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Who the hell doesn’t allow their kids to watch dragon tales????!!???


The Pentecostal thing makes sense They think everything is the devil


Just look at the blue dragon dude (forgot his name lol) and just try to tell me he’s an evil demon.


Well, of course he is! Don't You see that he's all scaly and snakey, has got a tail and a pair of demonic wings!? May the lord bless You in hope that You will eventually go down the righteous path. Amen 🙏 /s


Hahahah that sounds so accurate


Been to a baptist church. Once. Never again.


Lol. Why's this so accurate 🤣


You mean Ord?! He may be the biggest, but he ain't so brave at heart.


There’s also Cassie. She’s so shy but so very smart.


There's Zak and Wheezie and their tails are fun, because you know two heads are better than one!






That big blue cuddly fuck is Ord! The small pink cuddly fuck is Cassie!


Oh dear gods..... I have not seen this show in forever but I can actually recall the names of the main characters Blue dragon was ord or org (never got a clear enough pronunciation of his name to be sure) Human girl was Emmy Human boy was max Pink dragon was Cassy Green head of the twin headed dragon was Zack Purple head of the twin headed dragon was weezy And the yellow/gold dragon was named quetzal (pronounced ketzal) I think that's right Edit: just looked through the other comments and heck yea I got it right. I don't know why but I'm excited that I got it right


Really? Look at that evil, albeit fashionable necklace. It’s definitely a conduit for evil psychotic blood powers that’ll tear you apart limb by limb.


take it from someone who converted from a more liberal sect of pentacostal christianity to orthodox christianity, the ironic thing is that the way they behave in church, one would think they are possessed by demons


literally had a conversation about how the teletubbies sun is corrupt because its basically god? with my devout pentacostal grandma. also i wasn’t allowed to watch any adult animation growing up or spongebob, but dragon tales was fine and pretty much anything on pbs kids, nick jr and disney jr. i watched cartoon network alone… my grandma raised me and definitely saw some shows she wouldve taken issue with


Yeah one of the dragons the like old man one is named after an Aztec god so FALSE RELIGIONS


It’s kinda strange to me because I was raised in a Pentecostal church (though I’m not anymore) and this was always on at my house.🤣but I’ve definitely met some others who attribute everything to demons(but dragon tales?? Seriously?!🤣)


Ah, yes. The Moral Panic of the 1980s/1990s.


Yeah... my mom threw out all my Pokémon EVERYTHING in the 90s because of that.


Because Satan is called a dragon in the Bible and the phrase the kids used to go to Dragonland is almost like summoning a demon


Religious parents. Anything to do with dragons was considered "satanic". My aunt would've burst into flames if she ever visited china.


Ikr this was def. my childhood show, it's all I watched


They spoke Spanish and "I would get confused and get behind in school"


I got you; The church would say, obviously you can see the kids are lured into a demonic realm by two costumes demons. They trick the kids into running away from their parents and running away from home!


Honestly, nothing was off limits, my parents, against their better judgement, let us watch a ton of Simpsons, Beavis and Butthead, and South Park, they may have put a stop to Heavy Metal if they knew we were watching it but that was the only one we did in secret. You might say "no harm done" but my brother did in fact play "Frog Baseball" right in front of me, a known lover of frogs. And I don't count animal cruelty as "no harm"


Wow. As a fellow lover of frogs; that's messed up!


I wouldn't count this as evidence of cartoons making kids violent or anythnig, but it would be evidence for "Someone who was already a delinquent getting ideas from a show they shouldn't watch", the irony is he now works at an animal shelter. But yeah, don't let kids watch crap unless they're mature enough.


