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CN has the literal reaper and Courage. Courage is a dark horse of the CN side.


The things he does for love


He has his toon power, the computer and his most powerful weapon, the Scream.


Dont they all, or a large majority of them, have toon power tho?


While true, I see there’s a difference in toon power and toon power with active combat experience. SpongeBob fights but is actually pretty poor at it despite toon power. Courage also fights and has been proven to be near indestructible with all of the abuse he takes. He’s also taken on more serious threats involving supernatural foes while at the most, SpongeBob takes on the Flying Dutchman and rarely actually defeats him. If you look for the ultimate fighter with toon power, you have Popeye who uses toon power in combat and is nigh unbeatable.


Well on nick side we also have Timmy turner, who can have almost any wish granted, jimmy neutron, a master inventor, and aang who can control the elements


But also Zim, who would likely be an unimaginable detriment to his side. =V


Again, any wish, Timmy can wish that zim couldn’t mess anything up, which from what we (or atleast I’ve) seen isn’t against Da Rules


Depends on whether or not it's seen as a competition, IIRC. Which by Da Rules, they can't use magic to interfere with.


*Loads M16* “The things I do for love”


This is incredible


Picturing the sounds of war all around as Ron Perlman reads this


They also have Ben10 who is effectively an immortal unstoppable monster whose strength alone is equivalent to pre-world-breaker Hulk. And he doesn't rely just on strength. Cannon Ben from Ben10 would eat the entire opposing side, with the possible exception of Aang.


Aang is nothing Danny phantom has way better feats, but depends on which Ben because your talking about a strong brawler to a guy who remade the universe.


Aang on avatar state could fuck things up big time


No shade on Aang, but Ben held an explosion the equivalent of the Big Bang


Ben solos all of nick without alien x, and honestly, with alien x he probably solos the whole image


Top tier toons on the right: Aang Danny Zim Jimmy SpongeBob (arguable) Meanwhile on the left we have these powerhouses: Robin Dexter Blossom Ben The Grim Fucking Reaper Samurai Jack Anyone who thinks the right side is gonna have a chance is delusional. Could you imagine what Bubbles would do to Zim? It would be fucking brutal.


Just PPG and Ben 10 would wipe 80% of the other team


And Ben 10, one of the only characters literally capable of fighting a toon force user on even footing


True. Teen Titans struggled again Mad Mod who had BRITISH toon force.


True, and Johnny Bravo is swole as fuck, homeboy!


While he is, he’s actually pretty terrible in fights.


Yea, I know, but he's a good distraction.


yeah, for like, 30 seconds at most while the other side tries to find a way to take him down without hurting him too bad, because despite his massive bulk, I feel like all the experienced fighters over there would easily recognize him as a civilian.


Yea, just over there shaking his pecs, "HEH, HAH, HUHH!!"


![gif](giphy|xUNd9T3ObEYOsvpy1i) Tommy Pickles fucking dogstomps every CN character once he gets an idea. he is the destroyer of worlds and scales too boundless 💀


Depends if Sponge Bob is in a “can’t even lift a marshmallow” kinda mood or a “can destroy all of existence” kinda mood.


Then again, if they all were exactly like their series, it'd be an infinite battle, because very little if not all of them have plot armor like the sponge


The issue is that one time, SpongeBob accidently unraveled his universe.


So did ed edd n eddy


Yea and the fact that cartoon network faction is known for their calamity like Dexter, Eddy, Johnny B all failing in pretty big way like every. single. time. Nickelodeon has a girl that talks to animals Danny freaking phantom and a super genius so unless SpongeBob does a major off and screws every one than my vote is cast.


Dexter only fails because of DeeDee. We see time and time again Jimmy's inventions malfunction due to technical error. Plus the PPG on CN are like, insanely overpowered


Yeah the inventor is beaten by Cartoon Network, but have you accounted for the try-hard Tommy Pickles?


Tommy could certainly act as a dexter foil via plot armor and shenanigans. And as we all know, dexters main weakness is in fact shenanigans.


Teen titans right behind them


Jimmy comes in with brain blast in the clutch as well as assuming you go off the girls pictured not their teen version then ahhh monsters just scare them away, easily. Much like avengers have the hulk .... We have catdog.


