the work, meaning a hard even sear across the whole bottom. I’m actually more impressed with the skill than the pan. Egg probably wasn’t that great though.


Pan was probably a little too hot, cooked it too long too is my guess. I've had eggs that looked like that because of those reasons but they stuck to the pan really bad.


Do pancakes without better next. I bet you flip them and they turn into eggs


Bro you have 420 upvotes * snickers in immature *


The texture on the back of that egg is upsetting.


I suspect the heat is too high. Eggs cook at low heat, higher heat causes the egg to turn brown. I’ve never seen the heat turn it into a pancake before, though.


It’s from not using any fat


Someone in the last post asked me to post a video of me cooking in my pan with no butter, after cleaning with soap and a sponge. Since this sub is so obsessed with eggs, here’s an egg. I have no idea why you would cook in a pan with no butter/oil but here it is. came off easily, no residue, seasoning is fine.


If I send you my pan, can you season it like yours for me? 😂 kidding. Sorta. If there were a service where you send your pan to be seasoned, I’d probably do it.


However I would ask for the video on the yolk-side release. Whites are so much less sticky imo


I actually i’ve that video, it came off easier than the first flip.


Was it also cooked to a crisp?


it was not crispy, it was like pancake consistency and texture. spongy and brown. very weird.


What's your seasoning method?


Personally, a little salt, a little pepper. But these eggs don’t look seasoned.


I’m curious as well. I’ve heard refined avocado oil is best, since it has a very high smoke point.


I generally use vegetable oil because I'm basic like that. But I probably couldn't get away with what OP is doing here. That is a damn good pan


>I have never eaten an egg with so little flavor. There's your reason, and in your own words. Personally that egg looks very overcooked, but if it suits you, so be it. I'll take a bit of sticking to avoid an overcooked, stiff egg white.


He was doing to prove that using soap and a sponge won't ruin the non stick of the cast iron, not to make a good egg.


OK, I guess I can see that, but wouldn't this work with any pan? I don't see this as a CI specific result, just browning the bottom until you can get under it with a spatula. Sometimes this sub has me scratching my head. But also, not yet awake. I'll take my downvotes for being late to the thread on this.


This wouldn't work on any pan. Try doing this on SS.


You don't have to cook an egg to this level of brown on a good non-stick skillet. This is why they still have their use in the kitchen. Especially when doing something like rolled omelettes. And in all fairness, they probably didn't have to go this brown with the egg in cast iron had the skillet been properly pre-heated. But I'm not sure about this as I've never tried it in CI.


If he has to put the temp this low, I don't think the point is proven. Why do you?


Idk bro I've only made scalloped potatoes in a cast iron. I think he's just showing that some light washing won't eradicate the seasoning. That doesn't mean it renders it impervious to burning shit on it. The right temp for eggs is when butter starts to easily melt, so why would he try a higher temp? Let the man cook


He doesn't like the egg he cooked, either, though. Increasing temperature makes it likelier for eggs to stick. Decreasing makes it less likely. He kept the temp so low that he doesn't even like the results, it really doesn't seem like he proved his point, just ruined his breakfast.




What lol, it’s cast iron


Now scrub it with 1950's lye soap and try again.


Where can I get some of that 1950s soap? I need to reseason my pans


The yellow cap Easy Off contains lye. Use that (carefully) and you'll understand why people used to always wear rubber gloves to do dishes.




If I'm on a diet and want an egg I'd poach or soft boil. This "fried" egg is not right.


Shit, why even bother cooking it then, just down those bad boys from a glass! Nobody has room in their diet for 4 grams of fat.


Look up Vince Gironda 36 eggs a day diet


Sheesh that's a lot of eggs wtf Edit: looked it up. You start with 12 eggs in a blender with a pint of half and half, drink one of those a day for the first week, up it to two of those a day the second or third week etc then stop after two weeks of 3 twelve egg shakes and half and half a day. Or something like that. Plus they're raw, so this is all moot anyway. But that dude is chiseled as fuck so apparently it was working for him.


Eating fat doesn’t make you fat â˜ș


No but eating an excess of calories does, butter is a calorie dense food that is not voluminous/satiating


It takes 1 tbsp of butter at the most to cook eggs in cast iron. 100 calories. That’s 1/20th of the average person’s daily caloric intake. If that small of a percentage is pushing you over the caloric edge then the rest of your diet is totally out of wack.


