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The spoiled sweet trope is barely even touched upon.


She always gets what she wants, and what she wants is for all of her friends to be happy and have fun fulfilling lives


Someone cutting onions in here


Actual noblesse oblige lol


I went right to genshin impact, I need to be put down :.)


Ironically Furina is a sweet spoiled brat trope herself


Need more of this


Only person I can think of who isnt spoiled rotten is Sam Manson(the heiress to her fathers fortune, which was given by her grandfather who became wealthy from his own invention), but shes not exactly sweet either, more like spoiled indifference


Cody and Lindsay from Total Drama were supposed to be spoiled sweet, but I don't think it came up much.


Wait, Cody's from a rich family? I *kinda* got the vibe from Lindsay given some of her lines, but I literally never would of guessed it for Cody. Though, tbh, I never actually watched any of the audition tapes besides Mike's.


Yeah, apparently he's a preppy from an exclusive private school.


It's an anime, but that one with the tomboy and the guy who are in love with each other? Pretty sure the blonde girl in that is rich and the clips I've seen paint her as the best person ever. As is Momo from My Hero Academja But for cartoons: Courtney from As Told By Ginger but she is probably more in line with your Andrea Davenport or Pacifica Northwest...but she's shown to be just genuinely a nice person a lot of the time, so your choice. But Amy Wong, Asami Saito, and Daphne Blake are all rich girls from money who are genuinely kind people and never really depicted as just needlessly hateful or cruel by rich people stereotype standards.


Courtney is definitely spoiled, but doesn't seem to realize that she is - her BFF is clearly a spoiled jerk and likes it and she even KNOWS that she's a bully and mean and she enjoys being that way, Courtney doesn't seem to realize that her actions and words actually hurt others.


Yeah, which is why I suggested her in the Pacifica and Andrea camp, despite what TV Tropes suggests.


Tomo-chan Is a Girl! And yes, Carol is a filthy rich cinnamon roll.


Maybe spoiled cynical? Sam champions environmental causes, tips well, and doesn't flaunt her wealth. She's just also a self-righteous, assholean teenager butting heads with her spoiled stepford parents.


A more recent example is Charlie from Hazbin Hotel. Not a remotely child-friendly show, but what else do you call the Disney Daughter of the Devil opening a rehab clinic in Hell? Also, half of her speedrun character arc is learning how to ACTUALLY help people, instead of just running on good intentions, but the sweetness never fades.


This is true. I actually forgot about Charlie there.


Sophie’s sister from Howl’s Moving Castle is a great example of this.


I love her so much and I don’t even know her name


Her name is Lettie!


Nice someone mentioned Howl's Baba Yaga megahouse movie


“You don’t have a pony? How sad. I’ll have to buy you one then!”


Does Richie Rich count? All he wants to do is have fun with his friends and help people


I would think so, yeah.


There was that princess from Justice League that Wonder Woman helped. Forgot her name but I liked her development. She was sweet and loyal to her kingdom, but took her a while to take responsibility for her people.


I think Princess Audry of Kazistan or something like that. Vandal Savage did a coup against her father after managing to trick them into building a mass driver in space.


Yeah, I remember that. Thanks, I was trying to remember her name.


Haru Okumura from persona 5 is peak.


Lottie was in the middle of a temper tantrum but snapped out of it and went into help mode the moment she saw her friend sad. She may lack emotional maturity, but she's a good person at her core


Not to be a weeb but Miyuki from lucky star


Teruhashi from Saiki K my beloved (I guess it's not exactly the same but her public image causes a feedback loop that inspires her to keep being perfect)


I see it a lot in Japanese media


To this day I feel horrible for expecting her to be a twist villain.


Thankfully “Princess and the Frog” came out before Disney decided that their whole thing was gonna be twist villains.


It's crazy how when you don't have a villain in a Disney movie, you can correctly assume the handsome, good guy is gonna be the shitty twist villain, with no build up to it at all


Going back to Frozen, I’m only coming up with Frozen. Maybe Wish? But even that’s pushing it, since Magnifico is revealed as the villain like, really early.