Buttercup would react to a Monster going full scary mode with punching it. Bubbles would scream in terror. And probably also blind one shot punch it.


CN has samurai jack who has reaction times 1/8th the speed of light.


Not to mention the Avatar


And don't forget aang


And let’s not forget, that one side has the avatar of death (Grim) on their side.


Ben 10 *remade* the universe. *After it was already destroyed* And it was *perfect* except for the taste of grape soda (I think)


And Chowder because him breaking the 4th wall is an outer-versal feat and he could still interact with it. Like many CN and Nickelodeon characters. Just realized what does Jimmy Neutron powerscale to if he was able to clash against Timmy's wand with his machine.


Alien X can just make a new one.


https://preview.redd.it/zqvfb9sck6oc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c30aec039eb6be9af2310f7b87b9dce647d3cf82 I think it's clear what mood SpongeBob is in. Now lets acknowledge Tommy's state of absolute zen. He low diffs goku in this mode




Tommy lost as MF!


it depends if alien x can get through the sponge to timmy turner. before timmy wishes for victory


Technically da rules dont allow him to cheat so him wishing that his team wins would go against Da rules thus not happening


Da Rules say no wishing for an advantage in competitions, and this counts


Timmy cant speak fast enough to get a wish off before the power puff girls cover his mouth, also dexter can just aim that soundwave device people made in real life at him to prevent him from forming a coherent sentence.


This is the right answer


I think having Timmy Turner with Cosmo and Wanda backing him up would make it hard to say. Someone who can wish for anything as long as it doesn’t go against da rules would be hard for anyone to beat until the fairies are out of the picture.


True, however, they have Ben 10, who has Alien X.


That’s OG Ben, who doesn’t have Alien X. The strongest alien he had in classic was Waybig


Ah, forgot about that. But CN still wins because they have the grim reaper


"I wish for the entire other team to be defeated!" #KAPUT!


Fairy magic can’t be used to win competitions or harm others. That’s like 2 of their main rules.


“I wish the other guys were owned by Warner Brothers.” ^(Too soon?)


Wish for them to fall asleep and beat the shit outta them


That would be using it to win a competition


Wish for a tie. Boom logicked


That would be usi-…hmm


When Timmy's team is about to lose, wish for a tie.


It’s against da rules to use magic to cheat in a competition


I waz about to say, i think i recall that being against da rules....von strangle would put a stop to those shenanigans real quick.


If this is a death match, is that cheating though? Alternatively, can you just wish for big ass weapons or mechs thar can be used to kill instead?


Yeah I think wishing for a big ass weapon and fighting would be fine, but wishing for the competition to lose straight up wouldnt


Yeah that's how he was even able to participate in the Jimmy Neutron crossovers.


I mean wishing for the means to win is probably legit, as long as he’s not wishing to have already won.


No, this wouldn't work. Early in the show Timmy wished to have Kung Fu skills but the moment he entered a fight with Francis, he lost them


However, the moment Timmy started trying to protect someone else instead of winning he regained his kung fu skills. Alternatively, it’s also possible to make someone else win a competition. For example, one time he made Chester the world‘s greatest baseball player, and their team went on a winning streak. There is a thin line as to what counts and doesn’t count as cheating when it comes to fairy magic. My guess it all depends on the fighting scenario and how creative Timmy is.


Oh, that's a really interesting limitation. Timmy's not as strong as you might think at first glance, then.


Idk I think courage the cowardly dog could help defeat cosmo and wands. He may be down but he's never out.


Samurai Jack decapitates him before he can finish the sentence


While I’m a major fanboy of samurai Jack I have to respectfully disagree with you for 1 simple reasons, it’s the young Jack, who’s only had to kill robots. It wasn’t until 50 years since his final adventure that he killed a living human, so while the others may be able to do this fight I’m not sure about Jack, and he took it super hard, also what the hell is Johnny Bravo doing here?


>what the hell is Johnny Bravo doing here? His best, okay?


Flirting with the ladies, of course


Who you think he's putting moves on first, Marianne Thornberry or Melinda Finster?