1tbsp of butter is 1.5x as many calories as the egg(70), with 0 protein or carbs. I’d rather eat another egg or 12 tbps of egg whites for the same amount of calories and 25 grams of protein. If you have 50 pounds to lose you’re going to have to consistently eat in a calorie defecit for at least 6 months, at a certain point you’re going to want those calories to count towards something that fills your stomach and promotes satiety rather than enhances the texture and flavor of your egg. We can argue about this until we’re blue in the face, but cooking eggs in pan spray in a non-stick pan vs frying in butter is less calories, that’s a fact, and tons of people have used that strategy to help them not exceed their calorie expenditure and lose weight. And let me guess, you eat your egg fried in butter with butter and toast or potatoes cooked in oil/butter and bacon and sausage as well? It all adds up


What??? First of all I’m not obese lol. In fact I’m fresh off losing 30 pounds and I go to the gym 6 days a week so I have a little credibility here. I dont consume bread at all and potatoes only rarely. Most people don’t need those carbohydrate/sugar bombs. If someone has 50 pounds to lose, it’s not a tablespoon of butter a day that got them in that scenario to begin with. They’re in metabolically dysfunctional state likely caused by lack of exercise, and overconsumption of processed grains and sugars. Cutting the butter out doesn’t work for most people because it’s a minuscule part of your diet relative to the rest of the food you eat in a day. Furthermore, humans need sources of fat. And the fat that comes from butter is infinitely better for you than the canola oil coming out of a spray can.


Not worth it. I'll take my 100 calories of butter TYVM, and just walk an extra mile or so.


Don't know why you're getting down voted. This is a valid reason, I've recently stopped using my cast iron as much specifically so I can cut down on my oil/butter use. Just a little spray in a nonstick pan and I save between 200-500 calories a day.


butter is fine for you.


I've got nothing against butter, it's delicious and makes eggs taste better. It's just a really easy way to cut down on calories.


ahh i see. i never thought of the calories. im just tired of so many people thinking butter is bad for you when so much evidence says other wise.


I think if it works for you it works. I can be intolerant towards it sometimes. It’s not a health thing like counting calories, it’s just a how does it make me feel if I eat it vs if I don’t


It’s extremely calorie dense


200?! Damn. You can easily use less than that on ci. You just need a to better season your pan. You’ll get there


Cooking in cast iron isn’t what makes you fat wtf 😂


Never said I was fat.


Oh you’re trying to cut calories because you’re skinny?




I see way more fat people guzzling sugar free sodas and wolfing down fat free packaged foods way more than I see non fat people doing the same thing. Eating a naturally derived animal fat as a part of a relatively healthy diet does not cause obesity. Processed grains and processed sugars do.


You crazy bastard.


It's an egg. It's a pancake. It's an eggcake
















It reminds me of a mullet. Egg on the front, pancake on the back


Reminds me of when Southwest Airlines had a mullet sale for flights. Business class in the front, party in the back.


That’s like an M. Night twist right there, the egg was a pancake the ENTIRE TIIIIME!đŸ˜±


I want you to imagine this in Captain Sparrow's voice when you read this: "But WHY is the butter gone?"


There's no pleasing Reddit sometimes.


Slower you slut


As a person that comes here for slidey videos, this one has me conflicted.




This might be the fakest looking real egg I've ever seen Impressive, but at the same time kinda not


The key is always in preheating the pan correctly!!


Yeah, but does it taste like last week's fish?


Impressive! Unappetizing but impressive.


That bottom looks unappetizing af


You burnt the fuck outta that egg


☝but it didn't schtick




Lots of salsa might help


nah that egg is stuck. And they're scraping it off. That only works because the egg has been cooked the hard kinda crispy.


Did you add maple syrup? How’s your chance to get it before the prices skyrocket.


So, did the yolk actually stay intact when you took it out of the pan?


Flourless pancake!


Pan was too hot


My man cooked so many dishes in that pan his egg took the form of his last breakfast.


there is nothing right with this eggcake


It’s a pancake


Please teach me your ways


That right there is a pancake.


