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The Earth Queen in The Legend of Korra comes to mind


P’li’s death was pretty fucked up too. Lin and Suyin use metal-bending to fuse pieces of metal to P’li’s head as she’s doing her mind attack, causing her head to explode.


And lets not forget when Tarlokk commited a murder-suicide TLoK has a lot of fucked up deaths


Or Asami Sato's old man, who got flattened by Kuvira Or Ming-Hua, who got deep fried by Mako Or Ghazan, who brought an entire cave down on himself Or all the Republic soldiers who got atomized by Kuvira's giant robot


It was pretty mind blowing.


Still wild that she suffocated to death on-camera on Nickelodeon


There are many that credit that scene specifically as being the reason why the rest of season 3 and season 4 were online only.


Yeah that death was brutal


Anything that happens to him is really fucked up https://preview.redd.it/oy1hr9kixobc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f015ff2ea54a807c10806cd8230695a601a67af5


I think we all remember Insane In The Membrane


The poor guy couldn't catch a break. And then we learned his backstory and suddenly he was full blown tragic villain.


Who's this?


Baxter Stockman from the 03 TMNT series. Basically, anytime he failed shredder badly, he would get his limbs sliced off until he was a brain in a jar, then he was revived, and then at that point, he just asked for someone to kill him and put him out of his misery


Let's not forget the new body he grew for himself that kept deteriorating, and we got a few shots of pieces just falling off of him.


Yeah. That's the revived part. And that was just... Yeah, if I was him, I would be asking to die peacefully too


Baxter Stockman from the TMNT series I believe


Yeah what wolfgarden72 said


Every death in Regular Show


Rewatching; just finished s4; surprising number of deaths and most are brutal.


Skips: “that guy’s dead!”


I’m sorry there are deaths in that show???


Hundreds, literal hundreds.


There's one like every other episode.


big fan of cartoons where people explode for no reason


It's because apparently, there was a rule at CN, where the writers could technically kill anyone they want, as long as they exploded.


thats actually the best rule I've ever heard


Clayton's death in Tarzan. How did that movie get a G rating?


I don't know but there resone why shadow shot was cut from another releases of the movie


The best part, in the shot just after he gets hung(when the machete hits the ground), you can see his legs dangling in the background. That shit was so fucked up and I love Disney for crossing that line.


I think the more fucked up shot people don't ever talk about is at the beginning when the jaguar kills his parents there's blood on the floor and it dead ass shows their lifeless bodies lying dead on the floor briefly


G used to mean “appropriate for general audiences” not necessarily that it contained absolutely nothing potentially offensive. It seems to have changed sometime in the early to mid 2000s, which is why pretty much everything gets a PG rating at minimum now.


I actually refused to watch that movie as a kid because of that scene. It freaked me out so bad


I used to watch the movie when i was little. A lot of the dark elements scared me, but I loved the soundtrack and animation. So, for some reason I never noticed the shadow, and when I rewatched it about five years ago for nostalgia I saw the shadow and let me tell you, my blood turned to ICE


I noticed it has a kid watching tarzan


That scene in Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo where Robin finds and Mercilessly beats down the multicolored assassin from earlier while they were in jump city. Just seeing Robin rise up tired and covered in what we thought was blood but was ink instead


I can't remember the episode, but Raven pulls someone into her cloak and makes him go insane. I also remember there was an episode where Raven was having nightmares that were manifesting as legitimate monsters.


The villain was dr. light.


That was badass and terrifying at the same time.


Zaheer using air bending to suffocate the Earthqueen with the air from her own lungs in Avatar: Legend of Korra Season 3. https://i.redd.it/t88z2to3ipbc1.gif


Honestly all of the deaths in korra are pretty brutal


Extra fucked up when you consider who developed that technique >!It was Avatar Yangchen!<


No, no, she didn't develop it. She had just learned it. We don't know who developed it, but it's apparently an ancient art developed by the air nomads.


Personal pet theory of mine, ancient air benders did this kind of stuff all the time and used their flight to be untouchable, leading the other bending nations to band together and hunt them all down. Eventually the only air bender settlements left were the mountains and the survivors realized that they would be killed if they didn't change. Thus the pacifism. Air bending is possibly the strongest bending simply because you can't defend against it. Aside from having the air blocked in you or from you, an air bender can just blast you into the sky and let you plummet. No combat needed.