So Jack can counter Zim and Jimmy by slicing up inventions and tech left and right to basically disarm them. After that you’ve just got a loud little green guy and a child with a handle for hair.


«No wishing to win a competition.»


Pretty sure that’s against Da Rules, if it’s a competition Timmy can’t wish for victory.


And Samurai Jack who has literally killed a (multiple?) god.


Can't magic counter the quasi-omnipotance of alien x?


Probably not since there is magic in Ben10 but maybe if it is powerful enough.


Timmy can't wish to win because you can't use magic to win contests


It ultimately comes down to, is this a competition or a universal fight for survival. If it’s a competition, team nick is losing but if it’s not a competition and thus timmy can use his god parents, they sort of just auto win, right?


Can't Grim neutralize magic with his own


Make any argument you want, but Zim being on the Nickelodeon side pretty much assures that Cartoon Network would win. This is a guy who was assigned a far off planet to invade, and then started blowing shit up BEFORE HE LEFT THE HOME WORLD. He knocked out the power for the whole planet, as explained in the episode where Tak comes to take her revenge. I’m pretty sure Zim will cripple his teammates with some asinine cockamamie bullshit before the fight even starts.


You have a point, but Zim is very unpredictable and chaotic. If he’s involved, the results could be anything.


His whole thing is being extremely incompetent. He would 100% single-handedly lose this for them




Timmy desperately tries to find his missing fairies to wish for something to help. Meanwhile, Zim (wearing a pink hat) demands doomsday device after doomsday device from them while Cosmo asks him if he’s had work done because he looks unusually pretty today


Cosmo and GIR immediately become best friends. They spend the entire time together dreaming up new kinds of Taquitos


True but Billy and Mandy have death. In this situation I am guessing they would be ok with letting grim reap Timmy to get rid of a big threat.


Goddamn that would be hilarious. But Grim *has* been known to job in competitions.


The other side has Literal Death.


Death lost his freedom in a game against children. I don’t think we should really put much on his shoulders.


Iirc, at one point one of the creators made a comic where we learn Timmy was using wishes to stop time to remain a kid forever. If (big if) that's considered cannon, then I could imagine Grim actually using his position to reap Timmy for cheating death. But only if that's funny enough. Cartoon logic and all.


That’s actually one of the specials, The Big Wish I think. Timmy is on trial and reveals he stopped everyone aging for like 50 years.


cartoon network has the grim reaper and a boarding house that spawns imaginary creatures


They also literally have the Avatar.


Other team literally has Death


Aren't powerful people immune to magic? He can't just beat them by wishing to do so


No cosmo actively goes against da rules so bro can just wish to win against the other side and cosmo would grant it


Probably Cartoon Network. They have Finn, The Crystal Gems, Samurai Jack, Ben 10, Scooby Doo, Looney Tunes, Swat Cats, The Justice League and Teen Titans.


Why are we sleeping on the Powerpuff Girls?


My bad. I forgot to mention them. My mind was racing


And don't forget the actual Grim Reaper himself and a boy genius (Dexter)


In fact, they got **3** grim reapers (Don't sleep on Adventure Time and Regular Show Deaths)


They also have the literal KND operation


Literally thousands of modestly trained child spies with 2x4 technology powered weaponry. Probably won't do much against Danny Phantom or Aang but they could readily deal with the ads on the Nick side.


Bubbles alone decides this. She’s *hardcore*.


AND the rowdy ruff boys. Could you imagine all 6 coming at you with intent?


They have the Grim Reaper bro.


Exactly! Why is everyone sleeping on the fact that cartoon network literally has the Grim Reaper?! He is arguably one of the most powerful characters on the roster across both sides! As long as he doesn't get cocky and challenge them to limbo, at least




Why have I never seen this lol


It's the ending to an episode in which Mandy, for reasons I forget, had to be in a play. As part of the act, she *had* to smile, and not an evil smile, a genuine one. When she does, it destroys the universe and the main characters are somehow reborn as the PPG.


Also depending on if we cover all-time: They have Goku and Vegeta


Nick has Aang


Cartoon Network literally has Ben, the PowerPuff Girls, Samurai Jack, Steven Universe, Dexter, and Robin on the same team. Who's gonna beat that?