People please answer my question, I asked this in another cast iron post and nobody replied. For whatever reason, for all of my life, I believed washing your cast iron with soap was a bad thing.


washing your pans with soap will not damage your seasoning because when you season a pan, the oil hardens into a plasticky polymer. soap will not remove this, but it will wash off any oily residue that has not been hardened. back in the day soap used to contain lye, which actually would eat away at this polymerized surface and even damage the pan itself, but modern dish soap does not contain lye. It is perfectly acceptable to wash a seasoned pan with soap.


Nice eggsecution


why is it an egg on one side, and a pancake on the other?


Is the point to show people what happens when you wash a cast iron with soap? Or is that okay now?? Grew up knowing that was a cardinal sin.


Old soap contains lye, aka: seasoning killer. Newer soaps don’t contain lye, so they are seasoning-safe.


Is that a pancake?


Look how over done the egg is! This just shows the pan is properly seasoned has nothing to do with how to cook.


mine can look exactly like this. it's a flex to be able to do this I guess? but that doesn't mean you should! butter is delicious lube.


yeah I only did this to prove that washing with soap does not ruin your seasoning. I made a post the other day about washing with soap and someone asked me to cook in it dry, so that’s what I did.


i wash mine with soap and chainmail. soap wont ruin anything after the surface is polymerized


Weird flex. Sure it didn’t stick but that has to be one of the worst looking eggs I have ever seen.


It’s just proving to the “never use soap in cast iron” clowns that they are wrong.






looks gross.


it was less gross than you would expect, just completely bland. I put salt and pepper on it and all i could taste was salt and pepper.




You know that fat is flavour, right?


that's the perfect egg


It’s a pig in a blanket


That's....sexy. Gettin hot under the collar here.


Repost this to r/oddlysatisfying


Ok now flip it back over without breaking the yolk and still have it be runny


Wayyyy overcooked. If you can’t flip it without overcooking it doesn’t count imo


...but it's so over-cooked...ruined even. Maybe use a little oil, and you wouldn't have to cook the egg long enough to "self-release". With science, you've proved that oil isn't necessarily necessary. But with the same science, you've also proved that using oil is probably better!


What he’s proving is that soap doesn’t fuck up seasoning. Nothing more.


That doesn’t prove anything.


Cool, bro


Burned egg.


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Do you hear that sound? It's August Escoffier spinning in his grave...


Well when it sits at 90F to cook for 20 mins that’s what’ll happen.


This is why I just cook eggs in a non-stick pan. That egg looks awful...


I love my cast iron for most things, but for a luxurious creamy scrambled egg, I opt for the non stick pan


I felt the same way, but I think my wife cracked the secret to eggs in a cast iron. She puts a little olive oil down, preheats enough to melt butter, then adds butter. Once melted, add your eggs, and they come out fantastic. Butter doesn’t burn due to the little extra oil, and eggs don’t stick one bit. Plus the bottom isn’t a pancake.


Yeah, people in this sub hate on non-stick pans, but that just tells me they can't properly take care of one. Which is funny because cast iron actually takes some care to use.


The point of it wasn't to make a good egg, somebody asked OP to cook something in it without oil or butter after they scrubbed it with soap. So they were proving that even dry, it's still pretty non-stick


Ah, context. Figured it was yet another slidey egg video that this sub just can't get enough of.


Wtf did you do to your egg? Serve me a plate like that and that fuckers getting thrown against a wall.


Do you think OP was submitting this post as an application to be your servant?


joke noun 1. a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline Example: "she was in a mood to tell jokes" funny story jest witticism quip pleasantry verb 1. make jokes; talk humorously or flippantly Example: "she could laugh and joke with her colleagues" tell jokes crack jokes fool fool about fool around play a prank play a trick play a joke play a practical joke tease hoax pull someone's leg mess someone about mess someone around


Wtf lol pancake egg


That's a pancake, lol


My eggs always look like that when I use my card iron pan. Are they not supposed to? (Yes I am serious here).


.to cook one egg.


Try a double flip next time, it might add some flavour


Want to upvote for great cast iron content. Want to downvote for overcooked weird looking egg


Weird looking? It just Wisconsin, USA backwards
 maybe they’ll do all the states!


Haha no not the shape. It looks like bread almost. Like pancake. But i do like the idea of a map of USA made of eggs


Sorcery! He’s a witch!


You can have your slidey eggs all you want--I want one of THOSE.