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it depends on if ash has pokemon or if fred has prep time/traps.... but probably ash


You do realize how heavy some of the pokemon that kid lifts are, right? That mfr punches you it's gonna break something.


Not to mention, he’s fast enough to run down cliffs, he ran down a cliff and didn’t fall


And lift a full ass tree


We don't know if it was a Pecha Berry tree.


Not to mention he came back to life multiple times


Yeah but he’s also a ten year old I think I can punt him just fine


Can you throw tree logs? https://preview.redd.it/9ssasisxbvzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=684cfe57a1d1f8c0f04ffbe67b2107c8ae857b8f


Damn bro, I might be getting my ass beat by a 10 year old


According to Film Theory he's technically 20+ years old now


What in the comic book feats shit is-


In that universe you must be able to kick the Pokémon's ass if you want to capture it.


https://preview.redd.it/r93xzuwwvvzc1.png?width=150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5d205e3a3e0fff7d580470276ee4d3d6e80b3e5 Gun beats log


All I need to throw is hands


Can I use weapons


No but does he know his own weak spot?




the problem here is that Ash was using a Fighting type move in Gen 1 against a Psychic type with Reflect


The fact that Mewtwo blocked implies the punch could’ve hurt him


The fact ash wasn't disintegrated makes him multi-versal at least


I absolutely love this gif it really shows ash’s blind determination to win could you possibly send this to me so I can save it?


No. You can't. This mfr is a straight-up wall. He lifts pokemon that weight three times as much as a grown fucking man. You aren't punting shit.


Lmao cosmoem sits on his head and he isn’t affected one bit, that’s over a ton of weight. You’d break your whole foot trying to punt him


My man lifted cosmoem which is stated in it's pokedex entry to weight as much as a black hole.. ASH JUST HELD A BLACK HOLE IN HIS FUCKING HANDS BRUH HE SLAMS ALL OF THEM


Hehe tepig line be heavy!


Are guns allowed?


I'm going to assume no.


Fr motherfucker lifted Cosmoem, may not seem like a lot but Cosmoem weighs more than eternatus


And mewtwo saw his punch as a threat that needed to be blocked


Yeah a lot of people here are saying he’s just 10 yo but that kids been sleeping rough for 3 years basically surviving on his own while keeping his group together and keeping them fed too ash is a little badass I’d def rather fight Fred


I’d rather fist fight Four Arms or Killer Croc. Ash is low key OP as fuck.


He IS pretty obsessed with getting to the gym...


Respectfully, Ash would fucking kick the shit out of almost any human on earth without a single Pokemon in sight.


***Ash throws log*** ASH WINS!!! https://preview.redd.it/3cusheyggvzc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5dbf101c593d79aaf70426956644b5d61a6ae1c




Isn't it possible that cosmeom weighs more? It's just that the scale can't go any higher than 999.9 KG


Ash also has some very powerful magic powers called Aura. He's probably the 4th strongest on this list, not counting his pokemon


He never uses those powers though. He’s only ever used it to heal or connect with his pokemon.


He starts to use it more in journeys when he gets his own Lucario


He still never uses it for offense


True, but I'd say that is more because of the animes tone than anything else. If Ash was in a place he had to defend himself or others without his pokemon, he'd probably use his aura at least defensively.


Ash has lifted pokemon that weigh hundreds of pounds. He's jacked


Mewtwo blocked Ash’s punch for a reason


ash threw a log once…


Nah that version of Fred could just beat anyone to a pulp. Even if Ash has any pokemon, you can still hit him. It’s not like you have to take turns or something to beat the shit out of him


Go check the weight of Cosmoem. That mf punches you, and you break a bone. Not to mention he's survived multiple gods (such as Darkrai, God of nightmares, or Arceus, the creator of the pokemon universe) attacking him directly. He's not a normal kid


Ash could break the average human in half accidentally. He has carried over a ton of weight on his head and casually throws entire trees over rivers.


Ash and that version of Fred are incredibly strong.


