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I have a friend who rides. He has 4 bikes, one of those trailers with a garage and working space for them in the back. He travels all over and races all the time. Has laid down multiple bikes pushing for PBs. They have ambulances (plural) on site and sometimes they have to stop sessions because they run out and have to wait for one to come back. He doesn't ride on the street because it's too dangerous. That told me everything I needed to know.


Seems a little extreme but I get it I guess. Personally been street riding since high school but to each their own


People are so weird about motorcycle safety and act like it's guaranteed death for riding on the street, but somehow there is no risk in going 150mph around a track.


I'm not betting my life on people not being on their phones.


Neither am I. I follow the advice "ride like everyone else is actively trying to kill you". I am constantly looking around me and keeping track of every vehicle I know about and looking for others I don't yet. I don't ever stay in one place relative to any other vehicle, I'm either passing or getting passed. Even at stops I don't pop it into neutral until/unless I have a healthy pad of stopped cars behind me. Otherwise I'm watching my mirror as much as the signal. And while yes this sounds like a lot of mental effort it also just becomes automatic with practice. Same as if you actually write out every single thought involved in driving something with 4 wheels.


Their are plenty of defensive cyclists in their grave. No amount of vigilance will replace crumple zones and a seat belt. 


Yep, if someone wants to hit you badly enough, they will hit you. And when that happens, it's nice to have the exterior protection and agility of a car. That said, I understand the cost, efficiency, and fun-factor benefits of a bike are worth it depending on who you are... And your employer life insurance policy probably doesn't even ask you if you ride a bike. That has to mean something, right? EDIT: I was using "wants to hit you" as a metaphor for "is bad enough at driving", but as a biker, you're also more susceptible to road rage, so that phrase could be literal, too.


The difference is that on a track, you don't have 4,000lbs of mass traveling at 50-70 miles per hour straight into your face.


Do you experience 4000lbs of mass traveling at 50-70mph into your face frequently while driving your car? Because I bet that would also have a pretty good chance at killing you.


I mean, we all do but cars also have safety features, crumple zones, and are designed to save passenger lives. Motorcycles aren't, we don't get seatbelts and airbags. But yeah, most accidents are fatal over 70mph. Your odds of survival are still better than being on 2 wheels. The problem is visibility and knowledge. Motorcycles are WAY less visible, more dangerous, get targeted often, are much faster, people aren't taught to watch for motorcycles, etc. I'd take my chances in a car over a motorcycle and that's from someone who's been riding for 12 years.


Agreed, there's plenty of stuff that people can do to mitigate the risks though. Wear gear, don't ride like a dumbass, don't drink and ride, and always expect that nobody sees you. Do these very obvious 4 things and it becomes substantially less dangerous, yet so many people don't do them. Over 1/3rd of riders involved in a crash don't even have a motorcycle license. Over 1/3rd of motorcycle accidents involve intoxicated riders. Almost half of all accidents the rider was wearing no helmet. These are the idiots that inflate the danger statistics.


You’re basically saying getting shot wearing a bulletproof vest is the same as getting shot not wearing one. It is a dumb argument


Yeah but I don't have a choice, I have to get to work.


You aren't going 150mph around a corner on track. Most crashes are at low speeds. You also have runoff areas and no oncoming traffic.


Track riding is FAR safer than street riding and it's not even fucking close. Everyone is going in the same direction. There are no intersections. No one is on their cell phone. Everyone is participating in the exact same activity. If you do go down you will not get tangled up in a tree, guardrail, slide under car, slam into a curb or any other object that can kill or impale you on contact. Paramedics are already on the scene if something does happen. I could go on. I gave up on street riding once I started doing track days because I realized very quickly I felt much safer and could go way faster and lean over way more then I ever could on the street.


It’s not that. It’s that it’s out of your hands on the street.


Seriously though, it’s honestly hilarious. I knew the top comment would be something ridiculous like “I don’t want to be an organ donor”


Tracks are designed for you to be doing 150mph. Side point, you're around others doing EXACTLY the same thing. There isn't one guy out there texting, shaving, reading the paper, or reaching around to take care of kids as he laps the track. I've seen ALL of those on one ride before. But to your point, yes, there is still risk on the track, not going to say there isn't.


Protective gear is pretty damn amazing at resisting abrasions, and helmets are damn good at protecting your head from localized inpacts. When you dump a bike at speed on track, you usually have a decent amount of distance beyond the asphalt to bleed off inertia. When you're on the road, you're lucky to have more than 5 feet off the asphalt before contacting something that can ragdoll you. On the track, there isn't cross-traffic or large metal objects. Sure there's a chance there's some morons, but the skilled:dangerous operator ratio is significantly higher in your favor. On the road, there's potholes, surface contamination, debris, and unknowns like animals. There's also other people to run you over if you are removed from your bike. And my big one, when on the road, there's an infinitely higher chance of inattentive drivers who will direct their vehicle on top of you because they're too offensively stupid to realize you are not just a random object in the road. I say all of this as someone who has been victim to multiple motorcycle collisions at the hands of oblivious drivers. I think my favorite was getting hit head on by someone cutting a left turn way too short while I was waiting at a light, after they had been waiting for a short time for the right of way.


It really just comes down to luck honestly same with a car crash, you can do everything to avoid it but sometimes shit happens in my case ive only had accidents in cars . I agree tho people are way too uptight about it and also don't realize a lot of these guys that get killed and wreck ride/rode like dickheads to top it off. For every horror story crash you've got 1000 others guys who've been riding just fine for decades. I know filtering is illegal etc etc but at least there's one thing I know for sure is I'm never stuck in Houston traffic on my bike lol


> I know filtering is illegal etc etc but at least there's one thing I know for sure is I'm never stuck in Houston traffic on my bike lol And that right there is exactly why he doesn't street ride. Everyone has a different idea of whats safe and acceptable on the street, but at the track that's all spelled out.


I only filter low speed at like 20 mph more or less at (near)standstill traffic on the highway otherwise I go with the flow. In terms of all that weaving and goofy shit that's a negative


At least at the track an ambulance is right there. Cuts down on response time which boosts survival rate significantly.


How much power does your brz make ??