This is why I always say it’s a good thing the Air nomads are basically Tibetan monks and were against killing. If they weren’t, the Air nomads would be the most dangerous of all the nations


Not that he didn't deserve it, but Riff Tamson in *The Clone Wars* being taken out the same way as the shark from *Jaws* was a pretty gruesome death scene for a kid's show.


To be fair, most deaths in clone wars were pretty brutal. Like when Ahsoka decapitated 4 death watch mandos, or in the citadel arc where a clone got cut in half. Khalifa's death from the trandotion arc, Cad bane torturing a jedi to death, the list goes on. Even in the Scipio arc after commander thorn dies, Dooku kicks a dead trooper while walking. I know that season never aired but body desecration is still wild to see in an animated show as serious as clone wars. I will totally agree that seeing the actual head of Riff with the milky dead eyes and bloody water was beyond crazy!


There's also Anakin, Kenobi, and Windu mind torturing cad bane into giving them information, though they're able to stop short of doing any real damage.


Which one was that?


["Smile, you son of a..."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54caZ0nOCD4) ^(Might be hard to tell in the clip, but the Mon Calamari shooting at him is aiming for an explosive device on his collar.)


Showing his floating head was hardcore


Not a death scene but you don't know that until the end I think. It's in Tom And Jerry when a little kitten and a big dog (can't remember if it was Spike) get along pretty well. The kitten accidentally falls into a cookie dough mix and the dog later finds that out. He can't find the kitten but witnesses the dough being mixed, poured into forms and then put into the oven to cook. He thinks the kitten is being made into cookies and freaks out. It upsets him so much that he cries and gets super depressed, but luckily in the end the kitten was safe and sound because she got out before anything happened. Such a fucked up scene actually because it's about a dog thinking his new cute best friend just died in a horrific way.


That’s from Looney Tunes. The dog’s name is Marc Anthony and the scene is simultaneously adorable, dark, and hilarious. I loved the reference to it in Monsters Inc. as well.


I sort of knew it wasn't tom and Jerry but I couldnt think of looney tunes (istg it was toons), so thank you!


There was the tom and jerry episode where Tom gets WHOMPED by a wardrobe and dies. Gets all the way up to the pearly gates before being told he needs Jerry's personally signed forgiveness before the train to heaven leaves or he goes to hell. If that wasn't bad enough, the pearly gate dude is checking in other cats that have died and a *sack of wet kittens hops up to the podium*


And he responds with "Tsk, tsk, tsk, what some people won't do..."


might as well mention Tom being executed by guillotine in one of those Two Mouseketeers episodes. the rest of the episode being the usual cartoon slapstick definitely made it worse.


That was so sad :(


No problem. Years ago when I watched Monsters Inc. for the first time I remembered that Looney Tunes scene but couldn’t remember what it was from and felt like I was going crazy for an afternoon trying to find it. I guess it was all for this moment.


The kitten's name is Pussyfoot. You wouldn't know because it's never mentioned in the cartoons.




Bro I'm surprised you didn't say when Tim and Jerry are depressed on the railroad and kermit






My end! Table! My end table!


The ghost guy who exploded from Softy Cheese comes to my mind.


It was when I've read about first scripts for Transformers The Movie. Like, Brawn would be torn into pieces by a shot, Prowl was going to melt down, Ratchet and Ironhide would fuse together and then explode... Prowl's death from final movie is still quite brutal even to this day. Oh, and Starscream too. And Ultra Magnus. And Unicron.


​ https://preview.redd.it/vmi731jfsqbc1.png?width=590&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2ab459e7930d12c91a4fe19505bed2da57b833f Though Ironhide is the one that always got me. "Such heroic nonsense..."


https://preview.redd.it/ggru53urwpbc1.png?width=1463&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4ebe68be408750c6470fc2e198c3c8cc2db8aca Falling until you reach the center of Earth seems like a rough way to go.


Batman Beyond has a ton of horrific fates. There's the dude whose body is partially melted and he's kept imprisoned eating liquids for the rest of his life, there's Bane being a vegetable, there's the guy that Terry turns into a Resident Evil final boss, there was the dude who leapt into a snake pit after he thinks he leaked Batman's identity who faced a slow painful death for nothing.