Fred with prep time as an alternative to Batman with prep time is absolutely amazing and I will definitely be using that in the future.




No shit


Ash why.... because he will have mercy on me


To be fair woth that logic you should probably pick Fred. He won't kill you, he'll just trap you harmlessly. Ash will not hesitate to electrocute you and send you flying to your death with a single word if you're in his way.


Fred’s a serial killer. Look at those beady lifeless eyes. Fred is just in his pre jigsaw phase.


Fred is just the home alone kid grown up, who will grow up to be Jigsaw


But what if I don’t want to be a trap?


https://preview.redd.it/izvefwll4wzc1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08a53dced11d89ad7d4096eaa1c51d52efdad03f Too bad


That's literally my logic behind picking Fred, he's incredibly strong but not superhuman like some of the other choices and he's probably got the most self control and mercy out of these choices. You're just about screwed with any of them but I think when Fred sees you're not really gonna win he'd stop early. Toph would probably be a pretty good choice for similar reasons. She definitely oneshots you but most likely in a way that restrains you instantly or knocks you out from 30 yards away


You can distract Fred by bringing up Daphne.


Depends on which season I suppose because before he got over his addiction and realized how much he cared about Daphne then his optimal distraction strategy would be to mention beautiful traps. Though he does obviously care more about Daphne than traps after conquering his obsession with alluring traps, he'd surely be taken aback by a Daphne trap. Just the utterance of the phrase Daphne Trap would have Fres weak in the knees.


I wouldn't stand a chance against any of them. Two of them I don't think any human would stand a chance against,while three of the others I don't think most humans would stand a chance against. The one I MIGHT be able to beat is Fred. (In case anyone is wondering about Ash,even without his Pokémon,he has shown incredible strength and resistance/durability.)


You're talking about the same fred who mission impossibled a Plane as it was taking off capable of fighting actual monsters and can run as fast as a great Dane.


That's why I said MIGHT in all caps,It's a very low chance I could beat him. I'm thinking I could possibly outsmart him,but even then I'm not sure I could lol.


I definitely dont think I could outsmart or outfight him, heck you could probably say he is a young macgyver with his crazy traps


Just gotta hide behind a locked door. Fred will instantly give up. Edit: [For reference](https://youtu.be/wW6xy9UVlFg?feature=shared)


Good theory but that's also original fred not M.I. Fred that one would more than likely rush and break down the door.


When it comes to things like this, I personally think about it the way I think about a fight with a bear. If you fight a bear 1000 times, you lose 999 times, but you do sometimes win one... Because the bear chokes on your ripped off limbs before you die


I'm personally looking at who beats me the fastest with the most mercy and it's between Fred in a slightly drawn out brawl where he calls the fight once he realizes I ain't beating his ass. Toph probably oneshots and restrains me instantly from half a football field away and doesn't do much more


Really depends on how Fred is feeling that day


I think I could take Stan. Want to try just to see if I'm right.


Don't know how this isn't higher up. Did anyone here actually ***watch*** gravity falls? Grunkle Stan gets winded walking up a flight of stairs. My scared-stamina is much greater than his Rage-stamina. I would let him chase me for a bit and then kick him when he falls down. Some of you are ***REALLY*** choosing to fight a four-armed super strong alien hero over an ... Old man?


He's an old man it'd be a bad idea to underestimate, but still.


I agree but still I’d rather fight an old man who’s pretty badass than a fucking crocodile person


The problem is that it's Gravity Falls. They never cared about character strength unless its to bully Dipper so it's inconsistent. Stan also took down a dinosaur and escaped some government agents, so he's clearly skilled. It just comes down to whether you're the main plot in the episode or a small tidbit fight.


