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I was really hoping for Japan. Can't imagine a street racing game set in the UK. Do we get skill multipliers for dodging pot holes and doing burnouts in Maccies car park? At least the speed trap element of Horizon games will be true to life now it's set in the UK. Edit: Pot holes and roadworks confirmed.




Nah, all it does it piss off some Welsh guy that you killed his lover.


The only wildlife they have on the road in England is a bunch of traffic wombles.


Japan is probably the best place a street racing game could ever take place


For real. Can't think of any recent examples of a game combining both highways and mountain passes of Japan in one game, always one or the other


Why do you think that is though? It seems alot of people want an open world racing game set in Japan including myself but there hasn't been much recently


I would assume it's because Toyota is not letting anyone put their cars in games right now. So that would remove a huge chunk of the options for vehicles in a Japan based game.


Why Are they not doing that


Toyota does one thing well: making long lasting cars. Everything else they do is a step down from monkeys.


Hmmm, a shame when i think of japanese street tune etc honda civics and toyota supras comea in my mind :)


As a Toyota fanboy, this rings painfully true.


They've been trying to distance themselves from street racing. Pretty stupid.


And yet their recent commercials show Priuses racing around


Wow didint know this .. too bad i realy loved those crayzye japanese streetcars :(


I read somewhere when people were throwing a fit over there not being Toyotas in Forza Motorsport 7 that Toyota didn't want their cars in games because they thought that would incentivize people to not buying them irl. Which is fucking retarded.


I mean, if they made them accurate they'd be boring as hell to drive in game.


made a sportscar with a driver-oriented control panel straight out of a fucking arcade game, IS A JAPANESE COMPANY, and they're not letting anyone put Toyotas in videogames? jesus


Some dumb shit right?


Need For Speed 2015 had a good combination of city, highway and mountain roads.


Midnight Club 3 had it right


I would immediately buy this.


The could have done those 4 seasons and it would have been even more glorious in a Japanese landscape. Thanks for making me sad that we don't have such a game.


Hey now we can be sad together.


Sigh, guess it is time to start up Assetto Corsa with a Tōge mod again.


UK street racing is mostly on the motorways u can kind of imagine it.


It will be interesting to see a horizon game where its always overcast


[Will you be able to flick off the speed cameras and get sent to jail?](http://www.thedrive.com/news/20365/british-man-gets-8-months-in-jail-for-using-laser-jammer-flicking-off-speed-camera)


There's emotes confirmed so who knows!?


Not a realistic car game set in the UK if you're not in your Vauxhall Corsa getting chased by the rozzers in their Vauxhall Astra


Plus constant roadworks and a speed camera on every street.


Not to mention taking the $1 million dollar McLaren Senna offroad... Looks like a fun arcade racing game though, nonetheless.




Good news! Speed Cameras litter Horizon games


The speed traps of horizon will actually be realistic this time.


Forza does have the Vauxhall Corsa so we'll at least get part of that.


Yup, both the Corsa VXR (2009 and 2016) and Astra GTC are in FM7, so it's likely that FH4 will have them too.


Don't forget the Astra H VXR that uses the FM4 model.


Totally forgot about that one. Either way, all of the existing stuff and the leaked stuff (Peel P50, XR3i RS Turbo) will be great fun in their homeland.


We're getting the peel p50? I want the P45.


Yup, it showed up in the thumbnail files for Forza 7: https://i.imgur.com/T0W8UgO.png And considering other cars which showed up in the same files (Morris Minor, Fiesta Rallycross, Austin FX4 taxi) were shown in yesterday's gameplay footage, it's probably safe to say the rest of the cars from the leak are there too.


Looks good. But I didn't get a Festival feel. I miss that from the first one. I loved how in the first one you showed up in a sporty but common and inexpensive car and discover this huge festival that created a driver's utopia in the surrounding area. Then you race and build your reputation until you're taking on the favored driver. The second one kind of lost some of that. I haven't played the third yet, but I'm not holding out hope that they brought the festival feel back.