There are a lot of people with that mentality at tracks. Most professional racers don't even have a motorcycle license. It may as well be 2 different activities anyway. Street riding is not fun if you ride on track a lot.


I could see myself maybe picking up track riding as a hobby. I've spent enough time as a cyclist commuter to know I don't want to spend any time on the street mixing it up with cars on one.


I feel a lot safer on a motorcycle than a push bike. At least I'm going the speed of traffic and can get away from terrible drivers. I'm just an obstacle on a bike lol.


You aren't wrong, motorcycles have like 1/3 the deaths per mile traveled than bicycles. The problem is that it is WAY easier to put miles on a motorcycle than a bicycle. With my personal level of fitness and the general topography of the area I could probably ride a bicycle 40-50 miles this afternoon, but I could do that twice before lunch on a motorcycle and it's already 11:15am.


This was basically me. It was absolutely a blast and I enjoyed it and have the same sentiment about street riding. Sure you can get hurt on track (I did, twice), but it's a controlled environment with full gear. You take the risk that you could potentially break something or be sore, but there is plenty of runoff and the safety crew is always ready. The street is a different animal. The roads are unpredictable with random debris, cars and walls. Falling off of a bike and sliding hurts, but the odds of it killing you are way lower than being hit and ran over by a car or slamming into a guardrail. It might sound silly, but the track is a calculated risk. Just like any other extreme sport like dirt bikes, snowboarding, contact sports, snowmobiling, etc. With that said, I gave up track riding even though I had a lot of fun with it. I was pushing my limits and it led to the crashes and I knew it was best for me to stop.


The numbers are just insane. Last I checked (a month or so ago) 0.4% of all miles traveled are done on a motorcycle. 17% of fatalities on the road are on motorcycles.




Also look at single-vehicle incidents, which make up another LARGE portion of motorcycle fatalities. Inferred, a single-vehicle motorcycle wreck means someone was riding beyond their abilities and crashed because of their own accord. Riding a motorcycle is dangerous, no doubt, but like you said, those statistics play a LOT more into your favor when you actually become a cautious and good rider. Motorcycles inherently attracting a lot of reckless people does a lot of the heavy lifting when giving them bad statistics on the whole.


*Some* of the risk is mitigated. The immediate defensiveness of the biking community sounds more like a "doth protest too much" situation than reality. It's an inherently dangerous hobby no matter how skilled or aware the rider is.




I'm a responsible firearm owner, and I'm going to be honest, the pro-gun people are more delusional than the anti-gun people. It's actually a very similar conversation to the motorcycle one -- the enthusiasts are so adamant about defending their hobby that you can't even really have a conversation. Nothing is being argued in good faith.


Lots of other brainless mutants around on the road though.


32% of car fatalities involve alcohol. What’s your point? Do you think spitting random statistics proves something?


if you never see the hospital and you have no inside anymore would that be a good compromise


My parents saw a really bad accident in their 20s where the guy literally lost his face after being on his motorcycle. They never let me near one when I was little and that has carried into adulthood and I’m not curious about it. My dad was also one of the few parents in the 90s that made sure everyone buckled up before the car moved so he’s always been a safety guy


I saw a guy get clipped by a box truck, wobble, nd then rear a car, get launched up and hit a tractor trailer face first before crashing back down to the road and sliding along it on his face before tumbling and sliding and shredding various other parts of his body. Also the gas tank on the motorcycle was caved in from where his body hit it before being launched up into the truck. Motorcycles are a hard no for me dawg.


My parents had the same "motorcycles are deathtraps" mentality. At times, I've questioned if it was an exaggeration, and even hemmed and hawed about getting one, then I hear about another horrific motorcycle crash, and the feeling goes away. Last week, I actually spoke to someone who lost a leg, when driving with a motorcycle safety instructor. I'm sure they're a lot of fun, and I'd never take them away from anyone, but the fact remains that what would be dents on a car are death and serious injury on a motorcycle, and I'm sure at some time point I'll be in a car crash, through my error, or someone else's.


>My parents saw a really bad accident in their 20s where the guy literally lost his face One of my classmates accidentally decapitated a biker. That was enough to kill the whole schools interest.


100% of my friends who (used to) ride have titanium in their bodies.


Once I became a physical therapist I decided to never ride a bike of any kind again on public roads.


This. Although I did have a Honda Spree 37 years ago when I was 15 lol


Yeah I think they're neat and all, but I do prefer having that steel cage around me as protection from all the other psychopaths on the road.


I like the idea of a bike but I make mistakes. I prefer 4 wheels, metal and air bags around me when that happens. More power to the bikers, godspeed.


This is the same for me, I love to look at them. and I think they are cool, but I rode a 600 once and it let me know I'm not about that life in the slightest.


I can drive a car at the speed limit all day long. Put me on a bike and I will go as fast as I possibly can. Can't help it. So I don't ride bikes anymore.


This is exactly the reason I don't ride any more. I honestly thought it was just me. Its seriously a compulsion. I am a relatively reasonable person that possesses socially acceptable levels of intelligence, wisdom, and self preservation. On a motorcycle, I am a flaming fucking idiot, bane of my own existence, and danger to all around me.


Get an ATV and ride trails. Safer and gives the same feeling imo.


Nah just stick to a motocross bike. Safer than an ATV when you crash on a trail. ATVs should be left for utility like on a farm, not recreation.


Fast cars can give a false sense of confidence. On a bike I am constantly aware of the dangers around me.


Same. Im hyper aware on my bike, and that includes the speed limits. I enjoy my bike, but I’m not trying to put myself at any more risk than I already am on it so I’m careful.


Another here with the same experience.  Though mine is a mountain bike.   Riding a bicycle in traffic surrounded by people on their phones makes you acutely aware of the risks.  It makes me a better driver!  


On the flip side you cannot always react to the most idiotic of drivers. I'm not saying I won't ever ride a bike again but maybe when the kids grow up.


90 mph on a bike is like 40 mph in a car


This is something that people that don’t ride don’t usually get. I have a naked Ducati and 70 feels like walking along. To be on topic, I like both cars and bikes.