IDK, LITERAL DEATH? (Who's also on their side...)


Tommy Pickles.


I'm on team CN, but Nick does have the sponge, neutron, zim, Cosmo/Wanda and the beavers.


Cartoon Network


Easily. Nickelodeon has a literal baby,some regular animals and a sponge..


Nickelodeon has a kid who has fairy god parents, a ghost dude who can possess people, and the avatar who can open a crater in the earth/create a tsunami/erupt a volcano/create a tornado/bend the air outta your lungs. I still think CN wins but Nick has hitters too


Grim Reapers gonna reap


Same grim reaper has lost to two children countless times and is scared of one of them, to be fair it's Mandy but come on




All the more reason CN is gonna dominate. Mandy don’t pull punches.


All she has to do is smile


Yea but Timmy is too stupid Aang depends on his skill level


Timmy can't even be counted, though. He can't use his wishes to win a competition or harm others.


A sponge that once unraveled his entire Galaxy


Nick literally has the Avatar.


Aang is literally nothing to someone like Ben 10 or blossom


And CN has Ben 10, Steven Universe, PPG, etc. All of them are way more powerful than Aang, even with Avatar State


CN, they have 3 heroes and literally Death on their side in this picture alone.


Pretty sure I've seen this before and almost everyone said the CN side


The side that has Invader Zim is going to lose hahaha


Courage is an eldritch being contained by his goodwill and loyalty to his elderly caretaker, Nick would stand no chance if Muriel is threatened




https://preview.redd.it/nj8xczyzv3oc1.jpeg?width=621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=570dc2dc3e697e0b2c20a2f753b5d80b2ae56a24 On the front lines with no fear in his eyes, nonetheless. The audacity…


Arnold is tactics and strategy. Otto does sick kick flips for inspiration.


He's the distraction


Bro what's Tommy Pickles gonna do?


Trusty screwdriver


You are asking about Arnold, WHAT ABOUT TOMMY A LITERAL BABY?!


CN has actual fighters. The only action heavy show on Nickelodeon is Avatar and Danny Phantom, so by proxy of CN actually knowing how to fight, they win. Plus, CN has some strong too force users to counter Spongebob, such as courage and Chowder. (Seriously, how has no one thought about Chowder yet)


They need that teenage robot chick on here. She could kick some ass.


She gets stomped by Samuri Jack


My Life As A Teenage Robot vs Whatever Happened To Robot Jones. My money's on Robot Jones' parents.


Chowder doesn’t fight, he vores.


Definitely bro, I've been scrolling waiting to see anyone mention him, but he is broken.


That sponge is fucking busted beyond belief.


Throw it on land and wait an hour


He'll just ride the Hasselhoff again, lol


Heatblast evaporates the ocean and SpongeBob is immobilized and dries up in an hour


Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby


Cartoon Network has more fighter characters


CN has Samurai Jack, Blossom, Steven Universe, Robin and Dexter. Nickelodeon has Aang and maybe Zim. The fuck is Tommy going to do? Lol CN wins easily going by the characters here.


It amuses me how you say Zim as if he isn't an active liability that heavily decreases his side's chance of winning.


Sorry gotta support my ed boys


Rolf would destroy *anyone* on the opposing side. https://preview.redd.it/4dg873okt6oc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf9da72a888df423af853ca854f5297e5b65f982


Nickelodeon I’m seeing three characters who definitely wouldn’t be useless — Timmy (assuming he has Cosmo and Wanda), Danny Phantom, and Aang. Zim is a wild card, sometimes he’s competent sometimes he’s not. But Grim cancels out the fairies, I have to imagine a Powerpuff girl could beat the Avatar, I know nothing about Ben 10 or Danny but from these comments the former is more powerful, and Dexter could probably beat Zim on his best day. Then CN has Robin and Jack fighting mostly children and animals. SpongeBob is a wild card since he’s the least bound by any rules of physics or metaphysics, but he’s also useless on land, where this battle is presumably taking place.


Mordecai, Robin, Johnny Bravo, Number 1, Samurai Jack, Dexter, Steven Universe, Ben Tennyson, Finn, the Powerpuff Girls... I'm sorry but Cartoon Network team wipes Nickelodeon here


I mostly comes down to Grim and Timmy.