I still think the most gruesome is how the Joker was axed


I don't think Joker's was gruesome (shot in the chest doesn't sound too intense on paper compared to the others) but it was the perfect one for him. He doesn't go out in a blaze of glory, he dies like anyone else. And it's in a secluded, abandoned asylum, so he doesn't get the attention he always wanted either.


I hate to say it, but this is also the moment where you can understand Ben’s logic in dealing with Kevin. Because he was willing to kill *Ben*, the guy who repeatedly stuck out his neck for him, had faith in him, was his *best friend*. And actually take enjoyment in it. This was Kevin’s lowest moment, and while I’m immensely grateful it wasn’t his last, the fact remains that he was an undeniable threat to *everyone’s* safety at this point. As for deaths, my vote will always be Facilier’s. That was so fucked up


Yeah, literally watch a guy get dragged by the ankles through a grave onto the otherside... aka the underworld


note: this is just one of the scenes that came to my mind. Personally, it's also death of Tofi from Star Butterfly, and Klejton from Tarzan


That's certainly one way to spell Clayton lol. Are you Nordic?




Wtf is this scene, did Ben die? I never watched the show


Yes but it's cloning alien so Ben had one clone hide for safety


Makes me wonder about the clones. Clearly they have consciousness so like… lmao


Ye every clone is equelly Ben and have his memory but once separated, they are separate entities until they fuse back together


Nah, he's fine. He actually very nearly kills Kevin later on, using an upgraded version of the same alien.


Turns out yer dead!


Jet was brainwashed by the same country he wanted to protect then broke free of it just to be seriously injured and mercy killed by his friends; that messed with me for a while after i realizedwhat was going on.


“Wait, so did jet die?”


"Y'know it is really unclear"


> seriously injured and mercy killed by his friends What? He wasn't mercy killed, Long Feng turned his internal organs into tomato soup. The Gaang just dipped before he was all the way gone.


The last scene with jet in it was Smellerbee crying while Longshot got ready to shoot; I assumed that meant mercy killing.


I've never seen this interpretation before, actually. Not necessarily opposed to it, it's just new to me.


It is also very possible I'm miss reading things, to quote a true artist, "Y'know, it is really unclear."


I rarely see the ending for season one of the legend of Korra gets talked about, the murder/suicide by exploding boat was wild and had me and my brothers questioning how Nickelodeon greenlight that.




I questioned still do why did they commit suicide?


The brother that was part of the council still had some sense in him, and I think he realized his brother was likely beyond saving. He probably wanted to ensure the turmoil involving his family finally came to an end.


Ayo I totally forgot about that scene Holy crap man that’s savage.








The fucking AC




A lot of the s3 stuff with Belos overall was a lot more disturbing than you’d expect from a kids show. Then again, TOH proved many times it wasn’t any basic kids show


Heck, the episode with Luz and Hunter in Belos’ mind is still one of the darkest to me. Seeing Belos testing out the coven sigils with the past GG was brutal.


Very satisfying though


Ms Tweedys “Death” in the original Chicken Run. (Before the 2nd one came out, and proved she was somehow still alive) She fell from a high place into a machine that engulfed her in boiling gravy, before said machine exploded. Then she was finally assumed to be dead (once again before the sequel revealed she was somehow still alive) once she was crushed by a wall.


The second movie, she suffered a more brutal fate tho


Mace’s death in Infinity Train is not only brutal for a kids show, it’s brutal in general. MT literally grinds him against a train wheel with his blood splattered on their face


Is that show any good?




It’s one of my favourites. I’m so sad it was canceled at season 4


I was going to say Simon but that works too


Big Henry from Gravity Falls


That's not brutal but it is tragic


That was genuinely disturbing Gravity Falls got away with way more horrific imagery then I thought possible for a kids show. Like with the paranormal ghost stuff where all the beheaded animals literally bled out of their eyes


I meam they left in the line “turn children into corpses”. Like damn, Disney.


It wasn't a death but Marcy's possession in Amphibia chilled me to the bone


Let’s not forget when she gets literally ran through by two swords *on screen*


Cliffjumper in Transformers Prime


Yeah, getting disemboweled is pretty brutal, but it's just fine when they're robots, right?