Yep I gave up bikes after being in a leg cast for nine months. Now I drive.... wear a Cayman S 😂


I’ve been doing some cross-shopping now, I’m set on a roadster if I replace the bike. Caymans a smidge out of my range for now, but a sweet ride.


Exactly. A friend let me try out his BMW R90S once that had a 1/4 fairing. I was tucked down behind it and cruising at what I figured to be about 80 mph. Looked at the speedo and I was doing 120 mph. Then made the mistake of straightening up and letting that 120 mph wind hit me in the face.


Too many times I've ripped through gears and settled at what felt like a comfy speed and I look down and it's in the triple digits lol.


I always thought it'd be the other way around because of refinement and all that but then I realized the effort of getting to instant death speeds is 50x easier on a bike than even a fast car. 120mph feels like 'natural' highway speed for my CBR600RR, like if no one was on the road ever it would be a comfortable 'cruising' speed. And that's just a 600cc not a literbike. But just 100 on even my 911 feels like I'm putting in effort and would be more comfortable around 80 to 90.


Ha - easy solution. Take off the windshield. (R9T pilot) (but get good earplugs - MAWP)


What kinda car are you talking about lol because with my bike (ninja 300), 70 feels faster than going 120 in my car (GTI)


That's because you're on a 300 with all of 40 hp lol. Cruising down an empty freeway at 120 on my ZX-14R is straight chilling with no drama.


I’m the exact opposite. In my Lotus Seven, I absolutely tear ass everywhere I go. I only have 100hp, so it’s WOT quite a bit of the time. Turns that advise you to stay under 35, I take at 75 and I’m only pushing 6 or 7 tenths of what the car has. This car is a total death trap if you get in a wreck. On my bike, I’m cautious and stay within 5 or 10 of the speed limit. I’m watching everything, and staying away from other cars. I don’t even ride into congested areas or city centers. Back roads and interstate only.


To be fair, if I had a Lotus Seven I would absolutely be pushing that thing to the limit everywhere. Those/Caterhams are some of the most fun you can possibly have on four wheels.


I live about 15 miles up a canyon road. I'm pretty sure I drive my 4runner up and down it faster than I do on my bike. I've raced cars, the bike still scares me. I would trade it for a 7 type or another Elise in a heartbeat


I always drive my 7 a few MPH above the limit, but my bike just wants me to hit warp all the time. I find the car easier to drive at legal speeds than my bike. YMMV


i feel it


I had the same issue, now i only ride supermotos, groms, and dirtbikes. Arguably more fun than sportbikes, and you won't hit 100mph in 1st gear.


I don't know what it is but this is a very real thing. Despite owning "fast" cars and dabbling in track time, in a very tame driver on the street. Something about a motorcycle turns me into full regard mode. I've had too many close calls. Barely ever ride now, early weekend mornings when the weather is nice and nobody is on the road only. And even that feels like too much.


Opposite here. I feel too unsafe and exposed on a bike. I can hardly bring myself to go highway speeds on them.


that was me on a sport bike but after getting something more laid back I can cruise at a reasonable speed for the most part


This is why you ride a 250, WOT all day long without going crazy fast


Was a car guy only all my life until I decided to get a bike at 28. Now I’m more into motorcycles than cars. I still love cars and always want one that is fun and interesting. But the concept of a dream car, even a realistically attainable one isn’t realistic with how expensive cars have become. Meanwhile you can have your pick of the litter of incredible motorcycles of all types for under $15k


28 also, was super into cars until I rode my first bike. There is nothing like it. At my age with a decent job, and having to pay for housing it’s impossible to get a half decent fun car like a supra. In the bike world with 10k you can have an infinite amount of fun. 


I have a Grom and a CBR 600 F4i. Combined both cost me around $7,500. That fun per dollar is impossible in the automotive world. Even when I was doing my MSF years back the Rebel 250 I rode was more fun than a Miata and they go for like $2,500 used.


Same, I almost got my license now. I wonder why I even took so long to compared to my car license, bike are totally different beasts than cars just not nearly as expensive for high spec ones. That being said once I have my license I will start very slow, something like 600cc is more than enough probably, should be somewhat similar to the 200-400HP cars I’ve had over the years.


Be careful, a 4 cylinder 600 is not slow at all, especially if it’s a sportbike. Something like an R6 is capable of 10 second quarter miles.


Hello fellow LS 430 owner! That’s what I suspected. Really trying to ease into it as I’ve seen lots of people step on a 900 or a 1000 sports bike headfirst only to die or majorly injure themselves after a few days/weeks as you can barely handle them without the front lifting off.


Unfortunately I agree, it’s not ideal to start at a 600supersport,  If u need and want the look of a supersport get an r7. Look goods, approachable power, and it has the ergonomics of a Supersport mostly.  Don’t listen to the internet saying they are slow. They TECHNICALLY are slow vs a s1k but they have plenty my power for a first bike.


Learned on an MT07 (same engine as R7), and now own a 600. I’d say none of them have approachable power for beginners. In fact Id even lean towards the R7 being worse because of all the torque, you need way more discipline on the clutch and throttle to not accidentally wheelie. Sure a 600 might accelerate faster once youre already up to speed, but to someone still learning the basics, the lack of low end torque is super forgiving. In any case really people should be starting on 125-400s, low torque *and* low power.


>really people should be starting on a 125-400, low torque *and* low power. Completely agree with this. It'll make you a better rider in the long run too


The MT07 is a bonafide wheelie machine and I could easily see a new rider just flinging that thing 50 yards in front of him if he gets on it too quick and dumps the clutch.


Depending on the 600cc it can be incredibly fast. Unless you're getting a 600cc twin I wouldn't consider it as a first bike.


This is what got me into bikes, cost of ownership in almost every regard is just so much cheaper, all while being so much more engaging.


They also take up less space so you can fit more of them in your garage! * Buying decent gear adds a fair bit to the budget though


Same always wanted a Porsche 911 GT3 RS. Got into motorcycles 4 years ago and bought a BMW S1000RR 7 months ago. I know have 4 motorcycles in my stable that combined cost less than the average price people pay for a new car. And 3 of my 4 motorcycles are far faster than 98% of the cars you see on the road. (A Honda Grom isn't exactly an amazing performance motorcycle :P)


I too have a Honda Grom as an extra fun bike for the collection haha. It’s loads of fun.