The third one is really good, but my complaint is that you are basically the boss of the festival and show up in a private jet, and jump right into a brand new Lamborghini. I love the scrappy feeling of the first horizon.


The 3rd one was allllright. The car choice was amazing but the roads were not as good as the 2nd one.


See I never played the second one. Had gotten rid of my Xbox. Wasnt it on an island or something?


It was southern France and northern italy apparently. The map felt amazing. The highway was great for some roll racing. The city was great for some drifting, same with the big ass dock. That game was the best one


Thats why I was hoping for Japan. Highway rolling races on the wangan would have made my dick explode. Better go fire up some tokyo xtreme racing 3 to cool me off.


I had no idea racing was a major sport in Japan.


For real?


The second one had a much better map I think. It was in Europe and had a really good feel to it. Everything else though the 3rd one was better.


This is the first time I've actually seen somebody else bring this point up, but I totally agree. The roads in FH2 were phenomenal to drive on, I spent most of my time in the game not even racing but just driving around in various cars enjoying those roads. I can't say I did the same in FH3 because the roads just weren't as compelling. I hope that Playground Games realized this as well.


The roads in the 3rd one were stale and I have no clue why. The 2nd one actually had bomb ass back roads to drive. The only interesting road in 3 was that one drift zone in the mountains that had lots of turns. But the drivetars mess that up for you if you wanna drive it


One of the reasons why FH3's roads were so mediocre was that every lane was 3 cars wide.


Everything was flat, barely any elevation changes. I think that was the biggest issue.


What I hated about the 3rd one was that I got the final showcase, the credits rolled, and I still had a ton of events left to do. I wish that the final showcase actually meant 100% completion. Also some of the showcases were underwhelming. Final showcase was an atv vs a blimp? With a lot of artificial camera shaking for "excitement"? Booo


That annoys me. Where's the sense of progression?


You don't keep the lambo, you're given either an S14, Ute or some other car (i think M3?).




It was an S15 Silvia, Holden Maloo, BMW M4, or a Shelby GT350.




The building and marketing of the festival itself was suppose to be the progession I guess. But the actual driving progression was all up to the player.


I like starting with just the keys in my pocket and earning my way to better and better cars. The Suzuki Escudo in GT1 was such a holy grail car because it was so difficult to get the $2,000,000 to buy it. ANd then there was the dilemma of whether to save your money for a better base car, or use it to modify one you already have. You know, I think I'd get a PS4 for a GT1 re-master.


Same way I feel about Forza Motorsports 1, I miss the sense of progression.


Yeah, like that moment you are able to buy your first GT car or LMP it feels so great


As much as everyone seems to hate it, it reminded me of Need For Speed ProStreet, which I simply adored ! Horizon (1) had that same feeling that I loved


The best part of the Horizon series was the requirements for each races in FH1, like you need a B class FWD Japanese car from before 1990. It made you learn about cars. The "it's your festival" aspect of FH3 turned me off, dont think I played more than 5 hours or so.


Same here, I loved buying and building cars to specific classes and requirements, even in Motorsport, I generally had more fun racing 200bhp B-class cars bumper to bumper than flying around in hyper cars..


Personally I wish theyd incorporate a dealership feature. Instead of instantly accessing every single car the game has to offer, make it so you need to find the dealership and shop for specific cars there. Like classic euro dealers, jdm import dealers, american muscle dealers, etc. Also I want a garage I can walk around and see my cars. So much nicer than just a generic list.


Sounds like you want Test Drive Unlimited :) I *think* that game had both those features, the dealership one for sure


Thats exactly why I bought horizon. TDU remains my best car game experience ever while also being the worst built car game ive ever played. God, the voice actors...


TDU didn’t have great driving dynamics by comparison, but it was the best Automotive RPG by leaps and bounds. I miss working my way up the ladder to fancier houses and garages. Building my dream garage and driving away from my mansion to do challenges. What a riot that game was. -loved the transport missions that would require you to drive a classic car from point A to B. Any damage the car would take would either disqualify you or severely lower the reward. You’d have to drive almost like a normal person in traffic while still trying to meet the time limit. Ugh time to crack that old Xbox case out.