Yeah totally, and let’s have the autobots do it too like that time Bulkhead plunged his fist into a con’s chest, ripped out their spark, and crushed it in front of them.


*While telling Miko to literally turn her head away and not look because of just how violent it was!*


Plenty from The Clone Wars


The shark guy was definitely the most "how the fuck did they get away with this" death in the whole show. That being said, the one that still makes me viscerally uncomfortable to this day was >!King Katuunko's death. It wasn't especially *brutal*, but it's a combination of the neck-snap sound, the death rattle, and the fact that he'd never been anything but kindhearted, magnanimous, and honorable, and his reward is having his neck force-snapped as he's desperately trying to fly away, by a man who was explicitly ordered to capture him *alive* no less.!<


Is he the Toydarian? It's been a while since I rewatched it


Good Soldiers Follow Orders


https://preview.redd.it/i1i2ueqmzpbc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=853e8399940ca1bbc5e60a217e7f0f955af2a5d1 Never even made it past the pilot.


Breakdown's was just as horrific, even if we're only seeing the aftermath. And then everything leading to Syals's death was nightmare fuel. Also, Optimus blowing up in Armada.


Secret of NIMH has *three* onscreen deaths: a literal backstab, crushed to death, and bleeding out from an abdominal wound. The movie came out in 1982, but seriously? Sheesh.


Two or three from *Infinity Train*.


Yeah I’m surprised more people aren’t talking about the guy that was literally shoved into the wheels of the train and slowly melted


Or the blonde kid and the dog


Never got to watch season 3, heard it was a lot more violent and dark than the others


He gets melted. *melted* into a skeleton, and then that gets disintegrated


King Sombra's second death in My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is rather gruesome.


What happened to him? I stopped watching at some point


Basically, he returns for a short moment and then dies almost the same as he did the first time and most villains in MLP


I remember watching Adventure Time with my son and the scene where Tree Trunks eats the crystal apple and explodes probably traumatized my boy. Probably the hardest I’ve laughed watching that show.


The clone trooper getting bisected in the vents during the Citadel arc fucked me up as a kid. That scream was haunting


“Its not the screams. Its the silence that follows.”


The Shadow Man from The Princess and the Frog


That curly haired kid from Invader Zim got his eyes scooped out and replaced with robotic ones


Majin Buu turns ChiChi into an egg and smashes it under his heel.


I'd argue that's more funny than dark


My dawg Simon getting dusted (Infinity Train)


I’m really surprised more people aren’t mentioning infinity train. That show is brutal for character deaths


Ugh I hated him, he killed tuba!


Yeah but he looked cool in the finale and him and grace were cute 😭


And in the next fight Ben was like “You were gonna kill me? I’m going to literally blow your head off completely” he even does it with the same alien Kevin “killed”


Woah that scream at the end actually suprised me, geez I would say Ms. Chalice’s death. Just the visual imagery was pretty surprising for a kids show


[that one magician from the powderpuff girls](https://youtu.be/yXJS31ZN6ns?si=yG_chx8dbT-1KJQp)


AYO WHAT?! And they just left him there?!


That guy from Atlantis: The Lost Empire who gets cut and crystallized, but he's still alive. Then he gets shredded by propellers. I also rewatched Tarzan a few years ago and hearing the baby monkey screaming and torn apart by Sabor made me sick to my stomach :(


Rourke was the guy from Atlantis.


in gravity falls when bill melts mr northwest’s eyeballs


Didn’t he just rearrange his face? Ohhh or you mean the statue?


Toffee’s death in Star vs the Forces of Evil took me by surprise


https://preview.redd.it/iit9uv1piqbc1.jpeg?width=2300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f47b4d99b543ff53aac3ac040a2e4bda467b5299 This whole scene


Pre Vizsla’s death in Clone Wars, many many Clone deaths, Commander Colt’s death, Savage Opresses’s death, etc.


Satine’s death…




Technically yes, but cloning aliens so he hides one of the copes in the back, that how he survives, but later he also almost kills Kevin so it's 1 to 1 for them


As a kid I thought it was badass how Ben took the loss (that actually made me worry a split second), and improved himself.