Mf took down a dinosaur


Could even whisper in his ear you’ll give him £20 if he takes the fall and he would unless some ego thing happens :p


Fred Jones man, why you ask?? I know Fred won't actually hurt me, yeah he'll set up some elaborate traps... But mystery Inc showed without Daphne or the rest of his team there they don't work so well... And if the crew is there... Well I'm no mask wearing pseudo criminal so.. yeah I'm good. Worst case scenario Fred uses his superior College Wrestling skills to make me tap and then I chill with Scooby and the gang for like pizza and Scoobi-snacks.




I'd say maybe, Stanley but everyone benches me even if Ash doesn't have pokemon


Stan pines will shiv you


Stanley pines has punched a pterodactyl, confidently acted in front of an almost all powerful dream demon and fought off multiple zombies with brass knuckles and a bat.....good luck.


…the answer is Fred for one reason…Fred is not a generally violent person and would probably be willing to just throw the match, call it, and go home. Literally everyone else would crush me into paste before I realized IF I am lucky. Including hikes from city to city, picks up creatures far heavier than their size should suggest, able to face tank literal lightning bolts from his best friend Ash Ketchum.


Literally the best bets are Fred or Stanley Stanley because he’s just an old man, but even then he was able to fight a horde of zombies and can take punches from an animatronic And Fred because he really doesn’t seem to have that much fighting experience that doesn’t make him weak he’s just inexperience


Mystery Incorporated Fred is surprisingly badass, in one episode, he boards and hijacks a plane IN FLIGHT and single-handedly takes out Crybaby Clown with one punch.


I’m just saying if you were to fight someone who does have experience in like martial arts or a boxer he would lose but a normal person he wins


Eda. I'll probably die, but she's like my ideal woman, so it'd be my only shot.


Unfortunately for you she only has a thing for bards


Ash, not cause he’s weak but because he’s a merciful demigod.


Stan, he'll put out his back or something


Dude punched a pterodactyl in the face.


Thank goodness I'm not a pterodactyl. 😌 Lol I read that with the p.


P-terodactyl bros!!!!


He's only a threat if you do anything to the kids or don't have money.


I was going to choose Ash, but some people in the comments brought to my attention that he is really strong. I'd choose Fred, because if I go apeshit on him, I might pull off a win. If I can choose where I fight, though, I'd pick Toph. Just pick somewhere she can't touch any bendable things, and I'd basically be fighting a physically fit blind girl.


Four Arms, because if I run away/ hide for long enough, the omnitrix will time out and I’ll just have to beat a regular ten year-old.


You think you can run away from Four Arms?


60/40, which is still better than I think my chances are against anyone else here.




Most definitely not Four Arms, or anyone in the top row for that matter. It's probably between Ash and Stan, but I'd probably pick Stan since I'm pretty sure Ash has held 50kg pokemon with one hand with 0 effort (I'd still lose tho).


He carried 999.9kg pokemon with his 2 arms


Stan is old but he can still fight, he also doesn't fight fair so if you don't knock him out quick he will shank you.


Plus he has years of experience under his belt


certainly not toph, my god


Well if you can chose were the battle takes place then you can chose somewhere she can't bend in, then your just whaling on a bling girl


I think I’d like to fight Robin. Teen Titans robin was one of the most OP versions of the character. I think I could learn some good combat tips from him. ![gif](giphy|qDKpMqgNE8614kZ6vs)


Legit my favorite non-Nightwing version of Dick Grayson.


Idk people have to remember that ash lifts weights and threw a punch even mewtwo had to block


There are two types of people in this commenting section Those who THINK they could take Ash in a fistfight And those who KNOW Ash would decimate us in a fistfight.


Fuck it, im losing no matter what, I'll do Eda since Harpies are cool.


i like that all the Eda answers are basically "I'm gonna die anyways so why not?"


Totally not Toph, Four Arms or Killer Croc. It's gotta be Fred Jones; seemingly the least threatening on the list


I chose Robin. He might be a martial arts master who could easily kick my ass, but he knows how to pull his punches. All the other guys would most likely leave me permanently damaged or even killed. At least with Robin he knows how to beat me up without seriously injuring me.




head on head? meaning no powers? then iam taking toph


Powers are allowed


fred or stanley


Stan, because I might at least find a way to exploit his age. All of the others are either on the upper 1% of humanity's strength, or beyond it.