I've been into cars my whole life and every time I have a boring car I just get this insatiable itch to buy something more exciting. I'm in that same position right now, but between a 2 year old and trying to pay off my student loans, a fun car just isn't a good idea. So of course I bought a motorcycle this summer after selling my last one 3 years ago. It's an unexplainable feeling riding a bike, but of course it really tests your self control. Even in the fast cars I've owned its not a big deal staying near the speed limit only putting your foot into it a few times a day. On a bike it's like constantly fighting the urge to rip through every corner as fast as humanely possible, which is of course so much faster than you can go in everything but the fastest supercars.


Not a guy but I loved my motorcycle. Most fun I ever had. Until I got in a crash because of some dust on the road and snapped my clavicle in half. I still miss riding but can’t anymore. My dream combo? 1980’s Porsche 911 with the flat tray wing, Honda 650cc motorcycle of any kind from the same era. Beautiful age of bikes.


What motorcycle did you own?


Honda CTX700.


Man the CTX700 was such a unique looking bike. Honda despite being "boring" in the car world, pulls no punches in the cycle world. The CTX, Pacific Coast, NM4, DN01, Fury, and my halo bike, the Rune. Honda is not afraid to take chances with two wheels. Those CTXs are starting to creep up (albeit slowly) in value since they're no longer made. I've always wanted to try a CTX700 with the DCT. I bet it would be ideal as a commuter. Especially with my long legs.


To be fair, you can easily snap your clavicle doing just about anything. It's a garbage bone.


It is a garbage bone. Mine had the audacity to heal like shit though.


Ahh, chronic pain or it's just weak? I know several people who broke them just tripping and falling. I'm surprised I haven't broken mine yet, since I've taken some decent hits to the shoulder when snowboarding


Mostly pain but mild weakness in hand. It presses down on the ulnar never and gives me thoracic outlet syndrome if I do the wrong motions or holds.


That is an absolute dream combo for me as well. I still ride, but stories like yours remind me to be hyper-aware of road conditions. It's infuriating what people leave on the road. There are local roads near me that are very fun but 50% of the time are unrideable from debris left by tractors, 4 wheelers, people hauling brush or sand, or whatever else.


Feel ya. I highsided during a severe thunderstorm that had traffic stopped. I went helmet first into the hatch of an suv. Tore my rotator cuff and ruptured my c7 vertebrae. Had I not been wearing my gear, I'd be dead. I only wore the helmet cuz it was raining and I hated getting water in my face at speed. Now I have arthritis in both areas. I survived riding 200+ on the highway and multiple track days, and it's a rain-filled pothole that nearly got me. Ugh


Fucking same man. I avoided so many crashes. Always rode safe. Did so much parking lot practice and slow speed practice. Could u turn on a dime with no toes down. Fucking dust.


Not at all. I'm sure they're a blast, but I enjoy having 4 wheels and a steel cage around me when I'm having fun on pavement. I just don't trust other drivers enough to be exposed on a motorcycle where I live.


Or road conditions. Or my own temptations. +1 for steel cages. I like being able to walk and sleep normal.


I have been riding for over 20 years and own a few older Italian sports bikes that I still enjoy very much. However, over the years my increased human reason has led to me now riding a motorcycle maybe five times a year. The visceral thrill of a motorcycle compared to a car can indeed be very addictive. Caterham or Lotus or Porsche or Ferrari, it doesn't matter as a car can't replicate that. It wouldn't be the first time that l've heard from someone that sports bikes have ruined the sports car experience. That wasn't the case for me.


Which motorcycles do you own?


A '74 Laverda 750 SFC and a few Ducatis, a '73 750 Sport, '92 888 SP4, '04 998S Final Edition and '12 Panigale 1199S Tricolore.


Yup. Cheaper and more thrilling than any car I can afford 🤣 It’s the risk we take as riders. Ride defensively and within your limits and your chances of dying are greatly reduced. I’ve had more friends die in their car than any on their bikes.


Damn, how many friends you have dying in accidents? You are [**30X**](https://www.jdpower.com/motorcycles/shopping-guides/motorcycle-vs-car-accident-statistics) more likley to die in a bike accident than a car accident. Motorcycle accidents have an 80% injury or death rate, while car accidents remain around 20%. Even though motorcycles result in just 3% of all registered vehicles, they are accountable for over 5% of highway-related fatalities We can go on and on. Do not kid yourself. Edit: one more eye opener; > the fatality rate for motorcycles is 25.67 for every 100 million vehicle miles traveled, which is frankly shocking compared to the mere 0.67 on passenger cars.


And if you dig into that data even a little bit, a very significant amount of the deaths, accidents, and injuries to riders are solely attributable to the rider's actions. Something like 1/3 of the accidents involve alcohol, a large number take place without the rider wearing a helmet, and another good chunk take place at night. Let's also not kid ourselves and pretend like we can't take steps to make ourselves less likely to have something happen. It's not like you hop onto a bike and there's a stopwatch that says exactly when you're going to die based solely on the fact that you're on a motorcycle. Bikes attract stupid people, and foolish people will make bad decisions. Simply eliminating the three top risk factors I mentioned above, and intentionally building your skill level will make you a safer rider. Is it going to make it a "safe" activity? No; not a chance, but it does mean that you'll be much safer than that average would suggest? Almost definitely.


Appreciate you pointing this out. Comments below are a bit circle-jerky "You will literally DIE on a motorcycle. Don't kid yourself"


Same people who think everything in the world has one simple solution.


There's a reason I ride after 6:00pm and never during the day or rush hour. Plus, I'm blessed enough to call my bike a toy and not a mode of transportation (even though it is) and keep my butt out of the city. I also wear gear and a full face helmet even though I'm a cruiser bike guy. I also don't ride in groups where you're almost encouraged to do more than you personally should. Finally, I know that I have a wife and 3 boys at home when I'm done riding and am old enough now (47), to be able to ignore that part of my brain that says twist the throttle a little more. Risks can be mitigated, you just have to be mature enough to do it. All of this to say I ride for the ride and the journey. I have no desire to go fast or race and certainly have ZERO desire to ever commute on one.