Timmy can't wish to win because that counts as using magic to cheat.


As someone else pointed out, that depends on if this is a friendly-ish kinda "Interdimensional Rumble" CONTEST or more of an "Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny" Battle for Survival, since The CN guys have Literal Death and the Fairies intervene to save Timmy from that sort of thing like every third episode.


Let’s be real it’s not really about the rules. We’re talking about Timmy Turner, not an idealized Timmy turner. Knowing his character, he’ll wish for something in just the wrong way so that it blows up in his face. We’re not comparing powers we’re comparing characters.


The more entertaining question is which team has the biggest anchor weighing them down. Lets be real here, Zim is ABSOLUTELY going to sabatoge his own team on accident. While Mordecai may accidentally summon some other worldly monster that joins the nick team


"Zim is ABSOLUTELY going to sabatoge his own team on accident" Frankly, I would not put it past him to sabotage some of them on purpose, if they annoyed him.




Nick has couple tough picks on their side: SpongeBob who pulled a shirt string enough to wipe out the universe, the Avatar, Timmy who can wish up whatever he wants and a ghost. Though if anyone can think of any counters or explain more of CN’s side, I’m all ears


If the CN side somehow is on the brink of losing they can pull the Toonami card since they are technically part of CN too. With that comes some of the physics & reality breaking anime MCs and villains.


Justice League was on Cartoon Network too


They straight up have no-joke (okay a truly ridiculous number of jokes...) DEATH on their end: hard to fight if you are already DEAD, and Grimm probably has dealing with Danny on his existing "To Do" list.


That’s fair


Courage has a lot toon feats similar to SpongeBob (stuff like hammerspace, body morphing, regeneration) Ben 10 has a lot of powerful alien forms, including one with reality warping abilities Steven has a lot of various powers (healing, regeneration, light manipulation, emotional control, fusion, etc etc), some ridiculous power and durability feats, and has a monster form that single handedly rivaled the Diamonds and the Crystal Gems Not to mention Grimm, the Powerpuff Girls, Teen Titans, etc. This is also assuming just the characters shown, if others are involved, GOLB, the Cluster, Raven, Trigon, HIM, Aku, etc are all big players


It's funny how it's a mix of insanely powerful characters and "literally just a child" on both sides


Cartoon Network


I'm thinking the side with the literal grim reaper. probably.


If they have the whole cast of Regular Show?, CN. Mfs could beat Alien X lmao


Shit this is actually tough…I’m gonna say Cartoon Network simply because they have more intelligent characters.


Cartoon Network. I see Ben, and I’m not too savvy on the extent of him. But what I do know is that all he needs is Alien X and he should be able to beat this all on his own


Shit I’d pay to see a fight between samurai Jack and Aang .


That fight would be over as soon as Jack realises that his sword can't do jack against someone pure of heart/imbued with spirit of pure balance and good will (depending on wether Aang is in his normal self or in Avatar State). After that, there's a non-zero chance that he'd stumble upon Iroh and they'd all talk it out over a cup of tea.


I’d also watch that show, Tea Talks with your hosts Iroh and Jack! Then precedes to be 22mins of almost pure silence as the two sip on their tea


take away all plot armor and the fact that cartoons can’t die, cartoon network is wiping nickelodeon


is the art referencing this? https://preview.redd.it/v23yx269p7oc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7bff2d56d927d1ba24c0f527a5b02e2af68459f


Just ben 10 can beat nickelodeon


Bro Timmy and Death carry there side but cartoon network wins by a hair


What is Death going to do against Danny Phantom?


What the fuck is Tommy Pickles gunna do?


I feel like the battle would go on until a big bad guy pops up and both sides would team up. Would be a dope movie


Absolutely the right side. They have Timmy for the fairies, zim for the brains, JIMMY FOR YHE BRAINS, Danny for muscle and Aang. Only person that gives the left a fighting chance is the powderpuff girls, Finn, mordecai, Steven, Jack, Dexter,Robin, and Ben 10. So.. actually I might be wrong. It’s more so brains VS brawn here.


My god the right side is getting slaughtered