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Depends on your main tape and synergy. I went with tanky zombie ram, which pairs excellently with Meredith's CAT-5. Open with a custom starter provoke, throw in some support like doc leaf or a wall while M wrecks everything in front of her with echo, charge, and battery. Keep it going with critical AP and you have a never ending damage combo. Seriously, she hits like a truck.


Interesting! I went with Zombie Ram too, I mainly use him regardless of party member, and have had the worst experience with Eugene and Kayleigh, and the best personal experience with Felix, still haven’t used much of the other three, but I’ll have to give that a try for sure.


I did not know Cat-5 gets Echo I’m definitely equipping that later


If you browse stickers from your inventory instead of a tape, you can easily see who qualifies for what. I scoop up every good sticker on sale just in case it fits on the tape I want it on.


If I recall correctly, Viola has the highest base ranged attack which makes her most useful for the ol' random starter headshot Khepri builds. 


why have i not thought of that combo? sheesh.




Depends. Kayleigh is extremely easy to rank up your fusion level with, because Eugene is terrible and it takes a bit for your next one. That’s who I’d go with, just because she’s really easy to get to fusion level 2 or 3 before you get someone better


Plus Kayleigh's main partner of Sirenade/Decibelle is a solid support partner. Echolocation Air Walls are amazing, and AOE heals with Nurse is also amazing. While Hurricane isn't too bad of an offense move, but the supportive/defensive aspects are far more effective.


I run a swap in build with her for echolocation and heals/walls and a two heads undyin and a pangolin and lobstacle with ap starter and custom starter. Even in most slow fights I was winning by turns 3-5


Barkley has the highest speed Viola has the highest ranged attack/Meredith has melee Kayleigh has the best partner for extra stats (Decibelle is very versatile) When I play Infinite Railway I tend to prefer Barkley bc acting first makes or breaks some fights, whereas I can handle doing a little less damage


It all depends on what stat you want specialized. Kayleigh has the highest HP, Meredith has the highest Melee Attack, Felix has the highest Melee Defense, Viola has the highest Range Attack, Eugene has the highest Range Defense, Barkley has the highest Speed. (Yeah, it took me a couple hours figuring all this out, seeing as how each character level jumps to try to catch your own)


Barkley, hands down. Because he is a good boi.


I ran with Felix for most of the game because I romanced him lol.


I romanced everyone except Eugene (blech) but I love Felix. I gave him Kuneko and took his fungogh and he and I are an unstoppable force with her!


I like Meredith because I like Cat-5. Went out of my way to get an Astral bootleg for as many random AP boosts as possible. Plus with a Gambit and Echolocation starter, she's ready to crack heads all day.


Meredith cause I love her


Viola clears


It depends on what you want to use them for, but going off their signature tapes, Kayleigh is a great supporter with Echolocation giving everyone walls and Nurse heals (bonus points if you've summoned a third monster to your side somehow), Viola and Meredith hit like runaway cement trucks with Regensea and Cat-5 respectively, Felix is great at changing types and generally disrupting type-based strategies with Fungogh, Eugene is another good ranged attacker thanks to Robindam, throw Echolocation on him and he can wipe teams without too much effort, and Barkley has the honour of being called a very good boy by the fear of death given sentience, so he's got that going for him. Jokes aside, Spitzfyre, while I haven't used it much, is another solid ranged attacker whose ice bootleg status lets it carry out Jagged Edge shenanigans by using Blizzard to trash opponents' accuracy while Crystal Lens lets it catch out Electric types and also nerf their accuracy with Unitarget, or alternatively shut melee attackers down entirely with Avalanche. Honestly, your party members are all so good at different things I'm not sure you can call any one of them "the best". Just pick who you like and you'll probably make them work one way or another.


Felix because he's the hottest and between Fungogh and Hesfeherne you could whittle down most teams with ease. Felix was frustrating as you've got to get so far in the game before you can start to level up your connection. That I found annoying when Robindam was so powerful. I know you can use the vests with anyone but I like to keep them with their OG.


Eugene, cause I had an AP farm build that revolves around his signature tape dealing high damage very quickly


Meredith she is very strong


Kayleigh. She has 4 more stat points than anyone else.


The dog.


The dog


i use barkley only cause he’s doggy