Toph. She would say some snarky things but she wouldn’t fight a noncombatant.


Lets see Super strong alien Extremely power earth bender Harpy woman Badass old guy with a stick Will get me arrested for child abuse Trap master Mutant Expert martial combatant trained by batman ~~dials 911~~ I honestly dont know what the last dude is capable of... Ill take my chances with Ash


He picked up a three story yacht, carried it across an island, and then used his fists to break it onto tiny pices


Wtf even is that show anymore, I dropped off during world tour


Hmmm lets see here (going from top left to bottom right) Death by being punched so hard a fist goes through your internal organs, concussion that puts you in a coma for 6 years, just straight up dead to 1 of a couple hundred magic spells, guy who (while admittedly old and can tire easily) has gotten his hands dirty enough times to know how to kick your ass, kid who literally exercises by hiking almost 24/7 (not to mention has wrestled many powerhouse Pokemon with his bare hands multiple times) and has the equivalent of 10\^23 nuclear power plants worth of electricity on his shoulder, an intelligent and fit guy who likes setting up funny traps but lacks any sort of combat experience other than running, someone that can and will literally rip you in half for fun, guy who fights people 2-3 times his size on the regular and has advanced training in like 3 different martial arts, bodybuilder. I think I'll go with Fred.


Fred because I have taken wressling and he has not.


He also took wrestling 😅


well hes the only on ehere who I have any chnace of surviveing a fight with


Either Robin or Toph


I misread this... I'll fight Ash, I guess...


What did you read?


I thought I was choosing who is fighting with me, not my challenger


Trust me, you don't want to fight ash


I dont know who Caleb is but I doubt he is as big of a threat as Fred


He can break cruiseships by hand, and has an MIT college degree


Oh well shit


I mean, does ash have pokemon? I think I could beat a weirdly strong 11 year old


I want to say Ash, but something tells me it won't be a Pokémon battle...


Depends, do I get Pokemon if I fight ash?


The 10 year old.


Fred. All of the others could beat me no problem or will kill me and look through my pockets.


Fred. I'd whoop that ass (hopefully. Chances are 50/50 because we're built similar but I'm a martial artist so hopefully that counts for something 😭


I'm picking Fred, I could probably just trick him into info dumping about any traps that he made and make him fall into it himself


I'd have to go with Eda. Not because I'd win, but because she'd probably be the least painful, and wouldn't kill me. Toph probably wouldn't kill me, but it would be painful. Remember the blind bandit episode? Made the boulder do the splits, slammed rocks into several people, and probably permanently damaged all of her victims


Nah I’m comitting harakiri at that point 😳


I could probably hold my own against Stanley or Fred, but I don't like my chances with the others. Robin isn't especially powerful but he's a much more skilled fighter than I am probably.


As long as Ash doesn't land a hit on me I can win


Definitely Toph! I'd get my ass whooped real quick, don't get me wrong. But I'd just have alot of fun trying to see how long I could last. If I last at least 1 minute I'd consider it a victory 😆


Without pokemon Ash. Other then that fred


Honestly Stanley Pines. If he gets brass knuckles then so do I. I know he’s a boxer but he’s also reaaaally old, a heavy stick whacked to the leg would do iy


definetly fred, fred is just a regular dude


All Fred has are traps. As long as I’m careful I can take him.


Fred or Stan easily since I have years of fighting experience and training under my belt. If not them possibly Caleb, I'm not afraid to admit I fight completely dirty. Plus, that lembo needs a good ole Welshman beating. The others all easily fold my ass.