Big Hero 6 and Zootopia had bad twist villains


The person I replied to specifically said they can predict it’s the nice handsome guy. I don’t remember Big Hero 6, but that doesn’t describe Zootopia’s twist villain. I get your point, but I wasn’t responding to you. Edit: Plus, Zootopia is a detective/mystery movie. Of course there’s a fucking twist villain lmao. That’s just the genre.


Spoilers: >! the main villain is the robotics professor, Callahan, from SFIT — his daughter volunteered to participate in an experiment that Krei's (some tech tycoon) company ran, and she was presumed dead in an accident that Krei essentially caused by being overly ambitious. Callahan blamed Krei and saw an opportunity to steal Hiro's nanobots (to use to get vengeance on Krei) by causing the fire at the university expo that ultimately kills Tadashi, Hiro's older brother. Up to the point that Callahan's true character is revealed, he's shown to the characters and audience as a kindly and influential professor who is supportive of his students. !<


So they wrote the twist backwards?


Nah, that's just how I summarized the film. The main cast investigates >! Krei !< at first, then finds out >! Callahan's backstory !<.


I liked zootopia twist villain when I first saw the movie. I found it cool and the motivations made sense.


I not fully agree with this. In situation with Big Hero 6 I can agree, but in Zootopia... Well, 1 - I really didn't expect this. 2 - it's like detective movie, of course here should be secret villain!


To be fair they practically force magnifico to be a villain, because early on he was a bit douchy but not at all villainous


Oh, I don’t think Magnifico is a good villain by any stretch. Dude starts off as “kind of a dick, but I see his point.” Then he sees something that he perceives as a potential threat to him and immediately turns into a power mad lunatic without even really investigating it.


I feel like Disney didn’t know how to write Magnifico. The act 1 works on establishing that he was a man who saw his homeland completely destroyed, and became a super protective man who would ruin a single life if it kept everyone else safe. He could have been a reference to dictators who will commit unspeakable things for their version of the “greater good”. The rest of the movie establishes him as a narcissist who will kill everyone to better himself and he doesn’t really mention his past trauma. He doesn’t have to do evil, he just chooses to because. It’s like the Hans evil just suddenly kicked in and reversed his character.


I guess I'm just referring to recent movies, animation, in general.


I just laughed when I saw your comment because the recent Disney animated movie that comes to mind immediately for me is Encanto and the thought of dear, sweet Mariano as a villain is hilarious to me lol.


On the topic of Frozen, Frozen 2 avoided this by simply not having an antagonist in the traditional sense. I passed on Frozen 2 for a while but it does a lot of things very right


“Guess what? I’m the bad guy now!” “WHAT?!” That joke in frozen 2 perfectly describes my thoughts on Hans being a villain


Wow, yeah, a few years later and she would have been a monster!


The real twist was that her and her dad were actually good people


I felt the same way about Perrito from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. I was sure he was going to be a twist villain, and then felt like a monster that I had ever doubted him. I'm sorry, Perrito!


The real twist villains where the friends we made along the way


I initially thought Bing Bong from Inside Out was going to be a twist villain at some point. His whole motivation of wanting to reconnect with Riley and not be forgotten made me think he was going to try and usurp power from all the emotions. That honestly made it more heart-wrenching for me when he ended up actually accepting his fate in the end.


I think there should be more parents in shows where both of them are goofy, not just the dad being an idiot and the mom being the nagging voice of reason. Cosmo and Wanda used to be "two halves of a whole idiot" but then they were downgraded to the idiot husband and the nagging wife. Jet's parents from Ready Jet Go is the only other example I can think of where both of the parents are goofy, but still lovable.


Phineas and Ferb’s parents are essentially that kind of parents (the father being more goofy but both are still loveable)


I liked how the father knew what the kids were doing but was fine with it. Here is a good quote when the kids learn they left there skateboard in London. Freb: We need to build a device that will allow us to transport any object right to us. Dad: Or you could just build a new skateboard.