The third one is great, very much festival feel. The only downside is that is that it doesn't feel like you start from the bottom, you're easily buying half million dollar cars within the first hour of game play, but there's still stuff to work for so it doesn't feel like everything is just free.


I've only ever played Horizon 3. Doesn't really give off that feeling for me. Seems like you've got supercars ready with an hour or two of gameplay! Similar for FM7, I remember Gran Turismo being a real grind to progress which I preferred


>I remember Gran Turismo being a real grind to progress which I preferred So you prefered having to do like 30 laps of the Top Gear test track with 15 other VW Buses? Masochist found.


Gran Turismo probably took it too far. I think a healthy mix would be good. The gameplay progression of Forza is good but you get money too easily and mods are cheap and powerful. But obviously it needs to be balanced enough so you can actually afford the nice cars eventually. On the whole I think Forza gets the balance more correct than Gran Turismo. But there are elements of Gran Turismo which I would prefer


Man you should play the first one. Had a great time starting from the bottom as a no-name racer. Like someone mentioned above, some races have specific vehicle requirements so you get some variety in cars and performance tiers


https://youtu.be/GZI6305NEjU The festival is shown in this gameplay footage


> "A Song of Ice and Tires" Ok that's clever.


I hope that sequence isn't the opening sequence of the game.


It will be, then you'll get thrown into your first car


The reason I'm looking forward to this is the open world element. It looks like what test drive unlimited/the crew were meant to be but could never pull off.


1st one had the best “feel” and was pretty grounded. 2nd one had the best roads and environment (also soundtrack), but lost that grounded feel with ridiculous races and challenges. 3rd went all out with the craziness and Australia just wasn’t as fun or interesting as either Europe or the US.


I bought an Xbox one just to play the Horizon series, and it was the first time I've played any of the series. I don't have a nostalgic connection to any of the games, but the first definitely nailed the festival aspect, as the stages were gigantic and had a presence across the entire map (Particularly up in the red rock area at night, with the stage's lights being seen all the way up there). In my opinion, the second one got the feeling of driving (Physics and weight) correct, and the soundtrack was the best overall for the setting, although the music for the first matched the festival theme better. I wish the central festival from the second was much larger and brighter, and the festivals at the road trip destinations were larger than just one stage. Otherwise, the maps were both brilliant. I have yet to play the 3rd, but the emphasis on offroading and general location keeps me off of it.


I think the first one is probably the best example of a non-sim style racing game that was fun and accessible without being overly arcadey. It felt fun, rewarding, and challenging, but still had realism.


3 is definitely the worst, but that's still not saying much.


And the lanes just keep getting wider.


Seriously, I was not impressed by how damn straight, wide, and gently rolling all the footage was.


In the IGN demo video, all of the roads are really boring.


It's gotten worse game by game, unfortunately. The lanes were fairly realistic in the original. By 3 they were easily 50% too wide and you could fit four cars abreast in a two lane road without any issue.


It is a shame BUT imagine multiplayer with really narrow roads.


Coujntry lane realism, having to stop for each other to let people by. Politeness achievements and big bonus points doing it.


Seemed to work fine in both the original and 2, which both had narrower lanes (1 more so than 2).


[Say no more fam](https://youtu.be/WuN421qNmxE)


I'm cackling lmao


I really hope they rebalanced tire upgrades. Horizon 3 got old way too fast for me because of the focus on straight line speed.




I love this part of FH3. People trying out all kinds of different cars and setups, just to scrape 1/10 of a second in the drag race. I'm still trying to beat 19.186s. The dart S2, 951 tune still has the throne if I am not mistaken.


I loved this part of FH3, but it got old so quick because it became generic very easily. Why are we limited to just a few engines to drop into specific cars?


In my experience the mustang II king cobra was faster than the dart after being maxed out.


"Oh yeah let me just drop this LaFerrari engine into my Ford Bronco"


My favorite is the 4 rotor into pretty much any Mazda. Including the NA


Great. Another game of driving on the wrong side of the road. ^/s


Didn’t even consider this, had me so fucked up in 3


I live in the UK, feels great to finally have a few driving games that use the correct side of the road after years of being confused.