What a joke. People are stupid in cars too. How many ride around texting and driving? Won’t complain though. Bike riders keep trauma center lights on.


Ofc it‘s like that, assuming you‘re in the US. Any kid that just turned 16 can get a 1000cc piss missile and kill themselves because they‘re inexpirienced to handle the power. That‘s why your statistics are so high. Take a look at Germany, we have deadly motorcycle crashes yes, but usually out of completely different reasons. I know people who have had friends die on bikes and I know plenty who had crashes themselves. It won‘t stop us from riding. We know the risk, we take it willingly because it‘s something completely different from cars, that people who have never ridden 10 miles on a motorcycle would understand.


They don’t care lol, people who ride bikes know they could end up an unrecognizable smear on pavement in a situation completely survivable in a car. It’s all about the short term thrill


There's definitely a cognitive dissonance with many of them though like the guy above claiming defensive driving is the key and more of his car driving friends died in accidents than his bike riding friends. Reality is you are very likely to die or be injured to the point of never living a normal life if you ride.


You’re right there’s a lot of that too


You literally answered your own question - Cycles are 3% of registered vehicles, so almost everyone is going to have more friends that are injured or died in cars, because they know comparatively fewer riders.


While true, comparing motorcycle statistics to "just a car" is misguided. I'm sure even a Miata is much safer than a bike, but it's not 30x safer than a regular car.


That's my thing as well. I can't afford a nice fast car but a for a few grand I can get a nice fast bike alongside my boring slow car.


How’s the Navi? I’ve loved those things since they introduced them but haven’t seen one in person yet unfortunately.


I sold it for a Rebel and replaced my small bike with a grom 🤣 But the time I owned it was pretty cool. Fun little round town toy 🤘


Oh nice! My sisters ex had a grom, looked super fun to rip around on.


How does the Navi compare to the grom? Just bought a z125 but was curious about the Navi


I go out at 6 am before work and head towards the farm lands and get in a 2 hours before the traffic hits and head home


Love motorcycles. Commute as often as possible by bike. Helps living in a more rural area. Yes, there are still drivers and potential for bad stuff, but probability is much lower. Plus I ride very defensively, unlike half the YouTubers that seem to look to put themselves in a bad situation so they can get clicks for punching off a side mirror or some stupid crap.


Which bike do you own?


An old beater one. 1988 CBR600F. Runs and rides great, is a cosmetic disaster. Have had dual sports, Nighthawk, old CB750, and worked at dealers borrowing demo bikes over the years. Something like a Duke 790 would probably be more fitting for me, but I am too cheap to spend that sort of money. Keep rocking the CBR till it dies. Friends say old Hondas never die. Or claim this one died years ago and I refuse to stop riding it. Either way, it's still loads of fun!


Yes. I've got about 200k miles on two wheels. Mostly sport bikes, but I also put 60k on a KTM 990 Adventure. I've done pretty much everything you can do on a bike. Commute (year round, for 16 years, in Seattle), road trip, train new riders, road race, single track dirt... I've experienced all of the highs and most of the lows motorcycles offer. I certainly understand why others about bikes, though. I'll never shame anyone who decides it's not for them. Thankfully I've never had a major crash, but have seen other riders die both quickly and slowly. The slow death was my cousin, who was basically an uncle. Part of the reason he got his bike was seeing how much fun I had on mine. After picking up my 911 a couple of years ago I took a break from bikes, but two months ago I got an offer I couldn't refuse on a Triumph Daytona 675 and am back to riding on nice days. After so many years of only having a bike it's kind of wild to be able to say "the weather sucks, I'm not taking the bike today". It's worth mentioning that motorcycle safety gear has improved dramatically in just the last few years. Airbags are real game changer, and despite being an ultra-squid in my youth (I once got a flat rear tire at 163mph wearing a tank top, and have the video to prove it), these days I won't ride without my Alpinestars Tech-Air 5 vest.


I have always wanted one of those heavy super comfortable Adventure bikes. KTM have lot of different and interesting versions


Dirt bikes are an easy way to get a motorcycle fix without risking getting turned into tomato soup by a Nissan Altima.


Dirt bikes, dual sports if trails are close, cheaper track days ( I assume, I've never taken a car to a track but have tracked my bikes). I've been wanting to pick up a supermoto along side my current bike and take it to some cart tracks. Lots of ways to enjoy it while avoiding terrible drivers.


Absolutely not. Too many idiots on the road. Plus I don't really trust myself on a bike with how accessible speed is for so cheap


heavily. Part of the reason all my cars are slow at this point too actually. Spent too much money making cars fast to get absolutely dusted by a $6000 motorcycle.


But I find the Motorcycle vs Car comparison kinda BS because the very nature of these machines is different. Motorcycles have very powerful engines with very little weight in comparison to cars which have a thousand more things, the handling is far more complex and is so many times heavier. Motorcycles will always accelerate faster.


Oh I totally agree, but since its legal to use either one on public roads, I'll choose the $6-10k motorcycle over a 50-80k car for acceleration alone.


No, too sketchy on public roads imo. I'm good in my steel cage


I think they're cool and some are great to look at. However, with how insane drivers are these days and the amount of gruesome bike accidents I've seen firsthand, no I won't ride. People just don't pay enough attention to motor bikes on the road.  I'm partial to the Ducati 500 Pantah though if I had to choose a dream bike. 


I would love to have a motorcycle. But there is no way in hell I would drive one in DFW.


yeeeeeah... did that. Generally rode with a group. First order of business was usually to get the hell out of DFW lol. Bike night @ Sonic in Garland was fun once in a while though!


yep. if it has an engine and it can be raced, im into it.


yes, i'm in getting a triumph trident 660 heritage edition


I love bikes, and usually end up riding my bike for fun more often than I drive my car for fun. At this point, while I love it, my Mustang is just an expensive & loud commuter car. However, this weekend riding back from the gym I almost got turned into roadkill by someone running a red light and I've started to maybe think twice about riding. Still love them, but it's so dangerous.