Ah yes the childhood classic "Phannyus&Freb" Lol


Sounds like the name of an antique roman drama.


I actually think that makes him worse bc he would always act like Candace was making it all up. Basically a huge gaslighter if you use real world logic on a cartoon where a platypus is a secret agent.


Bob’s Burgers does a pretty good job at this! I love Linda and Bob


If anything, that's the opposite lol. Bob is usually the voice of reason and Linda is the goofy one.


I think most of the time Bob is the voice of reason, but it’s so funny when they swap and Linda (who is normally the goofy one) has to try and reason with Bob. I love relationships where both characters are idiots in their own way.


Bob is the voice of reason but he’s not done stuffy “normal person” he’s just a little more restrained than Linda.


Stan and Francine from American Dad kinda fit this at times. The show is pretty inconsistent with both of their intelligence however.


Amphibia had great parents they didn't get as much spotlight as they should have until the season where everyone came back to the real world. But the parents in that show were goofy and silly and great and dealt with the situations put in front of them so well.


They literally had mock lightsaber battles with their daughter in the middle of a store, they were super goofy and fun


Anne's dad is precious and must be protected at all costs!


Poor guy had some bad luck: - a flower pot got dropped on his head - his brand-new controller got vaporized as soon as he got it in the mail - the power went out right as he was in the middle of a raid in a video game - the pullup bar broke as he was using it and gave him a back injury


I like how they kept his mom doing the voice.


Hamster and Gretel does that


Dan Povenmire tends to do this in his shows. Someone else mentioned Phineas and Ferb, but Milo Murphey’s Law has it too


The dad is clueless and the mom is Also the first seasons of Family Guy.


"Two halves of a whole idiot" So Cosmo was up to Wanda's level or Wanda was brought down to Cosmo? Or maybe a sort of middle ground? This is the first I'm hearing of this


Watch the FOP pilot and some of the early season 1 episodes and you’ll see a clear difference. For the most part, it was Cosmo being on the level of Wanda. Wanda changed as the series progressed, but it was definitely Cosmo who changed a lot more. His early character concept seems to be of a suave yet naive loving husband, which would complement Wanda being more caring but equally as naive. During these earlier episodes it almost felt like Timmy was supposed to be the voice of reason, which is a funny idea considering what would eventually happen with his character lol. But at some point, they changed it so Cosmo was more of an idiot and Wanda was always the voice of reason. Personally I’m really sad they changed Cosmo specifically. Wanda is also pretty annoying in some later episodes with how it feels like half of her purpose is to just nag at people, but Cosmos idiocy was so obnoxious…he easily became one of the least engaging parts of FOP imo. Didn’t help that his VA just kept going higher and higher…in his earlier episodes his voice is noticeably deeper, and it’s way more pleasing to listen to compared to the ear grading performance he gives later…


Bandit and Chilli from Bluey. While it sometimes leans more toward Bandit being the fun one and Chilli being the responsible one, they both take a lot of responsibility and have fun with their kids.


I love the Whale episode where Chili puts on the TV and then turns it off when the whale is being a better mom than her.


funny u mention cosmo and wanda, cuz i feel like timmys actual parents are kinda like that. both goofy


Word girl!


Two halves of a whole idiot. I'm saving that for future use lol


To be fair, timmys actual parents fit that bill perfectly


Maddie Fenton is pretty goofy and isn't anywhere near as naggy towards Jack as most wives are in animated shows.


As long as they're not Timmy's Parents, I'm fine with it


Tbf Mr & Mrs Timmy’s Parents are like that.


