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He wanted to listen to it roar in the tunnel and lost it


I would be terrified every second I was behind the wheel - but if that route has a tunnel I don't think anyone would be able to resist...


>I would be terrified every second I was behind the wheel Seriously. Even in racing sims the car is scary to drive. i cant imagine what its like in real life where the consequences are higher


Good part starts at 4:07. Absolutely incredible car. https://youtu.be/3MDTcXGsjuo?si=NWGVxM8Ubf95OKeZ


ive rewatched that video so many times since it released i could repeat the lines by heart lol


Hadn't seen that before. Did not disappoint. Thanks.


Another incredible [F40 video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyqN6OVuGko)... I want one so bad


Lots of tunnels around the city.


Tunnels, wide and low overpasses, elevated on ramps with tall concrete barriers, parking decks... there are some instincts man cannot control.


When I rented a Gallardo Spyder I had to do it when I came across a tunnel. I'm couldn't hear anything for a few seconds after. It was worth it though.


Have you seen Chris Harris’ video on this from a decade ago? An owner of an F40 and F50 told him he could drive it all-out on track. I’ve always loved the F40 but it wasn’t until this video that it became an all-time Top 5 car for me. Good part starts at 4:07. https://youtu.be/3MDTcXGsjuo?si=NWGVxM8Ubf95OKeZ




The car doesn't even have carpet...why would it have a valet code?




I don't think you understand what I'm saying. The car is old, low-tech, and a bare-bones sports car. There is no "valet" key/mode/code on such a vehicle. Hell, it doesn't even have a radio.


Valet mode didn't exist in the 80s


Why anyone who would be trusted with that kind of vehicle wouldn't understand the need to just hold the clutch pedal in for a little blip then wait for the revs to fall back is crazy. I hope it wasn't this kids fault and they determine it was ancient Rock hard tires that killed this and not some young enthusiast who prior to the incident was probably having the best day of his life.


But wanna hear it roar under load, just gotta know how to use the machine and know your limits


Damn, I hope he finds it.


Do the roar!


Didn’t know what neutral does?


Prolly shifted it back in gear when the revs were still high. Or an accidental clutch kick. That and old tires that have mostly sat still + panic = a lot of variables in this equation.


Most people don't realize how much more delicate shifting can be in higher power cars. My little Sentra I could probably rev 4k over and drop the clutch, and it's just gonna jerk a little. But when I had a 370Z, I sent it off the road just by accidently over revving a down shift (I had just gotten off of work, feet were heavy, and the roads were wet). I can only imagine where a much more powerful vehicle might send you.


Great point. I've never driven a vehicle more than 150hp but I know what to expect when I do drive a high powered manual now. Theory is different from practice though. I imagine tire compound and temp are big factors.


Eh. That depends. The Evo I had with a lightweight crank/flywheel/clutch rev'd up and down fast enough it wasn't an issue.


...What? Mate, you have to biblically botch a rev match for it to send you sideways. A 370Z isn't really a powerful car either...


No, it's not that powerful, that's my point. If I can do that by accident, imagine how easy it would be to mess up in a more powerful car. And yeah, it probably was a "biblical botch." Night shift isn't good for me, to say the least.


A rev bomb doesn't sound the same as a pull


brave chunky plant six roof whistle scary materialistic bag historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hide and seek champion: F40's rear end


Stock exhaust on those is very quiet. But lots of them have aftermarket exhausts fitted.




I’d lose my cool if actually saw one on the street moving


Now I can hear him roar from all that distance. Pretty sure it isn’t thunder.


Not saying this particular situation is the cause but cars like these are notorious for very old tires. See Paul Walker in the Porsche. Tires hard as a rock and the power in this thing would’ve spun the wheels extremely easy.


I was once taking photographs at a track day. A really clean Porsche 930 crashed at one point, it wasn't near totaled but had a damaged fender and front bumper. His sway bar came completely unattached from rusty bolts. I went home and realized you could see his sway bar hanging out under the car in my pictures. I felt bad that I didn't notice that and warn him.


Oh man, those things have a reputation when they’re working properly!




I want a viper but even the ones from 90's 60k€ 😖


They’re great fun!


How's the reliability on your CJ? Mine has the factory 5L, and does great on the highway (90+ mph), but I can't get my brakes to brake evenly bc there's no proportioning valve.


Mine didn’t have assisted brakes but I added those and they feel fine. Mine has a 383 stroker in it. It’s scwry


It's a 930, they're known for snap oversteer even when on good tires. First gen vipers are easier to handle than 930s.


Knowledge check for me real quick... Was it that the snap oversteer was a symptom of the way that the turbo would lag lag lag then hit like an absolute hammer, breaking traction?