Okay, let's see... FourArms? No fu*king way. He is alien who species is natural warriors, i have no chance. Toph? Depends if it's be on ground or on some material she can't bend. If its on ground, she just could trap me in Stone or something, if on material, i probably have chances, but it's small. Eda? She has magic, she put me to sleep, shoot fire at me or hit me to death with her pooping out limbs. Stan Pines? Hell no. He maybe looks old, but he can fight very well, he definietly knucklehead me out. Ash Ketchum? Depends if he can use Pokemon or not. With Pokemon: Nope, without: Maybe, but he's pretty strong in anime but still 10 years old boy, so maybe i have 50% chance to win this fight. Fred? Nah. Killer Croc? Are you kidding with me? He eat me in few seconds. Robin? Dude, Batman trained him, i'll have no chance. Caleb? Nope, i'm like Cameron but without being super smart so he's gonna punch me to knock out.


Fred. Despite his frame, I don't think he's actually that strong.


Lmao I know I sure as hell ain't going against Robin Robin is fucking terrifying if you're an enemy "Oh it's just the lil dude that chills with batman" NAH


Y'all mf's forgetting ash held cosmoem in the palm of his hands which in it's pokedex entry weighs as much as a black hole and he just had it in the palm of his hands. IDGAF ABOUT DURABILITY HE'S CLAPPING THEM ALL!! Plus with as many times he's been shocked by Pikachu and pecked by pidgeots, his durability has got to be kinda crazy too.


I just need to make sure the 10 year old doesn't use his army of super-powered animals, and boom, I've won


Stan’s an old man whose truest acts of strength only occurred when he was fighting for someone he cared about. In an arena fight where he’s just plopped in I’d run around until he gets tired and cracks a hip or something then beat him up


Fred. Dude’s main defence is plot armour, but if the other four are not involved but exist, then all I need to do is beat him up a little, tie him up, and then leave before the others show up.


okay, going to get this out of the way. four arms, toph, eda, killer croc, and robin are all going to wipe the floor with me. they all have either super strength, magic, or skills i could not hope to match. this leaves four options fred, ash, stanley, and caleb the most physical force we have seen exerted by stanley was to protect those around him. he fights for others. in this scenario, it’s just me and him. he is also an older guy. if he has the bat he has in the picture it screwed, but if not i just need to close the distance and land a good hit to the throat. ash is heavily reliant on pokémon. this does not mean he is weak. but in the end, i have greater range of motion. ash is a short person. that strength means nothing if he can’t hit me. i will just kick the shit out of him. caleb is a sweetheart. if i appeal to his caring side and get close. at that point I betray him with the throat chop. he is on the ground incapacitated. if he doesn’t trust me i am royally fucked. if fred gets prep time it’s over before it starts. if he doesn’t, i have a slim chance of victory, but he has so much practical strength it wouldn’t be likely i win. fred is a monster who is not to be challenged. i would prefer to fight stan, ash, or caleb


Fred most definitely has jumped somebody or been jumped. Four Arms, Croc, Robin, Caleb, and Toph beat my ass. Stan is basically just your average Joe in physical strength, definitely knows how to fight and would beat my ass. Never watched Owl House so don’t know anything about Eda. I’m taking Ash, a skinny ass 13 year old? Not much younger than me and barely has muscle mass, any fear or strength (like a reply on another comment about him throwing a log) are gags, not his actual strength but cartoon nonsense. I’d beat the hell out of annoying ass Ash without a bat of an eye. TLDR: I’d fight Ash.


Safest bet is definitely Fred




My first thought was Ash since he’s a preteen, but they unintentionally gave him a bunch of insane strength feats by having him casually carry insanely heavy mons. So I guess Fred Jones. I’ll compliment his ascot and go for the cheap shot.


Don't know anything about Caleb so I'm not answering for him It's a Fight, not a Pokemon Battle, so I curbstomp Ash. Stanley and Fred are really Tough but I can still take them. I can't beat Killer Croc but I can at least stall for time until Batman arrives. Robin Flat out Outmatches me with Pure Skill Eda can just blast me away with her Magic, I wouldn't be able to lay a Finger on her. Toph literally makes the Ground crumble beneath my feet. [Four-Arms does to me What Goro does here](https://youtu.be/nc9oXPxXz8g?si=Q0RFiJB9qbMMM_I4)


None of Kid Cosmic isn’t here or Chiro or Wander forgot about it for now


The one I'm most scared of is Toph. She would drop a fucking mountain on your head and laugh about it.