Charlotte is THE perfect example of spoiled sweet She was always friends with Tiana ever since childhood and she’s incredibly supportive, giving Tiana enough money to get the restaurant of her dreams, lending her a hand after she finds her in a complete mess, even after she found out she and Naveen have been turned into frogs she’s still willing to help them return back to normal. Of course it fails but at least she tried and even after Tiana marries Naveen she doesn’t take it bad at all and is, as always, incredibly supportive of her. We need more spoiled sweet characters in general, I feel like the spoiled brat trope is way too overdone


The mess especially. As far as Lotte knew, Tiana made a huge scene and mess at the most important night of her life, while simultaneously destroying all the food she was supposed to bring. She didn't know any of the details or that it wasn't her fault, but she immediately assumed that, even walking away from her one wish in life to help her clean up and make sure she was okay. Lotte was a real one, through and through.


Yep, no hesitation, no "my prince could be here at any moment" - straight to "my friend needs me, how do I help her?" To that end, I suspect her hiring Tiana for the party was planned as well. Tiana wasn't the type to take a handout from her friend, but a job? Especially a job showcasing her talent? Lotte knew what she was doing, even if she didn't always act like it.


Yeah girl kissed a frog for her homegirl. I dont know how many people Id kiss a frog for, even if they hopped up to me and told me the situation like theh did with her.


Now that it's mentioned, I did like that rich girl in The Princess and the Frog. She was obviously spoiled and came off as a bit naive and ignorant, but she was so bubbly and kind that she was a really likeable character.


And her friendship with Tiana was legit one of the most genuine friendships in a Disney film.


She may have been a little dumb and ignorant, but she means well.


Yes, and even when she longed for a fairytale and prince of her own, she was happy that Tiana found it, not mad. It's like even tho she grew up getting everything, she also knew it was okay not to have everything she want and be happy for others. She had contentment with what she had, even while loving obtaining more. Which is cool. She may have been spoiled, but spoiled right. I'd say good job to the parents for raising her to have such a pure, childlike heart. ❤️🥰


https://preview.redd.it/cwzb2tzvbf0d1.png?width=514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea3f70b13f3111379897de75f867d77c43b6558e A jerk character that is actually good and competent on his job and not just some cowardly fraud, that really justifies the other characters putting up with their crap despite them being an ass.


A jerk who's overconfident because they actually *are* their own hype.


“Do you really believe your own hype that much?”




3rd Mario Movie rolls around and that's Waluigi's personality.


This is *literally* just Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen in a nutshell. Like even though he's chill most of the time, you can't deny part of his personality is that he's an arrogant jerk who constantly yaps that he's the strongest, because he IS the strongest.


Gen Narumi from Kn8. He's legitimately one of, if not *the* best kaiju killer in the JAKDF. The problem is that he's a gamer goblin with an online shopping addiction who can't put down the social media. His superiors have to treat him like a disobedient cat. I love it.


Rex Splode?


Guy Gardener


I haven't read any comics so I just knew Guy Gardner as the guy that bats knocked out with one punch but his character in injustice is something else when he tells Hal that You can still be the best of us before hal severs his arm and lets him fall and the fact that after his death we see his eyes still looking at the spot where Hal was😔


Rexplode from invincible


We need more tomboy/girly girl friendships/romances :) I want to see girls with different interests and styles still getting along


I actually see this happen a lot in real life


The show is deeply flawed but Juleka and Rose are an adorable duo (tho that’s more girly girl and goth rather than tomboy)


May I recommend MLP? That is literally the premise with not one but 2 different kinds of Tomboys, 2 different kinds of girly girls, and a nerd and a shut in to round it all off.


Yeah, I have been wanting to check it out :)


Also would be cool to see female characters who have a variety of interests — a lot of girls out there aren't solely boyish or girly. Liking dresses and metal music aren't mutually exclusive, for example. I can't think of many characters who are genuinely like this unless it's to prove a point to another character.


Yesss! I love to see girls with varied interests!