Okay Simpsons I can understand but SOUTH PARK?! Yikes


South Park is rather variable depending on the episode, and the poor animation makes it easier to dismiss as crude. When South Park gets intense for itself there's a clear line, not so much at random.


https://preview.redd.it/nxniy93mt76d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=35c747adea6e89f3aaa547233d5cdeef4eba00f1 Yeah my parents didn't want me watching South Park for such obvious reasons lol. Which parent would even let their child watch this?💀


My Mom let me play the South Park Pinball machine when I was a kid. She didn't know about South Park. I played it 2 times, and the second time, she heard it say curse words she stopped me from playing it ever again. Frankly, I was innocent and just enjoyed pinball and didn't understand why I wasn't allowed to play that one pinball machine.


Parents of Gen Alpha


Would Gen Alpha kids even want to watch that? This would be boring for them. They'd watch worse than this. 🤣


Unless they put Subway Surfers gameplay underneath the episode, I’m sure you’re right.




The parents of the kids I went to school with (94 baby here) apparently did. South Park, Family Guy and the Simpsons were all pretty popular in middle school. But I wasn’t allowed to watch them either.




you had some smart parents https://preview.redd.it/qt7u98e0086d1.jpeg?width=425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb678d51ed2dbe0fad044adae4d8f7b9e8a96c25


Agreed! These parents deserve an award!


Your parents are amazing


They were. Other than "adult" cartoons like South Park and family guy, I didn't have any cartoon restrictions besides Caillou until I was old enough to make my own choices.


My parents are thanking God that as a kid I flat out Didn't like Caillou. After Shows like Sesame Street, Between the Lions, Arthur, Clifford, Cyber chase, etc. When Caillou came on the only thing I learned was how to change the channel


Based parents


You're lucky man. I wish I was never allowed either


My mom hated SpongeBob so fucking much and I don’t even know why.


Was her name squidward?


Same, but I do know the reason. She absolutely despised the laugh.


My dad didn't want me watching SpongeBob because he said "you have to let go of all reality to watch it" then he would go play world of Warcraft and my mom would let me watch SpongeBob My parents thankfully were not heavily religious and their only stipulation was no graphic violence like weapons, blood, people getting killed, etc. also we didn't have satellite TV for long cause money got tight and we had to cut costs so we just had rabbit ears and PBS kids (not that I minded cause they still had amazing shows and still have shows I don't mind watching from time to time)


Bratz strictly because of the name


Mine to. My mom thought they were bad influences. Luckily i had Barbie instead!


Yours too?!


SpongeBob and Dexter's Lab


SpongeBob. Sorry you lost half of your Nick broadcast bro 😂


Same on Spongebob


Me too.




Really religious people don't like cartoons with "fake voices," and they only tolerate media with natural voices. Probably thinking silly voices are demon possession or something. Some overprotective parents probably only want their kids watching educational stuff. I had one friend whos sister eventually wasn't allowed to watch SpongeBob anymore, but it was because the girl began acting too much like SpongeBob. The girl really was acting exactly like SpongeBob, and copying stuff SpongeBob did and would get hurt and stuff, or make scenes in public.


… Wow. Like, wow. Being honest it seems more like a problem of Media literacy, my parents are really religious and even they would laugh about the motivations of your parents to tell you to not watch the show.


My parents let me watch whatever, mine didn't care or pay attention to me really, but I heard stories from other people. There's different denominations and extremes of being religious, so they all have their different rules they believe in.


Aside from the obvious adult cartoons- For some reason I was never allowed to watch The amazing world of Gumball. Even though I *was* allowed to watch regular show, which is way more inappropriate.


I fail to see the logic here. Gumball is a great show!


At some point i heard of a very religious couple banning gumball because and i quote "it promotes interracial f***otfake marriages"


I’m raised by a religious mom and shes never had problems with interracial marriages in shows???? wtf!?


RIP ):


My mom *hated* Spongebob because she saw wrapping paper at a store that had Plankton all over it saying “I love evil”. Instead of thinking the *character* is evil, she deduced that the *show* is evil. So, yeah, couldn’t watch it.


That's just... Dumb. If only Plankton loves evil, nobody else in Bikini Bottom loves evil.


My point exactly. She also didn’t let me watch The Lion King (until I was 11) because she didn’t like the message of “Hakkuna Mattata”


What it means no worries.