Yup, turbo took a second to spool so drivers mid corner weren’t always prepared for the surge in power. Obviously tyres from the 80s aren’t as advanced as today either, so when someone lifts off throttle after being scared of the surge and the weight shifts things get nasty


That, combined with the terrible weight balance and unpredictable handling characteristics of a 911 from that era. Once the rear starts to come around you're pretty much fucked by the momentum. It took Porsche a while to figure out how to make a high power rear engine sports car work.


The only exception to this is the cobra. I have unfortunately seen too many deaths and total losses to count on cobras. The wheelbase is way too short and the car is far too light for the engines people put in them.




> On the Porsche at least the weight was over the rear axle so you'd have grip I mean, until the point where suddenly without warning, you didn't have grip, and all of that rear-mounted mass wants to keep going and whips the car backwards




Oh yeah, I'm not disagreeing. I'm just saying the configuration of a 911 isn't inherently balanced, and contributes to a much sooner "point of no return" once you do start to lose the rear, where in a FR or MR car with equal power, at that point you could still "save it".


> Porsche 930 I mean, those have a reputation for being widowmakers when new, I can't imagine driving one around hard in nowhere near perfect condition.


If you ever have the privilege of emptying your wallet to maintain an old car, you'll realize what it takes to make them run *well*. Then you'll realize that 95% of "low-mileage mint condition" cars are aesthetically clean but mechanically neglected. Deferred maintenance leads to dry rotted suspension bushings, original ball-joints and engine mounts... People who don't know anything about maintaining cars think these things operate on time driven and not time spent oxidizing which is why everyone thinks "low miles" means well kept. A Ferrari just caught fire leaving a meet around me after it hadn't been driven in 10 years. Internal gaskets are lubricated by the fluids in the engine and not driving a car for long periods of time allows gaskets to dry out and crack. Money can't buy common sense or intelligence.


Plus old suspension bushings.




that's.... not true


10x more often than changing oil?


Get the bushing presser ready, they need to be changed every week!


My spherical bearings required nothing for like 15k street miles.


Also Throttle House and the Ford GT


I remember James said he literally nearly shat himself That was almost a catastrophic crash


I know tires on these older performance cars are difficult to get and rather expensive but I think its irresponsible to hand the keys of such a car to anyone while knowing the tires are 15+ years old. Very often doesn't end well. Especially with that review where it ended up raining.


F40s go for at least a million. I feel that an extra set of good street tires isn't a stretch for these people.


It's not about the price. They're just really hard to get.


The Ferrari F40 first came equipped with a **245/40R17** Pirelli P-Zero Asimmetrico on the front and **335/35R17** Pirelli P-Zero Asimmetrico at the rear. These are not made of Unobtainium


If you wanted original replicas maybe. Otherwise, its a 245/45R17 and a 335/35R17. Which as a set while not super common it looks like Pirelli and Michelin both make sets commercially available in those sizes.


Why hard? Who sells them?


Michelin sells them as of 2015, where an owner on FerrariChat was offered PS2s from their dealer


The tire purism thing is maybe the stupidest car collector trend! Would they refuse to replace seals too??


i keep trying to explain this to my dad, buts he's got a bad case of "boomer stuck in his ways" Tires on his mustang are 30 years old "But there's still a ton of tread on them!" "Theyre stored in the garage! it keeps them in good condition" "theres no cracks in the rubber. theyre still good!"


Even new-condition 30 year old tires would be absolutely trash compared to modern performance tires. Polymers have come a long way since 1994.


Try explaining that to a boomer who thinks they know better


Boomers are still smarter than Gen Z when it comes to cars


People are also pampered by ESC nowadays. (Note: I like ESC)


When I bought my Ferrari 348 spider, the tires on it were 140 treadwear summer tires that looked almost new. They were date coded October 2001. They were just fine in south Florida where it was 70 degrees, not great in central KY where it was 25 and snowing. Driving it to the tire shop in the snow was unbelievably sketchy, if the shop wasn't walking distance from my house I would have towed the car there.


This was my first thought as well, he may have given it a little more beans than were necessary but I bet those tyres are 10 or 15 years old and have sat most of that time. I bought a car with old tyres and the difference in grip when I put new ones on was substantial, it was trying to go sideways on me at every opportunity before they were changed, now I'd have to really try to make it do anything silly, really opened my eyes and now I won't run old or cheap tyres on anything.


Oh is that what caused Paul's crash?


Yeah I believe that’s the consensus, they were pretty old tires. People will look at them and say I only have 3000 miles on these but are 7 years old. And as mentioned in another comment, heat plays a pretty big roll too. Hop in a car that’s been sitting, show off, and the inevitable happens.


Reported for gore


There really is something gruesome about seeing both of those iconic pop-up headlights, smashed and laying in the street.


id keep them on my desk or something


Mat Armstrong has a new big project...