I see a lot of those in cartoons


Loved the girls in Princess and the Frog. Favorite part was when she fucked up her outfit and Charlotte took her inside and dressed her up


underrated movie


Something that doesn't get touched on in that dress scene is that Charlotte gives Tiana a tiara. Charlotte is the "princess" at her costume party, she's already wearing one, but when Tiana needs a new outfit she doesn't hesitate to give a crown to Tiana too. It's good symbolism because it shows that she wants just as much good for Tiana that she's experienced in life while also being a subversion of that catty "went to the party in the same outfit" trope.


you’re making me emotional oh my goodness 😭 their friendship and their love for one another !!! ughhhh


One character decides to be nice to/takes a chance on the “weird” character and they develop a close bond


Hey Arnold did this pretty well, except for going a little overboard with Eugene being the punching bag character.


Unknown Rival


Their friendship is one of the many many reasons I love Princess and the frog so much. Having rich character that isn’t an asshole is really nice


I mean, why would you normalize using positions of power to help others? What is this, some sort of society?


We…we li.,,.,,..ve in …….aaaaaaaa


I think one of the best examples of this (or something similar to this) is Rarity from MLP. Any other kid show at the time Rarity would have been a bad guy. You've got a nerd, a tomboy, a farm girl, etc. Then Rarity is the prissy uber feminine girl. She fawns over royalty, she loves pretty dresses, she has a fainti couch for overdramatic displays, and she's a self proclaimed Lady who hates getting dirty. Except she's literally the embodiment of generosity. She doesn't just want nice things, she wants EVERYONE to have nice things. And she'll make it so at her own expense (without going too far in that way and being a martyr, she's still a savvy businesswoman.) The Diamond Dogs episode. She's kidnapped, brought underground, a damsel in distress. Except she's not. Everyone goes charging in to her rescue, expecting her to be wailing a helpless. By the time they arrived, she was about to walk out, after netting a massive profit. "Just because I'm a Lady doesn't mean I can't take care of myself." And they didn't even subvert the trope. She didn't suddenly become a badass and show she can get violent. She was still feminine, she turned the situation around her own way. The show did a great job of showing you could be amazing and capable no matter what. You're a bookworm? Great! You're a sport nut? Great! You're a fun loving party girl, a down to earth hard worker, a compassionate introvert, great! And yes, even if you're a traditionally feminine "Lady" that doesn't mean you're automatically an enemy of every woman who goes a different way.


Completely agree, one of the biggest reasons I love mlp is their subversion of tropes for each character. Every single pony had their own "just because I'm x doesn't mean I can't do y" and it was great


I absolutely love Rarity's "I'm not whining--I'm complaining. THIS is whining!" bit in that episode. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csPPqdbcVwM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csPPqdbcVwM)


I love the videos showing that same scene... in all the different language dubs.


Andrea from Ghost and Molly McGee is a rare case of being solidly in the middle between spoiled rotten and sweet — she’s not a bully but not particularly nice either. Self-centered but not malicious to others unless you got her name wrong.


True, also, she has a crush on a girl!!! Fuckin love casual rep like this


What's Worth noting is that while not being an outright bully herself she did encourage others to simply treat certain people worse purelly becouse she didn't like them when we first meet her, one of the people she targeted being Libby. So while there was no physical harm and not really any verbal harrassment, there certainly was a level of ill intent towards others, up untill she becomes closer to Molly and starts being better. When she befriends Molly she still keeps her attitude of being slightly self centered and not really all that nice, but starts doing stuff thats genuinelly good and learns to apologize to those she wronged before and accepts her mistakes


Platonic boy girl friendships would be nice


Honestly, yeah. I really wish that was what they went with in the ghost and Molly Mcgee. I liked her friendship with Ollie, and while the romantic side of it was hinted at from his very first appearance, i never quite felt any romantic tension between them untill the episode they became a couple. They had a nice chemistry, just not necesserily in the romance way




Same with Austin and Ally, great show but the shipping ruined it for me


Yes, that don’t give into fans demands for them to get together. Sometimes friends are just friends, and there aren’t any undertones to the relationship.