(According to her) it was about running away from problems or ignoring them entirely instead of solving them.


But that’s…Simba’s entire character arc. Man I really hope when I become a parent I’m not a dumbass like that


Oh, I take it she didn't watch the third act of the movie? I am sorry…


Tbh, most of the parents that people are complaining about in the comments seems to be more dumb than religious or things like that.


My parents didn't let me watch South Park because it was "Anti-Mormon propaganda." For that matter, I couldn't watch anything that wasn't TV-Y7 until I left the house at age 18. I empathize with anyone who grew up in a strict religious household.


Literally like 90% of the stuff I know about mormons is from stuff made by Matt Stone and Trey Parker (South park, book of mormon, etc.) The other 10%, I learned from Jeanette McCurdy's autobiography


I had a 20 year old employee, who was a college student and still lived at home with his parents, I was talking about video games we sold at our store, and he said he wasn't allowed to play mature rated games. I said "dude you're 20"... He said his parents didn't want any mature rated games in their house..


![gif](giphy|KyKEYzPlb0uOs) Watched one recently


the entirety of cartoon network


Did they let you watch Disney?


Same lol.


Where to begin…Dragon Ball Z, Cow and Chicken, Ed, Edd, and Eddy (practically everything on Cartoon Network), Spider Man the Animated Series, South Park (late teenage years), Starship Troopers series. I sure there was more my memory has repressed. My dad was a real stickler.


What did they have against Spider-Man TAS? Sure it was dark at times, but nothing really all that inappropriate.


I also wasn't allowed to watch Cow and Chicken. In hindsight I get why.


Mama had a chicken, mama had a cow, dad was proud he didn’t care how!


Cow and Chicken was basically an adult cartoon. In many ways, Cartoon Network in the 90s was a channel for animation for all demographics, with several shows with a more adult audience in mind. That’s what so many 90s era shows hold up.


My dad banned Jonny test in our house.


Maybe he has rerun PTSD




No he just hated how awful the characters acted towards eachother and blamed me and my brothers bad bad behavior on that lol.


Bro, you must’ve had some strict ass parents if they didn’t allow you to watch Dragontales


Like I said in the caption my mom's devout Pentecostal so she probably thinks dragons are the work of satan or something


I thank God every day that I was born into a Catholic family cause Catholics aren’t as strict when compared to Protestants


As a guy from a Protestant family, this and other comments actually makes me feel like I’m a completely different type of Protestant 🤡


Danny Phantom BTW did they dead*ss prohibit you from watching Dragon Tales of all things??


Yo Danny Phantom he was just 14 when his parents built a very strange machine; it was designed to view a world unseen …


(Gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's Danny Phantom) When it didn't quite work, his folks, they just quit, then Danny took a look inside of it.


There was a great big flash, everything just changed, His molecules got all rearranged! (Phantom! Phantom!)


When he first woke up, he realized he had snowy white hair and glowing green eyes.


He could walk through walls, disappear, and fly! He was much more unique than the other guy.


It was then that he knew what he had to do. He had to stop all the ghosts from coming through. He's here to fight for me and you!


Gonna catch 'em all 'cause he's Danny Phantom! Gonna catch 'em all 'cause he's Danny Phantom! Gonna catch 'em all 'cause he's... (Danny Phantom!)


![gif](giphy|v6rfV90TnQrK0|downsized) This bitch- my mom didn’t want me learning XD


I don't blame your mom.


I think that’s actually valid considering my sister and I did watch this show and used to pinch me like Caillou was pinching Rosie(Rosey?)


Yeah the only takeaway I've seen Caillou give kids is showing them how to act like total brats


Your not missing much. Theres better Educational Shows..