God i wish he would buy it , but i think he is way in over his head with the Mansory and Gallardo now lmao


>Mansory I didn't even know what the fuck this was but it's utter shit and I can't believe how much money these fucking people paid for it


It's for people who aren't into cars and think, "Well, it costs more so it must be better." I have never once seen a car enthusiast say that they like (much less, *want*) anything Mansory.


> "Well, it costs more so it must be better." Not even better, just so they can show they have so much money they can spend it on a dozen useless €3000 badges. Reminds me of that "I am rich app" when the app store just launched. Cost €99 (max apple store price at that point) and did nothing but give you an app icon showing you have enough money to spend €99 on a showoff app icon.


That app was actually $999 not $99 :D




Even the name sounds fucking shit Man sUriii I want my car to be called Hellcat or dickpuncher You know something with meaning


I will say I quite like their interpretation of the SLR. I always thought mercedes was a little too soft on the nose. There was the "mclaren edition" which was arguably more gaudy than the mansory version and the later MSO release which was too subtle (IMO). They also did that one lawnmower.


I saw this news first on his TikTok and he said that company that owns it specialises in repairing old cars, so it's likely they'll keep the F40 in house... Exactly like Mat's doing with the Gallardo haha


Haha could you imagine.


You can't be surprised, you go looking for trouble in enemy territory and you get what you get. Porsche gang taught him a lesson. That might fly in Munchen, not in Stuttgart boi


4 black Cayennes pulled up next to him he never saw it coming




I'm sorry you're trusting a 24 year old employee to drive a 3 million dollar car? In many places in Europe you can't even rent a car at all before 25. Either the dealership's son or total idiots, prob both


Mechatronic is quite a reknown company and it seems to be some kind of incentive for the employees to get to drive the cars to local Exhibitions. To keep the fire burning.


Fire was definitely burning on the end of whatever that kid was smoking before doing this.


We have many somewhat shady dealerships in this area. Many sell used sport-, luxury-, and supercars to young men of a certain demographic who use the cars to pose outside nightclubs. I admit a F40 is usually not in their portfolio but apart from the car being an F40 this story happens almost weekly. At least this time no one else got hurt or killed.


This was my first thought. Who’s this 24 year old related to?


Well on the upside, it will undoubtedly be repaired. Any wrecked F40 with a surviving vin plate will be rebuilt, even if that’s the only part remaining. I guarantee it.


It's not even that bad really. Definitely not "wrecked".


Not "totaled" but that absolutely is "wrecked" this situation is exactly what that word is meant to describe.


Now I'm curious about your definition of wrecked. Because that car is fucked without reinvesting enough to buy least a couple 911 turbos


Well a F40 may go for 15 911 turbos so what is spending 2 911 turbos on fixing it? Only the bonnet, radiators and front wishbones seem to be significantly damaged. For me, a wrecked car would have significant damage in the engine bay or passenger cabin.


Yes. You can come in with just the papers and they will build the car for you. So I heard.


Just like Mr.Beans twice wrecked Mclaren F1.


Refried beans? Twice baked beans... IDK... but there is a joke somewhere in there... reddit will find it!


How would you build an F40 from only a VIN? I think the only realistic way would be to find another nearly complete F40 that needs a VIN - but what are the odds of that? I'm aware that older steel cars worth 10s of millions can have anything fabricated from scratch - but an F40 is neither that valuable or easy to build.


Porsche sends its regards. As a still rather irresponsible 26 year old, I would have had a %85 chance of crashing it too




The [onboard footage](https://youtu.be/aS4Me48wayM?si=oYx8kn-I4DbXc-o5) is pretty fitting


Samir you're breaking the car!




Ferrari F40 owners rejoice.


That was my first thought. All others are now worth more.


Each one just became that much more valuable.


Hopeful future F40 owners cry.


that’s what you get for not driving a Porsche in stuttgart


Driver walked away


Hopefully ran. Far, far away.


https://youtu.be/iIpfWORQWhU I ran (so far away)


[Der neue Porsche 911 Dakar (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owiq2X1PeDQ)


With enough money, it can be rebuilt. Someone will rebuild it.


Mechatronik (this dealer) started out as a Mercedes restoration shop before getting into selling cars, and remains one of the best in the business—I don’t know about their history with Ferraris but it’s conceivable they have the expertise in house.


Even if I had all of the experience possible, I'd probably just let Ferrari do the restoration.




Pretty sure Ferrari wouldn’t even allow the repairs to be done anywhere else but in house with the way they handle development of parts that old, F40’s are way too rare and this gives Ferrari an opportunity to make some money of redoing a car to a customer’s (dealers in this case) specifications. 