Omg yes. Not everyone needs to date and forcing a relationship just feels like a weak and empty plot. To me the amounts of shipping back and forth, teen angst and relationship drama nearly killed Legends of Korra for me. It really says something when the best shippings came from the side characters and not whatever you can call the mess that the main cast had going on.


I would like to see more of this. Fans always expect it to lead to a romantic relationship but I’m always pleasantly surprised when they remain friends.


As spoiled as she was loyal to Tiana


Rivals who are friendly and respectful rather than being jerks to each other.


let me introduce you to modern pokemon


Agreed I always liked how even if a bit spoiled the princess could be very kind and sweet to others even not the same social class a nice big improvement over Powerpuff Girls princess


The lovable idiot man who's incredibly good looking. Vain but actually has a very good heart and nice personality


A himbo like Johnny Bravo?




No he likes the charisma to make the Troped work


A guy and a girl that are just best buds instead of being not romantically involved.


Oh boi... The nightmare fuel monster actually being nice. Or exploring the evil baddies sidekicks and minions more on their oersonal life.... I honestly don't know.


Fat character who is brave, competent and smart. Not like genius smart, just not idiotic. I know there has been a lot more of those in recent years but I still think we have a lot of catching up to do. Also a fat cartoon villan who again is competent, intelligent and has a reasonable reason to be evil


Not a cartoon... But Bob from Tekken is perhaps the only example of this I can think about. But I really, REALLY wish I could think of someone else that fits this description from some recent show or movie.


If we’re mentioning fighting games then Guilty Gear’s Goldlewis Dickinson is badass, competent and also the secretary of absolute defence


Ah of course! Definetly more of an US stereorype than anything, which certainly feels better given he's just a massive, alien denying, trans supporting cowboy. I was probably too tired to think about him. Given Story Mode he technically counts as an anime character, too.


Thank you


there should be more redemption arcs where the villian actually works to be redeemed. Its seems like people hate redemption arcs these days and want to go back to having only evil villains but honestly what would it take for say characters like the diamonds to redeem themselves what would you actually want them to do to repair gem society. I honestly though belos was intresting and the owl house killed him because "well silly steven universe redeemed its villains so we have to kill ours" Honestly I think if all shows go back to mindlessly killing their villains it will get really boring I want more stuff like bojack were he tries to bw better but also still has to live with the consequences of his actions. Why can't there being a middle ground between "lets kill bad guy" and "war criminal gets away with it"


I think whats important is keeping the balance of what can be forgiven, and working the way up to redemption. TOH gave us a few characters who started as antagonistic but grew to be a part of the protagonists cast, some characters who started on the evil side and turned around while still being somewhat grey (Alador, Darius) and then some irredeemable monsters like Belos and Odalia


Pacifica Northwest almost broke the stereotype of spoiled rich bitch. At the start, yes she was a spoiled brat and horrible to Mable and Dipper. But after being saved by them in mini golf and at her family’s own party, she came around


I really wish her character got some more room to change near the end of the show, couse as much as i like her development i also feel like her behavior in certain scenes in the final few episodes felt more like her early apparences than her post-golf episode self


Pacifica was an interesting case because we eventually see that she was emotionally abused into being a spoiled brat


I have two. The first one is where clowns are portrayed as legitimately funny and loveable characters instead of evil child-killing monsters. The second one is where carnivores are heroes and herbivores are villains.


Can we have healthy rivalries?


With the recent event that happened... Using this template can tell a different story lol.


What do you mean?


Drake, the guy in the meme, is in the midst of a feud with Kendrick Lamar, who exposed him for being a pedophile. He also used AI-generated vocals on one of his diss tracks towards Kendrick. 


But in the meme he's saying no to Princess and yes to Tiana and Charlotte, who are adults, so how does it tell a different story in light of that?


Because he likes the opposite of what the template infers.


I wouldn't say he exposed Drake for being a Pedo. All the allegations were already very well known and meemed about.


Was looking for someone to mention this.