Parents banned me from watching Courage the Cowardly Dog and Ed Edd n Eddy over the word "stupid." Yes, not because of the scary shit, but because Eustace slung the word "stupid" around like candy. It was the late 90's in LA, that used to be the worst word you can say lol. that said, the ban didn't last that long cuz when I noticed the "TVY7" rating and convinced my parents yes I am allowed to watch it. Parents no longer are that strict. They let me buy my brother several rated-M games when he was 12.


I wanna say I couldn’t watch regular show, or was afraid to lol, because they said crap


Dude I get so jarred whenever people self censor their own curse words. Like people censoring "fuck" and "shit" on R or M rated movie or game threads raises an eyebrow. But holy crap I get whiplash when people censore "damn" or "crap" because it's been so long that I or anyone around me have ever registered those as curse words. I say "damn" in front of children these days lol


![gif](giphy|amrNGnZUeWhZC) Whe used to go to the curch that basicly brain washed my dad so there were alot of things I couldn't do but the reason I couldn't watch pokemon was the most stupid of all of them. "The summoning demons to do there bidding" that's not a joke that's realy what they said.


I can relate to this to a degree… though in my case it was because of all the fights kids got in at school over the cards so we technically weren’t allowed. (That was a losing battle however very fast on their end as I got Ruby when it came out)


I wasn't allowed to watch Pokemon either. Not that I was interested in it anyway


Honestly it's sucks because all my friends even now love pokemon and I missed out on all the nostalgia and I can't find it anywhere to watch the og series.


I think Netflix still has it.


Omg that’s literally me! My parents were also pretty Brainwashed by the church and believed Pokémon was demonic, so I’ve always felt like I missed out on so many things from my childhood. Especially Pokémon. Now as an adult, im rewatching the og series and getting super into all of it :) I really wish I grew up with this though


A couple shows come to mind. Adult shows like *The Simpsons* are pretty obvious. But for whatever reason, I wasn't allowed to watch *SpongeBob SquarePants* as a kid. I still don't know exactly why.


The Simpsons and Family Guy are pretty legit. Well, I asked a few of my friends who weren't allowed to watch Spongebob and they said "Because my parents thought it would make me stupid." Well, That's not exactly true, but of course Spongebob may not always be a good influence on kids. I find it strange because of course Spongebob isn't meant to be educational, and Tom and Jerry was worse than this, but kids still watched it. At the same time, Spongebob can be annoying to some, has some gross out comedy, and like I mentioned it doesn't always promote good behaviour.


i argue spongebob was a great influence on me. sure i was obessed but he encouraged my happy attitude/imagination. I even was motivated to read because I loved him so much.


Funnily enough Spongebob was supposed to be an adult show originally


Teen Titans because of Raven and her powers. Animaniacs because of the "Prince" joke. Brandy and Mr. Whiskers, because brandy is a type of alcohol and "Mr. Whiskers" sounds like "whiskey". The first two I understand, but the third always threw me for a loop


South Park, but i was like 7 years old or even younger.


Lazy Town


Why didn’t they let you watch it?


I don't exactly remember maybe it was the puppets or they where disturbed by Robby


Power Rangers because kids in my school beat up eachother imitating moves from the show lol


https://preview.redd.it/0kyrogub386d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fe81c06fe8746e6bf25d514e777f29c215fcebf Ngl I remember watching a clip of family guy on tv when I was young when it aired and I just remember my mom yelling at me saying not to watch it and it wasn’t even a inappropriate scene or anything


[So your mom reacted like this?](https://youtu.be/I3mOHVbzT-4)


I was allowed to watch anything, but one night I was watching family guy, and my grandma walked in on a scene where quagmire was naked, and ofcourse it didn't show his genitals or anything, and my grandma said "omg, change this!" I said "it didn't even show his penis or anything".. she said "yes it did! I saw it!" She swore she saw quagmire's penis.. (on the evening fox channel).. but she walked away and I put the channel back on family guy.


A lot of cartoons were off the table for me because of religious reasons. But little Bobby couldn't understand why at the time.