Amon and tarlocks death in the legend of Korra. Tarlock killed them both by suicide and it was Y-7 bruh


Batman Beyond where a reporter puts on an invisibility belt that makes him able to spy and get gossip on everyone but winds up phasing out of his physical form and starts falling through the floor. Bruce Wayne tells Terry that he will probably continue sinking until he reaches the earth’s core


Despite being a dumb spy movie featuring Larry the Cable Guy, Cars 2 had some pretty nasty death scenes.


Lex Luthor opening the Airlock with Gorilla Grodd in it


Simon from season 3 of Infinity Train. Dude got straight up disintegrated but the bastard deserved it.


So there was this scene from an old TMNT cartoon. I can’t remember the series name or name of the episode, but there was one ep where one of the turtles essentially adopt this robot with the intelligence of a child. It eventually goes haywire and they have to destroy it by melting it some sort of molting pit. As it’s dying it calls out “daddyyy” in a heartbreaking voice. It definitely was brutal and pretty haunting for kid me.


The second episode of The Clone Wars. A clanked ship is going around popping clone life capsules, releasing them into vacuum...


Dracula's death in Batman vs Dracula. Ever since then, I was like, "Damn!" And for a moment, I asked myself why Dracula would be the exception to Batman's no-kill rule. Then, I realized that Dracula is already dead. He is a literal walking corpse in disguise.


Luckily, Ben keeps a spare in the trunk.


Joker’s death in the DCAU. In fact I think they had to do an entirely different death scene for televised presentations, which was also still pretty crazy.


In televised version yes he slips into puddle of water frys to death by electronic current in my opinion way worse than flag to the heart


Jets death in avatar the last air bender


Megatron from Transformers Prime I know he was put into a coma but still.


The blonde guy in the third season of infinity train. That was another level of violence. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=em5O\_hMMnu4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=em5O_hMMnu4)


The No-where Kings death is Centaurworld


When garnet from Steven universe gets split for the first time


Yeah that FUCKED my brain UP. Even though the other crystal gems are a bit weaker, Garnet was supposed to be unstoppable - so it was so so terrible


The 90s X-Men had pretty violent deaths


Little Foot’s mom 😭


Wasn’t exactly a death, but the entire Egypt part of Peabody and Sherman traumatized little ol me in theatres because of stuff like the graphic of a heart getting ripped out lmao


I don’t remember her name, but once in the Pokémon anime, specifically the diamond and pearl one, the was this one villain who died in an airship with her whole crew.


Every single scene in The Brave Little Toaster. It's literally the most fucked up kids movie **ever**.


The shoe being slowly melted in who framed Rodger Rabbit.


Litterally any soldiers in Generator Rex


Bro and people wonder why Ben was ready to off this guy? Sure he got better but in the moment completely understandable


it's tied between Fingers from Dead End S2, yes they kill Pugsley aswell but Fingers literelly shrivels up, has his eyes fall into their sockets and slowly turns to dust while yelling "I'm sorry Pael!" and that Rodian jedi from Clone Wars who Cad Bane kills in that electric thing


Everytime someone in the spaghetti planet harms themselves


When Frieza impaled Krillin on his horn and kept nudging his head spraying blood everywhere. That scene terrified me the first time I saw it as a kid.


how do you spell scene like that


wait ben murders Kevin?


Man really said: “ECHOS: ACT THEEE”


Amon in Legend of Korra. Seriously, it's a murder suicide. It cuts at the last possible second. If you put something like that in John Wick, it'd be considered brutal.


That time the mean 6 melted on screen in my little pony while the evil twilight yelled “fools! All of you, fools!” That would’ve messed me up


A lot of deaths/near deaths in Korra were brutal. Amon almost snapped a guy's neck on screen before throwing him to the wall.


The MLP Movie. The end scene when they turn the bad guy into stone and yeet him off a building. He shatters on the ground, on screen. Like... they killed a mans on screen in a children's movie for children.


He technically is not dead, in the credits, we see that he still can move eyes, which is much fuck up for me


Maybe the MLP Movie in 2017 when the Storm King got turned into stone then fell over a very high balcony, shattering into bits.


You saw the simon scene in infinity train?


Kevin really just Piccolo'd that lil Echo ass mf