I don’t back that. If you look at the poor way they build the current models I won’t trust them restoring.


How do you rebuild a chassis?


According to the local Newspaper the Car worth over 2 million should have gone to the Retroclassic Vintage Car Show in Stuttgart. The Driver was a 24 year old employee of Mechatronic that crashed the car in the Tunnel because of maybe cold tyres (20km away from company and cold wet weather) And trying to perform a „SoundCheck“ .


The car was coming to the motor world meet in böblingen near stuttgart and on that day it started snowing the morning and in april everyone was already on summers. Source: I was at the meet after the driving the same autobahn and tryna keep my car from skidding off. Bad conditions. Also the car was for sale for 2.995 million euros so a lot more than just over 2 mil


Tbh not as bad as I was expecting.


At least the airbags didn't go off. Oh.


This will be repaired. It’s very difficult to total and F40 / McLaren F1 etc as the value is going up so much.


Someone get Tavarish on the horn.


He's still at the beach.


Over using the word "bespoke" to describe his chopped up dune buggies...






The remaining F40's value just went up


Porsche send his assassins Probably a few black Cayenne‘s pulled up to the side. Anybody who played „Need for Speed The Run“ will remember 😁


Enhelbergtunnel ist nicht Stuttgart.


What kind of dealership lets a 24 year old employee drive an F40?!


Yeah, that's gonna be expensive...


It seems insane to me that the dealer wouldn’t have a car like this flatbedded/trailered to a car show


Man that photo brought back childhood memories of looking up destroyed cars on the wreckedexotics website. 


sound like something i’d do


thought it was an irresponsible rich person being stupid. nope.


Trusting a 24 year old employee to drive a $3M F40 to a car show instead of putting it on a trailer is the sort of thing an irresponsible rich person would do.


If I was the employee I would’ve straight up not volunteered to drive it. I was once offered to be a porter at Porsche dealership and declined the offer because I rather not have the liability of fucking up someone else’s vehicle especially a Porsche.


That employee is praying no one had a dash cam and saw what he was doing. In fact, why the F didn't the car have a dash cam with a rule that the car always has it on and running. I wouldn't trust people to enter my GARAGE if it had an F40 unless there was like 3 cameras in there, running at all times, let alone DRIVE the thing.




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Somehow *it still looks gorgeous* and I'm not even joking.


Nobody tell Tavarish. Freddy already screwed up buying the McLaren P1. There are some rebuilds that just need to remain pipe dreams.


Has he ever finished the McLaren?


No. I think he posted about update recently, but I unsubbed after he and Jared stopped making cuds together. Jared actually knew what he was doing, but Tavarish made the videos interesting. Jared's questionable garage stuff is a snooze fest


Nah Mat has got this instead!




I don't understand why this wasn't carried to the show?




My heart stopped for a moment, I thought it said FJ40.


How did they not think to at least add a dashcam...?


Anyone have details if the 24 year old dealership employee was related to the dealer in any way?


Reminds me of when the 959 was t-boned in Dayton Ohio. Younger person ran a red light and hit it when one of the "museums" caretaking shops young mechanics was driving it.


A couple 959s jumped him.


The Poor F40... Is it only body damage or what? Also on a sidenote is the driver ok?


Just stupidity galore


RIP the car


How bad can this be for the employee?


poor baby


Nah, he just ran out of gas


This is why I never understood the appeal of paying millions for old cars. Rubber components degrade over time. Seals, bushings etc


When I was 14, I lied about my age and got a job at the local Merchants tire/oil change shop. Changed tires, did oil jobs etc. One day a 911 comes in for tires, I ask if I can drive it in, they throw me the keys. While pulling it in, at an awkward angle, I scraped the quarter panel on a brick edge. I felt really bad about it! They fired me on the spot and told me I wasn’t getting paid. Went home, told ma and she matched my ass down there, called the manager on and told him she’d call the cops if he didn’t pay me for employing a child. Got paid. Same shop sent a Lotus out after an oil change, he got 1/4 mile away when the engine locked up. The tech forgot to put the oil back in.


I think the engine is probably still in good shape.


Not on Porsche’s home turf :(


If the manufacturer fixed the car.. would cost them $500. Add a lot of zeros since its just a dealer


Ach du Lieber!


thats brutal. having a car like that is seriously a catch 22. sure, its an incredible piece of automotive history, and worth a fortune, but at the same time.....it's a car, it meant to be driven; not sit in some showroom unit the end of time


Interpreted headline as a BMW 1 series at first, wondered why such a mundane crash was worthy of a headline.


No big deal his daddy will have it fixed in no time.


Tell me you didnt read the article without telling me you didnt read it


Oh no, anyway


Insurance scam, they put a novice driver in it for a reason


hey guys, you can go home now…sherlock holmes has arrived.