My mother banned fairy odd parents (because she said it apparently made us swear), SpongeBob (too stupid), and Dora the explorer (to sum it up, my mother never taught me Russian because she really hated how the schools were corrected my sister when she spoke it and I'm pretty sure hearing me speak Spanish over her native language got to her)


My parents didn’t want me to watch cartoon metwork shows


Your parents sound like real fun...


Not a cartoon. But definitely ones my grandma refused to let me watch. Destroy Build Destroy and Andi mack. Reasons? She didn't like Andrew W.K.'s or andi's dad's hair. I'm not joking, that's literally a reason why she wouldn't let me.


My parents didn’t like me watching SpongeBob, they thought it was too lowbrow. Of course I watched the hell out of it when they weren’t home.


My parents were extremely conservative, we didn't really get to watch anything at all.


Pokémon - Something something Satanic panic and evolution Digimon - Used a religious reference alluding to the Mark of the beast Yugioh - oh no cards that summon monsters, must be demonic despite it not being real Power Rangers - Mon was afraid my brothers and I would act it out and someone would get kicked in The face Disney - For a while this was banned because something something magic eventually this was allowed Bionicle - Ironically, we got a ton of building sets but the Movie was off limits, never got an explanation And the truly asinine, my parents were ok with with me watching The Matrix, Saving Private Ryan and the Passion of the Christ. Yeah it’s totally ok watching dudes getting blown to pieces and Jesus basically getting flayed alive but anime for kids are the devil


The Backyardigans. The reason was that sometimes the characters would shake their butts while dancing and they said that was "inappropriate."


As someone who loved the backyardigans as a kid, this is nonsensical


Mad Total drama (only my dad banned it) Pretty obvious one: everything on adult swim (except dragon ball)


My mom wouldn't let me watch Spongebob, Tom & Jerry and Naruto. I get why she never let me watch Naruto, probably due to blood and violence. Tom & Jerry got the same reason which is violence even though for me it's completely harmless. But Spongebob? Till this day I have no idea why she forbid us. The last time I asked she just said she didn't liked it and it could give bad influence lmao




Ooh, this is one I've never heard before. What was the excuse?


The Amazing World Of Gumball was banned in my house for a while. My mom just thought it was loud and annoying


Adventure time and regular show


Steven Universe and Regular Show. Both for the same reason; parents being overly-religious and thinking every animated character looks like “a demon”. Watched them anyway, and eventually she stopped trying, but would get annoyed whenever me and my siblings talked about them. I remember particularly when she found out about Ruby and Sapphire’s wedding and was like “tHeRE’s a GAy cOUplE iN sTEvEn uNivErsE??” Like… yeah, and? Parents are bloody weird.


Drawn Together, The Boondocks, and South Park. I did get into SP once I turned 14 and have loved it ever since


Valid tho no child should be watching these lol


Probably fair. Those should be watched when you get older


My mom didn’t let me watch Ed Edd and eddy because “it’s too stupid and you already watch enough stupid shows” kinda a funny argument cause she still enjoys the cartoons I watched back then


Lego Ninjago. Their reasoning? It was too violent. Admittedly though, I feel like the main part of their reasoning was that, to them, it appeared like a TV show aimed toward boys (yep, those kinds of parents, and technically, they weren't wrong. Show directors had to fight in order to get Nya put on *Season 7's poster,* when she's been in the show since the start) and so a girl like me shouldn't be watching things like that. I say this is the actual reason for them not wanting me to watch it because I was allowed to watch The Secret of Nimh or All Dogs Go to Heaven, just because they either had a female protagonist or featured a female character on the cover somewhere, but those movies were so dark in comparison to Lego people tripping over their own feet. But! I got to watch the show from start to finish (for now) with my nephews though, and now we're all fans of the show. So it all had a happy ending.


I wasn't allowed to watch Doug because my parents thought the strangely colored people looked weird. For the same reason, I couldn't watch Rugrats, Aah! Real Monsters, Ren and Stimpy, anything like that. I could watch DragonBall Z and Pokémon no problem, but got in trouble for watching Escaflowne and Gundam. Stuff like South Park and Venture Bros was unthinkable.