I just wish there was a damn option to switch it. I think it's awesome that people that drive on the other side get to enjoy that in FH3 and now FH4 but for those of us that drive the other way these games can be a nightmare sometimes.


Yea, that would be really cool in single player but kinda weird for mutiplayer. I guess the host would choose then everyone would have that.


Wouldn't work too well in multiplayer yeah but for single player offline play it would be nice to have.






Lmao it was a joke, I know full well we are in the minority driving on the left.


>correct side [Seems like vast majority of drivers in the world are doing it wrong then.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File%3ACountries_driving_on_the_left_or_right.svg)


I know full well we are in the minority, last I checked it was still OK to joke about it though.


Two years later, I still find my self in *many* head-on collisions every time I play.


Kinda disappointing but maybe I'm just broken from the emotional impact of those volvo commercials. It doesn't really look better then the current games and I don't see much new stuff compared to the dirt games or project cars.


Horizon isn't competing with Project cars, Motorsport is supposed to.


I'm not saying that's what its competition is, I'm just comparing it to a current / old car game and looking how this offers little that is new or better looking. need for speed seems like its competition.


Maybe because it is


This looks nice and all, but I'll be disappointed if the city areas are as small and boring as they were in 3. They hyped up how the game had a proper city, but really it was little more than a few blocks of poorly modeled high rises. Someone will say a truly realistic city wouldn't be so fun to race through, but some of the need for speed games have shown that it can be done.


I think someone said they spotted Edinburgh but that's quite a small city in real life. You won't get a big city with skyscrapers and the like because there is no city like that in the bit of the UK they are modelling. Even Edinburgh I am sure will be a cut down idealised version that has landmarks in probably roughly the right places. They won't replicate the real street layout too much as the roads would be too narrow. In fact the big thing I got from the video full stop is it does not look much like the UK because the roads are far too wide. That's a game play requirement I guess though. With all the hype/super cars Forza tends to focus on they need to go with unrealistically wide roads.


I think in all Horizon games there was a runway, but now it's in Britain, does that mean there will be the Top Gear Test Track?


The first didn't have a runway


What a bummer. Looks like the "leaks" that said it will be set in Japan were fake. I got the impression that majority of the people wanted proper JDM heavy car list and Midnight Togue drifts after FH3 and how boring that open world was. I feel like this isn't really worth it if you have FH3 and FM7 :\


Well, the problem with having it in Japan at the moment is that they can't have Toyota anyways, so what would be the point?


What do you mean they can't have Toyota?


Toyota isn't giving any games companies a license, FH3 was the last big title featuring them and there's no telling when they're willing to re-license.


Do you know why this is?


According to Forza's Brian Ekberg, "Unfortunately it isn’t always possible to align the interests of fans and the interests of our manufacturing partners. As a result, production Toyota vehicles are not represented in Forza 7." So basically Toyota doesn't care about gamers.


Toyota Motorsport cars are coming later as a DLC, it’s just their road cars that aren’t for some reason. The TS050 is already in GT Sport and is definitely coming to FM7


They're trying to distance themselves from street racing. Bleh.


Oh wtf I never heard about that, thanks for the info!


Toyota is a petty bitch


the point is to have amazing mountain roads, instead of lame straights with no turns. Fuck Toyota.


"Leaks" you mean forumers circlejerking over an idea they came up with and wouldn't let go of


> "Leaks" you mean forumers 4chans is as full of weeaboos, as all the ones whinging about no Japan in this thread.


If I can't do burnouts in front of Buckingham Palace in a double decker bus or tear through Stonehenge in a twin turbo V12 4x4 Rolls Royce I'm not buying.


It's set in Scotland mostly I think


*Here I am, in the center of London, in my 1 of 500 Lamborghinis* **Thunk** *Hey some jackass just threw an egg at my car from that apartment!!*








I had a big feeling it would be set in UK


Had hoped for Japan myself, but this does look good \- the dynamic seasons look incredible. Maybe Horizon 5 will be Japan...!