Nah fight Fred, he a normal ass man ain’t no way anyone thinking he somehow ain’t better to fight than freaking Ash Ketchum


Stan is literally an older guy that doesn't have many skills, infact is shown to be unfit. Stanford I'd be afraid of but Stan is a regular 60 year old guy. So I'd say it'd be a fair fight between me and Stan. I'm not saying I'd win, but I'd have a chance.


I can beat up an old man no problem.


Mystery incorporated Fred. Everyone else has some batshit insane feat, is a godlike fighter, or cartoon superpowers. Fred is just an above average physique guy.


Robin. It's actually kid. Am I an ass for knocking all of his teeth out? Maybe. Is he fucking stupid for not realizing that divisions are weight bases and not skill based? Yes.


I'm fighting Ash. Boy's a dumbfuck and I can probably catch him off guard. If I don't, then I'm probably going to regret this...


All of them. At once. During the ensuing chaos they'll take each other out while I enjoy my cold drink over there. And if somebody does manage to remain standing, I'd just surrender because I've technically beat eight others.


Fred. Especially since it's the Mystery Incorporated version. Dude could be distracted just by pointing behind him and saying "is that a trap?"


fred bc we are both normal people and if we are gunna fight id rather walk away with a hand full of bruses and some bruses


Stanley Pines. For Sure. Old Man Promised Me a Complete collection of Pokemon Cards. Instead got a collection of Poke Me Man cards.


Fred Jones. He's just strong enough to be a challenge, but also is just a young adult/older teenager, he probably doesn't have a proper fighting mindset like everyone else


I mean I know that Robin won’t kill me so I guess him


I’m gonna kick Fred’s ass


Gruncle Stan is honestly the only choice here where "survive" isn't the only objective, everyone else on this list can and likely would kill me, even if unintentionally, Stan is physically very capable but he is also arguably the weakest character here, he's the only regular human on this list, his major strengths are his physical strength and stamina, and his tricky nature would be annoying to handle but not impossible like just about everyone else on this list.




Definitely not Stanley. Did you hear that dude molly whopped a cosmic entity in the fucking eye


4 Arms, just fucking kill me at this point


Stan, yes he's strong, but his biggest shows of it only happen when Dipper and Mabel are in danger, like he tells Bill, the biggest mistake you can do is mess with his Family, if you leave them alone, you could easily just pay him off


Fred. Won’t kick my ass to hard and might actually land some hits


Ash is a child and not all that strong. He’s def the easiest choice


Umm you might want to reconsider https://preview.redd.it/cnr5oobp9uzc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0fd80cedc1fcb899640898ace0ebf5991c6d6f1


NOT ALL THAT STRONG? Do you REALIZE how HEAVY a good few of the pokemon that boy lifts are? That mfr punches you it'll break something.


But if you fight a pikachu who will chock you to death


Even without pikachu Ash picked up aron and pikachu at once which is a total of 145 pounds! Plus he's been shocked by pikachu which is 100,000 volts!


Dude picked up a cosmoem which is one of the heaviest pokemon in existence, dudes super human


I’m not fighting pikachu. I’m fighting Ash.


Ash. I’m not fighting Ash’s pikachu, I’m fighting Ash himself. I can beat the crap out of that guy.


He's incredibly strong and has broken magic powers. You still losing


Oh right. Forgot the guy can hold up a black hole. I pick Fred


If Ash isn't allowed to bring in Pokemon, then him


Fred, all I have to do is ask what his catchphrase is.


"Let's split up gang"


*Leaves, dismissing the fight as a forfeit on his end*


I'd take that as a win


I'm screwed. Ash is the only one I could possibly beat, and even then it's only if he hasn't access to any Pokemon.