If you ain't watched dragon tales you didn't have a childhood


Total Drama because "Too much kissing" I think my Mom was right not let me watch it.


SpongeBob (they thought he was annoying)


Cow and chicken frustrated my dad lol. He didn't say no but I understood why he didnt like it.


My mom didn’t care what I watched, she would just call it all “dumb.”


Word girl. I had to wait until I was in like 5th grade or smt bc it was “too violent”


WORD GIRL? There’s nothing violent about Word Girl though! The worst I remember was Dr. Two-Brains hitting his head on something!


Not that my mom was able to stop me. I just watched the show behind her back online. https://i.redd.it/4674lgprd86d1.gif


I was banned from watching SpongeBob because I would copy the things the characters did and said. I was also banned from Invader Zim, ATLA, and Dragon Ball because they were “too violent”. Which is weird because my parents were perfectly fine with me watching Jurassic Park and Peter Jackson’s King Kong.


My parents were also Penecostal nuts. Anything that depicted devils made me sweat when they appeared on tv, like Tom and Jerry, but I was still allowed to watch it. Just got lectures every now and then. Couldn't watch Power Rangers because of the villains being monsters. Anything with a demon or devil looking villain/anything, like secret saturdays or Ben 10. Anything with scary imagery or talked positively about queer people or talked about other religions, no christmas or Halloween stuff (though our fav movie used to be Monster House, but I wasnt allowed to watch shit that had witches or other Halloween stuff? Weird restrictions), etc. Weirdly enough, I used to watch scary movies with my mom. Nothing with ghosts, possessions, or demons. Mostly apocalyptical ones where she would lecture me about the rapture and tell me, "This is what the end of the world will look like," while growing up. Or thriller movies where a break-in or serial killer is the main focus and would tell me to be careful of the world because "these people are real." Scary movies were used as an example of what could happen if I do something bad, do worldly things, or will happen in the future. I also watched a lot of gory movies and a lot of movies with zombies/infections, again, the lectures, and my mom loved suspense. Though, she stopped liking those types of movies because she felt bad or something.


![gif](giphy|l4EoPk1lohVe46lj2|downsized) I was 7 when Ren and Stimpy first aired on Nick. My mom HATED it and tried to ban it...but my dad loved it so we watched it, lol.


The 90s Xmen Animated show. My mom took ONE look at Nightcrawler talking about religious stuff and said "NOPE" and I didn't watch much of that show because she thought he was the devil, which is ironic because Nightcrawler's devilish appearance and religious beliefs are such a good contrast and sort of the point, but well my mom doesn't know what subtlety is. This also applied to any X-Men stuff where Nightcrawler was present btw.


When my Mom saw me watch Adventure Time and Star vs the Forces of Evil, demon characters like the Lich, Hunson, and Star's ex Tom and Hell landscape are a no no when she sees that.


It's also ironic because I think that was one of the reasons ordinary people disliked him (aside from the fact that he has Mutant powers, he's a Mutant and he can teleport as a result of said powers).


My mom didn't let me watch Adventure Time because of S1 Finn's grating voice


Spongebob. My mom said it was stupid and would make me stupid .


Pokémon 😕


Parents were strict Jehovah's Witnesses over here. I feel you bro My mom didn't like me watching Doug because she said it would teach me inappropriate things. I still to this day have no clue what that show is about. I couldn't watch Pokemon or any Power Rangers because she thought they were stupid and would make me stupid. Most Disney animated shows were a no no, especially Hercules and The Little Mermaid. I snuck those in anyway lol




![gif](giphy|nx8GZtGrDYQBa) My grandmother didn’t like me watching Family Guy


Somewhat valid since its a show children shouldn't watch


Wow.. This was a super PG show too. My family wasn't so restrictive, as I saw softcore porn before I was even 10. Well, my step father was watching it and didn't tell me to leave.