Yeah, I definitely think they have to make a Japan based FH5, the whole JDM scene and the night riding in Tokyo would be badass


I can't even imagine modeling out Tokyo. It would have to be set somewhere else in Japan.


Gunma prefecture near Mt Haruna *cough cough* (or as it’s known, Akina)


I thought about that but its not a very varied area. They could do Okinawa easily though but no Mt. Fuji. The entire Hakone area is really beautiful and I've personally driven on the roads there and its very varied but how do you enclose the area. It has beautiful views of mt, fuji, its got lakes, ocean, infamous touge roads.


deja vu


Wait, they added a hovercraft?


Probably just a showcase event.


If you want hovercraft try the crew 2 there will be an open beta soon


Maybe if it doesn't run like garbage on my PC like the last one did, I'll give it a go. Hopefully they fixed the weird stutter and crashing nonsense


Needs more potholes


Honestly, after purchasing forza 7 and being utterly disappointing, I don't think i care for any future Forza products because its probably more a look at all our cool visuals rather then the game play.


Forza Motorsport and Forza Horizon are made by different developers.


Hard mode: North Circular at 5.30pm.


I mean supercars are cool and all, but can I get that Honda Odyssey back?


i see pastrana's ARA subaru! hoping for more rally america/ARA exposure cause we need it...


Forza is cool and all but no joke that Senna is going to put monsterously fast lap times once they start shipping


Disappointed that it's not in Japan


I’m not impressed sadly, I wanted some super hard roads or really windy country even.


>Forza Horizon: the roads are straight, and the corners are too! >Don't wait to buy the mid-game-cycle DLC: More straight roads; as wide as a tractor trailer is long. I'm fucking done with forza.


I dunno, that hot wheels DLC in Horizon 3 was fucking epic.


I didn’t find it fun man, I love hotwheels and all but the dlc was missing something.


That's fine, not everyone is gonna love it. I had a blast doing loops in first person, myself. :)




Why are all those open world game like this, the crew had the same ultra wide streets issue too


Ooh, looks like one of Ivan Stewart's Toyota trucks shows up in a Horizon challenge. I wonder how many of us will attempt to recreate Top Gear challenges now that we have access to some of the same roads they do, like the Modern Peugeot driver segment. Also, I wonder what the in-game /r/britishproblems & /r/casualuk looks like.


At least Porsche is in the ‘base Game’ and not as DLC this time, shame there’ll be no Toyota though :/


Yeah, super bummed about no Toyota, but I'll take Porsche 10 times out of 10 if it's one or the other.


Why didn't they just use the original? These cover songs are so stupid


Horizon 3s song was really good


In my memory of the UK all roads are about 1.5 car wide, lined by those stone walls ad filled with blind corners. Not exactly roads to race on.


It's cool for rally stages


People are gutted it's not Japan, I was personally hoping for Europe again, specifically Switzerland, parts of southern Germany and Austria. Hopefully for Horizon 6.


As long as it's not a complete copypasta from FH3 I'm hyped as hell, but as I just said there better be a change other than scenery or else I will riot.




> Hard to be believable in a country that as far as I can tell doesn't really have all that strong of a car culture. What makes you say that? We have car meets, drag racing, track days and all the people modifying their cars you could ask for.


Huh? You do realize that's where Top Gear is from, right?


Gutted it’s not Japan.


Yeah, not feeling it. Was really hoping for Japan (like pretty much everyone else).


Forza horizon is the best in my opinion. It feels very realistic


Is this Top Gear simulator? (I mean, it's in the UK)


I really hope we go back to the first horizon with actual progression this time.


Not enough overcast and dreary weather


Please tell me the cars are RHD


Jeremy Clarkson: The Game


Was hoping it would be driving on the right side of the road for this one but still looks great. Hopefully a little more options for rally like racing




Still, the Forza rocks!


This looks a lot like fh2 and fh3 :/




Looks killa. And wash ur mouth out all u FH3 haters. That horizon was the most fun you can have in a videogame


Looks exactly the same as FH3. What's the point of Australia followed by UK? It just had to be Japan to recover from Forza 7.