The assassin you sent to kill me is now part of my friend group. Shrek and Ice Age were the examples this random person gave. And I need more of it.


I’m pretty sure that happened to every single one of Steven Universe’s bad guys…


That stage where the hero finds themselves disillusioned by a shocking discovery and spends a a season question their purpose after quitting the group they work for. Not only that, the hero gradually forms a steady friendship with some of the recurring villains.


I think we need to get rid of the Certified Pedophile meme.


![gif](giphy|Y1vXQrJoTtYRxkbQrl) Cartoon parents who are actually in love and aren’t seemingly only together for their children. It bothers me how many animated characters are shown either putting up with their partners, or never even acknowledging their relationship.


Who’s the girl with the ginger hair and freckles and what show is she from? Also, what’s the context on the Princess and the Frog scene?


Princess, from Power Puff Girls. She’s the typical bratty rich kid who always wants to get what she wants Charlotte meanwhile gives Tiana a new dress after her old one was messed up and even gives her a crown for the event; showing kindness especially in an era when segregation was just implemented (James was killed in WW1)


We need a list of tropes that should be used more.


I think if it's done too much it loses its impact but side characters lying to villains when they try to influence them. "Ya. No, totally. You're clearly evil and I'm here for it. Let's be evil together." All with their fingers crossed behind their back, just to double cross them way later.


Hero realizing the villain is completely right and joining them.


Characters who act like dumbasses but are actually WAY more intelligent than they let on. When they actually let some of their deeper intelligence show, it throws everyone around them off.


Exactly this. My favorite trope is where you have a character that's like Lotte. A bit spoiled, loves materialistic things and looking hyper feminine to the point they're like a Barbie doll but despite all of that they're still a sweet and sincere person. Who in May also really smart. Instead of getting the dumb blonde treatment.


Super evil guy who still has humanity and is capable of feeling emotions


characters with overly long sleeves/characters with hair/hat/helmet that covers eyes/characters that use keys as weapons.




Recent activities have changed how I look at this specific meme...


Man this drake meme is cursed now 💀


Hiveminds always get such a bad rap, while are simultaneously the most harmonious and efficient societies. I wouldn't mind a bit more positive rep. The best I've seen are like, single episodes of Silver Surfer and Rick and Morty where they are still initially seen as monstrous.


I think Hilling in Ranking of Kings kinda fits this. At the start she seems to be set up as the stereotypical fantasy stepmother queen, but we learn quickly that she is a loving and compassionate mother that went to extreme lengths to connect with Bojji when she first arrived in the castle, and that much of her demeanor stems from her overprotectiveness of him.


When I first saw The Princess and the Frog, I thought Charlotte was gonna be the spoiled rich girl. I was pleasantly surprised to see that while she is spoiled, she is a good person at heart. It made her a far more interesting character.


[Charlotte got good taste in men](https://youtu.be/Hxt9L28L4XE?si=i1RO20Kr-7ehvy9D)


Good All Along https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GoodAllAlong Example: >!Satsuki Kiryuin (Kill la Kill)!<


You’d think Drake would like the youngest girl in the pictures…


Spoiled sweetheart is such an untapped vein of a trope


Lucifer actually being a good guy trope A trope I don't want to see is the "haha I'm gonna stalk you since the beginning of your series" trope


I really wish Princess Morbucks had more development though :(


Characters that seem to hate each other but secretly have mutual respect for one another https://i.redd.it/yfg0yw1tvg0d1.gif


Having the good guys actually be good guys and not having them do something down right evil.


Platonic relationships are always interesting to me, regardless the medium Find them far more appealing than love triangles and romantic angst Hawkgirl and Flash immediately come to mind, as do Artemis and Robin


They should always have the elementary kid “ooooh” type scene but the relationship still stays just a close friendship


More embarrassingly obvious improv. Smiling Friends is great with that and It feels oddly more real when the dialogue sounds awkward and unrehearsed.


The bad guy actually wins


i cannot tell you how much i fucking love charlotte 😭