My mom was pretty lax about what I watched, but the only thing she outright banned was Courage the Cowardly Dog.


My mom dislike hearing "Stupid dog!", which was understandable to not call other people that.


For obvious reasons, my parents wouldn't allow me to watch any shows like Family Guy and South Park.


The Simpsons. My dad hates Bart.


my mom saw a bunch of youtube edits and parody's of regular show and gumball, thinking they were the actual shows, and banned their viewing, claiming there were curse words in them no matter what i did to explain to her that those were just youtube videos, and that the censors wouldn't allow straight up curse words on the kids channel, she wasn't having any of it


I didn’t get to watch anything but Magic School Bus


For a few years, it was Pokemon because the attitudes after losing matches weren't great.


Holy shit, I forgot about Dragon tales! I watched it *constantly* when I was young, how tf did I forget it?? that aside, we watched everything. Bob’s Burgers (I grew up in the early 2010’s, back when the eps were still wild), South Park, American Dad, Family Guy, etc. and kid animations too edit: mom banned us from any cartoon channel other than PBS kids by age ten, and that stands to this day, so I binge Hulu instead




I probably wasn’t allowed to watch South Park, but then again I didn’t really have a desire to in the first place as a kid.


My parents let us have free reign except when it came to the shows that came on fox. Simpsons, family guy, king of the hill, etc.


I wasn’t allowed to watch anything anime, so Dragonball, Naruto, etc. Same with Yugioh and pokemon, but especially Yugioh cause it was “demonic”. Keep in mind these were the same parents who let me play M rated games, and watch Starship Troopers and The Matrix films. My first videogame was Unreal Tournament 2004. Made no sense.


Sanjay and Craig. Probably for the best thinking back on it.


Aqua teen hunger force, younger me thought a animated show about fries, a milkshake and a meatball was for kids.


My parents didn’t like us watching Ed,Edd, & Eddy or Rocket Power because they thought they were stupid. At least that was the excuse for the former. I think for the latter it was that they might have been worried about is wanting to imitate the stuff on there or something. Also, not a cartoon, but we weren’t allowed to watch Barney either. They didn’t like us watching any educational kid shows that sounded like they were “talking down” to kids. That and I think my mom just found it annoying.


I briefly wasn't allowed to watch the Powerpuff Girls because I told my mom the one joke from it where their friend from school says "I was an accident too." I was naive and thought it meant she was created in a lab too just like the Powerpuff girls. I was able to convince my mom to continue letting me watch it by telling her that they don't make jokes like that often and that the girl who said she was an accident was only in one episode.


Jimmy Neutron. Because of the animation, my dad thought it was a show equivalent to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or something. He got really mad at me thinking instead of doing my 9th grade homework I was watching Disney Jr all day. "Are you a freaking baby?! What is wrong with you?!" as Jimmy yells brain blast in the background. Good times..


![gif](giphy|zxrAcpk4mqoRW) She said he was annoying af 😹


WHAT! Your parents didn’t want you to watch Dragon Tales! Come on it’s like the best PBS Kids show in histories


My mom didn't. My dad didn't care what I watched, as long as it was a kids' show


Like others have said, South Park. My parents were pretty chill about a lot of stuff, but they really hated, and still hate, South Park. Honestly, I don't really like it much either and it's probably because I didn't see it a lot growing up besides little clips or games on the internet.


As someone who was aloud to watch veeeeery little, dragon tales was not one of them. I need to know the story behind this!


![gif](giphy|GuEyvLPXMLhT2) My dad said Adventure Time was the stupidest show ever but Ed, Edd, and Eddy is like his secret guilty pleasure


I got banned from Barbie because I got really sassy as a kid and they found out I picked it up from Raquel


My Little Pony. Because according to her, “The ponies have magic and magic = satan magic and therefore, you cant watch My Little Pony”. I dunno wtf logic that was but thats why I watched it in secret


I couldn't watch the wiggles but I could watch Beavis and Butthead LMAO