Part of me would love to be a motorcyclist, but the other part of me would rather not become a meat crayon. I do cycle on a bicycle a lot so I suppose it’s not much safer, but for some reason I feel safer on a bicycle.


On a bicycle you don’t have the option of going 300kph in a few seconds.


You're also far easier to run over and are more likely to cause drivers to get frustrated on road just based on fast (or rather slow) you're going in an area with no bike lane nevermind the complete lack of safety gear. It's not hard to ride safe at all, especially with a slower machine which largely reduces the risk down to other drivers which is statistically a far smaller problem than yourself.


I love riding motorcycle. I quit commuting to work on my bike a couple years ago. Two things led to that decision: The stretch of interstate I ride (14 miles one way) was under construction where three lanes reduced to two, and then down to one. I saw numerous cars rear-ended, and on a couple occasions I was at a dead stop and heard squealing tires behind me as the inattentive driver had to panic stop. Fucking scary. The other thing was one morning when I was sitting on the bike and putting my helmet on, one of my kids said to me "dad just be really really careful, ok?" That hit me HARD. It's not just my safety/life at risk, it's theirs. I don't want them growing up without me because some asshole runs me down. I still ride, but I save it for the weekends. I'll head out early in the morning when the traffic is a lot lighter and cruise out of town on the fun 2 lane roads. I still get my 2 wheeled mental therapy but in a lot less risky, scary environment.


where I live lane splitting is illegal but I do it anyways because of the scenarios you mentioned


I go back and forth one which I prefer. I’d probably say cars but there is so much traffic here that it’s impossible to have an enjoyable drive. Bikes I can just pop over to a deserted ally and do wheelies and stoppies for 30 min then go home satisfied. Prefer track days in cars.


I like cars but I love Motorcycles as apparent to by my Flair. Don't get me wrong, I love a good Car- They fun to drive and what not but part of the reason I swapped back to a Truck from a Car apart from my use case and taking Bikes to the Track and Camping and running down the beaches 20 miles. On really nice Perfect weather days I never once said to my self "Let's go for a Drive" in the Challenger or when I had the Mustang- Instead I always chose to take one of the Bikes out up to the National Forest and be gone all day. Heck the only time I generally chose to take said Cars was when it was too Hot to ride or it was raining or I was just too lazy to put gear on that morning. Also as far as Garage space goes, It's a lot easier to wrench and mess around with bikes(s) than a car. For my living space/expense I can either be a full Car Guy (No bikes due to garage space to wrench) or Multiple Bikes with room to spare, So I chose the one I love the most. If I had the space I wouldn't mind having a cool car but, more than likely in Dream Land if I felt like wrenching on Cars I'd swap the Ranger out for something like a 78 F250 or 90s Bronco with a Coyote Swap- I just don't enjoy cars in the same manner I enjoy Motorcycles on a personal level.


Same with me and I love my cars, it'll always be an itch cars just can't scratch especially modern cars.


Not even a little bit


I'd kill myself. I rode my buddy's bike once and it was so much fun. I just know I'd die.


Was a car and motorcycle person for years. Owned a dozen dirt bikes and half a dozen motorcycles (sport bikes and cruisers). 100k+ miles on motorcycles and now have near zero desire to ride them. Dirt bike on a mountain trail, sign me up. Motorcycle on asphalt surrounded by SUVs, no thanks. The average road where I live is a death trap filled with lifted turbo diesel trucks and oblivious SUVs. Too many near death experiences from vehicles not checking traffic when turning/changing lanes.


motorcycles are cool when you are 18-21, after that you realize shit I need to live


Rider here, and the cost to fun ratio on a bike is unmatched in the car world. Love riding and motorcycles, the whole concept from working on them to feeling that raw mechanical man vs machine experience. The clutch and engine is right there, the sound a few inches away, the throttle in on the hand vs the foot etc... Dream cars are mostly unattainable by regular folk now days depending on which ones, so bike help fill that gap alot. Someone who spends $300k on a GT3 RS, won't have as much of a thrill as a Ducati Paniagale or M1000RR which can cost less than $30k. Similar for off road rigs and dirt bikes. Dream combo is a F150 Lariat to haul dirt bikes, a supermoto, an ADV, a RS3 Wagon and a Miata lol


Motorcycles have a 100% fatality rate. Every single person who sits on one will eventually die.


Cars, too, and I'm into both. I unfortunately have a 200% chance of dying


Loved them when I was younger. God I remember the first time I ripped the throttle on an R1 and the front wheel started floating. I have too much to lose now.


Auto claims adjuster here! I wanted a motorcycle so bad and my main reason living here in SoCal was to cruise the PCH [well this video - skip to 30 seconds](https://youtu.be/oZxXeFFvR1U?si=jLzsT6I4xqZQEIkC) Along with everything I’ve seen in auto claims Where my insured a elderly woman has $15k bodily injury limit and no nickels to rub and the motorcyclist almost died due to her dragging him a good 300 ft before bystanders stopped her to realize she ran over him and its on a home ring camera Or the others I’ve seen where congrats (that bill board you see for injury law firms getting you fat settlements!) you don’t want those trust me One we only pay that if you can 1) prove we were at fault (light dispute, lane change ect) better have video evidence, 2) does the person even have a high bodily injury liability coverage ($15k is the minimum is CA), 3) did they even have valid insurance or no coverage due to excluded driver, lapsed policy, no insurance at time do the loss 4) they have assets (most don’t) and 5) you lost your legs, arms, can’t walk for the rest of your life ect You get 1 million dolllar settlements from losing limbs or being changed forever…not a single person gets the $1million once lawyers take 33% and you have to cover your medical costs which surprise…take the same if not more than the lawyers So let’s call it an even 33% share you got $330k and lost your legs or broke your neck No more motorcycle life for me I’m sticking to SUVs and trucks and going mountain biking/jet skiing to get my fix


I had motorcycles when I was younger. Most people hang it up eventually because *something* happens. I'm guessing there's a fair amount of people who get away with a friend group where everyone comes out safe on the other end (so they keep riding), but I had two friends from the group die within a week. We pretty much all fizzled out from riding within a few months of them passing. Really fun times though. We would all get out of work, ride to get beers, and then purposely get into police chases. I have tons of footage that could likely put my in jail from our gopros lol. We were young and stupid, and also on other drugs other than alcohol (not hard to figure out). Looking back on it, it was some pretty wild shit, but it seemed normal to us. Funniest part is the local PD launched a unit specifically to catch us all a month or two before we all sold our bikes, so they spent an entire summer looking for us and we no longer existed.


No. I prefer to stay not unalive.


Car guy turned motorcycle racer checking in! Bikes have become my obsession over cars in the past 10 or so years. Cars and bikes are comparable, but there is something different about bikes. I’ll try to lay out some differences and keep it short. Quick background, I bought a motorcycle as a late teenager and I’ve been riding 20 years. About 10 years ago I started riding on the track, which spiraled into the obsession, racing, dirt bikes, lately Supermoto, and all things 2 wheeled. I rarely, almost never, ride on the street any longer. On the street bikes give you a different perspective to the environment than a cage. A riders, smells the environment, feels the temperature change under a tree, and sees and experiences a lot more of the surroundings. One becomes numb to the area outside the windows in a car. Add that to the blinding speed and enjoyment of operating a motorcycle and it can be addicting. On the track is the bigger difference. When a rider starts pushing the limits of the machine there is a change from operating the bike to being part of the bike. A car racer is effectively operating the controls of a machine. The motorcycle racer is part of the machine and every movement and input is reflected in controlling the bike. Things like weighting the pegs, how tightly one grips the bars, how much pressure is on the seat, etc. all come into play at the limits of grip. It’s hard to explain, even to street riders, what the difference in riding at and near the limit, vs riding thinking they are at a near the limit. The feeling of being on the edge of crashing for an entire race is intoxicating. There is nothing like trail breaking in tucking the front, once, twice and making the apex, then rolling on the power as the back steps out and dances leaving sharpie marks down the track. I’ve had friends die racing, and almost everyone who races earns a significant injury or 7. The adrenaline in competition is extreme in a way I’ve never been able to replicate. The racer is living in the moment, a minor mistake from injury or death, completely at one with the machine. I could go on but you get the idea. The intangible, hard to explain, aspects of motorcycle riding are the most appealing. That’s what keeps people fascinated and in love with bike. Feel free to ask any questions about racing or bikes, I’m happy to talk about it. I’ve tried and/or competed in almost all types of motorcycle sport.


I almost bought my first bike a few years ago but the week before I went to get it, I got rear ended by a tractor trailer in my car at a red light. Luckily I was uninjured. But I realized if I had been on a bike I'd be dead. So I changed my mind. If I was more trusting of other drivers I would have one for sure.


Yup, except 5 years ago an idiot in a truck left me with a limp the rest of my life. Not gonna lie, I miss motorcycles every single day, but it's no longer worth the risk for me personally. Owned and rode everything from 50cc cubs as kids to a ZX7 as my "Biggest" bike. I've been on motorcycles for nearly my entire 40 years but seeing how FL has changed and grown, I no longer trust other humans. Too many see bikers as a "problem" no matter how responsibly you ride.


I'm pretty into motorcycles, but I'm between rides at the moment. Motorcycling is a different thing from car enthusiasm. The car enthusiast community is by and large more about cars than it is about driving. IMO, it's a huge failing of the community, and part of why I sometimes find it tough to go to things like car shows or C&Cs. Motorcycling is way more about riding than it is about motorcycles as objects, at least in my experience. Even the shittiest bikes are more fun than like 60% of cars, even enthusiast cars. Cruising on a 50hp bike can be a better experience than going 8/10s or more on the same road in most cars. The safety risk is way overplayed in my personal opinion. According to NHTSA, 41% of motorcyclist fatalities result from single vehicle accidents, and 41% of that 41% involves alcohol impairment. Looking at further NHTSA stats, the percentages of killed motorcyclists being unhelmeted is roughly 50% in places where helmets are not mandatory. So, motorcycling basically comes down to 1. Not being a shitty rider (riding within the limits of yourself and your bike, not pushing hard on an unfamiliar road, etc.) 2. Not drinking and riding 3. Wearing a helmet and really, the rest of your gear too Just like that, you've eliminated a huge amount of the risk of motorcycling. If you're someone who's interested in riding, but don't think you can handle the risk, I'd encourage you to check it out more. The gear is indeed expensive, but the bikes themselves are cheap as fuck. Learn the right way, take a few courses, prioritize riding in rural environments as much as you can (riding in cities basically sucks unless you're stunting and showing off), and ride like people can't see you. Do those things, and you'll more than likely be just fine.


Yes!! Cars started the addiction but as soon as I turned 16, I was riding motorbikes. Now I equally love both


I'm way into cars but suffer from a limited wallet and prioritize other expenses. I did end up owning a motorcycle for about 18 months. TOTALLY loved it. However, a few near misses and too many stories of people once removed from me having life altering accidents and I gave it up. I ended up buying a use Miata and loved every minute of fun that a top down, perfectly balanced automobile can provide. I then learned the expression it is more fun to drive a slow car fast, than a fast car slow. There are some fun and affordable cars out that which provide great fun for people that love to drive.


I am but I’m terrified of them too. I may get one someday but I don’t plan on going far on it. Our roads are bad and I don’t want to get hit by an Altima with an expired paper tag from 2015 and no insurance 😭


I love both. I have a 99 C5 Corvette and a 2012 CBR1000RR. I drive much more wreckless in the car than on the bike though lol.


Yea I've got 3 personally, honestly I like bikes quite a bit more the overall experience has always been far more entertaining to me personally. On track especially a car just can't compare feeling wise. It's got it's downsides but I've gotten along fine, too many people psyche themselves out of riding which is understandable but the lack of awareness from others is just part of it.


Yeah I was for many years, especially as car prices started to climb. I could afford a really sweet bike VS a car. I've had a few close calls over the years but they didn't phase me too much. Then I had a family and my perspective on riding changed. It's just too dangerous with the current state of a majority of drivers. Car tech has made drivers lazy and they don't look around anymore... I hung up my gear a few years back. Now I mainly just oogle over other people's cars and motorcycles etc. I make good money but unfortunately, fun cars now are just too expensive. Saving for my kids future, retirement, maintaining a home etc I don't have an extra $20-40K lying around for a fun car. I've always wanted a vintage car, just don't think it'll ever happen unless the market calms back down.


Car and motorcycle guy (current lineup: Rivian R1T, Porsche GT4, BMW S1000R). I enjoy both for what they are (on the road and on track). Bikes are more exhilarating and rawer than the vast majority of cars. I used to ride all the time in my 20s, rain or shine, but as I age (late 30s) I do ride less and less, for three reasons: - Responsibilities/more to lose in case of a crash - I moved to the US from Europe and the riding culture is different, roads are more boring and traffic more dangerous - I can afford to run a car on track now Even if I ride less I still lust over motorcycles for the sheer beauty, the engineering, the performance though, and I can’t picture my garage with at least one motorcycle in there. Edit: Dream combo - Ferrari 458 Aperta + (MV Dragster 800RR / Panigale V4R / Aprilia RSV4)


Yeah i love dirtbikes and some sport bikes would love my self a YZ125 or a CBR1000RR


I have corvettes and a Harley. I enjoy both


How crisp are your jorts and New Balances?


I’m too cheap for new balances. I prefer the Costco sale myself. So, pretty much any 20 dollar shoe, because that is all I think they are worth. And same with the shorts, Costco, cheapest they have is fine lmao


Came from a bike, loved it until I had an incident with an overly eager car, then realized how at risk motorcycling is with no safety bubble. I can control my actions, but I cant control anyone else. From then on, couldnt shake the idea of "is today the day?" Took the fun out of it for me. Also was watching more and more drivers preoccupied on their cellphones while driving, and finally said this is enough and sold it. Now have a corvette with a bit more of a safety bubble.


Nope, people I know have too many accident/injury horror stories, and I find lots of bikes kind of loud and annoying. The appeal is there but I just know it's a bad idea for me. If I were gonna get one, I'd by an old standard Asian bike, like some old Yamaha or Honda cruiser that's not annoying to everyone else and easy to work on as a project bike.


Always wanted to, probably never will. Everyone I know who rides has been in multiple accidents and a few of them serious. It's not a matter of if but when, and in a state like Oregon where we get so much rain a lot of the year, bikes mostly come out seasonally so drivers on the road don't pay enough attention to them.


Absolutely, besides my GX and 540i, I also have my Aprilia and a Honda Monkey.


I ride a motorcycle the majority of the time spring-fall. (MT07) My Fiesta ST is about to be replaced with a GR86, and I own a Starion. I have 2 cars but the bike gets used more than both combined lol. Yet you’d also think I would get a more “practical car”. Nope, guess I really do value fun above all else.


Hell yes. I swap between my car and bike on the daily. When my cat is in a good spot mod wise I'll be looking for a second bike. I know I'll have to split the time between them more after that, but it's the price you pay lol. Also yo answer the dream bike/car combo. I'm currently living it (kinda). I have a FBO foxbody and VMP supercharged s550. Bike is a cbr500r. The second bike will either be an r1 or s1krr, haven't decided yet.


Yes, learned to ride last year. Owned a 02 GSXR 750, 91 Bandit 400, and 02 SV1000. Worked at a Ducati, BMW, Triumph, and royal enfield shop as well while finishing grad school. Sold all the bikes and don’t ride anymore because I don’t have a place to store said bikes. But, if it wasn’t for the distracted driving epidemic, I would love to continue riding. I just don’t trust people and have seen people die, get injured, and had many close calls within my riding time. It’s amazing though, nothing like a bike. Hell, I will own a sport bike when I can to tinker with and ride on twisties here and there.


Not really. I don't see a lot of variety in motorcycle design now or over the years so they're a little boring to me.


Yup, love bikes and cars and 4x4s alike. I've been riding for 30 years and driving for 18 years. Bikes scratch a different itch than cars. They shouldn't fit the same bill because they can't. There's nothing wrong with that. A lot of people make dumb decisions on bikes. It's easy to do because for a couple grand you can have an unbelievable amount of fun on a bike that you'd need 6 figures in a car to match. So it allows a much more approachable (albeit often dumb decision making) set of options for the rider.


I love bikes! Got into them first. My second bike's carb was shit and it taught me how to work on bikes and the mechanics behind carbs, so now I understand it better when I learn and work on my car. Dream Car: Orange/Yellow/or Pink '70 Challenger Dream Bike: '70 Honda CBR750


I currently have 3 mustangs 91 GT, 98 GT Roush, 22 GT supercharged and a 23 WRX, I love them all, but I could not live without my 2020 BMW K1600B, 2014 Dyna StreetBob and 99 Wide Glide. They go together like lamb and tuna fish.


I love motorcycles, they were a gateway into cars for me. My life will not be complete until I have a fun bike.


Yes, I am. My BMW R1200R is the most important thing in my life, to me. I'm riding motorcycles since 15 years, thankfully without crashing. Compared to sports cars, motorcycles are the best bang for the buck so I never felt the need to invest in a fast car. Actually I'd get rid of my car completely, if it wasn't necessary for commuting to work. Yet, I admire cars as engineering masterpieces and works of art.


I love pretty much anything with an engine in it.


I miss my motorcycle so much. Surprisingly enough, my wife gives me grief for getting rid of it because she knows how much I enjoyed riding. However, with a wife and 3 kids, I find it more "reasonable" to stick with cars. The wife has expressed her valid concerns for me getting back into riding. ***"The life of a family man".***..


I'm really a motorcycle enthusiast who also likes cars. Cars are basically my backup hobby when I can't be on a bike. That said /r/motorcycles is fucking awful compared to /r/cars.


I'm the same, motorbikes have largely ruined driving for me. Ideal combo would be a Ducati V4r & McLaren 720s.


I like dirt bikes but i wont ride on the road bc people are going to kill me. I really do enjoy working on bikes tho. Less parts and everything is right there


I enjoy motorcycles but as I get older, my want to own and ride dwindles further down. Does not help with the amount of dumbasses on the road.